1838 lines
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1838 lines
91 KiB
Living in such a state taTestaTesTaTe etats a hcus ni gniviL
of mind in which time sTATEsTAtEsTaTeStA emit hcihw ni dnim of
does not pass, space STateSTaTeSTaTeStAtE ecaps ,ssap ton seod
does not exist, and sTATeSt oFOfOfo dna ,tsixe ton seod
idea is not there. STatEst ofoFOFo .ereht ton si aedi
Stuck in a place staTEsT OfOFofo ecalp a ni kcutS
where movements TATeSTa foFofoF stnemevom erehw
are impossible fOFoFOf elbissopmi era
in all forms, UsOFofO ,smrof lla ni
physical and nbEifof dna lacisyhp
or mental - uNBeInO - latnem ro
your mind is UNbeinG si dnim rouy
focusing on a unBEING a no gnisucof
lone thing, or NBeINgu ro ,gniht enol
a lone nothing. bEinGUn .gnihton enol a
You are numb and EiNguNB dna bmun era ouY
unaware to events stneve ot erawanu
taking place - not -iSSuE- ton - ecalp gnikat
knowing how or what 3/23/94 tahw ro woh gniwonk
to think. You are in -tHrEE- ni era uoY .kniht ot
a state of unbeing.... ....gniebnu fo etats a
Kilgore Trout
[=- ARTiCLES -=]
Captain Moonlight
Excerpts from the Early Magickal Diarys of Frater Nemo est Sanctus
[=- POETRiE -=]
Crux Ansata
Nemo est Sanctus
Kilgore Trout
the Dancing Messiah
Dark Crystal Sphere Floating Between Two Universes
Dark Crystal Sphere Floating Between Two Universes
Kilgore Trout
[=- FiCTiON -=]
High Lord Spam
Chaos has its own rationality.
-- Robert Anton Wilson, _Nature's God_
by Kilgore Trout
It is time once again to feast your eyes upon a new issue of SoB. Yup,
we're back for a third helping of your precious time, whether you like it or
not. It's been quite a wild time since the last issue came out, what with
spring break and all, so just remember that what you are reading was real
lucky to make it into your hands.
One correction needs to be made concerning the last issue. DR. GRAVES
AND THE BRAZiLiAN GOLD DiNNER PARTY was not written by Griphon. I cut, I
paste, I fuck up. John Smith pointed that out to me, and so this is the
correction that I promised him, since he did write it. Too bad there aren't
any Dr. Graves stories in this issue (I can just hear all of you people crying
The only complaint I have had about putting this thing together is the
lack of feedback from the readers, if anybody reads it at all. I'm sure this
is due to having to call long distance in order to contact us. Well, now, if
you have an Internet account, I can be reached, so that should help up a lot
of you. That address can be found at the very end of the magazine. I may be
getting our own FTP site set up in the near future. More on that in the next
As for articles, things really got hairy for a while. Seems Griphon had
a disk with a bunch of stuff for the magazine, and he stepped on it in the
dark, thereby killing four articles that were really good. But we managed to
make a comeback, so this issue is still pretty respectable. I guess we're
just one unlucky bunch of guys. But, as the old saying goes, "It's not the
size of the wave, it's the motion of the ocean."
Nah, it's the size of the wave.
Have fun, and we'll see you in a month.
He's got a car bomb. He puts the key in the ignition and turns it--the
car blows up. He gets out. He opens the hood and makes a cursory
inspection. He closes the hood and gets back in. He turns the key in the
ignition. The car blows up. He gets out and slams the door shut
disgustedly. He kicks the tire. He takes off his jacket and shimmies under
the chassis. He pokes around. He slides back out and wipes the grease off
his shirt. He puts his jacket back on. He gets in. He turns the key in the
ignition. The car blows up, sending debris into the air and shattering
windows for blocks. He gets out and says, Damn it! He calls a tow truck. He
gives them his AAA membership number. They tow the car to an Exxon station.
The mechanic gets in and turns the key in the ignition. The car explodes,
demolishing the gas pumps, the red-and-blue Exxon logo high atop its pole
bursting like a balloon on a string. The mechanic steps out. You got a car
bomb, he says. The man rolls his eyes. I know that, he says.
