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Living in such a state taTestaTesTaTe etats a hcus ni gniviL
of mind in which time sTATEsTAtEsTaTeStA emit hcihw ni dnim of
does not pass, space STateSTaTeSTaTeStAtE ecaps ,ssap ton seod
does not exist, and sTATeSt oFOfOfo dna ,tsixe ton seod
idea is not there. STatEst ofoFOFo .ereht ton si aedi
Stuck in a place staTEsT OfOFofo ecalp a ni kcutS
where movements TATeSTa foFofoF stnemevom erehw
are impossible fOFoFOf elbissopmi era
in all forms, UsOFofO ,smrof lla ni
physical and nbEifof dna lacisyhp
or mental - uNBeInO - latnem ro
your mind is UNbeinG si dnim rouy
focusing on a unBEING a no gnisucof
lone thing, or NBeINgu ro ,gniht enol
a lone nothing. bEinGUn .gnihton enol a
You are numb and EiNguNB dna bmun era ouY
unaware to events stneve ot erawanu
taking place - not -iSSuE- ton - ecalp gnikat
knowing how or what 4/23/94 tahw ro woh gniwonk
to think. You are in F-O-U-R ni era uoY .kniht ot
a state of unbeing.... ....gniebnu fo etats a
EDiTORiAL Kilgore Trout
[=- ARTiCLES -=]
[=- POETRiE -=]
BEiNG Griphon
DANCERS Crux Ansata
FROM HiDiNG Crux Ansata
iMMUNiTY Griphon
A LOVE POEM Flying Rat's Nostril
[=- FiCTiON -=]
A DAY iN MY LiFE Chris Wugner
A LOOK BACK I Wish My Name Were Nathan
"Western people often see obscenity where there is only symbolism."
--Sir John Woodroffe, _Shakti & Shakta_
by Kilgore Trout
Yes, welcome once again to another issue of State of unBeing. We're still
putting these babies out, but I'm still wondering just how much you people out
there like it. Obviously, we're getting enough submissions to continue, so
that's a good sign, but I'd like to know exactly what you think about the
magazine and what you think needs to change/remain. I just want to feel loved.
Is that such a bad thing?
Heh. Actually, if you don't like it and would rather read the script to
_Joe Versus the Volcano_, it doesn't really bother me. I just get a kick out
of doing this, and it has become a habit to put out zines now. It just comes
Anyways, we have some pretty interesting stuff in this issue. One note
that I'd like to make is about my article on Kurt Cobain's suicide. I have
absolutely no idea what is in it. I wrote it during the weekend he died, and
I just cut and pasted it into the magazine today. It's probably pretty crappy,
but for some reason I felt I should put it in. If I turn him into some
bullshit icon (which I probably did) forgive me, but I liked the guy's music.
I'm sure some of you are wondering exactly what happened to all of those
"TO BE CONTINUED..." stories that appeared in the first and second issues. If
you skipped around before reading this, you might question why I started
another story when I hadn't finished up the last one. Do not fear, my friends,
CONTiNUiNG STORY OF BUNGALO BiLL will all be completed in the next issue. They
all just got put off by the author's, and it's all our fault. Clockwork will
also be back next issue with a shitload of stuff, but he's out looking for
tuxedos for prom, and I guess you've figured out by now how much of a
procrastinator he is (alright, so I am too. That's why we're so close.)
Now, pull out those reading glasses, get a nice cup of herbal tea, and
read to your heart's content.
"The Beast does not look what he is. He may even have a comic moustache."
--Soloviev, "The Anti Christ"
by Bobbi Sands
The very title of this essay will alienate some people. This is
unfortunate, because it demonstrates the power of society to control our very
minds. Many fear the day when the government can look into our very souls and
tell us, "You will believe, without question." That day is here.
