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Researcher's Underground Information Network
"Obtaining Information for Common Ground"
A Birth of a Group
By Seldomseen
Well just another group to add to the already 500 plus on the scene. Your wondering, or at least were waiting, I imagine, for us to boast how great we are, like a bunch of adolescent (acting at least), insecure, pseudo-educated persons, that think PC still stands for personal computer in the 90's. So why are we starting another group on the scene, like there aren't already plenty raving about how great their group is, when they've done absolutely nothing accept be a pain in the ass, whether as individual's or as entire groups. That is one of the major reasons for us forming this group. To clean the scene. Attempting to expose those that are jeopardizing the scene. Putting, unworkable warez out just for first out recognition. Faker's, and virus injector's. Stool's and fool's, and not just lamerz but leeching junkies that tie up the lines.
So who are we. As the title of this article points out I'm Seldomseen, editor, CEO of RUIN, Co-sys of The Abyss, and Sysop of, the soon to be, Abyss II. Outlaw, Sysop of The Abyss, co-sys of Abyss II, and RUIN's Major of event's. Darklord, monitor and developer of both The Abyss and Abyss II -- makin and bringing us PPE's so we don't have to, and library coordinator -- makin sure that The Abyss is current with software related to recreation, and Abyss II towards business oriented software. Alinsky, not as in Saul D. author of Rules for Radical's, obviously an alias, but just as good a writer, and a better researcher in my opinion. A person known by many but never by the same alias and definitely not this one. With the proper info Alinsky can verify any person on the scene's identity. He modestly tells of being on roughly 75 to 100 underground boards in any given month, usually running scripts, and through the nets to keep himself active.
This may seem deceiving and underhanded in the eyes of the elite, but it is to be a blessing to them. With approximately 1700 underground boards roaming our nation the elite should be considered a exclusive minority safe from those that are trying to ruin it either by informing the one's we evade; by being leech junkies, or just infecting our boards with their drool. That's the main purpose of RUIN, to expose those user's and sysops that are only inhibiting and endangering the scene. In each issue we'll inform all that care to read about these individual's. Of-course we will give each of those we expose a chance to redeem and defend themselves in the issue preceding the one we crucify them in. We'll try also to present other useful info, with a more positive meaning and influence. In some cases we will just reprint the text philes we obtain giving credit totally to the user that has written them, with the exception that we will change spacing, font and size, format, and spell correct when we now the correct spelling.
However, without the users of the scene we won't be able to make this zine, or RUIN work to all our benefit. All of us at RUIN hope you find this premiere issue interesting enough to look forward to the next.
So now to the crucifixion's of those that deserve it.
Belated Couriers or Just One Person's Cover to Leech?
By Seldomseen
This is of a personal nature to those of us at RUIN, and The Abyss, and cannot be justified by the Sysop's or the group, which in this case is one of the same.
Belated Couriers is a board in 206, and has been running for less then six month's. Its Sysop is Panda, and is not known to be using any other alias's. His activity has only been traced through a few boards in 206, including. The Abyss, however, it is very apparent what Panada has been up to, do to his limited connections. Last week he was disgruntled and alarmed by Outlaws comments about not wanting to be any part of Belated Couriers and discussed that with me stating that the philosophy of the Sysop's of the scene was that each provides other Sysop's with leech access and that he would like to see this philosophy upheld. That the scene was a brotherhood and he didn't want to see it trashed like this by Outlaw stating that about Belated. Not knowing Panada that well I asked Outlaw about why he left that message. Apparently, in a few days time Panda had DL over 80 megs of warez from The Abyss, which is a local call and then put them on his board as ULed by Belated Couriers. Deleting the info about being leeched from the Abyss and The Abyss's top Uler George from The Firm in 908 and has spent much time and money to have the prestige as being the top Uler. Not to mention RENing the file name so not to be able to distinguish it as a FRM warez. Even this evening he was busy DL over 10 megs from Scared Ground, 206, another local call. It seems all his leeching is done locally. However, none have seen him couriering anywhere. Now is this because Panda is relatively new to the scene not to mention as being a Sysop? Or could it be that Belated Couriers BBS is an excuse for Panda to try to get people to provide him with warez first and running a BBS second, third, or even fourth? I could see this with a younger teenager new to the scene, but Panda is a working man, old enough to have common sense about how things work on the scene, and though many Sysop's do provide leech access to other Sysop's, an courier's they do hope to see their generosity reciprocated in some fashion. Lastly I think we all know that couriering groups are a very big part of keeping the scene alive, but a couriering group that only jockeys to their own site? Come on. As far as we know it's only Panda and a couple others that we haven't seen couriering anywhere. LEECHER'S! You decide.
Subway Bomber Linked to Board's Underground
By Alinsky
As everyone I imagine knows in 908, 201 area's and across the nation, December 21, 1994 marked another terrorist attack on our country, by a deranged citizen of our country, on innocent American's. Destroying the lives of many people that had never done anything to deserve the pains inflicted on them or their families.
For those that didn't pull themselves way from their terminals during the week of the 21st. That was the day of the New York City subway bombing. When I saw the report and they explained the type of bomb it was, described the suspect, Leary, as a recently unemployed Merell Lnych computer operator, and a bit loose in the head, I knew right away, probably like many of you, that the information had to have come from a underground BBS, but left it at that. Then when I was accessing a board a few hundred miles SE of the 908 area I obtained a phile written by Little Bit of YMSM. Below is the exact text phile he sent out and it has proceeded to make it to many other board's I've accessed. (Take note of that Panda it was a fine example of true couriering):
The ElYtE Guardians of 908
By LittlE biT/YMSM
Police and FBI investigating accused subway Bomber PC for suspected computer files on how to manufacture gelatin bombs. You have probably heard about the fruitcake that fried himself and critically injured himself in a bombing on the NYC subway, right? Here's what the Media reported: Did you know that the police and FBI searched his house for books and COMPUTER FILES? Computer files you say, YEP, you know the type that you see on BBSes on how to manufacture gelatin type bombs, those anarchy type files.
Did you also know that this dude was a computer programmer by living? Well he was. Did you know he also lived in Scotch Plains (908) area code?
Here's what I know about the dude:
For over a year off and on I have been chatting acquaintances with a dude that was heavy into mythology. I ran into him on the Coliseum where he was using a handle 'THOR'. He and I used to bump into each other on Traders and TUGO. Since you almost never give yer real name out to anyone, I never really knew his real name. One day after a 20 minute chat I suggested he give me a call voice, and stupidly gave out my number. After taking to the guy for almost 2 hours I knew he wasn't screwed on straight. This dude was into head games. He claimed he could get on any board with leech access by using a handle of a well known user. He often used the handle 'WOLFRIC' to get on smaller boards that he knew the real Wolfric wouldn't call or would use him as a reference knowing that these sysops never check their user references out.
Today I got the fright of my life. I was called by the Scotch Plains Police who were going through this dude's PC dialing directory. The officer was very interested in how I knew him, and maybe most importantly what I knew about text files on explosives. It wasn't until I got off the phone that
I realized that these 2 guys were one and the same. Christ!
