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* Rant of the Modern Man *
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* Another Modernz Presentation *
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* by *
* Bad Hash *
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* (C)opyright March 24, 1992 *
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A Rant to the Modern Man
The '60s were a generation of rallying, rebellion, and social
strife. People were at each others throats. The young against the old,
Timothy Leary against G. Gordon Liddy, Hanoi Jane against Nixon and Manson
against everybody. Things were in turmoil. The sixties will be remembered
as the puberty of America. The straight, sexless hips of the '50s finially
got a few kinks in them. Kerouac was its first kiss. Vietnam was
its first zit, which grew into a full, ugly case of acne. The youth of
that generation wanted out. They didn't like all the testosterone that
was flowing around, created during World War II, and it just didn't go
away. Instead, it was just redirected into Korea and Vietnam.
You can just ask a whole country of people to go home and stop fighting.
The youth of the '60s were born after 1945 and didn't know the war, and
weren't to interested to know, either. They knew what they were fighting
against, it was obvious to all sides. They hated the war, they hated the
man, and they hated hate. They wanted a change to a more realistic world
from the sugar coated '50s. To accomplish something on such a grand
scale seemed reasonable. People were motovated to do something, to
instill change.
The '70s were another story altogether. It has been called the
"Me Generation". I guess that's true. The people of the '60s, while
getting some things done, lost the dream. They got fed up. Out of this
frustration groups like the Black Panthers and the Weathermen were
created. The Weatherman were a radical group that wanted to get the
government out of the war by blowing it up. Their Greenwich Village flat
blew up due to amateur bombmaking in 1971. At one of their meetings, the
question put to the floor was "Should all white male children be killed
at birth because, in later life they would just continue the tradition
of opression of minorities?" The pure peace and love of the '60s were
turned into the hatred and bloodshed of the '70s. The seventies were
truly warped.
As people started to realize what was going on by the mid '70s,
they found out what really mattered, themselves. The hippies had nothing
to worry about in the '60s. It was a time of general prosperity for the
country. People's pockets weren't hurting. When the arabs found out there
as power in some black gook they pumped from beneath their sands, they
used it. People really started to worry when those 'Damn Towelheads'
took America by its neck. People were inconvenienced. This generation
never knew about that. They grew up with TV, automatic washing machines, 8
cylinder engines, every convenience anyone could ever want. They
thought, "What's going on here? We are saving all this time by having
machines do our laundry and our dishes and I'm going to spend my time
waiting on a damn gas line? Thats not progress! I'm gonna go out and get
me some progress." So people started to not care. The country became
more cynical. They were more out for themselves. They felt threatened and ill
at ease with the fact that something was affecting them directly that
was beyond their control. The isolationism that was no longer possible
on a macroscopic scale was being transferred to the individual. The man in
the '70s was truly an island.
The '80s were even worse. We were so hung up on TV we gave an
actor the job of running the country. In the '70s we could splurge a
little bit. In the '60s we put a few bucks in our pockets, but in the '70s we
spent it all on BeeGees albums, Buicks and shirts with really, really,
big collars. But we still had our credit cards. Reagan said "Give me, oh
I think 5 new aircraft carriers, you know, the kind with lots of pretty
lights, to get those Ruskies really, really scared. I could use a few
hundred of those MX missles too. You say I really don't need them? What
do you mean? Are you a commie-pinko-liberal too? Nationalism is
fashionable now! So buck up private, the Gipper knows what he's doing
between his naps! And don't worry, I'm gonna put it all on our Visa
anyway, the First Bank of Tokyo just gave me an unlimited line of credit!"
The good times of the '80s are going to be paid for in the '90s, and well
into the next century. In 1991, we, the people are paying off all the
bank failures from the '80s, because the people in charge were too busy
having a good time.
People were lied to in the '80s. Remember Ollie North? Remember
the not so false rumor that Reagan said he would give arms to the
Iranians if they kept the hostages until after the election? The C.I.A.?
