2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

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Elixir #0
\~(Putting the 'E' Back in E-Zine)).).. .. . . _____________ _ __
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| | E l i x i r I s.s s u e Z e r o | |
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| | V o l u m e O n e | |
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.| `+ H a l l o w e e n M a n i f e s t o .| `+
' `+. . ' +' .
. .' By Cappacino Oxi and Crowe . '
+ ' An Elixir Production `. '
` +ÿ . ' ` +ÿ . '
. . .. ..:::] Intro By Cappacino [:::.. .. . .
Welcome to Elixir. We are an organization of former-scene-fiends who've all
come together in attempts to create something out of the norm, and, for that
matter, out of the scene. We are going to be beginning a number of projects
in the coming months under Elixir, one of them has already begun (Scrolls of
Serenia, the zine), and the next one will be "Project Enecson." But our
future plans have yet to be completely determined, so lets deal with the here
and now.
This special release, Elixir #0, is means to introduction to us, the three
creators of Elixir: Cappacino, Oxidizer, and Crowe, and what basis we have
for beginning our organization. You probably won't see this Elixir mag all
too often, because our main focus will be strictly on the work of our small-
er projects-- but when you do, trust me, you'll love it.
Mostly in this issue of Elixir, we'll have a major mix of humor, reflective
work, a little bit of poetry, and, of course, the strange things... bah, but
you'll see it all, starting about now.
. . .. ..:::] Elixir Triad By Cappacino [:::.. .. . .
"Hurry, we have not much time." Cappacino said hurriedly, looking back while
at the same time helping his companion and friend, Crowe, over the wall.
The last of the companions, Oxidizer, was already over the wall and was
keeping a lookout for opposition, none of which he would be fortunate enough
not to find. "I'm tryin'. These vines are pretty damned slippery, and they
have these annoying pr-- OWW!?@!# DAMNATION!," Crowe spurted. Cappacino
freed a hand and put a finger to his lips, but it was too late. Far from
where they were standing, at the center of the compound, the lone building
they tried so desperately to escape from set off lights of a bright red and
sounds which blared like trumpets in the ears of the escapees, despite the
distance. "OH SHIT!!" Was all Oxidizer could say, or atleast that was all
that Cappacino and the hurting Crowe thought they heard him say. Crowe was
on the ground now, rubbing his sore backside. Cappacino, with all the ruckus,
had no chance of keeping Crowe up-- the foul sounds and lights were mentally
tuned to the minds of everyone who stayed here, so all attempts at movement
(other than directly to the ground) and any 'other' possible abilities were
supposedly phased out of the subjects' minds. "Yo! What the hell is going
on?!@# Guys? Y0E!?" Oxidizer was frantic. On the other side of the great
wall, Cappacino and Crowe writhe and roll back and forth, trying, although
futilly, to escape the destructive light and sound which threw their minds
into a chaotic state. At this point, Oxi was attempting to calm himself down,
and then he heard the footsteps of others on the other side of the wall, as
the eerie sounds and lights which lit up the early night's sky calmed slowly
into nonexistence. "ohshit ohshit ohshit ohshit ohshit," was almost all Oxi
could say, as he had no idea what to do.
And then it dawned on him. This entire time, the struggle to escape, the work
in the Lab, their wondrous discovery that pushed them to test in elsewhere,
it was the key! The Elixir, if there were no better a time to try it, now was
that time! The now-confident labrat opened the dufflebag which layed lazily
near the wall and revealed many small plastic jars with blue tops, filled to
the brim-- each one containing a different color of strange liquid. "Oh, which
color to try?!" Oxidizer said, looking at the two bottles in his hands, one
brown and the other blue."Which one indeed." A voice said, coming from behind
him, which followed by the sounds of guns being cocked. Oxi spun around, only
to see a dark figure, one which he couldn't quite make out, standing ominously
over him, half-surrounded by a troop of guards. The figure motioned to his
guards, two of them grabbed Oxi and helped him to his feet, while the others
stood, unmoved, in their same spots. The leader of the troops snatched the one
brown bottle and the blue bottle from Oxi's hands and stepped back. Oxi
looked around and then jumped upwards, leaning back onto the two guards which
held his arms and kicked the two bottles out of the leader's hands as hard as
he could, sending them over the wall to Cappacino and Crowe.
But Cappacino and Crowe had their own problems. They were being held by a
small group of guards, two of which were knocked almost senseless by the jars
which had fell out of the sky. The last two looked at their hurt companions in a
brief second's awe, wondering what the hell had just happened. Cappacino and
Crowe looked at each other, then swung at the guards, missed, and fell over,
landing right on top of the bottles of Elixir. Capp was the first to grab his bottle
and down it, with Crowe following right after. The two guards, who were rising
from their duck turned and were about to fire when Crowe threw his bottle at
one, breaking his nose, and Capp sweeped the other from off his feet.
By now, Capp and Crowe were on their feet. Now it was as if their moves
and thoughts were unguided-- almost instinctive, like animals, yet so very
unexplainably complex, figuring ideas and concepts while picking up on every
bit of light and movement around. Cappa waved his arm in an arc in the
direction of the guards, and the soilders' weapons were ripped from their
hands and carried away. Crowe now approached the two guardsmen,
grabbing each one by his collar and raising them up-- slamming them
against the vine-covered wall The two men were overly intimidated, as
it seemed Crowe was about to let forth something massive-- but as if the
two companions had had an argument telepathically, Crowe's fury subsided
and he instead blew two quick streams of seemingly mystical smoke into the
faces of the soilders, putting them into a deep, unharmfu sleep.
For the moment, Cappacino and Crowe spoke openly, trying to lay down a
basic understanding of the Elixir. "The basic elements of reality seemingly
obey our own beck and call!" Crowe said enthusiastically, but Cappacino
was focusing on the wall now-- the last thing that stood in their way
Cappacino wispered as he ran his fingers over the great stone wall, "as
gravel and dirt turn eventually to stone, thus now does stone turn to gravel."
And with that, a large portion of the wall crumbled before Cappacino's very
person. Capp, who was unmoved and unaffected by this, as if he knew the entire
happening, stepped through the passage and saw Oxidizer, now bloody and beaten,
and yet more guards. The guards, reacting on military instinct, let forth an
immediate barrage of firepower, and after nearly two solid minutes of blasting,
they stopped to admire their handywork. Crowe, who was still on the other
side of the wall, entirely out of harm's way, was caught in such great awe by
what he saw-- all he saw were lights and explosions, like those of guns,
but he saw no bullets, no shrapnel, nothing.
