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Date: Wed, 7 Apr 93 04:02:44
From: ISU Space Power Digest <digests@isu.isunet.edu>
Reply-To: Space-Power-request@isu.isunet.edu
Subject: Space Power Digest V1 #005
To: Space.Power.Talkers
Precedence: bulk
Space Power Digest Wed, 7 Apr 93 Volume 1 : Issue 005
Today's Topics:
Space Power, The Journal
Welcome to the ISU Space Power Digest!! This digest will
seek to provide a forum for discussion of wireless power
transmission, solar power systems. It is hosted by alumni
and faculty of the International Space University, but is
open to everyone with an interest in this area.
Send e-mail contributions to: space-power@isu.isunet.edu
To subscribe or unsubscribe, send your e-mail request to:
If you experience technical problems, send an e-mail message
detailing the problem to: digests@isu.isunet.edu
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 09:33 EDT
Subject: Space Power, The Journal
************** Space Power, the journal *****************
If you would like to keep up on numerous interesting
technical developments in the areas of space solar power,
space nuclear power, non-terrestrial resources, space
manufacturing, etc. Subscribe to Space Power today! This
journal has been around for over 10 years and it features
in-depth, yet understandable articles in these areas and
more. I have typed in the information on the journal
advertisement brochure below. Notice that several ISU
faculty members and visiting lecturers are associate
editors. Also, each summer I ask some ISU students to write
papers for the journal and at least 2 papers written by ISU
students have been published in the last 2 years.
There have been many fascinating papers published in the
journal that are relevant to human expansion into space by
use of space resources. Two years ago, the Journal of Lunar
Exploration and Development (published by the notorious G.
Canough) was merged with Space Power, so that Space Power
does not only deal with energy, but also material resources.
So I invite you to subscribe to the journal and/or get your
local library to subscribe. The subscription rates are among
the lowest for a technical journal. Inspection copies are
available upon request (fill out form below).
The Council for Social and Economic Studies and the SUNSAT
council are affiliated with the United Nations.
I also invite you to write an article for the journal. We
are always looking for good papers. If you have an idea, and
want to discuss it, feel free to contact me, or any other
associate editor, or Andy Cutler (Editor).
And, if you would be so kind, please cross post this note to other
space and science bulletin boards! Thanks!
--- Gay
Copied directly from the brochure about Space Power:
Space Power is a quarterly, international journal for the
presentation, discussion and analysis of advanced concepts,
initial treatments and ground-breaking basic research on
the technical, economic and societal aspects of: large-scale
space-based solar power, space resources utilization, space
manufacturing, space colonization, and other areas related
to the development and use of space for the benefit of
humanity. Papers, letters, notes, comments and occasional
editorial are published as well as topical book reviews.
Submissions should represent the original work of the
authors and should not have appeared elsewhere in
substantially the same form. Proposals for review papers are
encouraged and will be considered by the Editor on an
individual basis. Four copies of submissions and an abstract
(not exceeding 400 words) should be sent.
English is the official language of the journal. Editorial
assistance will be provided to authors whose native language
is not English.
Dr. Andrew Hall Cutler may be reached by telephone at 602
322 2997 or 327 9205, by facsimile at 602 326 0938 and by
mail : 4717 East Fort Lowell, Tucson, Arizona 85712, USA
Papers are of general and lasting interest and are written
so as to make them accessible to technically educated
professionals who may not be familiar with the specific area
discussed in the paper. Letters and notes are used to air
particular points and concepts when a lengthy paper is not
required. Comments allow workers in the field to respond to,
elucidate and expand particularly interesting points in
previously published papers. Editorial and opinion pieces of
approximately one journal page in length are published if
they are well argued and pertinent to the content of the
journal. Topical books, journals, proceedings and meetings
are reviewed when considered to be of high standard.
Space Power is published by the Council for Economic and
Social Studies, 6861 Elm St. Suite 4H, McLean, VA 22101 on
behalf of the SUNSAT Energy Council.
Editor: Andrew Hall Cutler, NASA Space Engineering Center,
The University of Arizona
Associate Editors:
Roger A. Binot, ESA, The Netherlands
Eleanor A. Blakely, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA
Richard Boudreault, Consultant, Montreal, Canada
Lars Broman, SERC, Sweden
William C. Brown, Massachusetts USA
Gay Canough, ETM, Inc., USA
Lucien Deschamps, Paris, France
Ben Finney, U of Hawaii, USA
Josef Gitelson, Academy of Sciences, USSR (now Russia)
Peter Glaser, Aurther D. Little, Inc. USA
Praveen K. Jain, Northern Telecomm, Ottawa, Ont., Canada
Dieter Kassing, ESTEC, The Netherlands
Mikhail Ya. Marov, Academy of Sciences, USSR (now Russia)
Gregg Maryniak, Space Studies Institute, USA
Micheal Mautner, U of Canterbury, New Zealand
Makoto Nagatomo, ISAS, Japan
Mark Nelson, Institute of Ecotechnics, USA
John R. Page, U of New South Wales, Australia
Geoffry Pardoe, Brunel Science Park, UK
Tanya Sienko, NASDA, Tsukuba, Japan
Ray A. Williamson, OTA/US Congress, USA
Recent subject coverage:
* history and status of national space power programs
* technologies for large-scale space power e.g. solar power
* systems aspects of large-scale power, e.g. SPS and central
space power utilities
* potential extraterrestrial resources for use in space-
based manufacturing
* lunar and planetary science for undershtanding space
resource location and availability
* plasma and other space environment interactions with large
space structures
* medical, psychological, sociological and cultural aspects
of human presence in space
* forms of advanced space propulsion and power technologies
and systems.
Space Power is published four times per year. These four
issues constitute one volume. An annual index and title-page
is bound in the December issue. 1991 is volume 10
ISSN = 0883-6272
libraries: $240/year
individuals: $120/yr.
additional $25 for airmail
Council for Economic and Social Studies
6861 Elm St. Suite 4H
McLean, Virginia 22101
phone = 703 442-8010 fax = 703 847 9524
or Clip, fill out and mail:
__ 1 year subscription to Space Power, personal $120
__ 1 year subscription to Space Power, library $240
__ 2 year subscription to Space Power, personal $240
__ 2 year subscription to Space Power, library $480
__ ship via airmail $25
__ send me a free inspection copy
phone/fax= 607 785 6499 voice mail = 800 673 8265
radio call sign: KB2OXA
'Snail Mail:
ETM, Inc.
PO Box 67
Endicott, NY 13761
End of Space Power Digest Volume 1 : Issue 005