Here's all I can remember about the dude:
He'd call using well known user handles or would use them as refs. He was pretty much local 908 and considered 201 to be local. He told he could only call boards a couple of times a week, so he couldn't be anyone who calls more than that. He was into the underground files. i don't remember anything about bombs, but he was really interested in hacking files. Dunno, maybe that's where he started reading about bombs. I am pretty sure he was on TUGO, Traders Alliance, Rebel Alliance, and Necronomicum, but was months ago.
LittlE biT
O.K. helpful text for any that are in those area's. However, any board with anarchy type philes would never be at risk thanks to our wonderful first amendment, but if they have warez and/or asking for contribution's or donation's and the cop's logon you should know that your wake-up call the next morning is basically going to suck. It won't be the cop's. Instead it will be those ultra right wing boy's in gray.
Well, Leary should hang for blownin that bomb, no question about it and if anyone has any information pertaining to him being on their board, being a user on any board or knew the name of his board, which I know he had, should contact the NYC transit detectives. They don't want to bust any board's all the cop's want to do is prove how this cat obtained the information to make the bomb, however, if they have to go lookin for it they'll be bustin board's and the Fed's will be involved then. They know more then you think. I'm sorry I can't say more but it would be considered to be interfering with a federal investigation. Even though we live on the scene by aliases they could obtain my real name, and physical address faster then I can yours.
So what does Little Bits have to do with any of this? Well basically everything he says above is true except, "Today I got the fright of my life. I was called by the Scotch Plains Police who were going through this dude's PC dialing directory. The officer was very interested in how I knew him, and maybe most importantly what I knew about text files on explosives. It wasn't until I got off the phone that
I realized that these 2 guys were one and the same. Christ!" First, the Scotch Plain Police are not even involved with the case and refereed J.M.'s name, Little Bits real name initials, to NYC transit detectives who are handling the case. Second, and the reason for writing this crucifixion. The police did not contact Little Bit, he contacted them. I know this info because I recently have written an article that may be published in the next few month's on how some of the text found on the scene can be hazardous to your health. And let me a sure you it's not because I'm a cop, fed, or working with any agency or company related to bustin board's. Although the idea of some twelve year old blowin himself up, or some wacko injuring my family or friend's with such a device really strikes a nerve. If these philes are ever truly be used then let it be in the name of revenge and only against those that caused harm to them.
Big Board's, Fed Board's?
By Seldomseen
How many have wondered how certain elite boards can get so big without having any sign's of getting busted or any worry of being legally fucked? It's always a paranoia of mine. The phile below I received in the 404 area. I was only able to get on Inferno. However, I was able to have a brief chat with Striker who defended himself by saying he trades over 200 c.c's a day and abruptly hung-up on me. Never disclosing if he was a fed or not. Below is the phile in its entirety:
This file consists of two lamers who are in the scene. These two guys are local losers from the 718 area code. These guys attempt to hack board, threaten people, and format people's drives. From last I heard, these guys have been found working for the police. Beware of these guys. Association with these guys can be costly for your health. They will try to befriend you and then they will report you to their superiors. The best thing to do in this situation would be to harass these guys as much as possible. If you harass them, they will leave the scene and never come back. Well here are the guyz info: ENJOY!
Destroyer - Chris Cataldo
61 Westfield Ave
Staten Island, NY 10309
718-967-1884 <---- FILE KINGDOM - FED BOARD!!!!
Striker - Nick Oneill
8410 34th Ave
Flushing, NY 11372
718-426-2026 <---- INFERNO - FED BOARD!!!!
Rayden - Heath Bikles <---- WORKS FOR SPA!!!!!
Bayside NY
A Concerned BBS'er
Striker is currently the prez of RAZOR, and his board, I believe, is their WHQ. It would be unfortunate if this phile speaks the truth. RAZOR is one of the largest and one of the most respected groups on the scene. They have contributed much to the scene. If this is true it should make everyone a little more cautious of their affiliation's. RUIN tends to believe, though, that the "Concerned BBS'er" is someone who pissed these folks off, and they deleted them from their boards or is pissed at them for some other reason. You decide and let us know if you have anything pertaining to this text so we can clear this up for the scene.
This news is fairly old, but we feel worth bring up to let all know the truth. We are not even sure of the total truth at this time, and still researching some of the people and board's involved.
It starts in sometime around May of 94. Predatory Nature, 360, operated by The Foreman, was well on its way to becoming one of the best on the scene. It was the WHQ for GOD, and ISA and was workin 0 day warez. Now the board is strictly ISA. The Sysop worked hard to make it a friendly place while keeping the law and order of a board working its way to the top.
This is were it gets confusing from text I've received. Below is a capture, although its meaning and purpose is sketchy I reprint it below so that anyone with any info about the user The Foreman is chatting with can be identified, and to find out exactly what this has to do with the bust or potential bust, and who sent it out around the scene in the east and west:
-=> Review Krew <=-
This is the cropped chat capture with the Foreman of Predatory Nature the day before his board got busted. Notice that he talked about the bust threats and how he nuked his drives, making the board ISA only. This is for all you freaks who are spreading lies about how Foreman took down the boards in 206 like Mooncrow's. Here's the truth:
- Hitman [iNFiNiTY/ATOMiC Pres/ISA]
ok. here is the new nup, effective right after you log off: iSA Rocks!
ok got it.. do I gota reapply then for access?
nope, you got it now.. and you want in the group correct?
ok hold ok take a look
1. Handle : Hitman
2. Location/Group : =\\ iSA Coder //= Atomic Prez
3. Phone : 1-201-539-6213
4. Password : 11235817pe
5. Screen Lines : 24
6. Computer type : PC-486 + Copier
7. Message Editor : Internal Line Editor.
8. FileLists in Color : YES
no prob.. conf 9 is ours, and basically this is a isa only bbs now.. ALL
files have been nuked due to a bust threat, but I am 0-3, and have one of the
fastest console boards around.. same with Amiga.. not that anything is here
now :(
hehehe... ok, gotcha.. am I up to my self to make stuff or will there be
certain stuff asked of me to make?
both actually, if you have an idea, go ahead and either make it, or talk it
over with me.. and I have some projects that would be nice to release.
ok cool... it'll probably take me a week or so to totally get used to the PCE
stuff but if you need any PCB or DOS programs then I can do those asap... ok?
ok.. one thing that I really want is a program to extract the diz files from
LHA and LZH files, for both DOS, and uploads to PCE boards.
ok that shouldn't be to hard I have the LZh source and also a PCE pasca
toolkit so that'll be easy.. heh.
ok, the one for dos should be able to sort by date, and add all files in a
directory, of course checking to see if it is allready in the DIR?.TXT file
the only problem here with me is that I run PcBoard and am totally unfamiliar
with PCE's external file storage for like directory listings and the like.
it is similar actually like this
ok... the filename, passed char, and filesize are all separated by one space
on one line?
the file size is not in the DIR?.TXT, the bbs adds it.. only the descriptor
(either F=Free P= passed or E= error in file)
ok gotcha.. sounds fairly easy.. do you know where I might be able to get a
dir list to test the program on?
just get the bbs, or take dizmast from conf 5
ok cool... gota run.. I'll talk to you later...
ok man.. thanks alot, I think this is a good partnership.. :)
definetly... sounds good... ok I'll work on some stuff... ok later..
.later man..
Decide for yourself.
Long live The Foreman.
This capture could be vital in finding out the truth, or it may just be nonsense with no purpose.