-- Mark Leyner, _My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist_
by Captain Moonlight
now doesn't that make you feel better?
the pigs have won tonight
now they can all sleep soundly
and everything is all right
--Trent Reznor (of the Nine Inch Nails), "March of the Pigs"
And I say to my people's masters:
Beware of the thing that is coming,
beware of the risen people.
--Padraic Henry Pearse, executed by the British
First of all, I suppose it would be best if I should state what I believe
a Socialist Democracy to be, so as to differentiate it from the corruptions
most often pointed to by anti-Socialists.
By Socialism I mean the money system, not the government system. Often
confused with the Communist political system, in reality this is merely the
belief that economics should be worked, in the words of Marx, "To each
according to his needs, from each according to his abilities." In this way all
would get what they need, not what they can pay for, as the Capitalist system
now works. This is different from the system used for so long in the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics and the Peoples Republic of China for so long in
that everyone is given what they need, instead of having everyone given a set
allowance for them to work with, giving some more than others according to
their work (i.e. politicians naturally get more because they have the power to
do it, et cetera).
By a Direct Democracy I mean that acts would be carried out by elected
workers as ordered by the People, as opposed to having semi-elected officials
tell appointed, and often related, officials what to do as they are told by
the bosses and other big-wigs. Thoreau said, in "Civil Disobedience", "'That
government is best which governs none at all'", which is true. With the system
here proposed everyone would do as they wished as long as it does not inflict
on others -- when something did affect others, an election would be held to
decide the course of action best for the group, and officials *elected for that
specific task* would carry out the decision of the group. No officials would
be elected to rule the People, the People would rule the officials. In each
election there would be an extra blank on the secret ballot marked "None of the
Above". This would be so that, if the People did not believe in any of the
thus far nominated candidates, they could vote for "None of the Above", and, if
this was the majority, a new election would be held with all new candidates.
No more of choosing the lesser of two evils.
The main problem with government now is, as H. P. Lovecraft, who in the
later years of his life was a Socialist, pointed out, those who turn their
attention to helping the group, through public service or art or any other
vocation, are not rewarded, those who turn their attentions to personal gain
being those who profit. With this double-standard none but those with no
morals are rewarded.
A semi-recent news report which I have before me now ("Report: World
Tightens Its Belt as Population Grows", Prodigy Interactive Personal Service,
7/18/93) states that, if the world's fish, meat, and grain were divided up
equally to all People of all nations, each person would have less than they
did four years ago. This is supposedly due not only to population growth, but
also because less food is being produced than was then. World grain production
per person has dropped eight-percent since 1984. This is primarily because
more People are working in offices making useless gadgets than are producing
foods. Don't you think those chemical- and nuclear-weapon plants would be
better used trying to find ways to produce more food without poisoning the
environment? The land now being torn up in strip-mining for gravel to make
pretty driveways and gold to make nifty little trinkets and other useless
things would be better used for farming, don't you think?
Confucius said that a perfect country would need three things: A strong
army, enough food for all, and the support of the People. If one of these
things had to go, it would have to be the strong army, for without enough food
for all and the support of the People a government would fall. If one of the
two remaining had to go it would have to be the food, for it is far better for
all to starve than to be without the support of the People. Under a Socialist
Democracy all these would need to be, and would be able to be. For one,
People would most likely support a government which they themselves ran, and in
which they had an equal share of the power and were given "To each according to
his needs". In a Socialism, a true Socialism, all would get their share of the
food. And, with the support of the People, a Citizen's Militia or Army,
similar to that of James Connolly in early-20th century Ireland, would be
formed to protect the People from any who tried to suppress it. It would be
the duty of any Citizen, man or woman, to destroy any threat to such a
In a Socialism there would be a great decrease in corruption, the plague
on all present government, due to the fact that all would be getting what they
needed. The reason corruption set in in Russia is because Lenin died while the
country was still in the provisional government stage, and Stalin -- an assumed
name, Russian for Steel -- took control. In the beginning of government -- of
any government -- a strong provisional government needs to form. The task of
this government will be to oversee the conversion from the previous government
system into the new one. If this provisional government were to become
corrupt, the People would do away with it, as it would necessary for all People
to be allowed to own guns, to form a Militia to protect the Rights of All
People -- by blood-shed if necessary. If some were to not own guns -- for
religious, among other reasons -- they would not be forced to, and those
willing to fight for their Rights would protect those who would not, as it is
a basic Right of humanity to choose one's own path, while those with courage
fight for the Rights of all. If avarice can be avoided, then a provisional
government will be able to perform the transition from one government system
to the other.
