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P/HUN Newsletter #1
Contents 13 articles + Introduction
Released : September 30th 1988
Phile 1.1 of 1.14
| Phreakers Hackers Underground Network |
| Newsletter #1 |
Welcome to the P/HUN newsletter #1.P/HUN is a free newsletter dedicated to
inform on subjects as Defeating computer security / Various aspects of
Telecommunication/Cable/Radio/and offcourse Pyromania
P/HUN will come out at approximately every three months.Our next issue will
be out somewhere in December.Anyone can write for our newsletter
We will not be held responsible for any articles that are printed.If
you have questions and/or comments on any particular article(s) please
contact the appropriate writer.
If you have anything to sell (Phreak/Hack/Cable related ONLY!!) upload
your ad and it will be printed in the next issue.
Hackers Den88
"P/HUN Newsletter Headquarters"
Open 24 hrs
Upload your article there and it'll be printed in the forecoming issue if
** Note **
In the next issue we would like to see some good articles on Pyro and Cable.
Your Submittions will be highly appreciated.
We wish to thank everyone who has submitted their article to
make this issue possible and a special thanks to all members P/HUN
If anyone would like to see an article on any specific subject please
leave us your feedback at the Hackers Den-88
Please distribute this article freely.
We are proud to say that we have recently opened a P/HUN oriented BBS
Open 24 hrs
Also give these fine Hack/Phreak related boards a call:
Phoenix Project - (512)7548182 * Eyes Only BBS - (516)9797312
The Junkyard BBS - (516)9327394 * Genesis Project- (212)9311428/ 6pm-10am
Phun Phone Co. - (718)6459158 * The Edge - (718)6318135
Pacific Alliance - (818)2805710 * The Alternate Universe - (718)3260720
Rougues Gallery - (516)3619846 * The Central Office - (914)2343260
Phantoms Quarters (718)9617233 * Phantoms Quarters ][ - (718)9397538
Iron Curtain - (301)8435052 * AT-TEL 16 Bit - (812)4462881
In the next issue we plan to have a list of all Phreak/Hack related Boards
around the country.If you want your board to be added to the list ,please
contact us at the Hackers Den88.
Editor & President
Red Knight
Hackers Den-88
SysOps may use this newsletter so long as it has "not" been altered in anyway
1.1 - Introduction --> By: Red Knight
1.2 - Fundamentels on UNIX Passwords --> By: Mr. Slippery
1.3 - Electronic funds transfer systems --> By: The Line Breaker
1.4 - Dialups --> By: Cyfer
1.5 - Telenet Access Numbers --> By: DareDevil
1.6 - Hacker menace and electronic bulletin boards --> By: Code Cracker
1.7 - Federal Black Pages --> By: The Line Breaker
1.8 - Red & Green Boxes revived --> By: The Pink Panther
1.9 - A Notice to all Phreakers --> By: The Jedi
1.10 - An introduction to Diverters --> By: Larry P.
1.11 - The Mf2 U.K Signalling System --> By: The Key
1.12 - List of Dutch & Belgium BBS'es --> By: The Key
1.13 - The Paper Clip Method --> By: Master Mind
1.14 - The SL-1ST PABX --> By: Red Knight
Phile 1.2 of 1.14
Fundamentals of UNIX passwords
By: Mr. Slippery
I will answer the following questions:
What are good passwords? What are bad passwords? Why does UNIX
system V require 6 character passwords with funny characters?
How long would it take to break ANY 6 character password.
In 1981, Rober Morris and Ken Thompson wrote up their findings about
passwords. The document is called "Password Security - A Case History"
and is present in the documentation for some versions of UNIX.
They did a survey of various systems ands found that out of 3,289
passwords 15 were a single character, 72 were 2 characters long,
464 were 3 chars, 477 where 4 alphanumeric, 706 were 5 letters,
605 were 6 letters, all lower case and 492 appeared in various
dictionaries. 86% of the passwords were thus easily breakable if
you have a password hacker and access to the password file. This
is why UNIX V requires a minimum 6 characters some of which must
not be letters.
The article also said that some "good" things to try are dictionary
entries with the words spelled backwards, list of first names, last
names, street names, city names, (try with an inital upper case
letter as well), valid license plate numbers in your state, room
numbers, telephone numbers and the like.
