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- A Production of the NetWork Hacker Alliance INC -
President: Mantis
NHA is now accepting applications.. If you are intrested
and knowledgable in the Hacking of Networks and Phreaking
etc, please call your fine H/p bbs system and download
'NHA-APP.TXT' and upload it to Amnesia Systems today.
====[Network Hackers Alliance]======[Newsletter #003]==[December 23,1991]=====
--Editors Addition--
After a short three month vacation the return of dementia is about ready
to kick off into full speed attack once again. Many of many have gone
underground during my vacation. Most national groups have died. Most
importantly all of what was once flourishing is gone. It is time someone
starts this back up. Anyone intrested contact me, Inphiniti..
--NHA's not DEAD--
Network Hackers Alliance is not dead. I took a short vacation due to a
number of things that have altered my life and time to be around. First
off I got my fucking ass busted for check fraud. Nothing much happened
with this yet, i figured on taking a little break from it all and that
didnt work all too well on my return. My drive busted. That was the
end of Inphiniti's Edge. I had no knowledge of anything happening around
the network.. From what I have seen it has died. Anyone reading this lets
start this back up..
--Inphiniti's Edge will not return but...--
I will bring the old Amnesia system back up on 02/01/92. It will be on a
new number and will be invite only.
** If anyone is intrested in joining NHA you can contact my on any of the
of the LOCAL BOARDs in 216. I have not started myself into doing the
illegal deads as of yet.
** Anyone with contacts with Captain Swashbuckler of <20><><EFBFBD>-PHUCK please
pass the message on that I am ready to return to the state that we
discussed over the phone..
--Closing Remarks--
Current Releases from NHA are as followes...
NHA-001.TXT Definitions
NHA-002.TXT Unix Tutorial
NHA-003.TXT **Scratched** Waste of TIME and space..
NHA-004.TXT CBI Usage/Tutorial
NHA-005.TXT AIX Unix Security Breach Tutorial
Current Newsletters from NHA...
NHA-N001.TXT ??/??/??
NHA-N002.TXT ??/??/??
NHA-N003.TXT 12/21/91
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- A Production of the NetWork Hacker Alliance INC -
NHA Member Boards Listing
| Amnesia Systems | *TEMP**DOWN* | NHA *WHQ* | 24/12oo |
NHA is now accepting applications.. If you are intrested
and knowledgable in the Hacking of Networks and Phreaking
etc, please call your fine H/p bbs system and download
'NHA-APP.TXT' and upload it to Inphiniti's Edge.
N.H.A. The Future of Hacking and Phreaking
W I T H A N E W B E G I N N I N G !!