In short, what the world needs most is a push in the right direction.
Such a push was recently given in Mexico with the peasant uprising, which
forced the government to pay attention for once. But the governments are slow,
and several even bigger pushes are needed. Thomas Paine said, in _The Rights
of Man_, "When it becomes necessary to do a thing, the whole heart and soul
should go into the measure, or not attempt it." This is true. A blood
sacrifice is needed for Liberty. A few brave men and women in arms, ready to
give their lives for those of others, need to step forward and give the
government its medicine. The most patriotic thing a person can do is strive to
do away with an oppressive government, one that exploits its own People and the
People of other nations. As Padraic Pearse said, at the funeral of the Fenian
Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa, "Life springs from death; and from the graves of
patriot men and women spring living nations."
There's a lot of that (mutation) happening in the emu and ostrich world
because we're feeding them a lot more nutrition than they'd normally have.
-- Lucille Hilliard, Ostrich Rancher
by Phadrous
Another damned clean sheet of paper. I hate clean sheets of paper. They
have no personality, so the first thing you have to do is write some stupid
cal like this at the top just so you're brain will work. It's impossible to
think for blank space. Sometimes I so despise the idea of a new sheet that
I'll cram one piece till it's illegible. That's what this is, actually. This
article. It's the compilation of some lame brainstorming I've had that's all
been put down on scraps of pages that I fold up and keep in me back pocket.
(So what you're reading came freshly from *my ass.*)
The best thing to write on, of course, is a manilla folder. Use only
pencil. That way everything rubs off as you throw the folder around, and you
just re-darken the stuff you like. Yeah, manilla folders are great for
writing on. They can't hold paper worth a damn, but they're a wonderful
medium. Of course, you can't fold one up small enough to put in your back
pocket (unless you want people to think you've got boils on your left buttock),
but you can't have it all, you stupid bastard. [Ed. note--notice the sly
reference to my story in Issue 2. I didn't think anybody would read the
School. School is an odd thing. For seven hours a day, five days a
week, I am ordered *by law* to sit and look at girls. Well, alright--the law
doesn't mention the girls, really, but what am I supposed to do? Listen to my
English teacher, I take it. If I did that, I'd never do this. And why do I
do this? God knows or Nietzsche does. No, I know why I do this. It's not
for *your* benefit. If you get anything out of it, so much the better (and
god help you especially if you've been reading that perverted but somehow
likeable stuff about Dr. Graves.)
Nay, the reason I write this is because I'm fucking tired of writing to
please someone else. I want to put down a few thoughts for the simple reason
that I want to put them down. Not for a grade. Not for my SAT. Not for a
survey. I'm tired as hell of being given a topic like why flamingos copulate
in Coolridge's backyard. I don't care a goat's bladder nor a dingo's kidney
what a bunch of birds want to do on their spare time. For Christ's sake! I
had points taken off of a poem that I wrote in class because it was AMBiGUOUS
and had not TiTLE. Now fuck me through the ear if I'm wrong, but don't most
of the *good* poems take a bit of thinking to figure out? If I wanted to give
a concise, clear look at the PHYSiCAL OBJECT that the poem centered on, I
would have written an essay. If you want to degrade my poetry because they're
shallow or they lack un-cheesiness, go ahead. I'll help you. But lack of a
When I go to school next year and they tell me to write about something,
do you know what I'm going to do? That's right. I'm going to do exactly what
they want. I'm going to suck up for the grade. If you think I won't, just
watch. I'll suck up for the grade, suck up for the job, the raise, the loan,
all of it. That's what society demands, that you give up your principles or
starve. You're a hypocrite if you go along with it, and you're stupid if you
Censorship. Helluva topic. Constantly changes meaning. The one thing
that everyone agrees on is that they don't want it. That's what they say,
anyhow. Me, for instance. I don't want any asshole censoring this fucking
zine, cause if they did I couldn't have damn well written this sentence.