When was the last time you asked yourself, "Why?" Not "Why should I drive
on the right side of the road?" or "Why is the sky blue?" or "Why is Perot on
TV so much?" but something simple, like "Why marry?" or "Why police?" Some
things are taken for granted, even by thinkers. One of these things is
definitions. It is through definitions, unquestioned definitions, that society
One of the least understood words is "revolution." The word revolution
meant so much to so many people as "a dramatic change" that it had to be
dramatically changed. Society took the phrase "violent revolution," compressed
it to read "revolution," and pulled the typical pea-and-shell trick of saying,
"What? but it was always this way."
"We have always had police."
"We have always married."
"We have always had money."
Another word that they changed this way is "terrorism." Terrorism need
not be violent, it just has to terrify, be traumatic, make a person react in a
way they never did before. You want to be a terrorist? Go to school and give
a sandwich to the principal, and run like hell.
If you can't make them think, at least make them wonder.
Gurdijeff taught that most people spend their lives asleep. From time to
time one person wakes up and thinks. That is terror, the realization there is
a world outside your head. Most people never realize that. Most people are
under the conception they think, but in reality they just select from a menu
of choices within the parameters of Decency. Decency is okay, as long as you
decide to be decent yourself.
Most people decide to be decent because that is what they have done their
entire lives. And that is what their parents did their entire lives. And that
is what their parents' parents did their entire lives.
That is safe.
Most people wake up, go to work/school, go home, go to bed, wake up,
et cetera ad infinitum. Then they die. Next time they get up, it's judgment
day and God is saying, "I gave you free will, schmucks, why didn't you use it?"
That's where the crazies come in. We wait until people aren't paying
attention, then we sneak up behind them and MAKE them think.
That is terrorism.
It is extremely hard to go through a daily routine when a random element
is tossed in there. Say you had a routine of
1: Wake Up
2: Goto School/Work
3: Goto Home
4: Goto Bed
5: Goto 1.
After a while, it becomes habit. You could do it in your sleep. You never
stop to think "Why do I do this this way?" Say someone changed your routine,
so it read like this:
1: Wake Up
2: Pick A Number Between One And Ten
3: If Number Is Ten Die Else Goto School/Work
4: Goto Home
5: Goto Bed
6: Goto 1.
Then you become more careful. You begin to think "I might be dead tomorrow."
You begin to value your life.
You begin to think.
The importance of Terrorism, as a movement to organize people to make
people think, is that it will make people think. It startles. It confuses.
It awakens and illuminates.
Just do it.
The reader may be thinking, "But if I become a terrorist, I will bring
about repression. I will bring down a rain of police into my neighborhood and
add additional hardship to my family and the families of my neighbors. My
children and my children's playmates will become targets for gun toting tyrants
with uniforms and impunity to gun down on allegations of riot incitement."
Maybe he or she was just thinking, "But I'll get arrested." Maybe you had out
your Author Identification PullDown Menu, and are simply selecting the Crazie
option. That leaves very few Decent options, such as Ignore, Disbelieve, and
Distrust. Select one and stop reading. I shouldn't have bothered. For those
who are operating beyond the menu, I continue.
It is absolutely true that, when you make people think, "by any means
necessary," people with badges get upset. If you make people think often
enough, they may even show up at your neighborhood to make you stop. Jerry
Rubin, one of the first yippies, said, "[R]epression eliminates the bystander,
the neutral observer, the theorist; it forces everyone to pick a side." If
you make the police come by, they become the terrorists.
They make people think.
Attract attention. Bring in the guest speakers in blue, and have them
perform a free performance piece in your front yard. Make people think, "If
they dragged away him, they can drag away me," instead of, "If they dragged
away him, he is guilty."
Even better, think that yourself.
It is vital that every person begin to make an effort to make those around
him think. Every man a teacher. Teach with your actions, teach with your
words, teach with your beliefs. Do things you don't believe in, just so people
wonder why you did it.
Do things.
When you shock one person, you run the risk of making someone think for
themselves. That's a risk we all want to take. Even if they think you are
wrong, they THINK.
When the civilians think, the crazies win.
Confusion, terrorism, for victory. Solidarity with the terrorists of all
peoples, all lands, all causes.
The Moral Principle and the Material Interest
A Moral Principle met a Material Interest on a bridge wide enough for but
"Down, you base thing!" thundered the Moral Principle, "and let me pass
over you!"