Some others have suggested that people use woman's names (with a
trailing digit), their logins repeated or massaged (login abc,
password abcabc, cbacba), anything in the "GECOS" (comment) field of
the password file and anything significant that you know about the
person (their kid's name).
But what about trying every possible password? How long would it take?
The article had some numbers based on a PDP 11/70. It showed that 6
character passwords were too hard to break by exhaustive search if
someone was forced to use more than just letters and numbers. Using
all 95 printable characters, it would take a PDP 11/70 about 33 years
to try all of them. BUT TIMES ARE CHANGING. One fine weekend I tried
the same experiement with a modern 25MHz computer. From 33 have access to a mainframe or cray, it could
be a matter of days or weeks to break a password.
Of course, this is not something that would go unnoticed. Using up all
the resources of a CRAY would show up but over a long weekend, who
knows? If people are paying attention to the system activity (sar)
they will notice that you've used up all the system resources and
start asking potentially embarresing questions.
If you have a bunch of friends to help and divide up the job,
it could be a lot faster. Naturally though, it has to be worth your
time and effort. Someone running Xenix or MINIX on a PC is hardly
worth the effort.
And if the person was using 7 or 8 character passwords it would take
just too long.
If you examine the password encryptation method that UNIX uses, you
will notice that a 'salt' is used. This can have 4K (4,096 for the
uninitiated) values so generating every possible password IN ADVANCE
would take 4K times whatever the time required so its not worth the
attempt either.
How long will the 'door' be open? This fact that people are getting
better and better at guessing passwords in not lost on all concerned.
AT&T has put something called "password shadowing" in their latest
release (V.3.2). Basically what they did is to make the password file
unreadable by anyone but root. This stops people from taking the
password file to another machine and working on it at leasure. SUN and
IBM are doing similar things (hang around USENIX/Uniforum when the
shows come to your town to see what they are up to).
Well, what is this all leading up to? Are people going to give up
their hobby? Just between you and me, I kind of doubt it. Password
'shadowing' is optional, after all. People will still choose bad
passwords or even no passwords. Many people will not load the lastest
operating systems.
On the other hand, its not only UNIX systems that people choose bad
passwords for. I assume that I could break many hackers and phreaks
passwords on various boards but that would be unfriendly and get me
into trouble, so I won't try :-) (for the novice, this is a smiley
face and means that I'm joking :-( is a frown). Those out there who
are sysops might want to see what people choose for passwords since
I assume we're almost as lazy as other people. Me, I don't use
anything that you could guess except on one board that had trouble
with a special characters!
Writing a password cracker: On UNIX, at least, this is simple assuming
you have access to the 'domestic' version. The 'international' version
has the crypt function deleted. I don't know why they bothered since
all the KGB has to do is visit any one of 10,000 sites with UNIX
source code but I guess the government likes to play "lets pretend".
By the way, in case you are waiting for a nice cheap FAST DES chip to
come out, the UNIX people did not exactly use DES. They diddled it a
bit to stop hardware from making the job too fast.
I assume that the principles I've talked about here apply to other
operating systems. Some are a LOT easier. The earlier versions of the
Pick opthe passwords. All you had
to do was to 'dump' the right 'frame' of disk to see them! I think
that some of the mainframe packages such as RACF or ACF2 don't encrypt
but I'm not 100% sure.
A final thought: one thing to look for in general are assumptions made
a number of years ago that people have not reexamined. Exhaustive
searches of 6 character passwords is just one example. I'm sure there
are others.
Phile 1.3 of 1.14
As a respond from The Master Hacker we have written this g-phile
for those of you are either new or have no knowledge of carding.
This is a 5-part g-phile covering all areas of using a credit
card for carding. Part 1 is mainly a explaintion of how credit
cards go through clearing houses and to the customers statement.
EFTS can broadly be described as computer data collection and relecommunication
techniques that electronically transport information about the movement of
funds between accounts managed by financial institutions.
With the adoption of the MICR (Magnetic Ink Character recognition) stand in
I Think about 1959, the banking industry took the first step toward
facilitating computerized handling of the growing number of checks used
in America. By the 70's paper check processing had reached a level where
more than 37 billion individual pieces of paper moved through the banking
system annually. In 1983 at the present rate of growth, it was anticipated
that this number would reach 55 billion.
