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Underground eXperts United
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[ Five Boxes In The Desert ] [ By The GNN ]
by THE GNN/DualCrew-Shining/uXu
Radioactivity killed my last friend seven years ago. In the beginning, I
found his death to be the best thing that had happened after the war had
ended. We had walked in the global desert for years, me and him. The only
thing he could do was to complain. Day in and day out, he kept on talking
about his former life. He used to be some kind of electrician, he had a wife
and two children. He longed for them, he said. I guess he could not accept
that fact that earth had died, and we were the only survivors. When he fell
to the ground for the last time, I just left him behind.
Now, I long for him. At least he was company. I have walked in this
never ending desert for seven years, alone. Food is no problem, nor is
water. I always manage to find some. But I cannot stand the loneliness. I
have no one to talk to, no one to argue with. My feet just walks forward,
digging themselves into the sand, waiting for a destination to come. But
there is no such destination, I know that, but I keep on walking. Oh, I
wish that something could happen.
Then! Suddenly! I see something! Just a few feet in front of me, in the
middle of nowhere, the rays from the merciless sun reflects something
metallic on the ground. Walking closer, I discover that it is a trap door. I
feel how the hope returns to me. Perhaps this door leads to other people,
people who live underground - waiting for someone to come visit them.
But there is no one down there. Just a dirty table, two chairs and three
shelves on the wall. It is very dark down here, so I have to feel my way
around. I discover that the shelves has five metal boxes on them. I grab
them, one at a time, and take them outside. All the boxes have small notes
on them that begins with the sentence "IN CASE OF..."
One says "IN CASE OF HUNGER." It contains old cans of beans. I hate
beans, so I throw the box back down the trap door. Another one says "IN CASE
OF THIRST." The box is empty, so I kick it away. I examine the box with
the label "IN CASE OF MILD AGONY," and find a holy bible. Aware of the
present situation in the world, I throw it down the hole. "IN CASE OF DEEP
AGONY" contains a revolver. But it seems to be too rusty, so I decide to
get rid of it too.
Finally, I find what I am really looking for. The last box informs me
that it contains something to be used "IN CASE OF BOREDOM." I quickly open
it, feeling like a kid on Christmas day. But my joy turns to the normal
state of hopelessness as I discover its content.
My feet begin to walk again, aiming at nothing. I wonder if I will ever
find a destination, as I leave five boxes behind me, one of them containing
a chess table.
In the desert I can play.
Much better food that at the Kraykkono: http://www.algonet.se/~daba
DisordeR rules.
uXu #308 Underground eXperts United 1996 uXu #308
Call THAT STUPID PLACE -> +1-215-985-0462