If your on Predatory Nature asking question's your told it was two user's that busted him. The Sysop of Defcon 5, 206, Missleman, and the ex-Sysop of Future Shock, 206, The Prophecy. Although, when asking The Foreman he never points the figure at The Prophecy. This may be because that The Prophecy was The Foreman's mentor and helped him quite a lot getting his board up. At least that's the way The Prophecy told the story to me over a year ago. It should be mentioned here also that Future Shock, The Prophecy's board was apparently almost busted too. This would explain why he may have ratted on The Foreman.
Missleman is another case. The Foreman freely admits that it was him that almost or did get him busted. Why Missleman would do this can only be concluded as out of jealousy, for the fact that Defcon 5 had been on the 206/360 scene longer and wasn't having the same growth potential as Predatory Nature. This could be caused by his attitude no doubt, which is disliked by many in the 206/360 scene. Or that he is truly a fed informant. When you ask The Foreman to give up what he knows of Missleman he decline's not wanting to cause anymore problem's. Or is that really the reason?
Several user's on the scene have disclosed that they know or believe it to be true that The Foreman did get busted and instead of doing time, or paying ridiculous fines he decided to become a fed board.
I find this hard to believe, maybe only because I don't want to believe it. The Foreman has always been helpful and fair with every user on his board, and has always takin the time to resolve problems and answer question's. If it is true, however, that would mean that another board dedicated to a prestigious group is out to cripple the scene.
Bust Info on 514
By: Electronic BottleNeck (PHZ)
Saturday morning the 14ht 1995. Remember BOOSTER from you know where, has
been busted by BELL MOBILITY. The reasons of this bust are:
1- Fraud using cellular phones, during 2300 at 34c/Min
2- Also using stuff to call toronto (PBX'S)
Total: 75,000 $ of damages requested by Bell Mobility.
Saturday morning, 2 cops from Laval police and 2 inspectors knocked
at BOOSTER'S door. There were also a security investigator from BELL MOBILITY
with them. They entered in with a warrant and ask for Carl (BOOSTER). They took
everything. 1 machine with more than 500 Megz of 0-4 dayz warez, 3000 megs of
backuped software and probably a cell. phone. They arrested him, and they went
to the Bureau of Investihgation of Laval where he had an interrogation. BOOSTER
called up a lawyer.
BOOSTER was using a hacked cellular phone with the same SIDH for
a month. So they decided to track him up, and by triangulation, they went
where the call were made. They've waited about a month before busting, making
a big bill to BOOSTER. His line was tapped for a whole week and his in and outs
were supervised.
Also, It's confirmed that THE ADEPT another guy of the gagn had the
visit of the investigators, but they were unlucky, THE ADEPT was far home.
Maybe the will get him soon!
Situation like these are not very appreciated, but it's part of the
game... last words GAME OVER BOOSTER!
*** SYSOPS : Message from BOOSTER: Nuke our acces everywhere because
THE ADEPT: phonebooks were also busted.
<EFBFBD> Federal Government Bulletin Board Systems <20>
DL from SBA
Phone numbers may change at anytime; and, boards can change from no fee to fee at anytime. SBA does not guarantee that the boards are fee free. Users should carefully read the logon screens of the boards they call. If users have any questions, they should phone the voice number of the bulletin board service (BBS) they intend to use or are using - not SBA. The below listed BBS numbers are simply a list provided as a service by SBA and should not be taken as an endorsement of the boards. Each board is different with different guidelines and methods of access/use.
Agency BBS Data Phone Speed
Agricultural Library Agricultural Library 301-504-6510 9,600
Forum 301-504-5496 2,400
Agriculture Biological Impact 703-231-3858 2,400
Department Assessment 800-624-2723 2,400
Agriculture Commercial Information
Department Delivery Service
Must subscribe first (Voice: 202-720-5505)
Agriculture Economic Research
Department Service 800-821-6229 9,600
Agriculture Human Nutrition
Department Information Service 301-436-5078 2,400
Air Force Air Force Small 800-638-8369
Business BBS type SIGNUP
Air Force Small Computer
Support Center 406-731-2503 9,600
Air Force Engineering
Installation ULANA BBS 405-736-0928 2,400
Air Force Engineering
Installation ULANA II 405-741-0824 9,600
Air Force Space Competition Call voice first
Command Advocate (Voice: 719-554-5325)
Air Force Standard Standard
Systems Center Systems Center 205-416-5651 9,600
Argonne National
Laboratory Newton 708-252-8241 9,600
Army Integration & 703-285-6400
Analysis Center (IMA) 703-285 6401 9,600
Army Engineering
and Housing Support Data Distribution
Center System 703-355-2185 9,600
Army Military
District of Morale, Welfare
Washington and Recreation 202-475-7543 2,400
Army Software Center Software Engineering
Support BBS 703-285-9637 2,400
Bureau of Mines Mines-Data 202-501-0373 9,600
Bureau of Prisons Office of Information
Systems 202-514-6102 9,600
Census Bureau Census BEA Electronic
Forum 301-763-7554 9,600
Census Bureau Census Personnel BBS 301-763-4574 2,400
Coast Guard Coast Guard On-Line
Magazine & News 202-267-4644 9,600
Coast Guard Global Positioning 703-866-3894 9,600
System BBS 703-313-5910 2,400
Commerce Department Radio Freq. Management
Issues (NTIA) 202-482-1199 2,400
Commerce Office of
Business Analysis Economic BBS 202-482-3870 2,400
Commerce Office of Planning and
Planning and Budget Budget BBS 202-482-1423 2,400
Customs Service Customs Electronic
BBS 703-440-6155 9,600
DC Government DC Government
Information 202-727-6668 2,400
Defense Department Ada Information
Clearinghouse 703-614-0215 2,400
Defense Department Export License I 703-697-6109 2,400
Defense Information DISA Acquisition
Systems Agency BBS 618-256-9200 9,600
Defense Information Information Technology
Systems Agency Acquisition 618-744-8787 9,600
Defence Logistics
Agency DASC-ZE BBS 703-274-5863 2,400
Defence Mapping
Agency Navinfonet 301-227-4424 9,600
Defense Technology
Administration Elisa I 703-697-6109 2,400
Department of State Passport Info/
Travel Alerts 202-647-9225 9,600
Education Department Educational Research
and Improvement 202-219-2011 2,400
Education Office of
Research and National Education 800-222-4922 2,400
Improvement BBS 202-219-1511 2,400
Energy Department Megawatts 202-586-0739 9,600
Energy Department Civilian Radioactive call voice first
Waste Mgmt. Infolink (800-225-6972) 9,600
Energy Information
Administration BA BBS 202-586-2557 2,400
Energy Office of
Fossil Energy FE Telenews 202-586-6496 9,600
Energy Office of
Minority Economic 800-543-2325
Impact Minority Impact BBS 202-586-1561 9,600
Agency EPA Region 4 404-347-1767 2,400
Protection Alternative Treatment 301-670-3813
Agency (ATTIC) Tech Info Center 301-670-3808 9,600
Protection Wetlands, Oceans
Agency & Watersheds 301-589-0205 9,600
Protection Pesticide Information
Agency Network 703-305-5919 2,400
Protection Pollution Prevention 800-658-8815 2,400
Agency BBS 703-506-1025 2,400
Protection Technology Transfer 919-541-1447 9,600
Agency Network 919-541-5742 2,400
Agency Cleanup Information 301-589-8366 2,400
Protection Solid Waste
Agency and SWANA Management 800-544-1936 2,400
Protection 800-235-4662 9,600
Agency and NOAA Gulfline 601-688-2677 9,600
EPA Ocean & Coastal
Protection Division CoastNet 202-260-8482 2,400
