
82 lines
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Written by: Wave Runner Date: 09/08/90
Edited by : N/A Legions of Lucifer
Text # 9
Part 1 out of 1
Legions of Lucifer's Last and Final Text File
Hey Dudes..This is the final Legions of Lucifer text file.. The reason
that this is the last L.o.L. text file to ever be printed is because I'm
really sick of being despised by almost everybody in the BBS world.. Besides,
everybody thinks I'm a piece of shit.... which stands to reason since i've
given them more than enough reason to think so.
Well, basically, I'm gonna reform, and I hope you're not too pissed at me
for the pathetic things I have done in the past.. such as: Hacking my users
accounts so i can use all of thier file points and make an ass out of them
on other boards, spreading viruses and trojans, making prank phone calls to
my users at 3 in the morning, lying my head off, stealing other group's text
files, making up fake groups that are constituted of myself and myself ONLY.
Now that it's out, I'd guess you might as well know... I'm not as elite as I
try to pretend to be, actually, I try to copy the real elite people like
Elrond Halfelven.. I also admit that I dabble in the world of homosexuality..
Like my friend Midnight Sun always says 'There's nothing wrong with with
being Homosexual'. DII is actually run off of a 30 Megger and the cheapest IBM
that money can't buy and running at 7 Megahertz with a 2400 Baud Modem.
L.o.L. is practically dead right now. The few members that we used to have,
have quit for the obvious reasons. L.o.L. was bullshit to begin with as is
PBI, in which I'm actually the only member..
One more thing, if you have noticed the various acronyms I have placed in the
DII application, I took them all from my NME Acronyms Identification Device...
Finally, you should also know that my BBS software: LokSmith, is really
Telegard 2.5i beta edited with the word processor in Xtree Gold.
If you haven't heard already, please don't call DII anymore. It will be
closing by the end of this month. Please, feel free to call me at any hour of
the day at:
[213] 858-6724
Ask for Micheal A. Turner
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"Anarchy is the base of todays society, without it, we would be in chaos"
"But sometimes it scares me"
- Wave Runner
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