However, if (by some miracle), a bill were proposed to ban country music from
the airways, I'd be all for it. It comes down, in my feeble opinion, to our
basic greed. The greed that makes us die for oil and our own way of thinking;
kill to make us feel safe; rape, murder, anything. But on the other hand, why
not? Because we all want to draw the line somewhere without calling it
censorship. I believe no music should be constrained. Rap, country, and
Mariah Carey can be banned for all I care because I don't consider any of that
"noise" music. But, of course, my method only works if I'm in power, and
unless we talk about my car, I'm not. Even then, Michael Bolton and other
such nonsense can get at me as I switch the dial. So now that I realize my
double standard, I'm in fear. Why? Because the people who are in power see
my music as senseless noise and my way of thing as unchristian. Poor me.
What if those in power decide to do away with rock 'n roll because it's
Satanic? I'd scream, "First Amendment" at the top of my lungs. True, I
don't want 2 Live Crew to sing, but if I want Ozzy to get off of his charges
of inticing children "to sleep, perchance to dream," then I must also stand up
and say that listening to "Cop Killer" is not an excuse to blow a man away.
Thus is born PCism. The belief that everyone is entitled to a fair share,
and that the law must make sure they get it. Whoever says he does not have a
double standard is a hypocrite.
Endings. Easiest thing in the world. Especially if I don't give a damn
about you, and, my dear beloved readers, I don't even know who you are. So, in
light of the fact that we have no relationship, I leave you with a bit of
poetry. Not particularly good poetry, mind you, but it made me smile to write
the first and to read the second. Besides, what are you gonna do? Tell me
not to show it to you? To that I give grazney shooms of lip-music, Brrr!
Tossed lightly upon page and hastily wrought
I in a moment's thought may sign away my life.
In truth it is a powerful omen
which holds my life in it's scratchy lines.
Such thoughtless promise it holds.
It must be the most hidden power of my life
but it still won't get me laid.
And now, for the second one...
Americans eat oysters but not snails.
The French eat snails but not locusts.
The Zulus eat locusts but not fish.
The Jews eat fish but not pork.
The Hindus eat pork but not beef
The Russians eat beef but not snakes.
The Chinese eat snakes but not people.
The Jale of New Guinea find people delicious.
-- Ian Robertson
Uncle Bill will
Never will leave a will
And the tumor is as big as an egg
He has a mistress
She's Puerto Rican
And I heard she has a wooden leg
-- Tom Waits
by Clockwork
So you begin your life in this barren desert of a state, or in what you
thought was a barren desert of a state but really in actuality it wasn't even
remotely close to being the big sandy windy tumbleweed infested ghost town
that your acquaintances at the time told you it was, and everything is
completely slapped and twisted around because of it -- your existence in this
not-so-barren state, that is. You wander around and trip and fall even though
you walk with your head down staring at God-knows-what -- even though you have
decided that this God thing is completely a rumor -- while at the same time
running into things and locking yourself in dark sweaty moldy closets with a
single bare light bulb that, when you flip the switch, doesn't work at all --
it is only there to piss you off.
And you continue to do this for three years of your life -- three
consecutive years watching the grapefruits rot around you, watching the black
stains magically appear in your once dreamy beige carpeting, sifting through
piles of melted pink shit too dig out a quarter so you can afford another pack
of cigarettes. That is what you do, and goddamnit -- you have decided by now
to never capitalize the word god -- you enjoy doing it. You enjoy living in
this unidentified muck.
But then the muck gets muckier when one of the two apelike creatures who
roam around your house decides to go visit a zoo in the Everglades and never
come back, because it found a really super fucking awesome parrot named after
some city totally run by money. You think to yourself, "What a poor choice of
nameage," not realizing that the muckier muck is about to get mucked up when
you start indulging your mind into the wonderful world of mindless research
about mindless things. You pull countless tricks out of your hat with the
words Happily Done By The U.S. Government tattooed all over them, and at first
it makes you laugh and giggle and smirk in amazement but then the laugh turns
to gasps and the giggles turn to screams and the smirks turn to tears just
because you see one simple three minute broadcast on television about yet
another U.F.O. incident -- so you just sit on the edge of your bed and weep
for all mankind.
