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MoDeRN DaY FaBLeS #2!
"Order in the court! Order in the court!" (No, I'm NOT going to put
in one of those stupid "I'll Have Salami On Rye" jokes! You think
I'm THAT demented?! Okay.. Maybe you're right. But still...) "What
is the next case?" asked Judge Wilson.
"Your Honor, the next case is Brown versus the Topeka Board of Jahoves
Witnesses," responded the bailiff.
"What are the charges?"
"Segregation of the people whom God killed."
"How does the defense plead?"
"Innocent by reason of the 1804 Supreme Court decision of ~Seperate
but Dead.~"
"Your Honor," spoke the Prosecutor, who strangely enough had spikes
rising out of his head and a barbed tail (not that that's unusual
in the '90s), "I object!"
"But Mister - what did you say your name was - Oh, yeah. I fuckin -
Secretary, scratch that from the record - ahem.. forgot. Mr. Satan
Devilson. We have not as of yet started the trial!"
"I know, Your Honor. I just like to object."
"Your Honor.." said a Jehovas Witness on the stand, "you have a very
sick daughter. Maybe if you dismissed the case, I could talk over
a healing with the Big Guy."
"The Court is blind to bribes! Now go to your seat!"
As the Jehovas Witness went back to his seat, he was heard to mumble
something: "The Court may be blind.. but so will you!"
Just then, the Jury went insane, ripped open its chamber, and devoured
the Judge. The case was then dismissed.
Now, what was the moral of this story? Everyone knows what happens
to judges who ain't corrupt.
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