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uSu - united States underground By:Cyberglitch
How to get to Chinatown from NJ
How to get to Chinatown from NJ, i'm only going to give your enough
information to get to World Trade Center which is about 6 blocks away from
Chinatown. Getting to World Trade Center is the farthest i can direct you
the rest i play by remembering the last time i was there. Ok here we go...
--- Direct to Hoboken then to World Trade Center
Ok your first desitanation is to get to the Hoboken Train and Path
station, usually you just need to get a ticket on the train leading towards
Hoboken and purchase a round trip ticket. If you're not sure which way to
Hoboken ask someone. If you train doesn't go to Hoboken then take a bus to
another town that does. I know for sure the Gladstone Branch last stop is
Hoboken heading North.
Once you are at hoboken Train/Path station, you'll know there will be
like atleast 10 other railroad tracks there. Ok now when you leave the train
walk to you left until you see the sign for the Path's. Walk down through the
hallway and then when you get to the gates insert a Dollar to pay for the
train fare, either that just jump the turnstyle. But remember do not do it on
the way back from World Trade Center, because if you got caught with nothing
on you, at Hoboken, is cool, you just will walk away paying a $1 for the path
fair and maybe a penalty fare big whoop! That i could give a shit about. But
if you're caught with fireworks and they search you, or one of the friends
you are with squeals and spills his guts, you'll be in for something more
serious then having your parents being called if you're over the age of 18.
So just remember it's important to play it cool when it's absolutely nessary.
--- Direct to Newark Penn to Wolrd Trade Center
Ok first you need to get onto a bus that will take you to Newark Penn
But that's only if you're in the Essex district that it'll probally take you
to there, Same thing with going to Newark Broad St, which you'd still have to
take a bus to Newark Penn. Ok once you're at Newark Penn(i wouldn't suggest
to those people who will be driving to Newark Penn to park their car there,
The Club or not you may not have a car when you get back.) Ok now that you're
at Newark Penn you wanna take to Path directly from Newark Penn. to World
Trade Center. This might be cheaper for some people, but most people don't
like going through Newark at all. I don't either, but if it's nessary then it
must be done.
--- What to do when you get there...
Ok once you're at World Trade Center you will need to go out the exit
where the "Sharro's" pizzera is, you'll know you're going to right way you'll
see a Sam Goody's near the exit. Ok now once you're at the exit of the door
you wanna walk to your left. It should be a really busy street. Ok you'll
need to like walk about 6 or 7 blocks down, you'll know when your far enough
because the road will eventually split off into either Left or Right, you
wanna go right. Walk like about 2 or 3 blocks, you'll start noticing Chinese
writing almost everywhere. Ok well guess what, you're in ChinaTown, now i
can't tell you where to specifically go, but you must find your vendor by
yourself. Just remember a few key things...
1) Never buy anything that resembles fireworks from a Street Vendor
you'll know, the item in question will say, D.O.T C for Common
Firework on it, for display fireworks. For anything bigger
like Pineapples, Blockbusters you'll see either a Blue, or
Green sorta waxy fuse. Anything that's bigger then those will
either have really dark fuses.
2) Never never never, i can't stress this enough, buy from anyone you
cannot understand what language they speak, and or don't speak
english. You'll wind up getting ripped off. Because they will
probally misunderstand you. Buy american white or black, they
usally have the bigger choice and variety, and or the best
3) Play it cool, don't walk around liek you have the word 'FIREWORKS'
written all over your face, this will only help you get caught
and well that's not the point of the game here.
4) Make sure if you bring anyone to brief them if you're caught you
don't know each other. Because the COPs will have a freak
attack if it's a whole group involved. But if one person is
caughtm you'll just either get questioned, taken down to the
station(that i doubt especially if you don't have much), or
they will give you a summons, i'm not exactly sure if they can
give summons to minors but then again I wouldn't know, I
haven't been caught doing this.
5) Make sure you absolutely have enough money to get home, you'll be
getting scared to ass shit about being caught. If this happens
to you, just remember, you can allways beg(err... ask for money)
for the path, most people will give you a dollar you never know.
If you're at Hoboken(where you took the train there) then you're
in luck, what you do is go to the ticket office at the Hoboken
station and say that something must of happened to you're ticket
and that you dropped it, they will ask you for your name and
home address(i forget about a phone number), but make sure you
do not give any of your real information out, because they might
actually call you or send a notice, and if you're parents are
nosy and wonder why you were in hoboken, well you know. Ok
anyways you'll usally just get a free admittance ticket which
will take you one way to where you need to get to.
6) Ok last part to remember, when you have to stuff, make sure none
of the bigger fireworks are damp or wet, i've found and known
that they tend to blowup by themselves. Allways make sure it's
got a good plastic rapping around it, if you're handleing
M80's, Pineapples or Blockbusters, Make sure you gently wipe
them off with a dry cloth, most of them will have a greyish
powder on the outside, it'll get all over your hands, and yes
it does smell. So don't leave them out to long, someone might
notice the smell of Gun powder.
Ok well that basically sums it all up for now. Be on the lookout for
more kick ass releases from uSu. And remember, this country used to be free,
but today it's a Free country with some restrictions. Heh to me, that doesn't
make sense at all. Free should be free. L8r's, Cya