Export-Import Bank Eximbank BBS 202-566-4699 9,600
Federal Aviation Air Traffic
Administration Operations Service 202-267-5331 2,400
Federal Aviation Air Transport
Administration Division 202-267-5231 2,400
Federal Aviation
Administration FAA Airports 202-267-5205 2,400
Federal Aviation FAA Headquarters
Administration BBS 202-267-5697 9,600
Federal Aviation Navigation
Administration and Landing 202-627-6547 2,400
Federal Aviation FAA Office of
Administration Environment & Energy 202-267-9647 9,600
Federal Aviation
Administration FAA Safety Exchange 800-426-3814 2,400
Federal Aviation Orlando Flight Service
Administration District Office 407-648-6309 9,600
Federal Aviation 405-684-4530
Administration Pilot Examiner 405-954-4530 2,400
Federal Aviation Portland Master Minimum
Administration Equipment List 207-780-3297 9,600
Commission FCC daily digest &
State Link carrier stats/reports 202-632-1361 2,400
Federal Communications
Commission Public Access Link 301-725-1072 1,200
Federal Defecit Report US Government
Reduction waste fraud & abuse 202-225-5527
Federal Emergency
Management Agency Hazardous Materials 708-972-3275 2,400
Federal Emergency State/Local
Management Agency Emergency Mgmt. 202-646-2887 9,600
Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission Issuance
Commision Posting System 202-208-1397 2,400
Federal Government Govt Printing Office &
Files distribution 202-512-1397 9,600
Federal Highway
Administration FEEBS 202-366-3764 9,600
Federal Information 800-232-4879 2,400
Exchange FEDIX 301-258-0953 2,400
Federal Reserve Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas Economic Data 214-922-5199 9,600
Federal Reserve
Bank of Minneapolis Electronic Database 612-340-2489 2,400
Federal Reserve Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis Economic Data 314-621-1824 2,400
Federal Supply Automated Product
Service Listing Service 703-305-6570 9,600
Fish and Wildlife National Ecology
Service Research Center 303-226-9365 2,400
Food and Drug PMA, IDE, 510K &
Administration guidance documents
Food and Drug Devices and
Administration Radiological Health 301-443-7496 2,400
GAO GAO Watchdog 202-371-2455 2,400
Fraud, Waste, Abuse
(Voice: 202-512-7476)
Geological Survey Quick Epicenter
Determination 800-358-2663 1,200
Geological Survey Geological Survey
BBS/CD-ROM Info 703-648-4168 9,600
Government Printing Federal Bulletin
Office Board 202-512-1387 9,600
GPS Global positioning 703-866-3890 9,600
General Services Cooperative Administrative
Administration Support Program 202-653-7516 9,600
GSA Consumer Information
Center 202-208-7679 9,600
GSA Federal Multiuse File for
Supply Service Interagency News 202-205-3890 9,600
GSA IRM Service GSA Schedule BBS 202-501-7254 2.4/1.2
GSA Office of IRM OFIRM 202-208-7484 9,600
Head Start Online-BBS Head Start Online
BBS (Region III)
Health and Human Administration for
Services Children and Families 202-401-5800 2,400
Health and Human National Institute
Services on Alcohol Abuse 202-289-4112 2,400
Health and Human Office of the Asst.
Services Sec. of Health 202-690-5423 2,400
Health and Human FDA Center for
Services Radiological Health 301-443-7496
House of Fed. Deficit Reduction
Representatives (Whistleblower) 202-225-5527 2,400
Housing Urban HUD News & Events
Developent BB. Press Releases 202-708-3563 9,600
Human Nutrition
Information Service Nutrient Data Bank 301-436-5078 2,400
Indian Health Service IHS Division of
Environmental Health 301-443-9517 2,400
Interior Department Geological Survey 703-648-4168 9,600
Interior Department Office of
Environmental Affairs 202-208-7119 2,400
Interior Department OffShore Statistics
& Information 703-787-1225 9,600
Internal Revenue ISM Support
Service Information System 202-219-9977 9,600
Internal Revenue Statistics of
Service Income Division 202-874-9574 9,600
IRS Martinsburg Information Reporting
Computer Center Project 304-263-2749 9,600
Justice Department Amer. With Disabilities
Act Info
Justice Office of Criminal Justice
Justice Programs Reference Service 301-738-8895 2,400
Labor Department Board of Wage &
Service Contract Appeal
Labor Department Labor News 202-219-4784 9,600
Labor Office of
Public Affairs Labor News 202-523-4784 2,400
Library of Congress Library of Congress
News Service 202-707-3854 2,400
Library of Congress Automated Library
Information 202-707-4888 2,400
NAPO AIDS Information
& Reports 202-690-5423 9,600
Locator System
NASA Marshall
Space Fight Center NASA Spacelink 205-895-0028 2,400
National Archives Fed. Register
(FREND #1) Electronic News
Delivery 202-275-0920 2,400
National Archives Fed. Register
(FREND #2) Electronic News
National Institute National Institute of
of Dental Research Dental Research
National Institute
of Standards and Center for Fire
Technology Research BBS 301-921-6302 2,400
National Institute
of Standards and Computer 301-948-5140 9,600
Technology Security BBS 301-948-5717 2,400
National Institute
of Standards and Data Management 301-948-2059 1,200
Technology Information 301-948-2048 1,200
National Institute
of Standards and North American ISDN
Technology Users Forum 301-869-7281 2,400
National Institutes National Institute of
of Health BBS Health Grant Line
National Institutes
of Health PC Bull 301-480-8400 2,400
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Space Environment
Administration Lab 303-497-5000 2,400
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Marine
Administration Data Computer 301-713-4573 9,600
National Oceanic Environmental
and Atmospheric Services Data
Administration Directory 205-606-4666 9,600
National Oceanic
and Atmospheric
Administration NOAA Library 303-497-5848 2,400
National Science National Science
Foundation Foundation 202-634-1764 2,400
National Technical 703-321-8970 9,600
Information Service NTIS BBS 703-321-8020 2,400
National Tele. Spectrum Openness
& Info Admin. Program 202-482-1199 9,600
National Weather Climate
Service Dial-Up Service 301-899-0827 2,400
Naval Computer and Navy IRM
Telecommunications College Recruitment 804-445-2104 9,600
Station BBS 804-843-4093 38.4K
Naval Computer and
Telecommunications Online
Station Automated System 804-445-1627 2,400
Naval Computer and
Telecommunications ADA Technical
Station Support BBS 804-444-7841 2,400
Naval Gun Weapon Naval Gun
System BBS Weapon System
Naval Reserve Naval Reserve
Force HQ Force BBS 504-254-7776 2,400
Navy Marine Corps
Appelate Review JAGnet 703-325-0748 2,400
Navy NAVAIRES Alameda
Navy Naval Health Sci Edu
& Training Command
Washington DC
Navy Nav Computer &
Telecom Station
Navy BUPERS Access Navy Personnel
Office of Government Office of Government
Ethics BBS Ethics 202-523-1186 9,600
Office of Personnel Federal Quality
Management Institute 301-937-0722 2,400
Office of Personnel Policy Operations and
Management Staffing BBS 912-757-3100 2,400
Office of Personnel Washington Area Service
Management Center BBS 202-606-1113 2,400
Office of Personnel
Christi, TX Federal Jobs 512-850-8255 9,600
Office of Personnel
Management/Dallas, TX Federal Jobs 214-767-0565 9,600
Office of Personnel
Management/Detroit, MI Midwest Federal Jobs 313-226-4423 2,400
Office of Personnel
Management/Macon, GA Midwest Federal Jobs 912-757-3100 2,400
PayPerNet #1 Fed. Pay & Performance
Management BBS
PayPerNet #2 Fed. Pay & Performance
Press Release-Online Some Cong. Committee
Press Release
Science & Technology Science & Technology
Information System Information System 202-357-0359 9,600
Small Business
SBA ONLINE SBA BBS DC Metro 202-401-9600 9,600
Small Business
SBA ONLINE SBA BBS National 800-697-INFO 9,600
Small Business Small Business Admin.
