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- Don't Call My Bitch A Ho! -
***>$ Sonic Fury $<***
Everybody's familiar with those cheesy piece of shit phones called
COCOTs that are popping up everywhere these days. The problem with COCOTs
is that they are very particular as to the billing arrangements and carrier
used. Another problem is that most COCOTS mute the receiver until the coins
are actually placed in the machine, making red boxing nearly impossible. As
you may recall from another file I wrote, you can unmute the receiver by
holding a fairly large magnet to the mouth piece (I used a 2lb magnetic
purchased at a magic shop in a PK kit (used for levitating coins/matches/
balls/pins/cards/ect)). Another method that works on some operators, but not
all, is to have the operator dial the number for you. Just call and tell
her/him that you were trying to place a call to the number, paying with
coins, and it dropped carrier on your ass. The operator will dial the # for
you, and then ask you to insert X amount of change. As you can guess, at
this point, the receiver is unmuted and you can hammer away with quarter
This is also an excellent method of placing local calls using a red
box. Call the operator and tell him/her that you are trying to place a call
to XXX-XXXX but the number isn't registering. The patter can go something
like this, "Hello, Operator? Yes, I'm trying to place a call to XXX-XXXX but
the 1, 4, and 7 keys on the keypad aren't working/are glued in place/someone
smeared dog shit on them/etc. I want to pay with coins, as it is only a
local call. I really need to place this call, I was wondering if you could
dial the number for me?" Bingo. She'll ask you to insert your quarter and
....NA-NA-NA-NA-NA! Just be kind to the operator and you shouldn't have any
problems, even if it takes two or three tries before she accepts your
"money." If she makes a comment about the tone, just pretend like you don't
hear anything.
OP: "I'm sorry the coin didn't register sir, please redeposit
25 cents."
OP: "What was that noise sir?"
YOU: "What noise?"
OP: "Please redeposit 25 cents."
OP: "There did you hear that?"
YOU: "Hear what?" etc...
Some operators are becoming real bitches about red boxes, and just
will not connect the call (they'll pretend like they're "on to you"). If
this happens, stop being polite ask for her operator number, then ask for her
supervisor. Make sure you get her operator number out of her, if anything
just to scare the shit out of her. When her supervisor comes on, start
bitching up a storm, blowing tones in the bitch's ear, whatever. Hang up,
try again, and hope you get another op. Red boxing is slowly becoming a dying
sport. Radio Shack discontinued their tone dialer, and Hallmark is changing
the speed on their cards' recorders. This brings me to the whole point of
this article: Ripping Off Those Fucking COCOTS.
Ok, here's what you do to find out whether or not a COCOT can receive
incoming billing calls. Pick up the handset and dial 102880. NOTE: even
some COCOTs will not let you dial another carrier's code. If this happens,
call 1-800-CALL-ATT instead. When you finally get ahold of an AT&T operator,
say the following, "Hello, Operator. This is <insert name here>. I'm a
lineman setting up this COCOT in the XXX exchange. Could you please tell me if
you are receiving screen code 88 on your terminal?" The operator will
reply with either yes or no. If yes, then say, "Yes? Ok, everything is in
working order. Thank you for your cooperation." -CLICK- Hangup and move to
another phone, this isn't the answer we're looking for. If she says no,
however, you've got yourself a winner. "No? Ma'am, would you mind reading
me the screen code that IS displayed on your terminal? Ok, thank you."
What screen code 88 means is that the phone you are calling from is indeed
a payphone, and you can not bill calls to this phone. A lot of COCOTs, being
privately owned, are not registered as pay phones, but residential lines.
If the operator returns another code other than 88, the phone is a
residential or business phone, and will accept 3rd party and collect calls.
Now that I've found a residential COCOT, what can I do with it? Have
a friend wait by the phone. Go home, boot up your system and terminal
software, pick up your phone and dial 0+number of a board. Tell the operator
you'd like to place a third party call to the number on the COCOT. She'll
take the number, ring the phone, and your friend answers. "This is AT&T
operator 7434, I have a third party call from a Jon Doe, will you accept the
charges." "Jon? Of course, ma'am." "Thank You." Now just type ATDT on your
terminal, hang up the phone, and your modem connects to the board you're
calling, free of charge!!! Unless of course, your modem is a piece of shit,
in which case you have to dial through the modem and set a bunch of pauses so
it doesn't time out while ur talking to the op. I'm sure you can find many
wonderful uses for 3rd party and collect calls, if not, then you shouldn't
be reading text files to begin with.
That's it for this file. MYC Digest back issues can be found at
ftp.paranoia.com in the zines directory. MYC can be reached via email at
an202526@anon.penet.fi or via our VMB. The MYC VMB is currently private,
but a public mail box will be available within a few days. Why should
I call the MYC VMB, you ask? Well, you'll find a plethora of information
including bridges, backdoors, pbx #s, extenders, ani, links to other H/P
resources, and most importantly: UPDATED UPS & FED EX COMBINATIONS!! The
public VMB will be posted to the following people's VMBs (Greets to these
Jon (305)
wILLIAM tELL (213)
Chaos (201)
Antagonist (5??)
Arcane (616)
All rights shoved down your fuckin throat and pulled out your ass Money Inc
MONEY INCORPORATED ARE: SLEEPY - (Lord, Savior, & Re-inventor of the I-Scam)
CCRIDER - (Archbishop Of Warez)
THE BIG FUCKIN CHEESE - (Cardinal Of Crime)
ORGASMIC ANOMALY - (Bishop Of Blasphemy)
SEXECUTIONER - (Priest of Perversion)