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|| T.Y.M.E. - Twisted Young Minds Expand || # 20, by v<>r<EFBFBD>s || 10/20/94 ||
School and your Friends
I know this may sound a little lame to all of you, but i want to write
about school right now. As in, I just switched schools about a month ago,
and the school is way easier. It's got three hour days, i don't have to
get up until 9-9:30 in the morning, class gets out after 1:15, and I don't
have to do ANYTHING in class but fuck around on their computers, and I get
all my highschool credits for it. Sound like a dream? It was for me, until
I pulled down the yearbook for my freshmen year at Vintage.. uhh... well,
reading through it got me thinking. About what i'm missing. The new school
is easy as hell, and it will help me get out of high school THIS YEAR, (as
a sophomore).
But what about my friends? I was reading all the little quotes
and messages and whatnots people left in my yearbook last year, and i'm
thinking "Horizons (name of the new program) sucks! So what if I get it
easy! My friends are all at Vintage! I will be missing out on football
games, dances, all my friends, all the teachers, all the girls... *ahem*
anyway, I mean, this new school is a problem for me, and I don't like how
my life will be going. I get out of highschool this year... and then what?
A JC? Will they accept me? I'm not gonna have enough brainpower to survive
through class meant for people four years older then me. It won't happen.
I guess what i'm trying to say is don't jump at a chance to leave school.
You may be leaving the hassles, the homework, the teachers, the asshole
dean (nobody heard me say that), and the people who want to kick your ass,
but also think of all the people that you will be leaving. Maybe your 1st
girlfriend goes to that school. Maybe your best friend. Maybe a teacher
there is really cool and they're the only one you don't want to leave (very
unlikely). And then the school activites. Senior prom. Dances. The Big Game.
Anything and everything you can think of, you will eventually miss. Hell, I
miss the big chick that runs up and gives me a hug everytime I walk(ed) out
of second period. Hehe..
Don't blow it, people. People respect you, and by leaving them, you're
screwing them over worse then you're screwing yourself over.. Put up with
all of it if you can, but enjoy it at the same time.
Stay in school.
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|| Narkotik Illusions............(303)PRI-VATE.............Midwestern HQ.. ||
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|| Leave comments, death threats, ideas to vYrus/napavalley@nova.fred.org ||
|| 'Life is an Illusion, Death is Reality' ||