By now, another two years have passed and you have come to the complete
and utter conclusion that your life is nothing but a large blobular mass of
maggot infested lard left in a car for a month in 120 degree weather and
that's all there is to it. Day after day after minute after minute goes by
until one day you are walking once again with your head down minding your own
god-knows-what and a voice comes from behind you and sweeps by you -- because
you either walk much slower or much faster than everyone else, and this time
you were walking much slower -- and this voice, when formulated into some
insanely idiotic language called English, says hello. You wonder and ponder
about who the hell in their right mind would ever say hello to such a
repulsively looking guy like me, all the while turning your head to perhaps
catch a glimpse of who the originator of the noise was, and who do you see? A
female. A rather attractive thin female with light blonde hair flowing to the
small in her back and tranquil blue eyes that grab your own eyes and an
innocent smile revealing braces that didn't hinder the beauty at all, who just
happens to be the girlfriend of just about the only person you really talk to.
So you manage a slight smile and both of you walk on.
Little did you know or perhaps even think at any point in time that you
would both, after a year of helping her get over him, fall in love with each
other -- after becoming best friends. Little did you know or perhaps think at
any point in time that she would simply materialize into your life and grab a
hold of your arm and tear you from the mucked up muckier muck onto dry sweet
warm sand where she continued to carefully gracefully softly clean every
little bit of muck from you body with her own two hands -- even behind you
ears -- and save your very own life from the unhealthy connotation of the
muck. Little did you know or perhaps even think at any point in time that
after two years of being extremely close honest best friends that she would
jump in front of you one day after smoking a cigarette in the center of the
road and kiss you so deeply and beautifully on the lips that it stunned the
hell out of you and left you in a daze for the next hour; not only that but
you also dropped your cigarette -- that is power. Little did you know or
perhaps even think at any point in time that over the next few months your
friendship would evolve into something more than just friends, and that she,
this beautiful once lost innocent soul, would pick you out of all the people
she has seen in her life to be the one able to spend undescribably joyous
times with her.
So now here you are saved from your own pathetic existence by a glorious
woman, however predictable or clicheish that may be, and you now walk with
your head up because you want to catch some of the glow that radiates from her
face and smell the scent of roses that always seemed to somehow rise from her
body and smell the scent of Head and Shoulder that she used to wash her
overpowering hair and feel the energy being transferred between the two of you
when you would stare into the eyes of one another. You even capitalized the
word God for awhile, because you decided you had respect for religion although
you did not agree with it at all -- of course, that was silly of you.
I need you to feel this.
Then you are humming sweet nothings to yourself and feel this sharp
ripping in your chest and see that a hole had been scraped through your skin
and tendons and muscles and sternum into your heart and then out the other
side, so you look behind you and see a large meaty chunk of your once spotless
fulfilled heart squirming on the ground as it gets run over by all the
passers-by and motorcycles and semi-trucks and pickup trucks and jeeps. So
you close your eyes and wonder to yourself just what the hell caused a chuck
of your heart to end up on the pavement like that. And after several weeks of
flat unconscious denial you finally get it through that thick skull that you
no longer have that glorious woman -- that for some unknown unseen
unpredictable reason she decided that she wanted no more of you and that
nothing was working out and that you were fighting too much and that she was
unhappy and you were unhappy and that there was no way to fix it so she is
giving up. And after thirty minutes of doing nothing but chain-smoking,
drinking a stolen beer, and feeling the warm salty feeling of those little
drops called tears just stream down your face you jump out your window and
crawl down a strip of concrete, then wade through a jungle of weeds until you
reach the closest civilization and run up to the back door of this guy you
know and dump all your woes and worries and losses on him and getting him as
lost and wet as you are.
And all that just happened in the last year of existence, so by now you
have decided that God is not God and not even god -- you are god -- and of
course you tell others that you are god every once in a while but they don't
believe you because when you say it you sound like you are not serious but you
know you are serious. And then one other day you decide that you are immortal
because you are god after all and you can do any fucking thing you want to do
as long as you actually believed you can do it. And you prance and dance and
slip some more while you walk around with your head bobbing up and down next
to a girl who used to be your glorious woman but who is now only your friend,
atleast for right now, and you have decided that life is not that bad or that
it is really bad but who really cares because you are immortal and you are god
so everyone else can cringe and laugh and piss and say whatever they please.