Two general approaches are being follwoed in an effort to reduce the
burden of check processing: the elimination of or supplant of check
transactions by electronic messages and the reduction of the physical
transport of paper.
Examples are the installation of automated teller machines (ATMs) by
financial institutions to provide on-line computerized banking
services, the development of automated clearinghouse services (such
as checkless payroll deposits) and telephone bill-paying services
which allow customers to enter bill paying information directly in
electronic form to a bank's computer through Touchtone telephones.
Automated teller machines are unattended computer terminal-type devices
that offer most of the services avaiable from a teller. They
are actived by a customer through the combined use of a plastic card
with a magnetic strip bearing machine readable account
information, and a special secret number known only by the
customer (termed a PIN or personal Identification number).
Among the services offered through these machines are cash
withdrawls, transfers of fbalance inquiry. Although early development of these machines
was restricted to providing off-line cash despensing, almost all
new ATM installations are on-line to the financial institution's
account database.
Automated clearinghouses (ACHs) are regional computer centers
fun for the most part by the federal reserve system and
concentrating thier activities on the processing of
pre-authorized electronic deposits or withdrawls from checking
accounts maintained by financial institutions.
Typical volume in the early 80's was over 11 million electronic
items per month submitted to the ACHs primarily on magnetic tape
for sorting and redistribution. The predominant types of
electronic items processed by the 32 ACHs were military payroll
and social security electronic deposits. Other types of
transactions include withdrawl of funds to pay bills
pre-authorized by the customer for payment. Electronic deposits
or withdrawls destined for a F.I. not served by a specific
regional ACH are transmitted via telecommunications links to the
appropriate regional ACH for local redistribution.
Bill paying by telephone is another popular EFT service designed
to elimate paper check mailing and processing. In its most
basic form, the service involves customer-direct input by a
touchtone telephone to a computer of the data necessaty to
generate electronic withdrawls from a account maintained by the
cusotmer and an electronic deposit to an account maintained by
the billing company. Deposits destined for a company that does
not maintain an account with the customer's bank can be routed
through the local ACH for delivery to an appropriate bank.
Truncation of the physical transport of paper bearing
instructions for the movement of funds between accounts is
another EFT application. For example, efforts to truncate the
flow of checks through the use of image processing techniques
are under development. The thrust of this effort is to create
electronic images of checks at the point of first deposit and to
transmit only these images to the customer or customers's bank.
The national credit card clearing and settlement system are
other examples of such truncation systems. When a customer uses
Visa or Mastercard to make a purchase, he or she normally is not
dealing with a merchant who has an account with the financial
institution that has issued the card. As a result, the evidence
of the completed sale in the past was physically forwarded to
the merchant's contracting bank for credit to the merchant's
account and then on to the card-issuing banl for posting to the
customer's statement. In 1978, national systems were installed
by the two competing bankcard organizations which truncated the
flow of this paper at the merchant's bank of deposit and
forwared only an electronic message to the card issurer for
posting to the cardholders statement. These systems were later
expanded to include worldwide bankcard sales. The system that
supports this electronic transmission fpr Visa cards processes per month during the latter
part of 1985, or approximately 60% of all Visa card sales worldwide.
The Visa system transmits this sales data overnight in a form
which can be directly posted to a customer's descriptive billing
statement through a network linking together 250 Visa bank
processing centers in Europe, Canada, and the U.S. Magnetic
tapes are sent to the balance of Visa banks operating in more
than 125 countries throughout the rest of the world.
As a result of the implemention of these two systems, both
national systems have uniformly adopted cardholder billing
statements which simply list a description of the sale without
including a copy of the sales receipt.
telephone numbers and password format. Gaining access to the
ACH will give to all the information about credit cards needed.
From Person names to expiration dates to issuing banks. We hope
you have found this article intresting.