When the smoke cleared, and the soilders were confident of their victory,
they were caught, once again, off-guard by what they saw. There was Cappacino,
the man, the legend, and now he was what seemed to be a myth, standing where he
had been. About his body, almost like a bubble, there were the bullets,
suspended in air, as if they'd been put in a mold of clear jello.
As if in slow motion, Cappa turned to look at the soldiers. The soldiers,
however, weren't moving in slow motion, they stepped in front of their leader
and began firing again, feverently, until all of their clips were empty and
this time, they hoped, would have to be the last time they laid their awestruck
eyes on this strange escapee.
The soldiers hopes, while full of faith, weren't enough to estinguish the
mighty power Cappacino wielded. And wield it he did. The smoke, which re-
linquished quicker than any of the times previous, broke and gave way to
bulletswhose unnatural speed and hellish glow gave the effect that they sought to
return to their original owners. Oxidizer came to consiousness only to see a
strange, glowing, horizontal rain. So horrible was the rain that it stole
the lives of warriors who attempted to take his. He looked to where the rain
came from, only to see his friend and companion, Cappacino, floating some
inches above the ground and glowing a dull shade of red. To Oxi, it seemed
like Capp was a superhero-- like the ones in comic books. But as short
time passed, that image became twisted and distorted, a side of
Cappacino that Oxi had never seen became painfully evident.
Most of the soldiers, now absent of life, layed on each other and
sprawled out, the look of which chilled Oxi's heart and gave him a pain
in his stomach-- he felt like he could vomit. He covered his eyes, not
out of fear-- he knew that despite the helter-skelter going on that he
wasn't going to be harmed, but more out of his deeper thoughts and mental
pictures of the pain that was being wrought on those who hunted he and his
friends. Oxidizer heard the terrible screams and cries for help, but he
would not, and COULD not help them, soldiers-- hunters, as they were,
came out from where he and his friends wished to flee, and so Cappacino,
out of power made by theirselves, sent them back to whence they came:
the Damned-Nation.
. . .. ..:::] 12:35 By ben ohmart (findline@aol.com) [:::.. .. . .
"All right, then," she smiled as she replaced the receiver and looked at the
cat clock on the wall that took a push to move its plastic tail. It would
recall good time if there was someone there to remind it to swing from
side to side, and there virtually always was a presence in the small flat
overlooking one of the many London parks that the government had
rightly sought to entrap from the land developers There were layers
of pink material over the expensive furniture, and the window was
always a crack open to keep the heat from being too much for Clesta
in the cold of November. The building was centrally heated, and
whoever owned it, or ran it, must have been a very cold hearted
person the way the temperature always rose, inside, far above the
average actually summer heat of southern England, but it was all right
because it was paid for and there was at least plenty of cold water for
day baths that shredded her skin to no end when she'd go out of doors,
into the ripping elements that made her face a marbled likeness of zits and
red, wrinkled skin Out for the market, she chanced a few solitary remarks
with the Indian man behind the counter who took her pounds in exchange
for circular packs of biscuits/crackers, but she was through with her
optimism by the time he repeated the total for the 5th time. But the streets
weren't cluttered, and the bookshop windows always had some gentle
self-employed people smiling out to warm her for the thoughts of that night.
The dark sky was low enough to grip the tops of the old buildings, but the
thick atmosphere was used to hanging on to the humidity and refused to rain.
There was a dog tied to a group of newspaper boxes, and Clesta couldn't
help but turn her head from side to side like a bitch herself, trying to figure
out why she thought the creature looked so out of place on the cold
London streets. The animal was looking gently in the direction of a
clothing store. Men came out of the place with long coats, and 1
accidentally hit the dog with the tip of his cane. They laughed for some
unidentified reason and moved on to the circle of black taxis that
huddled up beside a distant hotel. She noticed they were all toting book
fair bags before she turned the corner onto the more pedestrian walkway.
There were the signs and the blinking lights and the petrol fumed store
fronts that attracted a percentage of the main stream audience. Clesta
felt like some dead cooked chicken and its skin, and though she had
enough money to stay unemployed for the majority of her life, she
rarely treated herself to stepping beyond the refrigerator door for a
spot of sustenance. The public scared her, and she would always be
self-conscious of the way she walked, of the eyes that penetrated her
broken face yet said nothing, of the groping men of the big city talking
to themselves and stinking up the perfume of Better passing ladies, wary
of hands out, fearful of saying no to the wrong person. But without
incident, she was chewing soon on a 3 piece meal that was
commercialized as a "snack" box rather than the full grease it was,
and looking out the window from them all at a safe distance. No one
looked, no one noticed her that could harm her thoughts, and except
for the cool drops of the Sprite drink cup on her warming hands, that
was the best part. Full, she figured she owed herself something as a sort
of mental dessert, but the record stores were crowded and some of the
interesting book stores had Will Be Back At signs filling up the
windows on the doors. There was a side street. The bricks below
her feet curved until she was walking in the center and her thin hair
felt the light drizzle that she should've expected. It wasn't bad
enough to ruin the 1 hairstyle she'd had for a few years, but it was
the principle of walking in the rain. She walked under the awnings.
The sounds weren't loud but filtered enough to make her look, and
remember days with her father going into the pet shops to look at
all the lovely domestic things that couldn't escape from a life on the
eye-shelf. The door jingled when it rested back closed, and the
proprietor was too involved with looking up something in a
catalog to notice the young woman fall into the dog and cat
portion of the store, down an unseen wooden step. There they
were, trapped, lazy, treating the invisible 4th wall with all the
attention of a drop of water on the coast. Mostly small dogs, and
not many full grown cats, because they were impossible to get rid
of, but the basset hound in the corner cage refused to follow through
with its normal personality and was up and running in circles at the speed
of 3 miles a day. Clesta looked at the tranquillity of the beasts and the
dirty rugs she could see some of them laying on. She could image the
smell. Some were sleeping in their own shit, clumped on to the floor grating,
except the kittens, snuggled up against one another, far too smart to waste
time in such filth they'd have to eventually lick off. There was a chime somewhere
in the distance, and it broke the trance. Stepping over to the placid fish, Clesta
peeped into the still life of the theatrically lit tanks. For some it was like looking
into the depths of colorful paintings, where the subject, or fish, only followed
your eyes if you thought they were following you. Hardly paranoid, but - then
they darted away. To their respective sandcastles or sunken pirate ships.
The din of the suddenly alive dog and cat squad made Clesta jump and knock
a few loose sacks of fish pebble-rocks down to the floor, and the half open
ones scattered. The dogs were barking, running around, frantically scratching at
the impossibility of leaving the glass cases. Cats with full teeth showing and hair
reaching for the low ceiling fought among themselves if they got close enough to
one another in their abruptly panicked state. "Here!" the shop owner called out.