And then a couple of days before some unknown entity who just happens to
look act and feel exactly like you decides to sit down and type and type and
type with his tongue about nothing but the thoughts that parade and slip and
scrape through his head, you decide that you still have hope that this girl
next to you will become your glorious woman again. So you approach this girl
and place your hands so gently against your face and tell her that you are not
giving up, but you are so sorry for all the unhappiness that has occurred
because of certain things, and that all you want is for her to be happy so you
tell her to be happy -- even though to the common man it sounds like a line of
complete bullshit, but you are god and you know that you actually mean it --
and she smiles and says she really appreciates that. So now you are still
friends but good friends and on friendly terms and in decent moods and not
dragging yourselves around and yelling and screaming at nothing for no reason
to vent anger and frustration and hurt while this hope, this little golden
glow sits in the back of your head and still unhealed heart, hoping that you
will someday soon you will be able to feel her lips against yours and be able
to wrap your arms around her and feel complete comfort and safety because you
are protected by each other because you are bathed in the most beautiful
valuable vital thing that anyone could ever get the luck of finding.
And now here you stand.
Love binds, but it binds in freedom.
-- Maharishi
by A--
I weep because I know you speak the truth. My heart wails in utter
hopelessness. I realize in despair that indeed everything must come to an end
as it always has, and I despise having to bear this horrid truth. Even the
passion I am experiencing at this critical moment will eventually diminish, and
it fills me with a sense of abandonment.
I fear that when you are gone, I will never again be fulfilled, not even
by my emotions, for they can end as well. Ansat, you _are_my_ definition of
perfection. When we must depart, it will be with the knowledge that I am
leaving something that can never be felt again or replaced by something better.
I must either face numbness or allow the "leaches" to feast relentlessly
while exposing me to fathomless depths of sorrow. And even in the last
situation, the leaches would probably burst and my precious sorrow would leave
me just like everything else. Oh, Ansat, all seems so hopeless and unstable!
I agree that it would be a shame to confine something as beautifully intense
and free as fire, but the thought of existing without you sends me into a
frenzy (although I now know it is unavoidable).
Well, my earlier passion and tear drops have ceased, just as I predicted.
To go on writing would only cause repetition. I am not a master of words
(spoken or written), and perhaps words are not the best way for me to express
to you what I am feeling/thinking. I hope my attempt is not completely
unsuccessful. I felt a burning sensation in my chest when I read "All I'd Say
if I But Had the Words," and the need to respond became unbearable. Thank you
for sharing such private thoughts with me. I love you.
Feelings are not facts. More often than not, they are a distortion of
the facts or reality.
-- Louis Devanney, a high school Humanities teacher
Excerpts from the Early Magickal Diarys of Frater Nemo est Sanctus
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven.
For nothing hidden will not become manifest,
and nothing covered will remain without being uncovered."
Christ, Thom. 6
A good friend once told me that the thing about girls is that they don't
know what they want, and they need a guy to tell them. I told him that he was
part right, women don't know what they want, but that guys don't, either.
Anyone who doesn't understand this will spend his whole life getting something
from someone and being eternally dissatisfied because of their success. You
may get her body, but you may lose their love and trust. You may get her
virginity, but you've lost her innocence. The one truest lesson any magus may
teach a striving adept (as if they ever listen -- I never did) is that YOU GET
WHAT YOU ASK FOR! You will get it, but you will not enjoy it. Remember that
Solomon asked for wisdom, and wisdom he received. He received the knowledge
of his true will. The will of the magus is the will of the universe, but many
a magus is scarred because he got his will. Beware.
