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Underground eXperts United
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[ Ripmax Top Tenners ] [ By Ripmax ]
1. Scream Tonnes of Abuse down at them (at least twice a day for a few
minutes, this worked well for me, but they cut my line for 12 hours
but after that the bug was off. Chances are nothing will come of it
as they probably don't have permission to bug your line anyway)
2. If your going out set your modem to continuously dial a disconnected
phone number. If they have any recording equipment on the line this will
waste the tape.
3. Take your phone off hook for several hours at a time (once again the
bugging equipment will fill up with lots of blank nothing)
4. Ring telecom and complain your getting excessive line noise over the
last few weeks and wish for them to fix it as soon as possible.
5. If the line noise persists, keep ringing them till they are forced to
take it off the line.
6. Speak lots of bullshit down the line and give them something to think
about, feed them false information.
7. If you can find out who is bugging you (some of us can do that 8-))
give the guy in charge of it a call and ask him why your being bugged!
They really hate this as your not supposed to know.
8. Pickup the phone , send a break signal from a BB proggie down the line.
This fucks up some of the bugging equipment as it thinks you have hung
up the line. (this happened to me! hahaha!)
9. Tell all your friends your being bugged on the actual line that's being
bugged and not to say anything incriminating. (When they know that
everyone knows its bugged this will get the bug off faster if no info
is going to be said)
10. If you really need to, as a last resort, get the line disconnected.
( I wouldn't go this far but its an option )
1. Walking from the car to the stores, adjust a few side vision mirrors on
cars. If your in a bad mood you could possibly break them off. Beware of
security patrols and hidden video cameras
2. If you come accross any esculators, if possible hit the emergency stop
buttons. This makes sure everyone has to walk and the care taker has to
come and reset it.
3. When walking down stair, check out if there is any fire exits. Usually
these are alarmed and left open for saftey reasons. Also in the actual
larger stores they have fire exits in there so open one or hit it pretty
hard as they usually have a magnetic seal at the top and when broken the
fire alarm is set off. Also hitting those little buttons behind the glass
sets of the fire alarms. Its fun to see the havoc this can cause.
4. Get a trolly and fill it up with items from all over a shop and then dump
it somewhere. Shop assistants then have to spend a long time putting all
the stock back later on. Even put a few items back on the shelfs but of
course in the wrong spots.
5. Whilst picking up items to put in your trolly, accidently drop a few
items in the middle of the isles. Preferable glass, sticky, staining and
messy items in the middle of the isle have the best result. Stuff like
cordials and olives in glass bottles. This way some poor bastard has to
clean it up and coz its in the middle of the isle the customers have to
turn back and go back down the isle. This can cause some good "Traffic"
jams in stores with tiny isles. Whole crates of eggs which the lid
accidently came off spilling all 12 on to the floor also makes for a good
clean up.
6. Most stores are lazy and leave markdown guns, texters and signs about so
write out your own tickets and put them on the shelfs or mark down stock
to rediculous prices. Even mark up stock so no one will buy any.
7. If you have a personal vendetta against a store, try dress as one of the
people who work there. When I've done this, nearly always people come and
ask you a question. You have then two things you can do, be as rude as
possible to some customers or tell them completely wrong information
sending them to the opposite side of the store to where they want to go.
8. If you know of where to get some padlocks, get your pick lock (suitcase)
keys out and get a few. Then go to the trolly bay and padlock a few
trollys together.
9. These days, most decent stores have electronic scanners and the policy
that if an item scans for more then it is shown on the shelf you get the
item for free for the first one and the rest at the shelf price. So look
for a few receipts lying around on the floor and scan the shelfs for some
wrong prices. Its really is good when you go through a checkout and get
all your items for free!
And now for the major play ....
10. Most bigger stores have instore security people. After scoping the shop
for a while you can usually pick them out. So once you have identified
them, start acting suspicously and make sure they are following /
watching you. When your sure they are watching you, grab an item and
stuff it in to your pocket and then walk off. Head for a busy part of the
store. They CANNOT arrest you for stealing unless you leave the store. So
when your in a crowd of people, try drop the item somewhere as best you
can and head for the exit and leave. If all goes well someone should grab
you and try arrest you for shop lifting. This is where the fun begins.
They have to be 100% certain you stole some item. They will probably ask
for your concent to search you, disagree saying they are invading your
right of privacy. If they pull some legal bullshit on you ask for a
witness to be present (on your side) and when they find nothing you can
nail their arses to the wall! Ask to see the manager and say you want
some free stuff or you could go to the media/law courts for deprovation
of character (this is why you need a witness). If all threats fail just
walk away knowing you have fucked up their day.
uXu #155 Underground eXperts United 1993 uXu #155
Call CHANNEL ZERO -> +1-410-426-7737