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|| T.Y.M.E. - Twisted Young Minds Expand || #32 by v<>r<EFBFBD>s || 11/18/94 ||
Rag Wars
Well, sometimes i log on to Wulf's Den, a well known Colorado message-only
board. It's an awesome board, carrying three or four different nets. So I
began postong again. It had been a long time since i had logged on, but hey,
what, they hell seyz me, I'll go say hi to some old friends. I left this
message to one 'Mystic Wolf':
hey... remember me? i was on deathnet for a bit.. maybe you don't remember..
Just to get things started again. And she came back with:
Date: 10:08 pm Wed Oct 19, 1994 Number : 65 of 103
From: Mystic Wolf Base : General Chat
To : Vyrus Refer #: 64
Subj: Re: Hello Replies: 1
Stat: Normal Origin : Local
Vy> hey... remember me? i was on deathnet for a bit.. maybe you don't remember.
Hey dude, whats up...:) Yeah, I remeber you, it hasn't been that long my
friend. I don't have gray hairs yet...Hehehe...So hows it going? Cyas
Mystic Wolf
Well, hey, she remembers. Cool, so i'll write her back after i finished
reading the rest of the messages. Lo and behold, because Power Rat had
ul'd all the TYME texts to Narkotik Illusions, some CO people had gotten
ahold of them and were reading them i.e. This message Silent Rain left me:
Date: 8:46 pm Thu Oct 20, 1994 Number : 68 of 103
From: Silent Rain Base : General Chat
To : Vyrus Refer #: 64
Subj: Re: Hello Replies: 1
Stat: Normal Origin : Local
Vy> hey... remember me? i was on deathnet for a bit.. maybe you don't remember.
Tyme, eh?
Silent Rain
Well, well, well, a reader. This made for some interesting conversation.
But first, I replied to Wolf Sister.
Date: 1:42 pm Fri Oct 28, 1994 Number : 76 of 103
From: Vyrus Base : General Chat
To : Mystic Wolf Refer #: 65
Subj: Re: Hello Replies: 2
Stat: Normal Origin : Local
MW> Hey dude, whats up...:) Yeah, I remeber you, it hasn't been that long my
MW> friend. I don't have gray hairs yet...Hehehe...So hows it going? Cyas
it's goin cool... life id better... hows 303? anything interesting?
Just some friendly chat, not intended to offend or nuthin, but of course, I
need to reply to SR.. and I am always curious as to what kind of responses
the people who read TYME get, so I want to know:
Date: 1:43 pm Fri Oct 28, 1994 Number : 77 of 103
From: Vyrus Base : General Chat
To : Silent Rain Refer #: 68
Subj: Re: Hello Replies: 2
Stat: Normal Origin : Local
SR> Tyme, eh?
you read them? do you like?
Now somebody tell me what the problem would be if you read that message.
It's not like i'm asking for a fight or nuthin, I just want to know if he
like's the fucking texts! As always, Mystic Wolf replies:
Date: 4:17 pm Fri Oct 28, 1994 Number : 78 of 103
From: Mystic Wolf Base : General Chat
To : Vyrus Refer #: 75
Subj: Re: Hello Replies: 2
Stat: Normal Origin : Local
Vy> it's goin cool... life id better... hows 303? anything interesting?
Everythings swell...just got a job yesterday...Yaaahhoooo...:) Its about
time..I thought I was going crazy there for awhile..as bored as I was.
Working for target now..:) 303??? Well cyas later..:)
Mystic Wolf
So this is the last message the Wystic Wolf left me. I think maybe cause
those little wars started up.
Date: 10:00 pm Fri Oct 28, 1994 Number : 79 of 103
From: Silent Rain Base : General Chat
To : Vyrus Refer #: 76
Subj: Re: Hello Replies: 1
Stat: Normal Origin : Local
Vy> you read them? do you like?
Why didn't you just write for F.U.C.K.? They look like a blatent rip.
Some of the topics are good, but some are lame. And your starting file title
is the exact same as F.U.C.K.'s. I dunno. Maybe imitation is the greatest
form of flattery... but maybe it's not.