(enough said). Just read the Village Voice once, you'll see what I mean.
We were swindeled out of our right to know, our money, and hope for the
future in the '80s.
Aaaah, the present. Not much has been said about the '90s yet. It
being only 1991. As a youth of the '90s, the same age as a hippie in the
sixties, I feel I am in the best position to sum up what the world has
to offer a disillusioned, broke, overstimulated generation.
For one, the best goddammed entertainment technology has to
offer will be coming to your neighborhood. The stuff coming out now will
curl your hair. Digital, perfect stereo sound is now the rule. Imagine,
a song, recorded after say, 1989, could not be heard without a computer
digesting it first. Televisions will now be 'High Definition' and in
stereo. You can put a color TV in your pocket. You can carry around
computers and video games that would give someone with Pac Man Fever
double pnemonia. 4 year olds are better at video games than you, sorry if that
hurts your pride, but they moved out the Space Invaders machine a long,
long time ago. With computers, the entertainment industry has gotten its
most valuable tool.
You won't realize it though, but all this entertainmant is
generating apathy and the inability for you to feel. You might have the
hand-eye coordination to fly an F-15, but you never will. The couch is
too comfortable, this bag of cheese puffs tastes too good, and Star Wars 6
is rolling in the VCR. I know I'm not going anywhere. You might read
about doing things, but you never will. You have that couch, that
parental safety to fall into, and a complete lack of motovation. Don't
worry about it, things will work out. Dad isn't retiring for another 10
years. There aren't any jobs out there, anyway (as if you looked).
With all this TV, people will forget how to speak, how to relate
ideas, how to communicate. I don't mean the everyday stuff, anyone can
order a tuna sub with provolone (a staple of a '90s person, who doesn't like
to cook. It tastes ever better if you can get it delivered.) I mean
feelings, real things, and how people feel, really feel. I don't want to
ever hear again the words "Nuthin'" or "Same old shit" or "Allright".
Its all a cop out. Its just another symptom of not being motovated to do
anything. The person asking "Whats up?" really doesn't want to know,
doesn't want to take the energy to know, because that precludes doing
something about what could be wrong, which takes up their energy, which
is low to start with, and their time, which is to be saved at all costs
(see above). And the person answering with one of the above cliches
doesn't want to take the time to explain it all, anyway, beacuse if they
have a problem, it is probably due to their lack of time, or energy.
Telling the problem to someone will just compound it, and it will then
just be a bigger broblem and take longer to explain, ad infinitum.
So, all we have to look forward to is bad conversation, cold
cuts and better television than ever seen before in history. Maybe not.
There are some good things. The world is a kinder place. People are still
killing each other about things as silly as the color of their skins,
religion or which is the best economic system, but not as many. America
will still have delusions of grandeur, but there is nothing to get all
worked up about anymore. The Russian hordes aren't about to race into Western
Europe to loot the place, if anything, they'll race there to find jobs.
Now that the cold war is over, we, as a world, can make this place
better for everyone. It is a small world after all, even smaller with
sattelite links, fiber optic communication, and a telephone system that
allows one to speak with a healthy fraction of the world's population at
any time.
Sons and daughters of the '90s, just kick back. Take it easy.
There aren't the riches to be had, the golden ring to grab for. It's a
myth handed to you by the last few generations. Procrastinate. Enjoy the
cheaper things in life. See the world on 5 dollars a day. Watch some TV,
play Nintendo, maybe go out and get a slice and a coke. Get a
girlfriend. After all, sex is free. But don't get AIDS, or else no more
loafing for you.
The 4 year olds I spoke of before will be the motovated ones. I
am hearing stories about prepubescent fanatic environmentalists. These
children are being taught now that recycling is next to Godliness. This
blind belief that one person can make a difference, is a very refreshing
thing to see. I don't think anyone should get too worked up about
anything, but that is just a symptom of my generation. These kids, with
all the energy, and early indoctrination, will make a difference. For
their children, the world will be a better place. Just in time for us to
retire and collect social security.
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