Phile 1.4 of 1.14
Presented By:
This List of Dialups is for a small portion of the 800 and 950 dialups in
U.S. They were tested on the East coast so you people on the West may not
be able to reach all of these....They code templates listed along with the
Dialups are 70% correct.....It is sometime hard to tell whether you dial a 1
or a 0 or 9 to get an outside line for a particular company so you may have to
experiment with a few of them....The ones with the * beside them mean that that
code template is 100% correct....We know so because we have found valid codes
from them...In future issues we will expand our list....It is very small now
due to the lack of time we have had to find more....So look out for the next
Number Company Code template
1.(800)221-2480 PBX N/A
2.(800)221-8190 RCA Datel 1111, 6 digit code, then who knows
3. 950-0488 ITT N/A
4.(800)327-9488 ITT (800) N/A
5.(800)221-9600 PBX N/A
6.(800)238-1740 N/A N/A
7.(800)251-1435 PBX N/A
8.(800)321-6902 PBX N/A
9.(800)368-5963 N/A 6 digit Code, 0, #
10.(800)437-7010 GCI 8 digit code, 1, #
11.(800)441-0647 PBX 4 digit code, 9, #
12.(800)541-2255 MicroTel N/A
13.(800)547-1784 American Network 6 digit Code, 1, #
14.(800)548-0003 N/A *6 Digit Code, 0, #
15.(800)558-1000 N/A N/A They give a Fake Carrier!
16.(800)877-8000 Sprint 7 digit Code, 1, #
17. 950-1033 Sprint *7 digit Code, 1, # Be Careful!!
18. 950-0537 N/A *6 Digit Code, 1, #
19. 950-, #, 14 Digit Code!! tough one.
20.(800)858-4193 Metro-Fone *7 Digit Code, #
21.(800)843-0698 Allnet??? N/A
22.(800)882-2255 Americall 6 Digit Code, 1, # Fake Carrier
23. 950-0370 N/A 7 Digit Code, 1, #
24. 950-0393 American Pioneer 6 Digit Code, 1, #
25. 950-1088 N/A 6 Digit Code, 1, #
26. 950-1044 Allnet (Regional) *6 Digit Code, 1, #
27. 950-1444 Allnet (National) *9 Digit Code, 1, #
28.(800)237-0384 Tec-Net 5 Digit Code, Then I am lost!
29. 950-0658 N/A 6 Digit Code, 1, #
30. 950-0760 N/A 6 Digit Code, 1, #
31. 950-0835 N/A 6 Digit Code, 1, #
Well That's All for now.....I know they're are alot more 800's out there...
Guess we'll Put them in the next issue! Sorry about All the N/A's Listed....
But some of those templates are hard to get right.....So have Fun...Until Next
Phile 1.5 of 1.14
Telenet Access Numbers
300/1200 2400
AL 205 ANNISTON 236-9711 B
AL 205 BIRMINGHAM 328-2310 251-1885 B
AL 205 DECATUR 355-0206 B
AL 205 DOTHAN 793-5034 B
AL 205 FLORENCE 767-7960 B
AL 205 HUNTSVILLE 539-2281 B
AL 205 MOBILE 432-1680 438-6881 B
AL 205 MONTGOMERY 269-0090 832-4314 B
AL*205 TUSCALOOSA 752-1472 C