"What are you doing?" Clesta jumped at the initial vocal contact, and tried shyly
to scoot the bulk of cruddy, slightly damp rocks back into the priced bags,
but the slender woman was standing there, watching Clesta, almost accusingly
stepping on some rocks the woman knew she was groping for. But the animal s
creams were enormous, and out of the blue. If Clesta had had the confidence
to look up, to stare into the woman's face, she would've realized the woman was
turned the other way around, looking at the dog and cat tanks, trying to figure out
just what the young terrorist had done to cause such turmoil. The shop owner
added her implicating screams to the general din, but Clesta just wanted out. It
was crazy! Thanking the employee and sorrying the employee and I didn't do
Anythinging the employee, she stormed out, indebted to herself at least for not
having caused anything, or not having stolen anything so that she was free to
leave of her own want. Yet the clouds were gray and in one piece, swirling,
like some kind of magic had put an imperfection into the warming London
night. Or was it day? She looked through the large window into the pet
store with wild eyes. Frightened. Not knowing why. The owner was trying
vainly to stop the howling that could now be heard delicately from the street,
if anyone was as close to the shop as Clesta still was. If polite coaxing didn't
help, a broom handle was grabbed, and Clesta couldn't watch the beatings.
The cats clung to the middle-aged woman's scalp when she tried to get into
the cages to silence the awful row, but the animals were too frenzied to
resist a chance of freedom like this. Clesta felt herself jump when the army
hit the front door, and the small dogs foamed strenuous orders at her.
The cats were crawling up the dogs, thinking perhaps, this was the way out.
She had to run away. Stepping into the cab was the quickest thing to do.
She couldn't stand the feeling that the sky was holding something back
from her. Too much time in a room with a tv, she knew the effects natural
disasters had on animals. She'd seen a special or 2 about the way horses
and pigs and dogs get when an earthquake was in the wind. She'd never
experienced it first hand, but she could feel something that day. The phone
was the black rotary kind that isn't sold anymore. She picked half of it up,
dialed, spoke to the man who'd asked her out. Earlier she didn't notice the
tremor in the youth's voice, summoning up all his courage to ask her; it
was the way She spoke, and she expected no others to know or show it.
Now, she didn't feel the rise of disappointment of the man at the other
end of the conversation, nearer the good-bye part. She was too upset,
and she waited. Never thinking about her personal bad luck. Of the only
night somebody had wanted her. The wait was long, and the tv constantly
playing shows she couldn't get interested in threw her. The electricity never
flickered. Worlds didn't collide or shake. Had she had enough strength
to pee in the bathroom before the inevitable, she would've stood in awe
at the way the plumbing was still perfect. The animals had got it wrong,
and she was forced to be alone. She lit a cigarette and played with the
ashtray as the tv flickered.
. . .. ..:::] Beer Bundle By Ben Ohmart (findline@aol.com [:::.. .. . .
Ben Ohmart
Beer Bundle
she took my tiger eyes
I heard sick music playing
the pictures came back from Epcot
two sets
some were large and showed
and the flash of others in boats
riding down the stream by
the restaurant
my mom was sipping a beer
in the photograph
the first time I'd seen her in 3 years
she looked happy and not homosexual
but gay
and laughing with her life-mate
as they brushed against the firm
and looked to the ceiling stars
the great brown god with the
speakers under his hands
my focus narrowed
and she disappeared
down the ride
The Laugh Raft
putting grass-flake boots
on to go out into the field
where they said dead fish
were poluted from the man on
the hillside with his motorboat crowd
because he owned the mayor's
office and clicked his fingers for
more a girl's wallet that showed her
as a little poser the rain
like it started to care
usurping even the rich and
Farmer's Local
it was that the farmers
had had enough of
never having enough
good times
the usual
so they couldn't go
independent anymore
it was up to all of them
little frozen foods
started disappearing from
the Mobile station where
they cost you know
like the change of a war
or a good personal disease
off the gold standard
and stranded on wheat
for bus fare
She Sent Me This Soundtrack
and I put it in the tape recorder
reading the note
this is beautiful!
but is it yours or is it mine?
I remember you used to record
soundtracks for me
so I can't remember
so I put it in and
I'd never heard it before
Button Pocket Mouth Organ
German the way it is
from a trip with a hacker-smoker
who couldn't make the hills
and London and Greece for one day
but we have to move along now
we have to go on
there's no wandering off
side streets and
the coughing got worse
so that they talked and
watched the others go
while the driver timed
there was always something on the street
the one with the little road
the one where Mozart got some students
a place where my breath is kept in the pouch
and comes out when I have something
A through G to say
. . .. ..:::] My Black Box By Prissy [:::.. .. . .
black, lonely, cold and still
embracing me and my loniness.
shadows on walls just watch and stare
as glowing figures dance.
no sounds to be heard nor none to be made
just a slight breeze in the distance.
no one to comfort, no one to hold
for that day has not yet arrived.
i have thoughts that need to be said
darkness is all that will listen.
tomorrow will come and darkness will fade
but the shadows still whisper to me.
By Pinguino
. . .. ..:::] Doppelganger : Chapter one By Crowe [:::.. .. . .
Doppelganger -
Chapter One
by Crowe
The house was especially cold tonight. Colder that I remember it ever being.
I walked in the door and flicked the lights on. I took a quick look around and
walked over to my table and tossed the keys down. I found a note on the
fridge from Cierra, (she's one of the girls from my past that always finds a
way back into my life) and she said she had gotten into some trouble and
needed my help. She's big on trouble, but what can I say? She learned that
one from me. She's been seeing some guy for about six weeks now. Some
sort of science geek from the university. He's some sort of bioligist or one
of those big things that end in "ist', real creep if ya ask me. I guess she can't
have a geek taking care of her problems. This is one women that has some
baggage, and not the kind some dink nerd boy's gonna be able to handle.
Her baggage comes equipped with guns usually. Thats where I come in.
*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*
"This is the machine, you know what to do"
"Nathan, where the hell are you. I've left notes, tried to call and your ass
is Never there. Get your ass .... Shit.."
Crashing sounds cut off the recording.
Nathan runs towards his closet, pulls it open and grabs a gun harness and
a few other items , he disregards his usual arsenal of equipment, speed was
more important.
<later still>
Nathan kicks in the door, gun pulled. Looking left and right he quickly moves into
the house. Nothing so far. The place is dark, and trashed. He makes his way
through the lower levels, and heads for upstairs. In a few minutes, he's
sure the house is empty, except for the blood near the phone. He hangs
his head and pauses. Holstering his gun, he neals down near the phone,
which is still off the hook and hangs it up.
Thinking again.
Theres too much blood here, way too much. My god what kind of
monster did this.
"Shit, no time to check this out. Hope the boys in blue know what
there doing."
