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"It was in reality such 'hardnosed liberals' as the CIA's Tracy Barnes and
Edward Lansdale (for whom Ellsberg worked in Vietnam) and Kennedy's
chief military advisor Maxwell Taylor who advocated clandestine war, or
Special Forces warfare, as an alternative to conventional military and
diplomatic options and thus got the U.S. involved untenably in Cuba and
Vietnam." (From THE YANKEE AND THE COWBOY WAR by Carl Oglesby, p. 59)
fanatical and bloodthirsty organization called the United States Marine
Corps. . . This terrorist faction is so extreme it considers the U.S. Army
and Navy too moderate . . . (Excerpts from the News As I'd Like To Hear It)
Acts of terrorism are like cracks in the bulwark of imperialism that
begin to appear as the result of pressures imposed by imperialist greed
upon Third World populations. They are not particularly efficient means of
fighting imperialism; they are, however, symptoms of its mortality.
Terrorism also occurs because counter-insurgency strategies have
thwarted the development of more effectual peasant organization for the
redress of economic wrongs (coercive interventions upon the marketplace).
The more imperialism succeeds in the short run, the more it insuress its
burial in the long run. It was the unreasonable policy of the French in
Indochina that made Ho Chi Minh, instead of a moderate, the ultimate
choice of the populance. It is the success of infiltration and disruption
technique and the lack of channels of reforming peacefully the extremes of
imperialism that create, almost directly, terrorist activity.
When you torment an individual, first that person is going to scream or
cry, and then she or he is going to lash out wildly. When a population is
tormented the same syndrome follows. The more efficiently individual
acts of terrorism are suppressed, the greater the number of such acts to
be expected -- until sooner or later imperialism is toppled.
Resorting to ever more convoluted and conspiratoral tactics, a minority
is enslaving a majority that is potentially capable of eradicating that
minority. Less than 10% of the world's population controls more than 80%
of its land. Only the immense profitability of this mileau for the
oppressor-minority lends it any stability at all. Every other factor
militates for its destruction.
For a politician representing imperialist interests to treat terrorism as
a perversely unnecessary evil that is simply the result of the unprovoked
ill will of malevolent persons is incredibly evasive.
"To forget is also to forgive what should not be forgiven if justice and
freedom are to prevail." -- Herbert Marcuse, EROS AND CIVILIZATION, p.
I've been mistaken all these years in assuming J. B. Stoner was convicted
for the same Birmingham Sunday School bombing of which Brother-in-law
accused Griffin Bell. No one was hurt in the bombing for which Stoner was
jailed. A number of black children were killed in the bombing which
probably served as Bell's initiation into a secret society.
KULTCHA Bulletin
#4 Kerry Wendell Thornley
c 1986 Kerry W. Thornley
Available Exclusively From:
Illumi-Net Computer Bulletin Board System
(404) 377-1141