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Û PUD: Pizza Underground Digest. Û Feb. 22 1993 Û
Û Issue 2, Volume 1, Chapter 1, Epic 1. ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ
" A Big man walked into a store and ordered a brandy."
þ Mail Section.
Well seeing how I just wrote the first issue there is no repsonse
yet. Darn. Shucks. Too bad. SO I guess I will make some up, just play
From: Old Closed Headed Person
To : Baphomet the Limbo King
I found the lesbian reference in the first issue HIGHLY offensive.
if this does not stop, I shall form a group called DAPCUG to ward off
little evil doers like yourself.
Of course it's obvious I made that up, but that is the exact type of
message I expect from most of the local people who will read this.
þ That crazy, go-happy-lucky town, HuntsVegas.
VBBS. That is the first thing that comes to your mind when making
your way through this modem hell. The second, Lamers. They abound here
obviously re-producing at a rate that would have the almost any rabbit
turn green with envy. The third thought? Well it depends. It could be a
number of things but it doesn't really matter, huntsville sucks. The
few quality people there just aren't enough to bring up the average.
To prove my point here is a little story. The names have been changed
to protect all involved.
It was a nice day when a certain sysop, Acoustic Saint decided to
take his board down. The reasons where his and do not need to be
repeated here. But when he took his board down he made sure to
leave a long story of what DID not happen to his board. And fore-
most he listed that a virus did not HARM his board in anyway. But
what do you know, the talk all over that fine town was of how a
virus took him down. And certain people, oh like, um, shadow geek
would even argue the fact with you. To bad the all couldn't read
the letter on his board. Yhea stupidity wins again.
That was but a mere sampling of the rampant lameness that flows
through this mighty city called, huntsvegas.
þ VNET, that fine, fine, fine message net.
That is of course if rampant lies, travesties and idiots are fun to
you and they could be. But how? You beg does one have fun on VNET? Well
easy I reply with simple messages. Messages? How? Oh just things like
"Damn VBBS sucks" is assured to get you at least 15 messages in reply.
But VNET is so much fun you don't even have to really crack on it to
offend it's particpants, I mean afterall they are the rejects of all
other nets. Usually just a mild statement about QuickBasic will piss
them off greatly, oh well.
þ Death.
It happens. Too fucking bad.
þ Mail? Hate or otherwise address it to:
Baphomet the Limbo King WWIVNET 2506@14
þ Support Boards
See Line 93.
þþþ End of PUD 1:2, "The dog growled in a mean tone, I shot it. Oops." þþþ