Nathan quickly wipes his prints off the phone and ducks out the back.
And good thing he parked his bike off road about quater of a mile back.
*Knock Knock Knock*
"Its goddam 4 in the morning, this better be fucking good."
"Dobe, its Giest, let me in before I set your damned dog on fire"
"Giest, you even joke about that again, and I'll let him eat your
ass alive."
The door flies open and Giest slides into the hallway like a cold
breeze. This time in full suit.
"You been out all night or just getting started."
"All night, look, I need your help. You know where strom and the
others are?"
"No, but a I can get them pretty quick. Whats the low down?"
"I think somone's Kidnapped Cierra, and she's lost alot of blood"
"I'll get spike and pick up the others, you go get strom. You seem
to be the only one who can ever find him."
"Yeah, brilliant minds think alike I guess" Trying to smile.
I've never really rememberd much about my past, or who I am
or where I even come from. But I do know I'm more than human
somehow. I'm faster and stronger, and I've got the money
for all this equipment. But what good is all of it if I can't
keep my friends alive. I can't protect those close to me, much
less the millions of people in Neon City. I feel so Goddamn Helpless.
"Doberman, whats up with Giest, what happened? I've never seen
him like this."
"Man strom, you know he can hear you."
"Yeah, but any time he's hanging around the balcony ledge, there's
always something wrong, so what is it this time?"
"Somene napped Cierra, and It doesn't look good, He had some
torn cloth from the scene and I still haven't picked up a trail."
"Shit. You mean your super snout hasn't picked up nothing yet?"
"Nothing but the fact you need a bath, how long since you been
outta your damn suit anyway, Damn"
"Shut the hell up. I thought he and Cierra were through"
"They are, but that doesn't mean there not friends, and it was
here that was through with him. Not the other way around"
"Good point. So what now"
The sliding door flies open, Giest enters the room in his
usual agile manner.
"Now, gentlemen, We find this mother fucker and put him six
feet underground. I'm going to Days End, you guys split up and
dig up some info. I'm going to swing by The university and ask
Dr. "love" if he knew anything about whats going on. Use the com
links if you find out anything."
"You got it man, dobe, lets roll."
. . .. ..:::] Free By By Evil Lynn [:::.. .. . .
By: Evil_Lynn
The moon is out,
The weather is great,
Here I am free,
Free to my will,
Free to do my own thing.
Here I am,
Wild and free,
The way I need to be.
Free to do my own thing,
Wanting to run,
Wanting and waiting,
To be set free.
My spirit,
Wanting, needing, willing
To be set free.
As free as the birds,
Flying and soaring high in the sky.
As free as the deer,
Running across the fields.
As free as the wolf,
Doing the thing,
He needs to do.
Here I am,
Finally free,
To my hearts desire.
. . .. ..:::] Untitled By Cappacino [:::.. .. . .
"the time drawes nearer, I will come for you."
I am my own, though greater than man I am. I am held no
longer by boundaries and rules set by men. The wills of other
men are palm-held by people who are no more above them than the
hopes and dreams that they themselves carry.
Held, literally, by the crudely-taught and harshly-learned
"laws" of reality-- space and time and the "laws" of land (set
by men)-- ethics, self-right and the right to peace, I have lost
my mind, a mind which spanned the reaches of galaxies and a
myriad of realities, the knowledge of deities.
This mold of life I have been set into I have broken, thus fear my
mighty wrath. The mold, which has held me for so long, it
seems, had kept me under the wills of others-- but wills and souls,
others won't understand, are nothing compared to my celestial
essence. My essence cannot be seen, nor felt, nor sensed, lest
it want be-- when my time comes, fear my mighty wrath.
My wrath, though it may destroy myself, will rid the world of
not only those who have protested and gone against me, but the
evil of the world as well. I claim not at all to be a savior,
nor am I a martyr in any sense-- I merely despise evil in its
darkest forms (evil in small amounts, is healthy, albeit evil in
any form is evil indeed).
All who understand will fear my wrath and will move silently
aside whilst I purge and
So those who know that I am coming for them, pray to your Lord.
Call in the friends who owe you favors. Hire minions to find
me. Do what you will with who you will, send them after me...
"...we shall see who I drag screaming to hell with me."
. . .. ..:::] Elixir By Various Artists [:::.. .. . .
Essence of life
pure, untouched
blessed with The power
of passion,
as liquid, as water
as hard as rock
it cannot be tainted,
a virgin of god
The power within
grants the power without
The elixir of life
of healing and living
and ressurectionof soul.
Lifes essence endures
through the elixir
through it's passing
are we given power.
power without dwells
and swells within
the bottle that our flesh,
transcends ends, begins
and serves what end.
. . .. ..:::] Fading Excistance By Skylab [:::.. .. . .
- fading excistance -
dying rainbow,
flashing sun
just the ending,
the glow
where all begun.....
the ending of time,
this story called life
the earth
seeing, bleeding
stars that die
it's time they moved on
they left, said goodbye....
to all they met
under their millions of lights
to every and one
that stared at their glow
.....they said goodnight.
skylab (skylb@hotmail.com)
-september '97-
.....and time ticks on...and on..and on...and.......
. . .. ..:::] Hi By Findline@aol.com [:::.. .. . .