AK 907 ANCHORAGE 258-7222 1
AK 907 BARROW 852-2425 1
AK 907 BETHEL 543-2411 1
AK 907 COLD BAY 532-2371 1
AK 907 CORDOVA 424-3744 1
AK 907 DEADHORSE 659-2777 1
AK 907 DELTA JUNCTION 895-5070 1
AK 907 DILLINGHAM 842-2688 1
AK 907 FAIRBANKS 456-3282 1
AK 907 GLENNALLEN 822-5231 1
AK 907 HOMER 1
AK 907 ILIAMNA 571-1364 1
AK 907 JUNEAU 789-7009 1
AK 907 KETCHIKAN 225-1871 1
AK 907 KING SALMON 246-3049 1
AK 907 KODIAK 486-4061 1
AK 907 KOTZEBUE 442-2602 1
AK 907 MCGRATH 524-3256 1
AK 907 NOME 443-2256 1
AK 907 NORTHWAY 778-2301 1
AK 907 PALMER 745-0200 1
AK 907 PRUDHOE BAY 659-2777 1
AK 907 ST PAUL 546-2320 1
AK 907 SEWARD 224-3126 1
AK 907 SITKA 747-5887 1
AK 907 SOLDOTNA 262-1990 1
AK 907 TALKEETNA 733-2227 1
AK 907 TANANA 366-7167 (300 BPS ONLY) 1
AK 907 VALDEZ 835-4987 1
AK 907 WHITTIER 472-2467 1
AK 907 YAKUTAT 784-3453 1
AR 501 FT SMITH 782-2852 C
AR 501 LITTLE ROCK 372-4616 374-2861 B
AZ 602 PHOENIX 254-0244 256-6955 A
AZ 602 TUCSON 747-0107 747-9395 B
CA 805 BAKERSFIELD 327-8146 B
CA 916 CHICO 894-6882 B
CA 714 COLTON 824-9000 824-8976 B
CA 213 COMPTON 516-1007 C
CA 415 CONCORD 827-3960 674-0127 C
CA 619 ESCONDIDO 741-7756 B
CA 707 EUREKA 444-3091 B
CA 209 FRESNO 233-0961 441-1861 B
CA 714 GARDEN GROVE 898-9820 895-1207 B
CA 818 GLENDALE 507-0909 246-3886 B
CA 415 HAYWARD 881-1382 B
CA 213 LOS ANGELES 624-2251 622-1138 A
CA 213 LOS ANGELES 937-3580 622-1138 A
CA 213 MARINA DEL REY 306-2984 306-4922 B
CA 209 MERCED 383-2557 B
CA 209 MODESTO 576-2852 B
CA 408 MONTEREY 646-9092 C
CA 213 NORWALK 404-2237 C
CA 415 OAKLAND 836-4911 834-3194 13 C
CA 415 PALO ALTO 856-9995 856-0484 B
CA 714 POMONA 626-1284 C
CA 916 SACRAMENTO 448-6262 443-7434 B
CA 408 SALINAS 443-4940 B
CA 415 SAN CARLOS 591-0726 595-8870 B
CA 619 SAN DIEGO 233-0233 231-1703 B
CA 415 SAN FRANCISCO 956-5777 788-0825 A
CA 408 SAN JOSE 294-9119 286-6340 B
CA 213 SAN PEDRO 548-6141 514-1590 B
CA 415 SAN RAFAEL 472-5360 C
CA 415 SAN RAMON 829-6705 B
CA 714 SANTA ANA 558-7078 550-4625 B
CA 805 SANTA BARBARA 682-5361 B
CA 408 SANTA CRUZ 429-6937 C
CA 707 SANTA ROSA 578-4447 C
CA 209 STOCKTON 957-7610 C
CA*805 THOUSAND OAKS 495-3693 B
CA*415 VALLEJO 724-4200 C
CA 805 VENTURA 656-6760 B
CA 209 VISALIA 627-1201 B
CA 818 WEST COVINA 915-5151 C
CA 818 WOODLAND HILLS 887-3160 348-7141 B
CO*719 COLORADO SPRINGS 635-5361 578-0950 B
CO 303 DENVER 337-6060 696-0159 A
CO 303 FT COLLINS 493-9131 B
CO 303 GRAND JUNCTION 241-3004 C
CO 303 GREELEY 352-8563 B
CO*719 PUEBLO 542-4053 C
CT 203 BRIDGEPORT 335-5055 367-9130 B