Silent Rain
The starting title is NOT the same as F.U.C.K.'s, theirs is 'Where It All
Began' and ours is 'Beginnings'. Do those look the same to anyone else?
And i agree, a few are lame, even a few by me, but I don't care. I write
when i want to write, about what i want to write. It doesn't matter to me,
and my grandmother (eehehhe..) says some of my ramblings are pretty good
and I submit them. So I 'submit' them to T.Y.M.E. good enuff. And yes, i
kind of based the whole line on F.U.C.K., but that was because i admired
their work. Maybe imitation is, but whatever...
Date: 2:01 am Wed Nov 2, 1994 Number : 84 of 103
From: Disorder Base : General Chat
To : Vyrus Refer #: 76
Subj: Re: Hello Replies: 1
Stat: Normal Origin : Local
VY>it's goin cool... life id better... hows 303? anything
In what aspect? :)
Uhoh... warning sign. This guy is the "martketing manager" for F.U.C.K...
He advertises and whatever to promote the texts. Great. Just what I need.
Let me make a note here real quick. I wrote a quickie for F.U.C.K. and
submitted it, and I never got an answer. In fact, I got deleted. Thanks,
guys. I suppose you're still insisted I never submitted...
Date: 2:02 am Wed Nov 2, 1994 Number : 85 of 103
From: Disorder Base : General Chat
To : Vyrus Refer #: 77
Subj: Re: Hello Replies: None
Stat: Normal Origin : Local
VY>SR> Tyme, eh?
VY>you read them? do you like?
I have read them. They get a point across.
Okay, not too bad. At least someone appreciates them... but, I have to
reply to Silent Rain first, and then to Disorder:
Date: 12:10 pm Thu Nov 3, 1994 Number : 91 of 103
From: Vyrus Base : General Chat
To : Silent Rain Refer #: 79
Subj: Re: Hello Replies: 3
Stat: Normal Origin : Local
SR> Why didn't you just write for F.U.C.K.? They look like a blatent rip.
SR> Some of the topics are good, but some are lame. And your starting file tit
SR> is the exact same as F.U.C.K.'s. I dunno. Maybe imitation is the greatest
SR> form of flattery... but maybe it's not.
because the dudes from F.U.C.K. didnt want any of my submittings, so i figured
they could (word omitted) off, and then i forgot about it for ahwile, and the
we started T.Y.M.E... some people in our area code like TYME a lot better the
FUCK... cause FUCK is too damn serious..
Quite true. F.U.C.K. topics are too heavy sometimes, and they get a little
stifling. I want humor. =] I need a good laugh now and then. S0l0mn provides
that for us. He's great with it. On to Disorder..
Date: 12:11 pm Thu Nov 3, 1994 Number : 92 of 103
From: Vyrus Base : General Chat
To : Disorder Refer #: 84
Subj: Re: Hello Replies: None
Stat: Normal Origin : Local
Di> VY>it's goin cool... life id better... hows 303? anything
Di> VY>interesting?
the BBSing community.. i noticed a lot of the orgianl FXNet posters have
dropped away.. huh.
I misquoted. One extra line was the line in which he said 'In what aspect?'
So I am making an observation. Oh well.
Date: 9:50 pm Thu Nov 3, 1994 Number : 93 of 103
From: Silent Rain Base : General Chat
To : Vyrus Refer #: 91
Subj: Re: Hello Replies: 1
Stat: Normal Origin : Local
Vy> FUCK... cause FUCK is too damn serious..
And too damn good... Who cares about your failure to get a date last
weekend? I don't.
Silent Rain
Ahem. I did NOT ask for this. All I wanted to know in the beginning was if
he liked them or not, not what he thought of them. That might sound a little
self contridictory, but if you re-read that, you'll understand. And not once
have I mentioned failure of getting a date. What he been smokin?
