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uSu - united States underground By:Lurch
"How NOT to get caught..."
Ok, well, this is a sorta weird document. I wanna explain to those who do not
yet know, how NOT to get caught in various situations. For those who have no
clue, this will be most helpful, for those with some knowledge, this will be
educational, and for those with experience, this might give a tip and a couple
of nice laughs over old times and getting caught.
This document is in the general order of elite. HPACTVE. As far as I have
always knows, that stands for Hacking, Phreaking, Anarchy, Carding, Trojan,
Virii, and Elite. Now, in the past few months I've been hearing different
variations, like the T standing for Trashing, or Term Papers, and the P as
standing for Piracy, I dunno, I do this the way I do know.
Ok, all of this advice came from personal experience, so, read carefully.
One. Always delete logs. If you do not know a system, and where and how
logs are kept, don't break into it. Most systems have running logs, and,
believe me, you don't want to be caught on something as stupid as that. Two.
Make sure an operator is not there when you are doing something remotely. I
guess the reason for this is pretty obvious. Three. If doing something
remotely, make sure you use something that will not let anybody trace you.
NOTE:If you call through a dial-out, be careful, some of those have caller
IDs, and, however funny it is, those things are the ones that catch you the
most. Four. Don't leave something to activate later. If you are formatting
a hard drive, do not be stupid enough to say "Press Y to continue formatting
the drive", and watch somebody press it. Most of the time, the computer will
get turned off, and the damage will not be done. I hope I made that clear.
Ok, since there are NO rules in phreaking, I'll just say that whatever you're
doing, do it quickly, tracelessly, and effectively(so you can have some fun.)
My idea of fun is hitting mail boxes with bats, yours might be taping stink
bombs to the bottoms of purses, or putting water baloons on the top shelf
of lockers. I dunno, you figure it out, just have phun, and don't get caught.
Ok, a few tips about trashing things with explosives. Number one rule,
DON'T be close to the place at the time. All of those text on making
explosives are VERY dangerous, in fact, some underestimate the power. A car
can turn upside down if you put some shit under it, which would cost 2 cents
to make, so, I really don't advise you to be there. Two, NEVER come
back to see what happened. Let's say you fucking break a window, DO NOT do
something stupid like climb in it! Three. Don't use loud objects! If you
wanna bring down a telephone post, do it with an explosive, don't do it with
a chain saw. If a person hears you start a chain saw, they'll call the damn
police office, and you're history. Four. Don't leave evidence. No matter
what kind. Don't leave your trace, don't put a paper saying "The midnight
trashers did this", because, if you get caught, many cases can pile up against
you instantly.
Ok, some stuff about robbery and general breaking and entering. One. ALWAYS
wear gloves. You can get 10 for a buck 30 at Shop Rite, or you can spend a
night in jail. Your choice. Two. Don't take anything that's valuable.
This is due to you NOT being able to sell it, and if you even could, the
ability to trace you. I mean don't take anything over $50000, DUMBASS! If
you steal a priceless gem, which I doubt you will, you won't sell it. Three.
Don't leave a note, read the reason in the vandalism section(trashing things).
Four. Never, ever, ever, go in first hand. Alwasy check out the place at
least once. Let's say you are braking into your school, always make sure
which gates get locked in the evening. Also, make sure where the janitors
and the guard(s) are.
Ok, now some crap about carding that might possible save your neck from blood
hungry cops, feds, and other asses. One. Don't be stupid and order from your
own home! Come on, you're smarter than that, right? Two. Don't order TO
your own house, you're also smarter than that, right? Three. Don't pick up
the shit before dark. If people see you, they can identify you. Four.
Don't pick up shit after 2 days. This is due to many people's bills coming
in, and them reporting it, in 2 days feds will be all over the place.
Five. This is a general rule, don't order anything above a $1000 bux. If
a thing's more than that, the mailman needs a signature. And you don't get
the merchandise. Six. NEVER use the same drop point more than once. I don't
mean don't use a drop point more than once a day, I mean like a week apart.
If you order 10 packages, as long as they're delivered by different companies,
you're fine for the day. I still wouldn't advise doing that.
Ok, just to let you know right now, it's a hobby of mine to write trojans.
Any kind, I like writing virii, but, I don't. I feel that virii is wrong, and
can hurt those it was not ment for. I do not keep a TSR virus checker because
it takes up mem, not because I'm inexperienced. I do detect trojans, and
don't run them. So, there's the difference. Anyways, now, for a few quick
pointers. One. Don't put your real name, and especially address in it.
Guess what, many people have done that, and gotten caught because original
code was found. Two. Take credit for your work. Put your handle in there.
A fed can not trace you by your handle, and if they find YOU, you can claim
a frame much easier than if there was the real name/address in there. Three.
When writing a torjan, don't run it on your computer, period. I know, I've
experienced this, even when I though I was fine when Iswitched to drive a,
a trojan I wrote changed all of the files in my C root directory to
"THIS WAS DONE BY LURCH." It might not sound painful, but, my autoexec.bat
was gone, something I had worked on for a llong time, my config.sys was gone,
my system I restored easily, but, windows gave me some problems because
WINA20.386 was corrupted, I lost a couple of small useful programs, and I've
learned a good lesson. I came from Russia a compule years ago, and, there is
a very famous saying, "Even an unloded gun kills once a year." I though I
changed it all to drive A, I guess I was wrong. But, this does go to show
how much damage you can do with a small 569 byte trojan that just corrupts
or deletes every file in the root dir...
Ok, I'm also a sysop, so, this comes from, thankfully not experience, but,
things I've read and seen. One. Have a disclaimer. Two. Inform of private
property. Three. Put direct commands like, "Hang up feds." Four. Never
put the word "elite" where it can be seen before the registration.
A Piece of Advice
One thing I want you to know off hand. IF you do get caught, and are being
interrogated, no matter what they say, if they are asking you to talk, don't.
Don't be an ass and don't talk or repeat your name and address or something
like that. Please, no prisoner of war shit, ok? If they don't have enough
info to bust you, they'll say something like "Ok, you're in deep trouble,
speak, and we'll get you off easier," no man, that's for movies. That's
exactly what they say in real life to bust you. Now, some real idiots start
talking under pressure, and that's when they get it. If the cops don't have
the info already, they will ask, if they do have info, they won't bother.
Oh, and by the way. Whatever you do, don't blame others or name any other
act you've commited. Then you'll be guilty for that too. And, don't say that
someone else did something, since, you'll get in deep shit if the others find
an allibi.
For those idiots that don't know, that means "Conclusion". Anyways, I hope
you've enjoyed and benefited fromthis piece of work. I hope to be writing
some more stuff for uSu, I'm pretty much enjoying it.
So, watch for me on the nets, since I do post on MANY nets, VERY frequently.
Wanna say hey to
Ru - One of the very few smart females in elite.
Cyberglitch - You're always nice, but chat too much.
God Eater - Hope you pay for that hole in the carpet soon.
Redneck - Start likeing computers some more. You're a nice guy.
Others - all of those who read my posts and don't dist my sig...
Wanna say fuck you to
(only one so far)
Dark Entity/Worm in the Taco
- Sorry dude, it's nothing personal, but, you're a real ass to me.
What ever happened? You used to help me with V/2, now you're one
of the few that votes NO for me when I apply to boards, and don't
lemme on your board. Oh well, hope you change. Besides that one
thing, you're a nice guy.
Gee, that was long...See ya around...
L8duh dudes and those rare dudettes.
<20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> Lurch <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
V<EFBFBD>Te F<>R D<>S, SHaLL iT LiVe F<>ReVeR aND PR<50>SPeR!