CT 203 DANBURY 794-9075 B
CT 203 HARTFORD 247-9479 724-9396 B
CT 203 MIDDLETOWN 344-8217 B
CT 203 NEW BRITAIN 225-7027 B
CT 203 NEW HAVEN 624-5954 773-3569 B
CT*203 NEW LONDON 447-8455 B
CT 203 NORWALK 866-7404 B
CT 203 STAMFORD 348-0787 359-9404 B
CT 203 WATERBURY 753-4512 C
DC 202 WASHINGTON 429-7896 429-0956 A
DC 202 WASHINGTON 429-7800 429-0956 A
DE 302 DOVER 678-8328 B
DE 302 NEWARK 454-7710 737-4340 B
FL*407 BOCA RATON 338-3701 ORAL 275-7924 C
FL*407 COCOA BEACH 267-0800 B
FL 904 DAYTONA BEACH 255-2629 C
FL 305 FT LAUDERDALE 764-4505 524-5304 B
FL*904 GAINESVILLE 338-0220 B
FL 904 JACKSONVILLE 353-1818 791-9201 B
FL*813 LAKELAND 683-5461 C
FL*407 MELBOURNE 242-8247 C
FL 305 MIAMI 372-0230 372-1355 A
FL 813 NAPLES 263-3033 C
FL 904 OCALA 351-3790 C
FL*407 ORLANDO 422-4088 422-8858 B
FL 904 PENSACOLA 432-1335 C
FL 305 POMPANO BEACH 941-5445 C
FL 813 ST PETERSBURG 323-4026 327-1163 B
FL 813 SARASOTA 923-4563 C
FL 904 TALLAHASSEE 681-1902 B
FL 813 TAMPA 224-9920 223-5859 B
FL*407 WEST PALM BEACH 833-6691 655-2993 B
GA 912 ALBANY 888-3011 C
GA*404 ATHENS 548-5590 B
GA*404 ATHENS 354-0614 (SEE FOOTNOTE 2) B
GA 404 ATLANTA 523-0834 584-0212 A
GA*404 ATLANTA 261-4633 (SEE FOOTNOTE 2) B
GA*404 AUGUSTA 724-2752 724-4494 B
GA*404 COLUMBUS 571-0556 B
GA 912 MACON 743-8844 C
GA 404 ROME 234-1428 B
GA 912 SAVANNAH 236-2605 B
HI 808 OAHU 528-0200 3
HI 800 OTHER ISLANDS 272-5299 3
IA 515 AMES 233-6300 C
IA 319 CEDAR RAPIDS 364-0911 362-2764 B
IA 319 DAVENPORT 324-2445 C
IA 515 DES MOINES 288-4403 288-6206 B
IA 319 DUBUQUE 556-0783 C
IA 319 IOWA CITY 351-1421 C
IA 712 SIOUX CITY 255-1545 C
IA*319 WATERLOO 232-5441 B
ID 208 BOISE 343-0611 B
ID 208 LEWISTON 743-0099 C
IL*312 AURORA 896-062 B
IL 309 BLOOMINGTON 827-7000 B
IL 312 CHICAGO 938-0600 938-8725 A
IL 217 DECATUR 429-0235 C
IL*815 DEKALB 758-2623 B
IL 815 JOLIET 726-0070 C
IL 309 PEORIA 637-8570 637-8582 B
IL 815 ROCKFORD 965-0400 965-0696 B
IL 217 SPRINGFIELD 753-1373 B
IL 217 URBANA 384-6428 328-0317 B
IN 812 BLOOMINGTON 332-1344 C
IN 812 EVANSVILLE 424-7693 428-2522 B
IN 219 FT WAYNE 426-2268 422-3431 B
IN 219 GARY 882-8800 B
IN 317 INDIANAPOLIS 299-0024 299-6766 B
IN 317 KOKOMO 455-2460 C
IN 317 LAFAYETTE 742-6000 C
IN*317 MUNCIE 282-6418 C
IN 219 SOUTH BEND 233-7104 233-4031 B
IN 812 TERRE HAUTE 232-5329 C
KS 913 LAWRENCE 843-8124 B
KS 913 MANHATTAN 537-0948 B
KS 913 SALINA 825-7900 B
KS*913 TOPEKA 233-9880 233-4660 B
KS 316 WICHITA 262-5669 262-7961 B
KY 502 BOWLING GREEN 782-7941 B
KY 502 FRANKFORT 875-4654 B
KY 606 LEXINGTON 233-0312 233-7217 B