The Material Interest merely looked in the other's eyes without saying
"Ah," said the Moral Principle, hesitatingly, "let us draw lots to see
which shall retire till the other has crossed."
The Material Interest maintained an unbroken silence and an unwavering
"In order to avoid a conflict," the Moral Principle resumed, somewhat
uneasily, "I shall myself lie down and let you walk over me."
Then the Material Interest found a tongue, and by a strange coincidence
it was its own tongue. "I don't think you are very good walking," it said.
"I am a little particular about what I have underfoot. Suppose you get off
into the water."
It occurred that way.
--The opening fable to Ambrose Bierce's _Fantastic Fables_
by Captain Moonlight
Labor, n. One of the processes by which A acquires property for B.
--Ambrose Bierce, _The Devil's Dictionary_
When we were young we really didn't understand what it was. Mom and Dad
went out to something called 'work' and brought it home. But we knew it must
be good--with it we got food and clothes and toys and candy and all other good
things. But they never really told us where it was from.
When we were a little older--in our 'teens--we realized where it really
came from. We finally saw the blood caked on it, the blood which would never
come off, the blood of millions. We saw that whenever we got some of it,
someone else got it taken away from them. We went to the city and saw what it
did, who it affected--the beggars, the pan-handlers, the street-corner vendors.
We cried out in indignation, we shouted, yet we did nothing.
When we were still older, we began to become blind again to the blood
caked on it. Perhaps we had just imagined it. We saw what it could get us,
what our parents tried to get it for. Sure, to get it we gave up a few
things--the right to read some texts which were against our new philosophy, to
think certain ways about our situation and that of others, to meet in certain
places, to discuss some things, but, most importantly, the precious Time which
we could have spent with our children--that Time being the one thing we can
never replenish, when we could have taught our children right from wrong,
rather than what the establishment wanted them to think was right and wrong,
and perhaps to see the blood-spots which they were yet to innocent to see.
Though it really meant nothing on its own, a piece of paper with a cheap
portrait on it, we all believed it to be something, so it was. We killed for
it--or, more likely, we sent our friends and our children who were just
beginning to see the blood-spots out to kill for it. We saw the awesome power
it gave us over People--their bodies, their Minds, their very Souls. So we
made ourselves believe what they told us--it was that blessed thing called
'Success', not murder, that gave it to us.
When we were still older, we saw what we had done. After we had dropped
the bombs, after we had noticed we had fewer friends, and fewer children, after
they had all gone off to get us money, and had come back on platters, we began
to see the blood come back--only this time we saw the faces of who it was--it
was Bob, and Jeremy, and Betty, and Sue, and we saw them screaming from the
portrait, not of Washington, not of Jefferson, but of those we knew, shouting
at us, "We died at Such-A-Place, and you sent us," screaming with mute lips,
laying dead under a stone, yelling at us from a wall of black granite, and
those who did come back, minus a bit here and there, a leg, or an eye, or a
hand, living on the same streets where we had seen the others those long years
ago. We tried to get back that Innocence which we had lost, without realizing
that Innocence, once lost, can never be regained. We tried to tell our
children, to show them our mistake lest they make the same, but they had
already entered the cycle, already sent their friends and children off to war,
already gone blind to the blood-spots which we saw so readily, trying to teach
that lesson we should have taught them in their childhood, not realizing they
would grow up so soon, to be just like us. Then they put us in put us in a
home, as we had our parents, and they their parents before us. And after that
there was nothing to do but sit in a corner and see the dead battalions
marching past us, trying to call them back, as they cursed our stupidity--and
their own. Then we died, murmuring like the sea, questioning 'Why, why, why?'
and watching the world burn, set on fire by that arsonist we call 'Money'.
...Life as it is. I have lived for over forty years and I have seen life,
as it is. Pain, misery, cruelty beyond belief. I've heard all the voices of
God's noblest creature. Moans from bundles of filth in the streets. I've
been a soldier and a slave. I've seen my comrades fall in battle or die more
slowly under the lash in Africa. I've held them at the last moment. These
were men who saw life, as it is. And they died despairing. No glory, no bray
of last words, only their eyes filled with confusion, questioning why. I do
not think they were asking why they were dying, but why they had ever lived.
