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Public-Access Computer Systems News
September 5, 1991 Volume 2, Number 8 ISSN 1050-6004
Editors: Dana Rooks (LIBL@UHUPVM1) and Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Issued on an irregular basis by University Libraries,
University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-2091.
Brodart Automation has released the latest version of its Le Pac
CD-ROM public access catalog software, designed to benefit
libraries with multiple locations. The revised version adds
location qualifiers for author, title, and subject lists to allow
display of items at the specified location only. The Expanded
Search feature allows the user to expand the search from a
location qualifier to the entire consortium-wide catalog, if
search results are not sufficient, while Multi-Level Location
Searching automatically scopes the entire database if the
location qualified search yields no matches. For information
contact Brodart Automation, 500 Arch St., Williamsport, PA 17705
or call 800-233-8467, ext. 640.
Dynix, Inc. has announced two new software modules, Journal
Citation and Community Resources. Journal Citation incorporates
the loader software as well as the index and search routines for
accessing periodical indexes through Dynix public access
catalogs. Currently Dynix has agreements with Information Access
Company, H. W. Wilson, and ABI/Inform to load files for its
clients. The module is designed to allow libraries to decide
which indexes they load, how many years of the retrospective
index they want, whether to load abstracts and, if so, whether to
index them or display them only. In addition, libraries may
choose to load all records or only those periodical titles to
which they subscribe.
The Community Resources Module permits PAC users to access
information about local organizations and events, search library-
generated indexes of local newspapers, pose questions to staff,
or find answers to frequently asked reference questions.
For information contact Patricia Jones, Dynix, 151 E. 1700 South,
Provo, UT 84606, or call 801-375-2770.
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NOTIS Systems, Inc. and Information Access Company have signed
an agreement that permits users of NOTIS' Multiple Database
Access System (MDAS) to purchase InfoTrac 2000 databases for
local online access.
MDAS users interested in the InfoTrac 2000 databases should call
800-227-8431 and ask for InfoTrac 2000.
Release 1.2 of the NOTIS MDAS has been shipped to all current
customers. The new release adds patron sign-on as a local
option, a search list for saving previous search statements and
combining individual keyword searches, support for Common Command
Language, and redesigned index displays.
Gale Research Inc.'s new Directory of Portable Databases provides
detailed descriptions of over 1900 databases on CD-ROM, diskette,
or magnetic tape. Descriptive entries for databases in each
medium are listed alphabetically by title and include the
information source, the vendor, price, and the subject, content,
and type of information it contains. Hardware and software
specifications required to operate the program are detailed as
well. Indexes permit users to search by subject, source, vendor,
or title. Cost of the directory is $99.00. To order call Gale
Research 800-877-4253.
NOTIS Systems has introduced NOTISearch, its new keyword search
engine, which allows keyword searching of all fields of the MARC
bibliographic record. Additional features of the new search
engine include NEXT and SYN operators, numeric qualifiers for
positional operators, data ranging, and upper/lower case
qualifications. The system operates with NOTIS online catalog
and its Multiple Database Access System (MDAS). For information
contact Stuart Miller, NOTIS Systems, 708-866-0171.
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Three health-related databases have been added to the BRS Search
Service and BRS Colleague product lines. The Health Periodicals
Database provides summaries of technical articles from major
medical journals, consumer health publications, and health-
related articles form general interest publications, written in
everyday language, as well as citations, author abstracts, and
more than 62,000 full-text articles. The database is also
available on BRS After Dark.
Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Industry News contains the full
text of four leading international pharmaceutical and healthcare
newsletters: Scrip, Clinica, Animal Pharm, and Agrow. The
database will be available as three separate files. The daily
file will provide the most current day's news before it appears
in print; the current file will include the most current five
weeks; and the archival file will contain retrospective files.
Pharmacontacts is an online directory of more than 19,000
European, American, and worldwide pharmaceutical, animal health
and agrochemical companies; research institutes; regulatory
authorities; and industry associations. For information contact
Wayne Jackson, Maxwell Online, 703-442-0900.
Copyright (C) 1991 by the University Libraries, University of
Houston, University Park. All rights reserved.
Copying is permitted for noncommercial use by computerized
bulletin board/conference systems, individual scholars, and
libraries. Libraries are authorized to add the journal to their
collections at no cost. This message must appear on copied
material. All commercial use requires permission.