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Underground eXperts United
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[ Your Own Life ] [ By Phearless ]
Your own life life
Suddenly you realize that your job is job
not just your job anymore. You notice anymore
yourself becoming more and more becoming
engaged in your work. engaged
Things you found to be the most found
interesting and fun parts of your fun
life just a few months ago have life
become dull and meaningless, because meaningless
your job is demanding more from you. demanding
Forcing itself to be a part of your force
life all of your time. time
You have become a happy part of the happy
system you once loathed. You were system
saying to your friends that your job friends
was just a cover to avoid getting too avoid
much government attention. And you government
were not lying. Then. lying
You think for yourself; am I think
brainwashing myself to the benefit of brainwashing
the system? system
You do not expect yourself to have expect
the same opinion about everything everything
through life, but when you start start
changing things you actually and changing
truthfully believed in, you get believed
worried. worried
You notice old friends and leader leader
characters from way back has become way
obeying puppets of the almighty puppets
system. The horrifying part is that part
they do not realize it. They actually they
believe that they are still doing still
what they really want. To prove it to want
themselves and others they others
occasionally break the law. Laws that law
are socially acceptable to disobey. disobey
You accept anything that is served anything
to you from anyone of a higher rank. anyone
You never ask any questions. You just any
want to live your life without life
problems. Questioning of the system problems
is not acceptable. It cannot exist if not
some refuses to be part of it, and refuse
the system knows it. That is why it why
has allowed itself to use force. force
It was a long time since you last time
cared about what was forced upon you. cared
You might ask yourself how it could how
possibly be any better with the better
latest changes introduced to your changes
everyday life, but you stop there. stop
Maybe it is for the best. They would best
not do us any wrong. Since they have wrong
the power, they know what is good for power
me and my family. Perhaps you do not family
even doubt it anymore. doubt
You only have one chance. If you one
miss it, you will not get another miss
one. Your life is the only thing you only
can be sure of. Either you are in sure
control or you are controlled. You controlled
can never be both at the same time. never
Either you take control, or give away away
control. Always. always
Can your mind really afford not to mind
be in control? What will become of what
you when you no longer control your when
life? You are never going to find find
out. You will have no interest in interest
finding out once you are there. You finding
will not even know when it happened, know
just realize it some day and accept realize
it. Your own free will, will be free
within the system's acceptable acceptable
limits. limits
Freedom will equal time off on off
weekends and getting intoxicated by intoxicated
drugs supported by the government. supported
When something bad happens to you something
or your family, you expect the system you
to help you. If the system should help
fail, you will wait until it wait
succeeds. If the system succeeds, succeeds
you will be grateful and welcome any grateful
changes to your life, since the all changes
good system is behind it. good
You will think people who speak of speak
the system in a negative way are negative
enemies of humanity and civilization, enemies
and followers of chaos and chaos
destruction. Enemies who should be should
told that the system is good for them good
and for everyone. for
The ugly parts will become ugly
necessary. The reason for their reason
existence is justified by the justified
creators, and just not understood by understood
the masses. Those in constant pain pain
have created their own situation, and situation
must not be helped. You do not know know
why, but you know it is for the best. best
People you used to know, care very people
little for the system and how it little
works. They will be grateful if you grateful
let the system help them. Let the help
hand of the great lead them to a hand
better way of life. better
You live to serve others. Others serve
live to serve you. All live to serve all
the system. The system live to serve to
itself. itself
uXu #251 Underground eXperts United 1995 uXu #251
Call ALTERNATIVE NATION -> +32-53-789669