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-===( The Scrolls of Serenia issue :2: )===================================-
...An OnGoing Anthology... +----- - --+
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-===( Editorial by Warlock )==============================================-
Now you've done it. You've gone and read the meager first issue of
some new story-zine named The Scrolls of Serenia and you said, "Dah!
this'll never last!" See, now you've done it.
And thus Warlock brought for the SoS! Not one, No-hoho! but TWO!
Egads Man.
Yes, even though I had doubts that SoS wouldn't live to see another
issue, the response (although it itself was small) was that it was
atleast a good idea, and a great start under the circumstances. Hope-
fully into the next issue we should be seeing some new writers, but
like I said, _HOPEfully_.
This month's ascii was drawn by belial of Avalon in an old netspiel
style, or so I'm told. So, in the words of belial, "donuts are good!"
I mean, let's get on with the stories already...
-=====( creation.two.of.three. )===========================================-
::A second reading from the Book of T‰lk::
And thus Geldrion sent from the heavens a cheurgion, a messenger
of the angels, to search out a wielder who would hold the great
power and banish the evil that was Neim, should Serenia be peace-
ful once again.
When the cheurgion descended from the Heavans, she could see all
that was good and all that was evil, and at first, this was all
she saw. The messenger's first encounter with the children of
Geldrion had greeted the bluntness of her appearance with fire
from the pits of Neim's realm, which even the messenger of the
mighty Lord of Makers, Geldrion, had never seen. In the last
event, luckily, an unlikely candidate averted the master of the
Neim fire and saved her.
Neim himself received word of the messenger, knowing the angel's
true purpose. He must have the power that the angel had to give,
and thus he gave bounty for the death of the messenger.
After her encounter in the forest with the mage, the angel took
rest in a far part of the forest, during that time she learned
much about life and this world, Geldrion's Creation. As the days
past, the angel began to understand why the Creation must be
saved from the evil that is Neim, and she ultimately began to
care for the Creation. After, she gathered herself and moved
Coming to a city near the edge of the forest, she donned a
hooded cloak and entered before sundown. She could feel the
presence of the wielder of which she sought.
Little did she know that the evil Initiates of Neim were
following her, waiting not only for the moment to present itself
for the kill of the angel, for their master knew too well that
if one angel could be sent, more and yet more after could be
sent. No, they waited for the moment of which the wielder would
be revealed. Then, in one foul swoop could they finish
Geldrion's attempts at a saving of Serenia.
But it didn't quite work out that way...
<+--| creation :3: Next issue! |--+>
-===( reyhan.part.two. )====================================================-
__ __ --+> TwO è pArt I <+--
| | /
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|__|\_|asimir curled and backed away from the magnificent ball
of light that had descended and paused a mere few feet above
where he was laying. Just then, a figure became apparent in
the ball of light, arms extended, legs outstretched and tight
together. It was an angel from heaven, I thought, it must've
been; what else was it?
In the all the comotion, with all the thunder and lightning
going on, I silently crept down the tree and ducked behind a
bush on the outskirt of the clearing.
I suddenly became aware that it was raining softly, and
the cold that had been had gone and a heaven-like warmth
replaced it. I pulled the hood of my cloak over above my head
and wrapped it around me to shield off the rain.
Being recently awaken from my sleep, I had just then began to
soak in all that had happened up until this point when the ball
of light and the being inside lowered into the clearing and
The magnificent ball of light that came from the heavens had
completely taken my mind off of my initial target, which was now
drawing some sort of circle around himself with rocks into the
dirt. He then stood, and stepped into the circle, raising his
arms and closing his eyes. At this point, little caught my
The ball of light, after what seemed like eternal moments of
hovering wrought a tremendous flash of light which had been an
awesome sight in the rainfall and surrounding darkness. For
those moments that I sat there behind that bush, I looked into
the clearing, and it seemed so odd to me that the light's
reflection on the rain was like delightful rainbows...
I shook myself back into reality, fighting off these
light-hearted feelings once again getting into my killer's mind-
set. I ignored the rain and looked back out into the clearing,
wondering what I would find next. I saw a woman surrounded by
a lesser light, or more of a glow, approaching Kasimir with a
wonderous broadsword in her left hand and a short sword in her
right. I also noticed, and of course I wasn't sure as to why,
Kasimir was still poised in the center of his circle.
