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Û PUD: Pizza Underground Digest. Û Feb. 22 1993 Û
Û Issue 7, Volume 1, Chapter 1, Epic 1. ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ
"The future looks so bright I gotta wear bell-bottoms."
- John Travolta.
þ Mail
Yes there still is no mail. Damn. Maybe we should wait more than one
day before we release 7 issues. Qouting NO COURiER, " Were just turning
them out almost as fast as my sister turns out men." Of course that isn't
a direct qoute. Well since there is no mail, I guess I have to make up
some again. Remember the rules? Play along.
From: Concerened modem lamer
To : Baphomet the Limbo King
This letter is in respone to PUD 4 and 5 which seemed to be of a much
higher drivel content that issue 2. This offends me and it retaliation
I shall destroy you and all who oppose me you shall all bow before me.
So be prepaired to die.
Gee how come we get no mail like that? I kinda like a self-assertive
lamer. Not only are they fun to pick on but they fight back. Joy.
þ Happiness.
Is a warm gun, bang, bang, shoot, shoot.
þ Why cyberpunks reak.
First of all they enjoy wearing cow-asses all over thier body. That's
leather for you nothern lamers. They seem to enjoy writhing around in
small computer rooms in front of sorry-ass attempt at an IBM compatible,
usually a tandy with that dandy c00l 3 voice internal speaker and that
incredible 122x133x12color resoloution. What else? They are satisfied
with a little internet access and a lame ass job. They reak.
þ The Square egg.
The secret of the Krystal Sunriser[tm].
þ Triple-hydro-thermal-nucluer-war heads.
Otherwise known as Krystals. Or yet again a correction for you
northern lamers, White Castle. They are good. But only if certain eating
criteria are met. First you must be drunk, real drunk, so drunk that a
date with any member of the Brady Bunch seems appealing, we all know how
hot Alice looks in those mauve dresses after four or five margeritta's.
Control. It is extremely easy to go into the establishment and order 40
or so when your are drunk. Refrain. 15 at the most, you don't want to
blow your triple secret cover. The final requirement it must be after
3 or 4 in the morning and before 5:30. If you meet these simple steps
then an enjoyable meal will be yours.
Well I was bored. Sue me.
þ Four greates bands of all time.
These are in no particular order.
Led Zepplin.
Billy and the Boingers.
Pink Floyd.
Guess which is number one.
þ SeNt aNy tHiNg YEt?
þ Intro.
Actually this is the closing, I guess I lied.
Sorry about my in-ability to be rude I am just in a good mode. Give
me a few hours.
þ Support BBS's:
See Line -4 for info.
þ Mail.
I am to tired to put in the mailing lists. So go look at another
þþþ End of PUD 1,7: "Take me to funky town..." þþþ