i don't expect you to know it
when i put the gun in your hand
but you could at least shoot the man
when he's down
Lost Inside My Cell
i had the splattered balls of 4 men
on the door to the cell, and i kept banging
for them to do something about the smell
but every time they came in
came my fist into the flesh
and i couldn't help pulling noses apart
the way they looked like holes
waiting for something anyway
and how breathing was always fucking plural
but after five hours and too many Chinamen
having their legs plucked hairless like the chicken
they pretended to be, coming in carrying
against me with nothing, i have no patience
then the gas came in, they were pellets
because i knew the difference between those
and what it took to get me out of the house
but this time i'm not going i'm not going
Filthy & Dirty
this was how they fucking talked on tv
but i took the black stick and shoved it
right up the cop's ass, right through the clothes
as he screamed for my grip to go on
cause i knew he liked it, there were two more
and they wanted it, i could see and hear
what i heard they said they wanted it
but they'd have to give the sticks to me
the other was bleeding and cracked when
they tried to pull it out i kept saying to the other guys
what they'd have to do for me but my sweat went
red and i could tell that my bad bad headache
was moving in two places now
but i smiled and went down and shouted
and i started licking what was coming out
because it was the only way to keep it all in
pulse caught NYNEX and chopped for a street
the Optional Services pretended they needed pay
smoking dogs on the curb in black neighbors where cool was visionary
wells and pumps and giving off what the white call that smell
order Hormel when it matters and children hooking young this year
tried her on and she wouldn't fit yet, give me no guarantee
chase, and the father, no stick, knows those hands
she's crying and makes no bother but there's no moon on the money
gotta eat shit, it's all that comes to, faith's a church away
but the priest means word comfort and there is nothing beyond the phone
worth worrying, people crossing line of sight like names matter to do What today
trees black with birds and growing vomit into breaking bricks like bottles
in store bags means something, while they look and they stare each other out
popping sweet slicks into shadow holes, women grazing into chop shops
finding bill threw away at the start, somebody asks with one foot
and expects coin applause for being stupid, the night arresting cars that know better
walk into where music slops into tiny cars with no windows and faggots
dream together in houses that show their checking accounts, where maybe the widow
is on the woodpile, trying to get crack to want nature to pay, slinking cleavage
to the front of the store, child with half an opened Barbie, depends on tonight
pipe, address book, hand that falls experienced between a yard and street
that goes until it hits a few mirrors. If they were bigger the squirrel would matter
and the ape wouldn't try for zoos, a clear disk goes labeled, throws like it won't
hit anything, considering anywhere out of the way is garbage, it does matter,
it doesn't matter, the police are in heat, radios play music, there's an ink smell
in Bridget's face when the portable goes adjusted, right by the right time
the bone into a hollow of already scarred cheek, the fuzz of the telephone lines
keep them happy and a shot could be when the channel is changed
just to see what happens
. . .. ..:::] Hidden Obsession By Skylab [:::.. .. . .
- hidden Obsession -
eternal lies
trapped inside
this memory
of mine
that keeps me
and going
'till the ends
of my existance
and beyond....
......my hidden obsession,
...she died...
skylab (skylb@hotmail.com)
requested by chrom
. . .. ..:::] Abuse By Evil Lynn [:::.. .. . .
BY: Evil_Lynn
Why does abuse happen?
I do not know.
Is it because a person is mad or upset?
I do not know.
How can a person beat another regardless of age?
I do not know.
Is it because they have hatred in their heart and blood?
I do not know.
I often wonder,
Why do so many children die each year to abuse?
It's not right,
So many innocent are beaten to death,
while the guilty are alive and well.
With nothing done to them.
Why is nothing done?
Is it because there are not enough hours in a day?
Is it because there are not enough rooms in the prisons?
Why are the guilty never punished?
They are walking and ready to strike again.
So many children's souls are disturbed,
Unable to rest,
When something is done,
Their souls will rest in peace for eternity.
. . .. ..:::] My Knight By Evil Lynn [:::.. .. . .
To My Knight
By Evil_Lynn
You are my knight,
My knight in shining armor.
The knight,
Who saves me from danger.
The knight,
who risks everything for me,
A person,
Who loves you.
A person,
who is afraid to admit it.
A person,
You love.
My knight,
It is you,
I love.
No matter,
Where I am,
Or who I'm with.
Does not matter,
For my heart,
Belongs to you.
You have not noticed.
I see you,
My heart burns,
For you,
And no one else.
. . .. ..:::] Longshot By Crowe [:::.. .. . .
by: Crowe
I guess you could say it was just luck, dumb luck at that, that I met her the way I did. I came to work
dressed , well, uncomfortably. I was in a hurry, slept late and didnÆt bother to take the time to get properly
cleaned up. Not an unusual thing really, I stayed up far too late the night before. Odds are I was playing
some online game or surfing the ever growing Internet as I often did. About 7 or 8 months prior to this
unique day, I had been dumped by my ex girlfriend, but thatÆs another story all together. Today
was a particularly lazy day (though thatÆs not saying much, especially where Grimster is concerned) and I
was avoiding the front like the plague. On Monday Grimster took in a computer that had been struck
by lightning (oh, by the way, I am a computer technician) and needed a new mother board and a few other
key components. Nothing odd. Business as usual. Well, he said some cute chic had brought it in, and that
her father was with her. He said she was quite fine, but Grimster was notorious for having , shall we say,
less than suitable taste in women, basically, the main requirement was a pulse. Well today rolls around
and IÆm still ducking the front but its about 1:00 and Grimster is the only one in the back everyone else has
managed to sneak off to lunch, and if thereÆs one thing you need to know about Grimster, is that he is the
EMBODIEMENT of lazy. He bitched and bitched until I went up front when This chic came in to pick up
her machine, so I finally got of my lazy ass and went up front. That hallway was never been so long in my
life. I thought I would never make it to the other end. I felt like I was in a giant telescope. She stood at the
other end, waiting like some executioner about to cart me off to remove my head.
So I finally make it down the hall, and she is every bit as cute as Grimster said she was, and then some.
She was a lot taller than most of the other girls I have dated in the past, but she was thin and had a very cute
walk about her. Her Dad came over to me and asked me a few questions about the machine, and I pretty much let each
word enter one ear, and take a flying leap out the other. I was trying to get a better look at this
fine computer chic I had before me. I used to tell all my friends that a girl had to meet certain requirements
before I would date again. The girl had to be Pretty, Intelligent, like Movies, Computers, wear a baseball
cap and drive a truck. What are the odds of finding such a girl right? I thought I was safe, but NO! In she
walks, right into my place of employment, right up to me. We sat down to do the invoice for the work and I
over heard them discussing Senior pictures so I knew she was old enough to go out with me so I got nervous now.
When we had her computer, we noticed she had icq, a tool most of us around her used to send quick messages to
one another. Well after she asked me a few questions and I had finished the invoice and collected their hard
earned cash, I tried to be cool by writing on my card my e-mail address and saying: "HereÆs my e-mail address,
if you have any questions or need any help, or just get board, drop me an e-mail." To me this was as good as
a phone number, at least these days. You see, I tell my friends all the time, if you donÆt have e-mail, then
we just donÆt have enough in common.
Her father walked with a cane, and they had their old parts to take out, as well as the rebuilt machine, so I
offered to carry out the heaviest part (the computer) and she led the way. Now I got a good view of those
long legs and nice ass and that sexy walk. She new I was looking, and I could tell she was a little nervous
but thatÆs kinda like the pot calling the kettle black one that one. I was as nervous as they come. After all
it had been over 8 months since I even thought about dating anyone. Well, she gets in the truck (truck!)
and heads of to God knows where.
Back inside Grimster is having a field day grilling me about the whole ordeal. "Did you get her number?"