This woman.. this angel, as she seemed to be, continued towards
Kasimir, and the thought occured to me: `wait, _I'M_ supposed to
kill him. I've got to get a better handle on my situations from
now on...'
Even as I thought of a counter-measure, and the angel moved ever
closer to Kasimir, he brought his hands together and threw
hell's fire from his hands!
I had to act. Do something, and I did. I looked up at the angel,
whose eyes had began to glow a beautiful white light unlike all
of the previous lights I had seen this night. She looked up at
Kasimir and greeted a mighty blast of hellfire of which the
likes I had never dreamt of.
My dreadlocks fell over into my face, and I tucked them back
into the hood of my cloak. I gave a small smirk as I saw my
chance to be rid of Kasimir and hopefully this "good and evil"
I pulled a dagger from the inside of my cloak, and then slowly
put it back; I realized that I had took too many chances already
during this hunt, and that now was the time for some hand-to-er,
whatever combat. I reached deep into my cloak to the short sword
that I had strapped tight to my back, sliding the blade gently
out. I kept the blade close to the ground; a slight glint of
light catching it could make me instantly recognized.
Kasimir, still flinging balls of fire and the like, forced the
angel into the far corner of the clearing, thus leaving his back-
side uncovered and apparently open to attack. The pig, not able
to maneuver well, decided he had fought enough and held off the
angel with small, seemingly simple spells from which he flung
from his right hand while he tried to conjure something else on
the side.
I didn't know what exactly he was doing, but I had to do this
before he destroyed everything in the forest _except_ for the
angel (which at this point was taken back only by the sudden
rash of Kasimir's attacks). I grabbed my sword and dove over the
bushes, charging at Kasimir. I guess I felt sorry enough for the
angel that I had to do something, but I soon realized I was mad.
I ran swiftly towards the fat man as he conjured a passage into
the air itself, drawing his attention. He prepared to jump into
the passage, and the angel quickly gathered herself and went
after Kasimir as well.
--+> TwO è pArt II <+--
|__ __|
__| |__
|_______| dove, sword first, at and into Kasimir as he went into
the passage, falling into it with him. I fell into the abyss
behind Kasimir, and finally we hit ground. I looked around and
stood up, noticing that it was not ground, nor was it the
clearing in the Andrion forest, it was nothing. I decided to
stop being surprised and surveyed my surroundings. Kasimir lay
there on the nothingness, not dead, but heavily exhausted. All
of the recent happenings must've been draining for him,
mentally and, well obviously physically.
As I bent over him to examine him, I failed to notice the small
portal opening above me. Kasimir opened his eyes, and weakly
grasped out to me, trying desperately to stop what he knew what
was coming. I couldn't immediately find my short sword, but that
was fine, a dagger should serve its purpose at this point. So I
pulled the dagger from my cloak, which I threw back over my
shoulder, hardly noticing that the angel began to descend
through the portal which had been opening.
Kasimir's eyes glossed and grew wide. Life sprang into him and
using the time I gave him gloating over my victory, he sent
forth a final blast of fire, sending me up towards the portal,
into the angel and back into the clearing. I flew out into the
clearing to the soft earth and layed there, dying, charred and
lifeless. I tried to stay conscious while I could, and all I
could see was the light of the angel, and I thought mad
thoughts, thoughts of all the death I had seen, the pain I now
realized I had caused, and everyone I had known, and how did I
end up doing this for a living?
My thoughts helped me to begin my drift into unconsciousness and
death until the angel, which I had forgot was still there with
me, bent over and lifted me up, kissed me and then layed me back
down onto the ground. I then drifted off to sleep, not death,
only to awake the next morning in better health than I had been,
and a pure-white feather on my chest. In the most indirect of
ways, I saved Kasimir and myself, yet I'd like another chance at
finishing him.
I gathered myself, and made my way to Andrion where I stayed for
a while and even made some honest money, for once.
I knew my peace wouldn't last long. My life became more and yet
more anarchic as the next days played their parts...
|__ __| --+> TwO è pArt III <+--
_| |_
|______|t was no less than a month after my "encounter" in the forest,
and at that point my nerves had calmed along with my lifestyle.