Date: 10:46 pm Thu Nov 3, 1994 Number : 95 of 103
From: Disorder Base : General Chat
To : Vyrus Refer #: 91
Subj: Re: Hello Replies: None
Stat: Normal Origin : Local
VY>because the dudes from F.U.C.K. didnt want any of my submittings,
VY>so i figured they could (word omitted) off, and then i forgot
VY>about it for ahwile, and the we started T.Y.M.E... some people in
VY>our area code like TYME a lot better the FUCK... cause FUCK is
VY>too damn serious..
Maybe because the editor of FUCK didn't get a single submission from you?
Just maybe that has something to do with it.
As I mentioned, i DID submit. Hah. Damn fools.
Date: 12:03 pm Sun Nov 6, 1994 Number : 96 of 103
From: Murcurochrome Base : General Chat
To : Vyrus Refer #: 91
Subj: Re: Hello Replies: 1
Stat: Normal Origin : Local
Aha! Murc! This guy is the sysop of Narkotik Illusions, and most of the
time he's pretty cool, but..
Vy> because the dudes from F.U.C.K. didnt want any of my submittings, so i figu
Vy> they could (word omitted) off, and then i forgot about it for ahwile, and t
Vy> we started T.Y.M.E... some people in our area code like TYME a lot better t
Vy> FUCK... cause FUCK is too damn serious..
Pisha... Have you read ANY of them? Who wants to have intelegent
discussions made by people who can't be serious for a moment? I write
FUCKs, and I'm also quite, excuse the phrase, silly.. So, with what do you
AHEM. Excusa fuckin moi. I have read ALL the FUCK's, and I enjoy some of
them. I don't see any bit of humor except for #26 - Family Trip by fastjack.
That was a bustup... but anyway...
Date: 12:50 pm Thu Nov 10, 1994 Number : 101 of 103
From: Vyrus Base : General Chat
To : Silent Rain Refer #: 93
Subj: Re: Hello Replies: None
Stat: Normal Origin : Local
SR> And too damn good... Who cares about your failure to get a date last
SR> weekend? I don't.
i don't CARE what you think. i never asked you.
Da, it may sound contridictory again, but just think about it. After this
post, I never called back. I don't need this shit from these guys. I'll
just stay local.
Date: 12:51 pm Thu Nov 10, 1994 Number : 102 of 103
From: Vyrus Base : General Chat
To : Murcurochrome Refer #: 96
Subj: Re: Hello Replies: None
Stat: Normal Origin : Local
Mu> Pisha... Have you read ANY of them? Who wants to have intelegent
Mu> discussions made by people who can't be serious for a moment? I write
Mu> FUCKs, and I'm also quite, excuse the phrase, silly.. So, with what do you
Mu> compare?
i've read ALL of them. 1-100. i know you're silly, i liked your two, but
everyone who i showed the FUCK files to around here thought they were too
serious! so i fixed that.. aughh..
And I did. That was the last message i replied to, and i imagine that there
will be a whole new slough of flames if i log on again. I will keep you
My point is that just because someone else wants to try something two or
three different groups have already done (cDc and FUCK), doesn't mean they
ought to get yelled at for it. It's not cool at all. These guys take life
and BBSing too seriously. Maybe if someone packed a bowl for them, they'd
chill a bit.
People, keep reading T.Y.M.E., and please don't ever assume that we are
trying to rip people off. It's not even like that. This is meant to be fun,
not a fuckin competition. God help us all in the fact that we ARE too
competitive. People should learn to loosen up...
And to all the guys at FUCK, peace with you and your group, and I hope it
lives long.
|| Look for T.Y.M.E. on any of the follwing boards: (and get them all! =] ||
|| Under The Influence...........(ALM)OST-HERE.............World HQ....... ||
|| Narkotik Illusions............(303)PRI-VATE.............Midwestern HQ.. ||
|| Exodus BBS....................(707)935-6867.............Distro Site.... ||
|| Total Anarchy BBS.............(707)257-7208.............Distro Site.... ||
|| corrupt.sekurity.com........../pub/incoming/zines/tyme..................||
|| Leave comments, death threats, ideas, bitchings to vYrus@community.net ||
|| 'Life is an Illusion, Death is Reality' ||