"Did you ask her out" and that sort of shit. I told him I gave her my e-mail address and he asked If I thought
sheÆd use it. I said, "yeah, I do think she will" with a big smile on my face. He cracked up and mentioned
she had ICQ. So I began searching in the ICQ database for her name, and I looked for over an hour. I couldnÆt
find even a trace. About this time Grimster has decided he wants Ice cream from the Shop next
door to us, and as usual heÆs so lazy he canÆt even go get his own food. ThereÆs only one thing Grimster
loves more than being lazy, and thatÆs food. I take off to the shop next door to get him his grocery list
of ice cream goodies and when I get back, heÆs on the phone with her. Seems she was having some modem
trouble and asked for me, but I was out. I told him to get her ICQ number, but she wasnÆt sure how to get it,
so he gave her his, and she contacted him, and thatÆs how we got her number.
Later That Night, once Settled at home, I fired up the old computer and jumped back onto the Internet.
I loaded up my trusty ICQ and added her to my Contact list. She was online. We started sending messages back
and forth, and after a while, the subject of movies came up, and that sheÆd been meaning to see one that was out.
I offered to take her , and thatÆs that. WeÆve been together ever since. That was over 3 months ago. Luck? Skill?
Who the hell knows. IÆm with her now though!
. . .. ..:::] Fast and Far By Pinguino [:::.. .. . .
Fast and Far
-by pinguino
Don't take this the wrong way, but you know too much.
Stay til the 2nd, when you were supposed to go.
Just stay another night. You'll devestate people-StayStayStay-
Trembling and terrified, seeking comfort in the arms of the newsbearer
Who to trust; the world spins inversely
What is trust when it's a concept ignored when the boat splinters apart
They are out there, trying to come in-StopBeingParanoid-They want to kill
Fearless of disposable bodies-ItWasJustAnAccident-They want to kill
To kill one who was once a friend, or a trusted acquaintance
What is trust when you jump to conclusions?
I drive fast and far, stopping for gas-Wait-
The gas cap won't come off. Struggling sleepily with an object
Like getting childproof caps off in the middle of the night
The key doesn't fit anymore
A hundred miles from home. Stranded-IGotLucky-Asking for help
People feel pity and the gas cap is forcefully removed
They're insane; wanted to leave me in the desert for the truckers and
cacti and snakes and inbred hicks to find-TheyWantedMeToStay-
I got lucky
Are they following me? What car is that? What state are the plates?
I duck down in my seat and drive
Never been hunted before
The game isn't fun anymore
Each car that passes increases my nervousness. I duck a lot
People must think I'm a weirdo
Good, more of the road for me
Thinking hurts a lot
Especially when your perceptions of friends and friendship
Within an hour
Warps into the purest form of terror imaginable
It's weird knowing people want your existance erased
Just because you know too much
Because they trusted you and changed their minds
You can't move files in the human brain
I drive fast and far, past the state line
Glad I didn't stay an hour longer
I smile
Giddy explosive laughter-IMadeIt-Everything will be okay
They didn't follow
I'm still here
A new adventure lies ahead.
. . .. ..:::] Loser By Evil Lynn [:::.. .. . .
By: Evil_Lynn
You wrote the peom the loser.
You was not talking about you.
You was talking about me.
Everyone says I don't care about anything.
But they are wrong,
I care about you.
Am I the loser?
No onw answers my question.
I'm lost behind the black door.
I'm alone and frightened.
I'm quite,
Trying to hear the answer,
No one answers.
So I ask one more time.
Am I the loser?
Am I the one you wrote about?
. . .. ..:::] Lost in Dispare by Evil Lynn [:::.. .. . .
Lost In Dispare
By: Evil_Lynn
Lost in dispare,
Without him,
So lonely,
So sad,
Eyes burning with tears,
As I struggle to keep each tear.
I'm just lost,
Lost in dispare.
. . .. ..:::] Memories by Evil Lynn [:::.. .. . .
BY: Evil_Lynn
My memories,
Restless nights,
To afraid to sleep,
Waking in fear,
Wondering will he ever return,
Sleepless nights,
Filled with haunting memories.
Memories by day,
Nightmares by night.
I ask myself,
How long will you fear him?
When will the nightmares end?
I ask myself,
Will my memories always haunt me?
I ask,
When will it end?
But no one answers,
I'm alone,
And frightened,
To afraid to sleep,
Wondering if the nightmares will return tonight,
Wondeering if my fear will return tomorrow.
. . .. ..:::] Escape By Night Rage [:::.. .. . .
I only want
What I cannot have.
What I have
I only flaunt.
Down time
Gone offline
Fade away
Till another day.
Here I wait
In dreaming state
To look at you
But I never do.
I only need
What I will not have.
What I have
I will not heed.
Back online.
Who to find?
What game to play?
What words to say?
My inner bane
When mad turns sane
My own cruel fate
I can't escape.
Night Rage
. . .. ..:::] Prologe By Night Rage [:::.. .. . .
We are gathered here today
to bring this man and woman together in holy matrimony
to pass judgment upon you for breaking the most serious of our crimes.
That, of breaking the vow of secrecy
to share the most sacred vow
that has existed for so long between our races
that represents the love that exists between these two people
Do you, Kairn Sarr, understand the charges that have been brought against you?
Do you, Kevin Smith, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?
I do
Then, by the power given to me, by the High Council of the Draken
Then, by the power vested in me as minister
I now pronounce you
Husband and wife.
Guilty as charged!
You may kiss the bride
You may take the prisoner away for sentencing.
* * *
The High Council has decided upon your sentence.
Death is too honorable an option for one such as you.
For the punishment to fit a crime so heinous
The greatest of us gathered here will call upon our mystic power
To cast the spell, as your ancestor did long ago, of transformation.
You will permanently become what you so pretended to be
And yet betrayed that very secret for a love forbidden by our law
Do you have any last requests?
Yes. Let me see her one last time
* * *
I can't believe we're really married.
I've waited so long for this moment.
I love you so much.
And now we have our whole lives to spend together.
. . .
Kevin, what's wrong?
. . .
Kevin, look at me.
You know I don't care
I'll always love you for who you are
No matter what the risks are
I love you.
And I love you.
Then please stop worrying.
We'll go away, far away, where they can't find us.
I don't care where we go
All that matters is being with you.
* * *
Kevin, I'm so glad you're home.
Come back here and see the lilacs, they're just coming into bloom.
They're so beautiful this time of year.
Wha...Who are you?
* * *
You fucking bastards!
You killed her!
Goddamnit, why did you kill her?
She didn't have to die!
She was innocent!
Her blood is on your hands, Kairn.
I'm going to kill every last one of you.
No, Kairn, because you won't remember any of this.
In your mind, none of this will have ever happened.
* * *
Has the prisoner been prepared?
Yes, your highness.
Excellent. Then the ceremony will begin.
* * *
Can you hear that Kevin?
Dominae hominus somina
It's so beautiful. I never knew this place existed
Britae culiman talima
So this is where your ancestors lived?