I made a living the past month aiding an ill friend by running
his blacksmith's in the square of the city of Andrion. Never
before had I noticed actually how the air of a city changes and
lightens until I actually took the time to pay attention to it.
The city was truly awesome, the people could use some work, but
the city as a whole was beautiful.
Today, however, my friend whose shop I had been tending to
during his illness decided to come in and keep me company. My
friend T‰lken was, of all people I've known, the
After closing, and minding the weather, we walked west down
the main road towards the Sheolton Forest to watch the sun set
and, for myself, to reflect on my life and whatever else I
happened upon in my wandering of thoughts.
We stood at the town gates, my thoughts wandering as the last of
the berry-gatherers, hunters and the like made their final trips
back into the city for the evening.
Then, almost unnoticed, one man, about my height, thin, almost
woman-like, dressed in a cloak that covered his entire body,
made his way into the city. Not far behind, three men dressed
in the same style of cloak as the first made their way into
the city within a close crowd of commoners.
I initially wouldnt've noticed any of them, but the gates had
began to close, and the cranking of the chains startled me, so I
spun around and quickly made my way back into the city. After
noticing them, I motioned to T‰lk the men and wondered what
could be going on.
I began to follow after them, more out of instinct than
interest, and the three men that followed the first began to
close in on him and my interest began to spark, the hunters
and the hunted. This had became an obvious trap. Then T‰lk
put his hand on my shoulder and said, "I thought we left that
life behind us, eh?"
Hmph. I wasn't about to leave this one alone. Yeah, I thought I
was done with this type of lifestyle, and sure me and T‰lk've
been on many journeys and hunts before, but no one every changes
completely. I told T‰lken that I was only trying to prevent a
dangerous situation that was about to errupt, but he didn't buy
it. Although that wasn't my first intention, it was somewhere on
the list. I told him to trust me, and to come on, because I
might've needed his help for what I was gonna try.
He was weak, but in full strength he was _very_ dangerous in a
fight. I wasn't sure if I should rely on my instincts, they were
rusty, but I had to help this guy, if not just find out what's
going on.
Then, the three men ripped off their cloaks to reveal dark red
and black coats and they announced to the first man and to
anyone who cared to listen, "You there! By the order of Neim, he
who controls all in Serenia, stay where you are and lay on the
The first man, the hunted, froze in place. Not a scared type of
frozen, he just stopped moving. Then, another odd occurence I
wasn't prepared for happened.
The three Initiates of Neim, as they called themselves, pulled
thus from their hilts swords and one pulled a bow and arrow. At
this point, T‰lk decided to follow me. We rushed to stop the
Initiates, me drawing my short sword, and T‰lk drawing his
dagger, and we took out two of the men without a problem. The
one who had the bow and arrow, however, found his way out of the
fray, and began to aim his arrow. I, being occupied with the
other two, had failed to notice both the fact that the first man
was still frozen, and that T‰lken had been running toward him,
obviously knowing about the arrow.
T‰lk ran, dagger in hand, towards the first, still cloaked,
still frozen man, and jumped in front of him, throwing the
dagger in the air, as the Initiate let his bow sing.
The dagger...
Flew swiftly and connected with the front-side of the man's
The arrow...
Flew through the air and into the chest of T‰lken.
The first man...
From under his hood there could be seen a soft glow which grew
until it became a blinding light. The cloak was dropped and a
loud scream could be heard despite the loss of sight. When the
light died down, there stood my angel. A tear was in her eye
and everyone who had been watching, the Initiates, and myself
were dumbfounded, as the angel kneeled down beside T‰lk, picking
his head up and laying it in her lap.
The angel, still silent, said nothing, but all around could
feel, well, feel something. I don't think anyone knew what
exactly was going on. The onlookers were just now coming into a
realization of the past events, and I was still frozen in
combat, with my hand around the neck of one of the Initiates.
The angel looked down at T‰lk, and a bright realization came
into her eyes, clearing the tears. She looked up into the sky,
and, in the setting sun of that cool fall's day, an even
brighter light shone down into the town square of Andrion, my
angel became one with my friend T‰lk, and after the light died
away, only T‰lken and I were left laying in the square. The
peasants had been on with their work as if nothing had happened.
The Initiates were not at all present, they had disapeared.