Administration Internal BBS 202-205-6269 2,400
State Department Automated License
Status System 703-875-7350
State Department Consular Affairs 202-647-9225 1,200
State Department PerManNet 703-715-9806 9,600
Treasury Financial
Management Service FMS Inventory Line 202-287-0767 2,400
Treasury Financial Surety Bond 202-287-1295
Management Service Circular 570 202-874-7214 2,400
U.S. Courts/
4th Circuit Access to
Court of Appeals Court Records 804-771-8084 2,400
U.S. Courts/
6th Circuit Appellate Court
Court of Appeals Electronic Services 513-684-2842 2,400
U.S. Courts/
7th Circuit Access to
Court of Appeals Court Records 312-435-5560 9,600
U.S. Courts/
9th Circuit
Court of Appeals Electronic Opinions 415-744-9022 9,600
Veterans Affairs
Information Information Technology
Technology Center Center BBS 202-523-7339 14,400
Veterans Affairs
Offices Contracting Info. (Voice) 202-633-7088
"Court's computer porn ruling sets dangerous precedent"
By Keith Ammann
The Evansville Press, Dec. 15, 1994
In some ways, the information highway is more like an information ocean. Powerful currents stir within, evidenced only by ripples on the surface.
One ripple appeared in the pages of The Evansville Press on Dec. 3, in the form of a short article with the headline, "California couple sentenced to prison by Tennessee court."
This article was the only publicly visible evidence of a conflict that has been raging for months on the Internet, to which local residents -- save for a few college students, professors and users of commercial on-line services -- are unlikely to have had any access at all.
Robert and Carleen Thomas of Milpitas, Calif., a city of 38,000 near the southernmost inlet of San Francisco Bay, ran a computer bulletin board service called Amateur Action BBS. AA BBS was devoted to aficionados of --let's not mince words -- pornography. It provided an assortment of X-rated stories and pictures for users to download (copy onto their own computer disks). As with any bulletin board service, any person could register himself with the system operators and access the system, using a modem,
from any telephone connection. ANY telephone connection. Anywhere, from Alaska to Zimbabwe.
Seems a certain postal inspector decided to advance his career a bit. David Dirmeyer, using the pseudonym "Lance White," registered as an AA BBS user and set about trying to nab the Thomases on obscenity charges, using such questionable methods as mailing them unsolicited videotapes containing
child pornography (where Dirmeyer got the tapes himself was not a matter of record). Finally he found a charge that he could make stick. Accessing AA BBS from a computer in Memphis, Tenn., he downloaded material from the Milpitas system and pressed charges: transmitting obscenity via interstate telephone lines.
Obscenity law is infamous for being vague in terms of what it prohibits, invariably falling back on the concept of "community standards." That is, if something of a prurient nature violates the sensibilities of the general population of a locale, it is -- at least in that place -- obscene. Suffice it to say that Milpitas and Memphis have very different "community standards."
The Thomases were in California during the time their supposed malfeasance took place, and their computer never left California. But pornographic material had indisputably gotten from their system to
Tennessee, where it violated "community standards" -- so the Thomases were tried there instead. The Thomases did not control when and how their files were sent out. Dirmeyer, from a computer in Memphis, had ordered the AA BBS computer to send him pornographic material, and the computer, following its
preprogrammed instructions, did so automatically.
One would think that by causing the information to be sent, Dirmeyer, not the Thomases, would be guilty of transmitting obscene materials. The federal court in Tennessee in which the Thomases were tried would not --and did not -- agree. The Thomases were both found guilty and sentenced to
The problem with the case against AA BBS does not lie in obscenity law,
which has its own menagerie of difficulties. The problem is in the precedent: People in California can be forced to adhere to Tennessee's "community standards." For that matter, people ANYWHERE can be forced to adhere to ANY other community's standards -- and by necessity, the standards to which all must
adhere will be the most restrictive ones in existence.
Our modern telecommunications network, including phones, cable television,
satellite transmissions and computer lines, has grown to where it defies any attempts to place geographical boundaries upon it. Information --including that which is obscene to some -- can be sent instantaneously
from one legal juristiction to another without requiring the hand of any living person at its point of origin to direct it to its destination. Thus, under this precedent, a person setting up a pornographic bulletin
board service in one state, though he is subject to no criminal penalty where he resides, CANNOT PREVENT HIMSELF FROM COMMITTING A CRIME IN ANOTHER STATE if someone there chooses to use the service he provides. He need never enter that state or even initiate contact with it. Frighteningly, the ruling's power extends beyond the borders of the United States. The operator of a pornographic bulletin board in, say, Sweden could unwittingly violate the law if Dirmeyer decided to download its contents to
a computer in Memphis. Our Swedish friend might never even have heard of Tennessee, let alone know that, by the innocent act of attaching his system to a telephone or network line, he was making it possible for someone in the United States to turn him into an international criminal with the press
of a button.
On-line computer users have sarcastically suggested that all telephone, computer and cable lines into Tennessee be cut, thus freeing purveyors of erotic material from the risk that a Tennesseean might accept some, causing them to violate federal law. Such a suggestion is obviously absurd, but what else is to be done? Clearly this is ridiculous, untenable ruling must be struck down.
The Thomases, with help from on-line civil liberties groups, will undoubtedly appeal. Let us hope that higher courts understand that neither Tennessee nor any other place can be the moral arbiter of the entire global village.
Updated Elite Acronym List, Defintions and Contact Area's Desired
Below you will find a list that deserves much credit from a group on the scene. Unfortunately when I obtained the phile there was no one that took credit or at least in the copy I have. My only contribution to this list is a few correction's, and the addition of the group's with the star's; which I deire definition's for. If you belong to any of the starred group's, or a group that is not mentioned here please UL that information, with the info asked below, if known, to The Abyss, NUP: Abyss, 206-581-7905, to Seldomseen. My intention's are to update the list with board's to apply, a list of active member's and their position's. Configure them into a database to be found in one of RUIN future issues. Any advice, tips, or help that anyone would want to provide be appreciated.