Gulima sorite dominae
There's a reason I brought you here
We call upon the spirit of Kall De Sarr
I never had the courage before now to say these words
grant us the power of transformation
I love you
so that we may preserve our way of life
I want to spend the rest of my life with you
Will you grant us justice?
Will you marry me?
* * *
Excuse me, your highness?
Has the ceremony been completed?
Yes, your highness, but...
What is it?
Something has gone wrong.
. . .. ..:::] Solace By Night Rage [:::.. .. . .
The night begins, the shadows rising
Darkness ends another day.
The stillness beckons, so inviting
Begging you to sit and stay
Where demons of your life won't haunt you
And solace sends the mind away
Run away
Don't let the anger build inside you
Look away
Allow the peace of night to guide you
Fall away
Forget the chains of life that bind you
Fly away
Leave the world you hate behind you
Night Rage
. . .. ..:::] Emotional Overload By Pinguino [:::.. .. . .
.xXx. Emotional Overload .xXx.
by pinguino
They thought it was a dying relationship
They thought it was a passing illness
They thought it was pure boredom
They underestimate.
Knowing within myself that I needed to hide my trueness
That to let reality slip and wave hello would scare people away
A massive wall was built
One by one the guards were picked off
The door slowly opened
Then shut
For someone had seen within.
I show myself to noone
Keeping myself from even myself
Becoming robotic in decisions and creations
Mechanical in both speech and thought
I had fooled myself.
. . .. ..:::] The Piracy of your Own Home By Ben Ohmart [:::.. .. . .
The Piracy of Your Own Home
by ben ohmart
"'Nother piece of stuffing then?" I asked.
Her laced sleeve was sopping up the gravy, but I didn't say anything. We had plenty.
"Are there any more turkey legs?"
"You had 2."
"Are there any more?"
"Lemme see..." I looked, looked under some wings, but all I could offer was some red
congealing liquid that I only hoped was of the cranberry. Her mother began to smell
in the corner. It was just the three of us, and I always had to sit between the round
wooden table and the kitchen's window of the trailer because I was the youngest, and
could always manage to squeeze out semi-easily after a feast. I didn't mind, and I
was always close to the refrigerator door so that I could pop it open and raid the
door for more drinks if our Naz (a grape drink fortified with 10 parts alcoholic
medicine) cans felt lighter. A knock. My wife got up to answer it, and I put some
more jellybean casserole on mom's plate so it would keep her chewing, and then her
mouth would be closed at least Half the time, and sugar is a great deodorant if
used in the right place. A man's low voice rumbled, then Uma came in, engrossed
in a paper which I could tell from filtered sunlight was far too short to be taking
this much time. There were men coming in, in big brown-encrusted boots, beginning to
hollow out our home savagely. Quick as prune juice they had the good couch out,
followed by the ratty couch, followed by the couch we don't even talk about from
the sewing room, and a few underlings were taking orders from the low voice about
unplugging things. "Hey!"
Uma handed me a work order, and I tried to gulp down a little Stove Top while I read.
But I must admit the guy with the wide white eyes staring down at us, obviously
waiting, a Polite way to do it in his village I guessed, for us to be through
with the table, didn't help my feeding. As he was sort of in charge of doing
the kitchen - a lot of things were iffy, but I can read between the pages - he
began collecting up all the little framed needlepoints, and yarn paintings,
and putting them in a little stack, which he put all on a wooden tray my wife's
mom hadn't used for years. The feet pounded as the bed came out of the far and
end room, mattress turned sideways, still with the General Hospital bedthings on
it flopping unevenly, but I stood up to catch the main guy.
"What is this? I didn't sign anything! Who are you?"
"You're going to have to move."
"Not till you tell me something! What? Nothing's owing. I don't drink, passing out
on a bet or something -"
"You're going to have to move," he repeated.
"I am Not moving, I'll bet you a five I'm not moving!"
"You're going to have to move sometime."
I stared at him. He never blinked. God how I hated that. I had to concede he was
right, steadying on a faulty footing. I had to say he was right and gave him the
five. The troops came in with brown banana boxes and began putting everything we
owned between sheets of bubble paper. Mom had fun pretending to help, then snapping
away, but I was outraged, and tried to read the paper in my hand more thoroughly. I
couldn't tell what the signature was, too scribbled. And the rest was just a
moving company's form, with a typed invoice about moving "everything out".
It gave the address to where it was all going.
But by the time my eyes got off the paper, they were all gone, and everything we'd
ever worked for, money not included, out with them. I told Uma to stay with mother,
and I hopped in my car which they'd still left for some reason. I didn't care about
catching them, but I was going to see this "other" that was getting our goods.
I drove into a swimming pool because I couldn't see the parking lot at night. The
man with the funny walk came out in a beaten brown bathrobe and helped me up the
stairs of the shallow end. Considering I just lost everything else, bank account
still not in there, he was quite cordial and offered me a restorative drinky within.
I followed, and pushing the glass door shut, turned around to find my home,
in another man's home. He offered me a seat, and I took the ratty couch. He
was using the good one for tv fodder. That was quick. Those moving men were
professionals, you had to give them that, and everything else.
I looked around, and around. He explained everything, and I nodded.
. . .. ..:::] Unspoken Rule By Crowe [:::.. .. . .
Unspoken Rule
Me and my buds at work always manage to get into the strangest conversations.
Alot of the times, sex comes up. Typical for most of us. Well, we just recently
got a new employee (our current secretary's daughter) and she's the same
age as me and the other 2 technicians. Grimster and Nightrage to be specific.
Well, so far we've discussed all manner of things. Usually at lunch, but not
always. Well, somehow, one day she brings up the subject of mens units.
She said that she hadn't really seen that many and wondered if men took
a peak at each others while they were in public bathrooms. She's kinda
niave to say the least.
So the debate begins. We try to explain to her, that when men use the public
restrooms, we simply DO NOT look. I'm sure there are men out there who
try and get an eyefull, but as a general rule , an unspoken rule, when two
men are sharing a public facility, you don't say hi, you don't turn your head,
you don't discuss men stuff while your taking a shit. Women socialize in the
bathroom. Men go in, do there thing, and move on. The bathroom, to men,
is a VOID, a place where you end up at various times during the day, and
through out, where you releive certain bodily functions. It is not, however,
a place where you talk to other men, acknowledge there exisitance, or
most importantly, take a peek at his dick. I understand that part of being
a women is a natural attraction to other women, and women tend to check
each other out. MEN do NOT. No. We don't look, we don't peek. This is
one of the sacred UNSPOKEN Rules.
. . .. ..:::] Endless Eternal by Crowe [:::.. .. . .
Endless Eternal
How did I get so lucky
to win this love
What could I have done
If I had known
would I ahve changed
to keep the past?
