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ISSuE 16. VOLuME 1
- Kingdom, Phylum, Class -
- Order, Family -
- Genus, & Species -
> EDiTED BY NO COURiER ú WWiVNET 2506@36 <
The opinions, views, ideals, and tasty canned soup recipes expressed in this
T/FiLE are expressed without intention of execution. The authors, editors, and
contributers to this file, as well as all of the K-RAD/[PuD], áçá, PGA, and œrš
members, assume absolutely ¯N0® liability for you personal stupidity.
Thank you.
þLook! I spelled "YOUR" wrong on line 29 in the disclaimer in the last 6
issues! Followed by "personal stupidity". Please exuse this, as I am a lame
bastard inbred phreak.
I would just like to say, that I, Benie, am one lame peice of inbred shit,
and the shit about bombs that I fed everyone was fucking bullshit. The bit
about taking the brake wires and shoving them into the gas tank won't work.
almost 99% of the time, the wires won't come out that far. Shows how much
I know. I would just like to say that I love WWiV net because it is so
swass and cool (It sucks hardcore dick) but my lameness leads me to believe
it's worth shit.
Benie here!(cool handle, eh?) I phuck my mom every night. She's getting
kind of old, but I still enjoy it...it's the only pussy I can get. We don't
have HBO out here in he-haw land, so I have nothing to beat off too. Besides,
mom is usually free anyway.
Well, this is my life. I sit on my ass writing stupid text files that
nobody reads. I(BEnie[No Courier]) have no life outside of the BBS world,
and even in the BBS world I am widely disliked. Every once-in-a-while,
Phuckanoid will come over to the barn and suck my cock, but he makes me
take a bath first(which I hate). I have no friends at school, which kind
of sucks. I sit alone at lunch, and I have nobody to talk to. That's ok, as
long as I have Baphomet(Which, by the way, is a handle that is already used
by a REAL hacker in Dallas, and he took the name way before Chris even had
any idea what DOS was). I really don't mind not having a life, because I just
spend my Fridays writing outdated stupid text files.
Today, we will discuss BIOS(non-direct) screen writes in DOS 1.0 and GWBASIC
ver 2.3
Boot your XT and put in the 360k disk that came with DOS that says GWBASIC
BASIC interperater. At the A:\>, type GWBASIC<ENTER>.
about two hours of noisy disk access, it will clear the Monochrome monitor,
and give you a curor. Now, the real hard stuff. Type in this code:
Press ENTER and type RUN. The next line will contain your non-direct BIOS
screen write! This is quite usefull, and very cool. It can also be done from
DOS (Disk Operating System). Still in BASIC, type SYSTEM<ENTER>
at the A:\> prompt, type ECHO HI! I SUCK!. Just as before, the next line
will contain your Non-direct screen write. This is amasing material
for me, as I am a deformed inbred.
This concludes our awsome textfile!
þþþ "Betamax is coming back!" þþþ |