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Û PUD: Pizza Underground Digest. Û Feb. 22 1993 Û
Û Issue 1, Volume 1, Chapter 1, Epic 1. ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ
"You suck. Everything about you sucks. Get over it."
þ PUD. Why?
Why not is much more the case. PUD was a rude joke about a certain
local sysop. He was rank. He didn't know anything but was assured he
knew everything. His most famous exploit other than locking a bunch of
people out of his board over a little misunderstanding, honest we didn't
mean to give so many people sysop access, was his PIZZA.TXT. It would
probably be the most vile thing you have ever seen, that is why I refrain
from posting such a travesty here. Other reasons? Well NO COURiER and I
were reading a bunch of newsletters from a group called, BLaH. Imagine my
amazement to see a group of individuals as rude and uncouth as NO COURiER
and I. Well joining them was the first thought on both of our minds, but
why join when you can just start up your own little LaMeR publication.
þ WaReZ. How to get them.
Somewhere else you damn lamer. Warez have no place here. This is a
forum for public bashing of all topics. No matter what.
þ Conspiracy.
Your line is tapped. The FBI watches you constantly. Of course this
only applies if you run a really big, 20megz!, 2400 baud, 2 day ware
board. If so, watch out they are after you.
þ Topics.
Topics to discuss. Anything and Everything. If something bothers you
then send mail to NO COURiER or I and we will include your grievance in
the next issue, that is of course if we like you. If not well that is
just to bad for you isn't it. Stories, Poetry. Well why not all damn
little mock publications like this have them, so send your in. It will
get put here.
þ Pizza.
Emm-hmmm. Send in those recipes.
þ Rules.
Rule number one. No public thrashing of VBBS. There are no bbs
packages as well put together as this fine piece of QuickBasic coding.
If you crack on here you will be publibly humiliated.
þ Lies.
The above was a complete and utter lie. VBBS sucks. Worse than you.
there is nothing lower than VBBS. Except maybe a typical VBBS sysop.
Gee, I hope that didn't offend you because if it did, too fucking bad.
QuickBasic sucks. "But the VBBS comm routines are in ASM!" SO what!?
The bbs still is slow, pathetic and well worse than anything mankind
will ever see next to Delta Burke and Rosanne bar in a lesbian scene.
þ Coming soon.
Since both NO COURiER and I liked BLaH so much look for a format
sort-a like it had. In other words, any where from one to five issues
a day. On what? Whatever. But all letters will be greatly appreciated.
Why? Because we value losers like yourself and your sad-ass input. What
do you say when you write in? Whatever in the fuck you feel like. It
doesn't matter crack on me, crack on the US goverment crack on a
<BLANK>. Just as long as it is though-provoking, well as long as it is
more than one word.
þ How to get in touch:
Baphomet the Limbo King WWIVNET 2506@14
þ Support Boards.
See line 32.
þþþ End of PUD 1:1, "Remember drinks aren't always cold." þþþ