KY 502 LOUISVILLE 589-5580 583-1006 B
KY 502 OWENSBORO 686-8107 B
LA 318 ALEXANDRIA 445-1053 B
LA 504 BATON ROUGE 343-0753 343-0771 A
LA*318 LAFAYETTE 233-0002 234-8451 B
LA 318 LAKE CHARLES 436-0518 C
LA 318 MONROE 387-6330 B
LA 504 NEW ORLEANS 524-4094 522-3967 A
LA 318 SHREVEPORT 221-5833 B
ME 207 AUGUSTA 622-3123 B
ME 207 BREWER 989-3081 C
ME 207 LEWISTON 784-0105 C
ME 207 PORTLAND 761-4000 C
MD 301 ANNAPOLIS 224-8550 B
MD 301 BALTIMORE 727-6060 752-5555 A
MD 301 FREDERICK 293-9596 B
MA 617 BOSTON 574-9244 A
MA*508 BROCKTON 580-0721 B
MA*508 FALL RIVER 677-4477 B
MA*508 FRAMINGHAM 879-6798 B
MA*508 LAWRENCE 975-2273 B
MA 617 LEXINGTON 863-1550 863-1745 B
MA*508 LOWELL 937-5214 B
MA*508 NEW BEDFORD 999-2915 B
MA 413 NORTHAMPTON 586-0510 C
MA 413 PITTSFIELD 499-7741 B
MA*508 SALEM 744-1559 B
MA 413 SPRINGFIELD 781-3811 B
MA*508 WOODS HOLE 540-7500 C
MA*508 WORCESTER 755-4740 B
MI 313 ANN ARBOR 996-5995 665-2900 A
MI 616 BATTLE CREEK 968-0929 B
MI 313 DETROIT 964-2988 963-2274 A
MI 313 FLINT 235-8517 B
MI 616 GRAND RAPIDS 774-0966 B
MI 517 JACKSON 782-8111 C
MI 616 KALAMAZOO 345-3088 345-3122 B
MI 517 LANSING 484-0062 484-6301 B
MI*517 MIDLAND 832-7068 B
MI 616 MUSKEGON 726-5723 C
MI*313 PONTIAC 332-5120 B
MI 313 PORT HURON 982-8364 B
MI 517 SAGINAW 790-5166 799-3190 B
MI*313 SOUTHFIELD 827-4710 B
MI 616 TRAVERSE CITY 946-2121 C
MI 313 WARREN 575-9152 B
MN 218 DULUTH 722-1719 B
MN*507 MANKATO 388-3780 B
MN 612 MINNEAPOLIS 341-2459 338-1661 A
MN 507 ROCHESTER 282-5917 C
MN 612 ST CLOUD 253-2064 C
MO 314 COLUMBIA 449-4404 B
MO 314 JEFFERSON CITY 634-5178 C
MO 816 KANSAS CITY 221-9900 472-1430 A
MO 816 ST JOSEPH 279-4797 C
MO 314 ST LOUIS 421-4990 421-0381 A
MO 417 SPRINGFIELD 864-4814 B
MS 601 GULFPORT 863-0024 B
MS 601 JACKSON 969-0036 B
MS 601 MERIDIAN 482-2210 5 B
MT 406 BILLINGS 245-7649 C
MT 406 GREAT FALLS 771-0067 B
MT 406 HELENA 443-0000 B
MT 406 MISSOULA 721-5900 C
NE 402 LINCOLN 475-4964 475-3839 B
NE 402 OMAHA 341-7733 346-6419 B
NH 603 CONCORD 224-1024 B
NH 603 DURHAM 868-2924 B
NH*603 MANCHESTER 627-8725 625-8088 B
NH 603 NASHUA 880-6241 C
NH 603 PORTSMOUTH 431-2302 B
NV 702 LAS VEGAS 737-6861 737-5466 B
NV 702 RENO 827-6900 827-5290 B
NJ 609 ATLANTIC CITY 348-0561 B
NJ 201 FREEHOLD 780-5030 B
NJ 201 HACKENSACK 488-6567 488-2063 B
NJ 609 MARLTON 596-1500 596-8659 B
NJ 609 MERCHANTVILLE 663-9297 665-6860 B
NJ 201 MORRISTOWN 455-0275 644-4745 B
NJ 201 NEW BRUNSWICK 745-2900 745-7010 B
NJ 201 NEWARK 623-0469 623-7122 A
NJ 201 PASSAIC 778-5600 773-3674 B