Elite Acronym List Cheat Sheet
Updated by Seldomseen 1-27-95
$print $=the money you save, Protection Removed in No Time
$ynd The $yndicate
(A2)2 Association of Animated Ansi Artists
0Z *
4DOX *
4T The Fourth Tower
911 Nine One One
A((ESS *
AAA Aces of ANSI Art
Americian Anarchist Association
AAAAA American Association Against Acronym Abuse
AAB Amazing Astrofest Bunch
AAFH ANSI Artists From Hell
AB2 Anarchy Burger ][
ACB Achtung!
ACE Acme Couriering Enterprises
ACiD ANSI Creators in Demand
AD Altered Destiny
AE Ansi Express
AFB Amazing Astrofest Bunch
AFC ANSi Factory
AHP AcidHell Productions
ALF Anti LAMERS Foundation
ALI Alive
AMD Advanced Micro Designs
Americian Anarchist Association
Americian Anarchists Association
AMi Amitech
AN Aryan Nations
ANE Anarchy 'N' Explosives
Anti-TUN Movement
ANViL The Committee for Cyberspace Disinformation
ANX Anoxia
AoD Academy of Deception
APHA American Phreak/Hack Association
API American Pirate Industries
Application Alliance
AR Ares
Arcane Corporate Elite
ARMA Armageddon
AS Asia
ASB Astrofence Bunch
ASS Association of Sociopathic Suburbians
ATi Advanced Technology Inc.
ATM Activist Times
AVG Avengers
AVLHL Always Very Lubricated Happy Lemmings
AVV Anti Virus Virus
AWA Anti-Warez Association
AWF Ansi With Fantasy
AWoL Artists WithOut Loyalty
BAD BBS'ers Against Dweebs
BAGS Bristol's Anti-Gay Society
BAR Bad Ass Retards
BB Bad Brains
BCC Bilbo's Cracking Club
BDC Breakdown Demo Crew
BGR Brotherhood of Gods and Retards
BHS Black Hand Society
Bitchin' Ansi Design
Bizarre Types of Wares
BLH BacklasH
BNZ Bonzai
BoM Brotherhood of Malice
BOW Best of the Worst
Boys from Company C
BPI Blacklisting People inc.
BS Bomb Squad
BSP Bently Sidwell Productions
BTW Bizarre Typez Of Warez
CARA Clandestino Auto-Reproductive Anti-virus
CAVE Coalition of American Virus Engineers
CBX Cybrix
CCC Chaos Compupter Club
CCI Cyber Crime International
CDA Cascada
CDC Cult of the Dead Cow
CDUGD Computer Down Under Ground Digest
CEN Centaur
CF Cyber Force
CGI Console Gaming Informers
CH *
Chaos Cyber Creations
CHiNA Comunists Hackers in North America
CHS Chaos
CiA Crackers International Alliance
CKS Celestial Knights
CLF Cyberpunk Liberation Front
CoD Children of Damnation
CODE Crackers of Digital Equipment
CoMA Community of Moral Advancement
Compy Crackin' And Crashin'
COPS Couriers of Pirated Software
COR Corruption
CoRE Criminals of Radical Extremes
Corrupter Pirate's Union
CoV Corruption of Violence
CP$ Computer Pirates $Yndicate
CPI Canadian Pirates Incorporated
CPR Couriers Pumping Rapidly
CPU Computer Persons Underground
CrAC Crazed Artists Coalition
CRaM Citicens Revolting Aganst Motzah
CRC Crazy Review Crew
Creators of Intense Art
CRUE Cheat Requests for Underground Elite
CSC Conspiracy of Silence
CSDN Chinese Software Distribution Network
CTI Chaos Technologies, Inc.
CTR Contour
CU Computer Underground
CUD Computer Underground Digest
CuM Creative Users With A Mission
CV Comvirus
CW Cyber Warriers
D0D Drink or Die
DAME Dark Avenger Mutating Engine
Dark Angel's Multiple Encryptor
DAS Digital Anarchist Society
DeAD Dame Excellent Ansi Design
DEPBA Digital Exchange Pirate Board Alliance
DES DeStiny
DH Dark Helmet
DiE Dimented Images of Euphoria
DiMM Developers in Mass Media
DiR Developers In Rage
DJP DefJam Productions
DLC DreadLoC
DM Digital Masters
DN DeadNet
DNR Drive Not Ready
DNS Dynasty
DNX Dynamix
DOA Distributors of Anarchy
DOM Dominators
DRD Dread
DS Dragon Society
DST Distortion
DUA Digital Underground Association
DUNE Digital Underground Network Exchange
DuNE Digital Underground Elite
DuNE (see DuNE)
DW Dead Weight
DWI Damn Windows Idiot
ECA Elite Crackers Association
ECC European Cracking Crew
ECHO Elite Crackers/Hackers Organization
ECR Electronic Rats
EMF ElectroMotive Force
END Evil Never Dies
EPAH Ethical Phreakers and Hackers
EPiC Excellence Produced in Creativity
ERIS Electronic Revolutionary Information Society
ES Elektro Shok
ESM Elysium
ESW Every Strange Wares
ETA Express Traders Alliance
ETE Eternity
EUCIA Elite Underground Central Intelligence Agency
EVIL Exotic Visions In Liquid
EWR Elite Warez Review
EX Extinct
EXC Excretion
EXT Exotic
Fatal Connection
FBC Fag-Bashing Crew
FBI Fake Butt-Fucking Idiots
FBi Fucking Bunch of idiots
FC *
FC Future Crew
FCP Fone ConsPiracy
FDN Foundation, The
FDX Frogadsh
fff files fuck friends
File Distribution Network
FiRM First in Releasing Most
FLT Fairlight
FOD Finger of Death
FOST Federation of Software Theft
FRD Friendship
FRD Friendship
FRL Freelancers Guild
FRL Freelancers Guild
FRM The Firm Inc.
FS Fire Skull
FTL Fatal!