Another friend recounted to me an S and M experience. He told me that it
was painful, but still enjoyable. He said he enjoyed it, but, in a
particularly insightful statement, that the enjoyment was not "sexual". In our
world, the chief sensual experience is said to be sex, but, in truth, any
sensual experience may equal or surpass simple intercourse. A vampire of my
acquaintance told me that to drink another's blood is the most incredibly
sensual experience he had had. Why? In our world, the standard is sex, and
sex is demeaned. True sensuality is a purer path than the sacrament of vitamin
A. Sensuality may open paths the brain had believed blocked, and pain is one
of the most sensual experiences possible. Orgasm may be, too, but the modern
"orgasm" tends to follow the pattern warned in the psychological texts on
sexuality of the Kinsley era. A nymphomaniac has never had an orgasm, and
flits from partner to partner seeking satiation. A "frigid" woman has never
had an orgasm, and seeks failure. A "normal" woman may believe she has had an
orgasm, and may simply believe sex to be underrated. It is not, it is simply
not understood. We expect sex to be a sensation of satiation in the senses,
yet sanitize our sensibility from submission. Sex must reach the little death
of orgasm, where the I dies, and the psyche flees up to the heaven of release,
and, in the mystic ethers, enters a spiritual union with the soul of the woman
with whom you are embraced. Pain and drugs can also free the psyche from the
"sex of the mind" (D.H. Laurence, I believe), and vampirism can unify the
souls in a fluidic flux of the "embrace." Orgasm, in its pure, almost asexual
state may achieve the same goal, and it is the true goal of shamanism. The
will of the magus is the will of the universe because the magus must realize
the microcosm that is his soul, and, in such realization, discover himself to
be a smaller crystal of the universe's will. Only by joining the crystals may
we see the structure that is GOD.
I saw a pre-sunrise sky today, as I stood outside A--'s house, and I must
say that it was incredibly beautiful. I got home before the sun itself rose,
and even through the window it was painful to look at, but the sky was
beautiful. Simply indescribably beautiful in its bouquet of reds and roses and
purples. It is a pity that the sun itself has to ruin the effect.
This is one of the beauties I would not have taken time to notice if not
for A--. I wish it was in my nature to thank her. I wish it was in my nature
to tell her a lot of things, like I think I love her, but, as the song goes,
every time I try to tell her, the words just come out wrong, but it is not in
my nature to say I love her in a song. Just in my damn diary. Maybe I can
write a sappy, idyllic poem.
But no! There is no place in this world for romantic sentimentalism. A
sensualist is not wanted here. I could just spend hours gazing on her body,
but that would be wrong. She is not an object, as exquisite an object de art
she would be. Sorry, I am braiding my train tracks of thought once more. I
will extricate the second first, before it is too far gone.
A-- truly is beautiful, as G-- dramatically testified, but my moral system
wants to close its eyes to the fact. I love to look at her, to feel her touch,
and have her feel mine. I would love to go shopping at one of the posh shops
at the Arboretum that M--- and G-- and I walked past today, even though I could
probably not get in, let alone have the money to legally get the dresses out,
just because I appreciate women's fashions, and the sensual, though not
necessarily sexual, aesthetic beauty inherent within, and because I could
appreciate the view of seeing A-- try them on. Society would call me a
deviant. Hate me hurt me beat me kill me, I am one. I am a sensualist, a
romantic, in a world that was so dazzled by the enlightenment that it allowed
its beauty to be lost in the garish fluorescent lights. We in the shadows
hide from the light, but because the shadow of deception makes all so much more
beautiful than the light of knowledge. Paul warned to worship the creator, not
the creation, much as Philo did. Our society's disorganized technocracy based
on the worship of the hierarchy into which they chain themselves is the most
abhorrent abhorrence imaginable.
There is nothing the society hates more than its Artists, for it shows how
unfeeling the rest have become.
To revive a past topic, because my words went away from my will, I believe
pain to be every bit as erotic as sexual contact. Of course, society tells us
pain is bad, because pain tells us we are being hurt. When we realize that
pain is not always a necessary alarm, we may feel it as a sensation, not an
alert. I think it is every bit as beautiful that I can feel pain as that I can
feel pleasure. As Crowley says in one of Robert Anton Wilson's texts, all
sensation is simply filtered through the brain, so why should it not register
as beautiful. I can feel! I have life! This should be all the feeling we
humans notice. Why do we hide behind our masques of how our "pain" connections
warn us that we are being "hurt". A lover would not hurt you, and you must
trust or you will hurt yourself more. You will suffocate and die as your blood
turns to poison and kills every tissue of your being.
Well, I've written too much once again, and I think I shall end now. I am
just making myself as depressed as I can get, being with A--, even if it is
only in memory and in hopes. I am always on the edge of believing she will
decide I'm too weird, or too scary, or I hurt her too much, or whatever, and
what I have will be gone. My self hatred is only surpassed by my expectations
of how much others must hate me.
I know myself too well. I need separate vacations, before I drive all of
me crazy.