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Û PUD: Pizza Underground Digest. Û Feb. 22 1993 Û
Û Issue 3, Volume 1, Chapter 1, Epic 1. ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ
"If I were a tree I would be big and brown."
- Hilary Clinton
þ Mail
Gee still no mail maybe I should wait a while before making a new
copy. Naw that wouldn't be any phun[I'm sorry]. Besides who wants to
have a once a day periodical when you can have 3 or 4 a day. Who? But
if you are reading this, you are obviously twisted and warped or you
have nothing better to do with your time. Either way enjoy and send in
you mail.
þ This issue.
Is written out of extreme boredom. Therefore please act like you
aren't reading it.
þ H0T NeW WaReZ.
Not to crack or anything. Or be a warez freak. But when I log onto a
a BBS that has an elite section and PC-Lemmings is thier new elite shit.
Well I have to laugh, hard. Almost as hard as when I laugh at tradewars
þ Which brings me to that shitty game, TradeWars.
I once had a trade wars player tell me that it took great skill, luck
and imagination to play TW. Skill. Yes I guess hitting all those numbers
and remembering such complex commands as [q]uit are pretty damn tough.
Luck, well I have nothing to say to that. Imagination. I agree with him,
because if some one can sit and play a two-dimensioned space game for
hours on end, they must have a hell of a lot of imagination to make it
fun. But hey maybe I am giving the users too much credit. Maybe they just
love the game for what it is. I mean them being utter idiots and all it
probably is very enjoyable to them.
þ BBS hours, other than 24.
The same fiend who started the whole PUD joke now runs two BBS's. One
at his house called the Hog louse, oops, Log House BBS. The one at his
house runs a certain schedule every day. From like 3:45 to 3:47 and then
again from 11:34 to 11:41. Now what is offensive about this? I mean other
than the obvious? He wants people to give him money. What does he offer
to paid users? Extended hours. From like 11:21 to 11:41, wow. I hate him.
þ Virii.
Are not all bad, some of the best programmers in the world write
virii. They are very good learning tools for ASM. Of course you could
always go out and write your own BBS in quickbasic. Gee that would suck.
þ Closing.
Send in mail, no matter what the content we will include it.
þ Mail
Baphomet the Limbo King WWIVNET 2506@14
þ Support boards:
The Hog Louse BBS (t0e)Lit-eFo-you
þþþ End of PUD 1:3, "Lakeside park, so many memories..." þþþ