FUAP Fucked-Up Average People
FUD Fucked-Up Dudes
GFR Grim File Reaper
Givers of Destruction
Global Overdose
GNS Genesis
GoD Gods of Destruction
GOD Global OutDial
GoDs GUILD Of Distributors
GP Genesis Project
GPA Gainseville Pirates Association
GPV General Public Virus
GRD GROOVE Drunk Entreprise
GRiP Graphic Revolution in Progress
GS Games Society
GTA GERMAN Trading Alliance
GTHC Gothic
HACK Hacking And Computer Krashing
HALE Hackers Against Law Enforcement
HASH Humans Against Society and Homework
HATE Highly Artistic And Talented
HAV Havok
HBD Hybrid
HCH HarD CorE HackerS
HEaT Hackers Enterprising across Telecommunications
HEMP Hardcore Elite Mother Phuckers
HH&H Hard Hit & Heavy
HIC Hardcore Information Compilation
HiT Hired International Terrorists
HK *
HR High Rezolution
HRA Hacker's Republican Army
HRU Hackers 'R' Us
HSA Hashbrown Society of America
HSGMT High-Speed Global Mass Trading
HST High Speed Transfer
HV High Voltage
HVDL Hungarian Virus Research Laboratory
IBP Igh Bah Poo
IC *
ICS Italian Cracking Service
IDG Indig0
IEC Independent Engineers of Couriering
IIRG International Information Retreival Guild
ILL Illuminatus
ILSN Illusion
IMG Image Ansi Artists
IMP Imperial
INC International Network of Crackers
IND Independence
INF Infinity
Inner Circle Elite
iNT Integrity
International Cracking Elite
IPPLC International PPL Creators
IRE Information Retrieval
IRG International Rogues Guild
IRS fIles Reviewing Society
ISA International Software Alliance
ISD Insane SOFTWARE Designers
ITU Infinity Traders Unlimited
IUD INC (See INC) Utility Division
IUPLCM Luis Callabero Mejas
IVP Instant Virus Production (by YAM)
IW Imperial Warlords
J4J Jump 4 Joy
JB Japan Boys
JDIV Jesus Died In Vain
JS JackShit
JW Jabberwocky
KAOS Krackers Association of Sweden
KFC Krazy Fug Couriers
KiSS Krazy Image Scanning Sickoz
KORT Knights Of the Round Table
KOS Knights of SHadow
KRD KraftShlag
KTS Katharsis
KULT Knights Under The Law Of Tristan
LAME Lunatics And Maniacs Encorporated
LANCE 2 Lancelot ][
LBo Little Big One
LC Lightning Couriers
LCT LiquidCode <tm>
LCY Legacy
LGD Legend
LiCl Lithium Chloride
LIFE Loyalty In Full Effect
LiTH Lithium
LLL Local Lamers Limited
LLT LimeLight Technologies
LoD Legion of Doom
LOH Legions Of Hackers
LoL Legions of Lucifer
LOP Lamers of Power
LoTE Legions of the Etherial
LS Light Speed
LSD Lethal Software Distributors
LT Loco Tech
LTD License to Draw
Lush Software Designs
LwV Lamers with Vision
MA Mooncrow Aeyri
MAD Malicious Art Denomination
MAG Makings of Artistic Geniuses
MAGiC Mighty and Gargantuan institute of Chaos
Massive Anarchistic Destruction
MCM Miami Cracking Machine
MFT Manifest
MiC Master Image Creators
MiND Messages in Notorius Demand
MNG Music N' Graphix
MoD Masters of Disaster
MOD Masters of Deception
MPI Micro Pirates Inc.
MSG Malfunction System GROUP
MTH Mirth
Mutated Ansi Design
Mutual Assured Destruction
MVF MAD (see MAD) Virus Factory
MW Most Wanted
Mystical Artwork Designs
NA Nitro Alliance
NAC New Age Crackers
NAP/PA North American Pirate/Phreak Association
NaPE National Pirate Exchange
NARC Never at Rest Couriers
NASA North American Society of Anarchists
NCA National Courier Alliance
NCC Norwegian Cracking Company
NEUA National Elite Underground Alliance
NFSP National Federation of Software Pirates
NGV Nuke Genvirus
NH Nazi Hackers
NJP New Japan Pro
NLA No Lamerz Allowed
NOF News of Freedom
North American Sysop Alliance
NoT Nation of Thieves
NPA Northern Phreakers Alliance
NR NetRunners
NSoC National Society of Crackers
NT Needful Things
NTA Nokturnal Trading Alliance
NU *
NUAA National Underground
NYC New York Crackers
OASiS Outstanding Ansi Specialists InStitution
OCP Omni Computer Productions
ODA Over-Dosed Anarchists
OLR On-Line Revenge
OMT One More Thing
OOFN Our Own Fucking Net
OS *
OTL Outlaws
P500 Phortune 500
Pacific Coast Pirates
PAG Phreaks Against Geeks
PaL Pirates at Large
PAM Pathetic ANSI Makers
PAPAG Phreaks Against Phreaks Against Geeks
Party of Tommorrow
PAW Pirates Analyze Warez
PB Pacific Brigade
PBX Private Branch Exchange
PCBB PC Byte Bandit
PCi Power Crisis International
PCP Personal Computer Pursuit
PDRC PRiMAL Demented Review Crue
PDX Paradox
PE Public Enemy
PEN Pentagon
PGC Pirates Gone Crazy
PGP Pritty Good Privacy
PHA Phreakers/Hackers/Anarchists
PHaT Phunky Hardcore ANSi Team
PHC Pirates OF A Higher CADRE
PhD Phreak/hack Destroyers
PHELA Phreakers Elite Association
PHiNK People Who Are In Need Of Kash
PHT Phantasm
PHUCK Phone Hackers Untided Crash Kill
PHUN Phreakers Hackers Underground Network
PI Pirates Inc.
PiC Partners in Crime
PiL Pirates In Legion
PiMP PHUCKIN Insane MUSIC Producers
PiTS Pie in the Sky
PLC Police
PM Psychic Monks
PNA Paranoia
POOR Protectors of Our Rights
PoT Posse of Terror
POTMAN Pirates Of The Mid-Atlantic
PoW Programmers of War
PP Pompey Pirates
PPP Phucking Phield Phreakers
PRi Primal
PS Phalcon/Skism (see SKiSM)
PSD PsychoSquad
PSI Pirates Sick of Initials
PSY Psychosis
PTB Powers That Be
PTC Part Time Crackers
PTG Pentagram
PTK Pyroteknik
PTL Pirates That Live
PUR Pursuit
PWA Pirates With Attitudes
PWC Pirates With Cause
PWS Pirete's WHO CAN SPELL Corriers
QC Quality Cartel
QT Quantum Traders
RAiD Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAM Really Awful Music
RANCiD Radical Artists and Crackers in Demand
RDC Radiance
Rebel Anarchists Incur Destruction
REM Radical Elite MOVEMENT
REN Renaissance
REV Revolt
RiOT Revolution in Our Time
RiP Remote Imaging Protocol
RiSC Rise In Superior Couriering
RLT Reality
RM Raw Meggage
RMK Romkids
RoT Rebels of Telecommunications
RPM Relentless Pursuit of Magnificence
RR Rescue Raider
RSM Ransom
RTC Ready To Come
RUIN Researchers Underground Information Network
RZR Razor 1911
S-NET Synchnet
S2DD Slut2Death Dealer
SAA Strategies Against Authority
SAD Slick ANSI Designers
SC Scandal!
SCA Swiss Cracking Association
SCAM Society of Criminals, Anarchists, and Misfits
SCaR Shore Cracking/ANSi Runners
SCD Software Chronicles Digest
SCL Scandal!