I stood and carried T‰lk, who had passed out sometime after his
joining with the angel. Obviously, and especially because of his
previous illness, the earlier events had exhausted his
already-weak body.
Once I had T‰lken home and in bed, he began to mumble things in
his sleep. Odd things about a mission, destiny, and many
agreements; many of which included "yes, I understand," and "I
am to take Reyhan?," and at the point he said that, my interest
was sparked, and thinks just went downhill from there...
<+--| Reyhan :3: Next issue! |--+>
-===( natural wonders.part.two )============================================-
I woke up later that night in the alley next to the bar.
Apparently the bar owner grew tired of seeing me sitting there
drunk and decided to throw me out.
Happens all the time.
Ah well. So, about this book...
Like I said, I woke up slobering on it, and after that... uhm,
after that I can't remember. Oh yeah, I woke up here. I'll be
fine in a minute, I just hafta let this post-drunk feeling pass,
holon a sec....
Now, where was I? Oh yeah, this book. Here, let's take a look at
it. Flipping through, it seems obvious that I can't read or make
out any of it. It's blank. And I don't mean dirty, unreadable
blank, I mean jet-clean, brand new pages blank.
Hmph. Oh wait, I forgot, around the edges there's a black strip
of ink. Otherwise, it's blank. sorry.
Useless book. The sun's starting to go down, and these alleys
aren't the most pleasant places to be hanging out at night, so
I'm just gonna... what the f*^$? What the hell was that? I
could've sworn I just saw something over there in the corner.
"thE bOOk."
What the hell?
"gIvE mE thE bOOk..."
Nah, nah, this is _TOO_ fucked up, I'm out...
I turn to run, but there's no more exit. Where the alleyway
ended, it doesn't anymore. I turn back around, and there's this
short guy in a robe standing in front of the exit to the alley.
"oh shit." was all I could say. I was thoroughly amazed, so I
said it again.
The old guy held out a robed arm with no hand and repeated
himself, this time more insistent.
"thE bOOk, _nOw_." The more insistent he became, the more intent
I became about keeping it. Obviously there was something about
this that he wanted that I couldn't plainly _give_ away. Now it
was time to run, even if I had to knock this guy over to do it.
And I tried. Really. I tried to run, and my feet couldn't move.
When I looked down, all I could see was darkness about where my
ankles were. I looked at the book in my hand, and the insignia
on the cover seemed to be glowing.
Frantically I opened the book, and the black ink that had lined
the pages slowly moved and wriggled into places and eventually
words. Once the ink had moved into words, I felt forced to drop
the book, and then I myself fell over. I opened my eyes and
noticed the sun rising, not setting, and also that I was no more
in the alley, but in a clearing somewhere where I wasn't
I was tired of all these going-ons, "What now? oh god, not
"Yes? And what again?"
<+--| natural wonders :3: Next issue! |--+>
-===( watts rong wif mah spellen?)==========================================-
Ô( last words )================¾
Now don't you feel better? I'm sure that first adrenaline rush I
gave you was just too much to just leave you hanging there
waiting for another injection and so I wrote you a WHOLE `nother
issue, don't you feel special.
Well, the mighty, mighty bells and ringing things in my head
tell me its time to sleep, so good night all, and uhm, donuts
are _good_.
Oh goody! Here's a little non-SoS related short by (you can see
this coming, can't you?) Warlock...
-===( tha zomething! )=====================================================-
"See there was this thing, right."
"What thing."
"LISTEN Bobby!."
"ok, a thing."
"Right, and the thing, right, it had things. Like this, that
flapped, real skinny thin black things, and the things head
bobbed back and forth real hard, like it had a neck of steel!"
"the thing right?"
"yeah yeah, the thing."
"hm. oooooo-kay."
"yeah yeah, and, ...hehe, this is where it gets cool... it swung
its arms around like a wild something-er-other and it yelled,
`WOOOOOO-HA! WOOOO-HA! I gotchoowall-lincheck!' over and over!"
"WoW! What was it?"
"i dunno, some Thing."
"oh. ok. I gotta go Billy. bye."
"goodnight. Don't let the somethings WOO-HA-ya ta death."
"You laugh, but it happens... Freaky shit man... freaky shit..."
===( eof!#@ )============================================================