And life itself seems lunatic who knows where madness lies. Perhaps to be too
practical is madness, to surrender dreams, this may be madness. To seek
treasure where there is only trash--Too much sanity may be madness! And
maddest of all, to see life as it is, and not as it should be.
--Joe Darion and Dale Wasserman, "Man of La Mancha"
by Nomad
The cycle you may ask is part of Nature, the ever turning wheel. The
saying "What goes around comes around" explains it a little, but not fully.
Don't think I'm going to, because I can't. First we'll look at it in a low
level stage and the increase, alright? The human body is a good choice. We're
born full of energy and hype. We grow older and give birth to a child, which
completes the cycle. On even a simpler note, animals are born, they grow,
develop, give birth, die, and give their body to the ground. Now to the larger
scope. The universe is created. The cycle of life and death, good and evil.
There can't be one without the other, no good without evil, no life without
death. So you see the cycle can't be stopped: you can stall, but not stop
it. The cycle will still be going when we're all dead and decayed, so live
with it.
The two men stood staring at each other sizing themselves up. All around
them chaos was roaming. Fires spread, destroying everything they came to.
Floods drowned the once great cities of mankind. Winds brought down the
largest mountains. Earth swallowed cities that the other elements couldn't
get to. As all this happened the madman that started it stood in front of me
laughing. He was actually having joy from wreaking so much havoc. But I was
here to stop him; kill him even if I must die. I have come to stop and kill
the man the prophecies said would end the earth.
Who wants to be a Hero? I mean a real Hero, someone who is willing to
sacrifice everything for the right thing. A Hero will risk his happiness to
allow others to be happy. A Hero will give up his love to allow others to
love. The Hero is very different from most men. Most men are selfish, they
take and won't give. Most men are cowards when it comes down to it. A Hero
is a man who would let others take credit for an accomplishment. A Hero will
try and not fight, but they feel the fire and anger eating away at them,
begging, howling to be let out. But a Hero won't let it. A Hero is someone
who would give up his one life to save a million. Or even give his one life
and soul to save someone weaker or in need to live. A Hero knows this so he
walks a step behind and a step away, always watching and protecting those who
don't know that they're in danger, people who don't know that there is someone
who cares and protects them. A Hero is a loner, always in need of caring and
love but really never getting it. So I ask again: Who wants to be a Hero? I
I don't look at religion the same as others. I see religion as something
private. Why go to a temple when there is a temple in your heart and mind?
Also, the idea of a god that is all good and has no evil makes no sense. For
one, good and evil are abstract terms. Good and evil are determined by each
individual. When I hear that Satan is the enemy of God I think of two
possibilities. One, God and Satan are of the same coin, one on each side, the
same person. And two, that they're partners, neither evil or good, but
neutral, watching over man.
But as I will always say, man is supposedly a thinking creature, so let
your mind be free and think. Don't be a sheep, be a shepherd. Believe in what
you want.
In days of old, when sheep herding was still a good job, the Christian
belief teachers used shepherding as an example of how God was. Not directly
involved, but was there to guide if he needed to. Well, times have come and
gone, and they have certainly changed. Now, I wonder if our shepherd is still
with us. Has he abandoned us to let us wander where we want with no guidance?
Has he fallen asleep, and we've roamed away from him? Or is he testing us to
see if we still believe and honor him? What ever the reason the shepherd is
not doing his job, I hope he starts again soon.
nothing can stop me now
i don't care anymore
nothing can stop me now
i just don't care
-- Nine Inch Nails, "Piggy"
by Kilgore Trout
Even here she sheathed in her harmless breast
A harmful knife, that hence her soul unsheathed:
That blow did bail it from the deep unrest
Of that polluted prison where it breathed:
Her contrite sighs unto the clouds bequeathed
Her winged sprite, and through her wounds did fry
Life's lasting date from cancell'd destiny.