If I had known
we would meet
But knowing what I do
that you'ld come to me
and be so great
I'd never have changed
that which is now set
so thankful am I
that we were crossed
that by chance another way
would have lost our love
so when I look into your eyes
and seem lost endlessly
know that your love
is my universe where I dwell
so the love for you
I hold within
can never be taken
from my chest
my arms will always hold you
while I give my life to you
for you, anything
Anytime, I am yours, Eternal.
The Crowe
. . .. ..:::] Love Her by Crowe [:::.. .. . .
L o v e H e r
Darkness is my shroud, mystery my viel, but you bring light,
and darkness does dispell.
but your voice so sweet, like you tender touch, is but a
reminder of so much.
So much love, living has lost, but now I know its price,and I
pay its cost.
Your my joy, my every happiness
In your every kiss
Your are my tender love, My endless glee
Ever since you walked in to see
My life is better, with your every step
My life hangs on your every breath
And now that your in my life
You complete me, and someday, could be my wife
So love me, best as you can
And know I'll always be, your man
Loving you with all my dreams
While making you smile and your eyes gleam.
I wish there were some way,
I could capture all the power in the universe
and give it to you,
I wish I had some way to show you
how much I care,
I wish there were werds
that described my love for you,
I only hope you can feel the passion
and the flames of how my love burns
for you, My world would never be the same
without you in it.
I'd give my soul, my life, my heart,
i'd give it all to you..
I need you, I want you, and I love you.
My love is like rain
and showers you with affection.
My love is like the stars
and always shines brightly.
My love is like Life
Growing each day.
And most of all
My love is for you.
If you were taken from me,
it would turn my world to lies
And the only way for me
would be to wallow in my cries
The sorrow I would feel
If you took your love away
Could never quell the emptiness
Of living out my days
So as long as your with me
and your heart beats true
I'll always stand before you
Always truely loving you.
The earth upon which you walk
is nothing more than a shell
for without your love
I would surely be in hell
I love you with a dragons might
and all my hopes are
of one day holding you
In the summer night
and as long as your there
to guard my soul
I'll stay with you
till I grow old.
the light of love, The embrace of Warm feelings
The tender voice and long evenings
The way you stare with your glowing eyes
Dispell the darkest of night skies
leaving me free to love you true
leaving me free to be loving you
The Crowe
. . .. ..:::] Love Grooves by Crowe [:::.. .. . .
The motions and emotions
The moves and grooves
The rolling and strolling
the winds calm blowing
As love moves me
soothes me
even cools me
Embraces me
In your loving care
lost in your stare
cauhgt by the glare
knowing your there
Holding me near
taking my fear
making it clear
wiping my tears
All from love
from your love
the way you love
simply love
And what do I owe
and how do I show
How do I know
that you won't go
But love proves
and love moves
and love soothes
and your love's true
To Me.
. . .. ..:::] Society By Crowe [:::.. .. . .
S o c i e t y
What happens when society calls?
When the Inner Circle Enters these walls?
All stand ready, our presense known
For you go before us, into the unknown.
Having acheived the highest rank
and taking others by there flank
We walk tall in every lair
Claiming our own, leaving dispair.
We command respect of our peers
were the ones tha have been here
And all they know our names
All know is for our fame
But now the circle has gathered again
For a new era is ushered in.
Our time to reign supreme
omong the webs of others dreams
But now our presense manifest
You'll see us each do our best
and in this new light shine
A new society for the new time.
--Quicky by Crowe
. . .. ..:::] Wife by Crowe [:::.. .. . .
A drunk driver crossed the line
and managed to keep his life
But as the tears roll down
I know he cost me my wife
She was coming home late
from a long day out
He was already wasted
He didn't hear her shout
He'd fallen asleep
driving home from the bar
He could have walked
He didn't live far
But he chose to drive
and cost me my life
He crossed the line
and he took my wife.
Now I'm spending time in jail
Serving out my days
But I died years ago
before I was sent away
I found him later
when he didn't serve time
but he didn't drive home
After all that wine.
He was walking to his car
when I cought him off guard
I shot him ten times
and I kicked him real hard
And when I came too
I was locked in my cell
But this place is heaven
Compared to my hell
I remember each day
How her life came to end
Now I lie here in bed
Waiting for mine to end
I hope to rejoin her
and see her smile again
She was my lover,
My life, and my best friend.
The Crowe
. . .. ..:::] last thoughts by Skylab [:::.. .. . .
- last thoughts -
alone with a thought,
a universal feeling
longlost, by some
twisting, moving
always evolving
ravaging through
your head
a feeling longlost....
to some, a thought
extinct in a brain
consumed by the 20th
In a sea of unity
...did we think
we thought
our last thought.
- summer '97 -
(skylb@hotmail.com)------------> FEEDBACK?!?!?
. . .. ..:::] just be (your own universe) by skylab [:::.. .. . .
- just be (your own universe)... -
sickening life, stepstone to the rest...
let's hope
coz out there somewhere
isn't much (they say).....
for US...
I guess...
guess what?
" they tell so much "
They said....
to me
dream is my reality.....or so it seems
| |
| |
" u have TEN seconds to stop existing!"
governement controls......
JEZUS (must have been a hell of a guy)
"resistance is futile"
"....and the band played on"
"symphony of destruction"
or was it
"War of the worlds" ?
...she said.
42 (i hope....)
strange colly kinda thing by
skylab (general ideas thanks to: Douglas addams)
feedback at ---> skylb@hotmail.com
pleeeeaaassee :)
. . .. ..:::] Vietnam Vets by Evil Lynn [:::.. .. . .
Vietnam Vets
BY: Evil_Lynn
The days of hell,
You have seen.
Pain and suffering,
Only you could have felt.
Friends dying,
Nothing you could do.
Night fell,
To afraid to sleep.
Never knowing,
Who the enemy was,
Never knowing,
Which friend was next.
Just waiting,
Fighting for your life.
When you came back,
No one cared,
They spit and cussed,
You all to hell.
Never knowing,
The days of hell you have seen.
Never knowing,
The pain and suffering,
you have felt.
. . .. ..:::] Last Werd by Crowe [:::.. .. . .
Well, that brings this issue of Elixir to a close. We DO hope you enjoyed it and
if you'd like to submit to elixir, send mail to chb@hiwaay.net
This has been a great release and I hope we have tons of submissions for out next project.
Get in touch with Cappacino or myself to become a part of Elixir's Other Projects, and keep
submiting for This rag, as soon as we have enough material, we'll put out another issue!
And sorry, no elite Greets in this t-file. You know who you are, and you know we love you.
And um, Spanks.
End File.
Begin Sause
Begin Fangs
Enough damnit.