NJ 201 PATERSON 684-7560 742-4415 B
NJ 609 PRINCETON 799-5587 A
NJ 201 RAHWAY 815-1885 B
NJ 201 REDBANK 571-0003 B
NJ 201 ROSELAND 227-5277 227-6722 B
NJ 201 SAYREVILLE 525-9507 B
NJ 609 TRENTON 989-8847 B
NM 505 ALBUQUERQUE 243-4479 242-1742 B
NM 505 LAS CRUCES 526-9191 B
NM 505 SANTA FE 473-3403 C
NY 518 ALBANY 465-8444 465-8632 B
NY 607 BINGHAMTON 772-6642 B
NY 716 BUFFALO 847-1440 847-1825 B
NY 516 DEER PARK 667-5566 243-1105 B
NY 516 HEMPSTEAD 292-3800 485-3380 B
NY 607 ITHACA 277-2142 C
NY 212 NEW YORK CITY 741-8100 645-0560 A
NY 212 NEW YORK CITY 741-4950 645-0560 A
NY 212 NEW YORK CITY 620-6000 645-0560 A
NY 716 NIAGARA FALLS 282-1462 C
NY 518 PLATTSBURGH 562-1890 KEEPSIE 473-2240 473-3200 B
NY 716 ROCHESTER 454-1020 454-5730 B
NY 315 SYRACUSE 472-5583 479-5445 B
NY 315 UTICA 797-0920 B
NY 914 WHITE PLAINS 328-9199 682-3505 B
NC 704 ASHEVILLE 252-9134 B
NC 704 CHARLOTTE 332-3131 333-6204 A
NC 919 FAYETTEVILLE 323-8165 C
NC 704 GASTONIA 865-4708 B
NC 919 GREENSBORO 273-2851 275-1251 B
NC 919 HIGH POINT 889-7494 B
NC*919 RALEIGH 834-8254 834-8254 B
NC 919 RES TRI PARK 549-8139 541-9096 B
NC 919 TARBORO 823-0578 C
NC 919 WILMINGTON 763-8313 C
NC 919 WINSTON-SALEM 725-2126 777-0312 B
ND 701 FARGO 235-7717 C
ND*701 GRAND FORKS 775-7813 B
ND 701 MANDAN 663-2256 B
OH 216 CANTON 452-0903 B
OH 513 CINCINNATI 579-0390 241-8008 A
OH 216 CLEVELAND 575-1658 771-6480 A
OH 614 COLUMBUS 463-9340 461-9044 A
OH 513 DAYTON 461-5254 461-0755 B
OH 216 ELYRIA 323-5059 C
OH 513 HAMILTON 863-4116 B
OH 216 KENT 678-5115 678-5043 A
OH 216 LORAIN 960-1771 C
OH 419 MANSFIELD 526-0686 C
OH 419 SANDUSKY 627-0050 B
OH 513 SPRINGFIELD 324-1520 C
OH 419 TOLEDO 255-7881 255-1906 B
OH 216 WARREN 394-0041 C
OH 216 YOUNGSTOWN 743-1296 743-6843 B
OK*918 BARTLESVILLE 336-3675 B
OK 405 LAWTON 353-0333 B
OK 405 OKLAHOMA CITY 232-4546 232-9513 B
OK 405 STILLWATER 624-1112 B
OK 918 TULSA 584-3247 587-2774 B
OR 503 CORVALLIS 754-9273 C
OR 503 EUGENE 683-1460 C
OR 503 HOOD RIVER 386-4405 C
OR 503 MEDFORD 779-63 B
OR 503 PORTLAND 295-3028 241-0496 A
OR 503 SALEM 378-7712 B
PA 215 ALLENTOWN 435-3330 770-1405 B
PA*814 ALTOONA 949-0310 B
PA 717 CARLISLE 249-9311 C
PA 717 DANVILLE 271-0102 C
PA 814 ERIE 899-2241 B
PA 717 HARRISBURG 236-6882 236-2007 B
PA 814 JOHNSTOWN 535-7576 B
PA 215 KING OF PRUSSIA 337-4300 337-2850 B
PA 717 LANCASTER 295-5405 C
PA 215 PHILADELPHIA 574-9462 574-0990 A
PA 412 PITTSBURGH 288-9950 471-6430 A
PA 412 PITTSBURGH 288-9974 471-6430 A
PA 215 READING 376-8750 C
PA 717 SCRANTON 961-5321 B
PA 814 SDA |