--From "The Rape of Lucrere" by William Shakespeare
On Friday, April 8, the body of Kurt Cobain was found in his Seattle home.
He had taken a shotgun and blown his head off. He was 27. Just one out of
thirty thousand suicides that happen each year, except this one happened to a
man known to millions.
Cobain's death reeks of the late Sixties and early Seventies when the
music industry lost Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison, who were also
all 27 at the times of their deaths. Each was at the peak of his or her
career, and each had much more to contribute. In this midway point in the
Nineties, are we ushering in a new era where our most talented artists come
to an untimely end?
But before that question can be answered, we must look at the causes of
suicide. Why *do* people kill themselves? What can be so painful to endure
that the only sanctity is death? The causes of suicide should be carefully
studied and analyzed, for therein lies the solution. Naturally, the end
result of a suicide is horribly predictable.
Albert Camus' THE MYTH OF SiSYPHUS opens, "There is but one truly serious
philosophical problem, and that is suicide." He goes on to ask the question,
"Is life worth living?" 30,000 people in America each year ask themselves that
question, and the answer they decide on is no. And for each of these people
who succeed in the cessation of his life, 15 others fail at the attempt. "You
can appreciate the importance of that reply," writes Camus, "for it will
prelude the definitive act."
The statement that Camus makes seems at first obvious and common sense.
But to the people who seriously consider the question, the decision is far
more complex than most realize. Most suicides are not performed on an
impulsive nature--a long period of contemplation usually passes before any
action is taken. Jerry Jacobs, author of ADOLESCENT SUiCiDE, agrees that,
"...it was not a particular incident in the adolescents' lives that led them
to attempt suicide; rather, the nature [and] number of events were the crucial
features." Jacobs goes on to say that such problems as broken homes, failed
romances, and relocation are just a few of these incidents that might trigger
This is one of the prime reasons that so many people find it hard to
understand why someone so successful as Kurt Cobain could commit suicide.
There has always been a tendency to link suicide to mental disorder, and if
someone appeared to be normal and healthy, than he was. Cobain's public
persona, even through the allegations of heroin abuse and his overdose in Rome
a few months ago, seemed to portray him as happy, with a loving wife and
daughter. But a celebrity's image and his everyday reality are more often
than not two totally different things.
Cobain never wanted to be in the public eye as a full-blown rock star. He
hated MTV and its overproduced, superficial style. But with the release of
1991's album NEVERMiND and the hit single "Smells Like Teen Spirit," Kurt
Cobain and Nirvana became a rock icon, creating "grunge" and making way for
other Seattle acts like Soundgarden, Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains. The record
industry, for Cobain, represented greedy record executives who wanted to cash
in on the new sound, and he wanted none of it. While such mass exposure did
allow his music to reach an unimaginable number of people, it also attracted
poseurs and people ready to jump on the latest trend: people that Cobain
utterly despised. With their latest album, iN UTERO, the group had hoped to
alienate most of their audience, but instead they entered the Billboard charts
at number one. With all of this, coupled with press about his wife's alleged
use of heroin while pregnant and his own heroin use brought upon by severe
stomach pains, the music seemed to lose its fire for him, and the music was
what he lived for. As Cobain wrote in his suicide note, "I haven't felt
excitement in...creating music...for too many years now."
Many suicides contain the same symptoms as Cobain's. Depression, family
problems, and other factors are found in nearly all cases. The only difference
lies in Cobain's social status, and yet his suicide brought him back to a more
human level, for immortality is the blessing of stardom. His suicide was an
escape from the ever-present eye of the public, an attempt to escape the pain
of his life that had begun at such an early age. The sadly ironic fact remains
that his death brought his image to many more people than his music ever would
have done, and his final action etched his face and music in millions
His death does serve as an important message, at least in my mind.
Without sounding too preachy, it seems to me that the fame and fortune that
nearly everyone would like to have only caused him trouble, and the idea that
society's idea of success makes one happy have finally been utterly proven
false. It is a lesson not to be taken lightly, and maybe a few people will
learn to do things for what they believe in, like Cobain, instead of always
wanting something more.