SCPG Southern California Pirate Guild
SCX Scoopex
SDA Silicon Dream Artists
SE Society Elite
SGA SysOps Guild Association
SGB Smurfs Gone Bad
SHA Swedish Hackers Association
SHV Shiver
SiN Software Innovation Network
SKISM Smart Kids Into Sick Methods
SKN Skillion
SLA Software Liberation Army
SMAF Sig Makers Against Faggots
SMUT Syndrome's Mega Utility Team
SoD Syndicate of Destruction
SoP Sums of the Pieces
SoT Sea of Tranquity
SOUP Sea Otter Underground Productions
SP= *
SPI Software Pirates Incorporated
SPPC Spreadpoint/PC
SR Skid Raw
SSN Sysop Support Network
SSODB Secret Society of Dark Birds
ST Silicon Toads
SToC STraight Outta Califonia
SUN Sight Unseen
SWAG Source Wave Archival Group
SWaT Special Warez Acquisition Team
SyNC Syndicated Network of Couriers
Syntex Error
TAA The Avacado Avengers
TABOU The Alternative Bytemovers of the Underground
TAD The Atomic Dustbin
TAF Trailblazer Ansimaker Freelance
TAP Times-Atlantic Project
TB Thrust Brothers
TBL The Black Legion
TC The Consortium
TCB Techn[+]Brain$
TCOLB The Crackers Of Lame Boards
TCS The Criminal Syndicate
TDA The Dark Alliance
TDD The Dirty Dozen
TDK The Destiny Knights
TDM The Digital Mafia
TDN The Documentation Network
TDS The Devil's Spawn
TDT The Dream Team
TdWp Think dream Wonder ponder
TEC The Evil Crew
TERR Terratron
TFT The Fourth Tower
TG3 The Gate ]I[
TGT THE Guild OF Thieves
TGW Those Great Warez
The Humble Peasants
The Modern Mob
THG The Humble Guys
THH The Hard Hackers
THP The Hill People
THW The Hard Wares
TiA The Insane Asylum
TiC The Inner Circle
TICN The Insane Couriers Network
TiDT The Internet Dream Team
TKK The Kind King
TL Top Listings
TLS The Lawless Society
TM Trouble Makers
TMG The Midnight Goofballs
TMM The Mental Midgets
TMTM Two Minutes To Midnight
TNK The NewComers
TNKB Turbo Nutter Kiwi Bastards
TNL Top Notch Lyrics
TNO The New Order
TOAO The One And Only
ToS The Other Side
TOX Toxic
TPC The Phony Coders
TPO The Primal Order
TPU The People Upstairz
TRA The Rebel Alliance
TRB Turbo-Net
TRC The Review Crew
TRI The Remote Informer
TRM The Rim Merchants
TRSi Tristar Red Sector Inc.
TS Toxic Shock
TSAN The Sysops Association Network
TSB The Silicon Bovine
TSC The Spectrum Crew
TSG The Sleeping Gods
TSO The SysOps Organization
TSoft TurboSoft
TSPS Traffic Service Position System
TSS Tape Swappers Syndicate
TT *
TTK The Tommy Knockers
TU *
TUC The Underground Corporation
TUGOS The United Guild of SysOps
TUN The Underground Network (Also the name of an affiliated BBS)
TWA The Warez Alliance
TWaT Text Writerz And Traderz
TWCB The Wacko Cracko Brothers
TWL Twilight
TxC Toxic
TZM Tzeng Jau Ming
TZU Terror Zone Underground
UA Undercover Agents
UAA United Ansi Artists
UBiC United Boards in Control
UC United Couriers
UC-ID UC (see UC) - InterNet Division
UCF United Cracking Force
UCL Universal Crime League
UCR UC (see UC) - Random (console division)
UCU Universal Crackers of the Underground
UDC United Druids of Cyber Space
UFT United File Traderz
UFT Unity Federation Team
UGC Underground Council
UKT United Kiwi's Trader
UL Universal Labs
UNCLE United Nations Copyright Law Evaders
UNI Unity
UNNet United Nations Net
UNT UNTouchables
UP United Psychodelics
UPi United Phreakers Inc.
USA United Software Association
USA United States of Anarchy
USCA United Serbian Courier Association.
USSR Underground Software Systems Revolt
USTA United Software Trading Alliance
UT Ultra Tech
UTG United Traders of Germany
UWA Underground Writers Association
uXu Underground Experts United
VCi Vulcan Cultural International
VCS Virus Construction Set
VD Vital Dox
VG Virulent Graffiti
ViP Vintage Production
VS Virtual Shock
VSW Very Strange Warez
VT Virtual Team
WBL W Balls
WC! WildCards
WDF World Domination Force
WFW Workers for Wimbledon
WWC World Wide Couriers
WX Weapon X
XTC Ectasy (it's phonetic!)
YAM Youngsters Against MacAfee
Z-TEC Zero Technology
ZRK Z-Rock
Phiber Optik is Free!
After 10 month's in a minium security prison Phiber Optik is free. His friends threw him a party in a NYC night club, which made him into a small media star. He will be working for ECHO BBS in NY as a tech guru and under the alias Phiber. Does this mean crime does pay after sittin on your ass for a few month's? Good to have you out Phiber. Write a book my friend you deserve it. The goatee add's age and wisdom to this 22 year-old computer guru. LOD would have been nothin without him and Im sure the Wired article didn't give him enough credit. Peace to you Phiber if you get a chance to read this, and if you have leave me mail at The Abyss, sure like to hear what you think of the books and shit they've put out that have tried to surround your life. Lookin awlful GQ for a computer jock. Bring the look out to the MS (Micro Soft) state, the women are natural and fine, nothin like that crack house, smog filled, thing they like to call the big apple. Were you could butter the body with the make-up on a women's face. Lot's of good computer related business and jobs out here. That would snap you up.
Watching the Sun Rise...It's Time to Say Good-bye
Well thats it. Hopefully a beginging to the end of the loserz, leecherz, and lamerz of the scene. A begining to the cleaning of the scene and RUIN. In this zip you'll also find a Terminate phone book consisting of 500 number's I've been compiling many of them over the last two year's, obviously I can't gaurantte that all of them are still up. I have over 700 more to add, but the maxium for the phone book is 500. I would like to be able to input them all in one phone book. If anyone can help me figure this out or provide me with a phone book for terminate that will allow many more numbers to be typed in please UL it to The Abyss, 206-581-7905, NUP: Abyss. Ultimately I would like to have every board in our nation available in it, but again that can only be accomplished by the help of all you on the scene. Understandably some Sysop's would prefer their boards not to be listed. Let me know by leaving e-mail at The Abyss and I will make sure thats changed for the next release and I apologize in advance, it wasn't intentional.
The Abyss would like to be considered for any distribution sites available. Our goal is to be a 0-30 day warez in the next few month's, and will be increasing our hd space and nodes according to increase in membership and interests. Were also looking for couriers, writers, and anyone that has a way of providing valuable info about the scene and the user's that deserve recognition or cruxcifixion. If your interested log on to The Abyss, 206-581-7905, NUP: abyss, Alais: RUIN, Pass: RUIN.
The 206/360 scene has never really been at the top of the list as an Elite area. We would like it if we could change that. Were small now, but, "...the future so bright we've got to wear shades." (or somethin like that.) Were just a bunch of family guys who don't have a life after work and spend our weekends with our radioactive buddies and smokin diskettes.
I would be interested in hearing from any zines, or groups similiar to ours that would be interested in combining forces, or that have any suggestions for us. I especially like to know what the guys from ILL think. I like what Ive seen ya'all pump out.
In closing I like to say that we are not out to start any war's with any individual or group's that we write about. We're just here to research and write about the information that is provided to us by other's who respect and want to keep the scene clean. Once again, we welcome any rebuttals in defense of those put on the block. If any of those individual's or groups we discuss here do desire to start a war with us. Step back and think about it. Do you really think that we would not prepare ourselves for such attacks prior to writing or reprinting info about you? Don't be stupid! We don't print everything we know about you, and expecting you to do something is petty compared to what we'll have no choice but to do back. Our information is only as accurate as it is provided to us and even though we're small and lookin for more member's, we spend as much time possible researching and social engineering to make sure it's correct.
Peace for now to all on the scene -- Do onto others only what you would do to yourself --Take care, and keep eyes in the back of your head,