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ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #871
`888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8
888 888 888 888 888 "the death of ibbs.com"
888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8
888 888 888 888 888 " by The Jester
888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 10/16/99
o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8
NOTE: this file is not in reference to ibbs.com, a bbs that went
down in february. yeah.
february 2, 1999
the plans are made. the total capture of illusions should take
place by at the latest the fourth. we plan on breaking in to steal the
mainframe, we being myself, pheeez, and nuggetwarez. we will steal the
mainframe to put up the final bbs.
the mainframe is located in the house of one of the 3 sysops,
hereafter known as bob. bob is a guy in his mid thirties. breaking in
should be a breeze. no security systems. no dogs. nuggetwarez is a
champ at cracking dog codezzz. "dude, i could hack that dog." and he
could if necessary. i put my complete and utter trust in nuggetwarez, as
well as pheez. if we plan to carry out this project in the next two
days, it will require our complete faith in one another. we cannot fail.
here is the plans for our route into the house.
_mainframe here!
------\ _____ |
\______ |
use the flame thrower here
so, basically, just run in and steal the computer. yeah. but
nuggetwarez must prepare the computer for stealing. pagan rituals at the
stealing of a mainframe are almost a commandment.
tonight we must make threats to steal the computer if our freedom
fighting power rangers are not unsuspended. of course they will not be,
but that is almost a good thing. the mainframe must be stopped. it must
be used to promote warez. it is almost another pagan commandment.
february 5, 1999
we posted our demands on the grafitti wall. here is a brief
I like ibbs.com! Yeah!
does anyone else here want PORN!#!#??
IBBS.com, you have two days to free our freedom fighting power
rangers. or else your mainfram is going to be stolen.
tonight we prepare our supplies. here is a brief capture of us
in chat.
you said: dude, what do we have/needd?@#?@!
nuggetwarez said: dudee, we have flamethrower, crowbar, 4 twinkies, 3
bikes, 3 bottles of tapwater, 1 supersoaker 50, a bottle of acne
medicine, and nyquil.
pheeez said: dude, you aren't going to use my acne medicine to kill
these peeeple are you?!#
nuggetwarez said: dude, we have to be prepared.
sysbob just walked in.
pheez said: so basically, we are breaking into his house at 11:45 pm, at
**** coastal road, then taking him and his family out, stealing his
computer, and riding our bikes off into the sunset?
sysbob said: Hey fellows!
pheez said: oh shit.
pheez just hung up.
nuggetwarez just hung up.
you said: freeeeeedom$!@$!
you just hung up.
little does bob know that those 4 asterisks is his house. we are
fully prepared. i have turned a shopping cart into a trailor on my bike
to provide a means to return the stolen computer to our secret hiding
spot until it is safe to sneak it into my room.
here is a new capture of the grafitti wall.
what are freedom fighters? - sysbob
you have one day sysbob. then you will face the music, or
rather, the computer will.... muhahaha#!
february 6, 1999
it is a little chilly out tonight. tonight pheez and nuggetwarez
are at my house. we are getting our supplies prepared. my mother is
suspicious of our shady activities. flamethrowers are generally not
accepted by my parents, but i convinced them we were working on a science
a science project of breaking and entering, and grand theft
computer.!@@ muhahah! if all goes well tonight, tomorrows file will
look like this.
heheee. we stole the mainframe.
february 7, 1999
nuggetwarez fell asleep at 9:30. he says he took nyquil but i
just think he is a 12 year old geeeeek. heheheeh.
tonight we attempt again. the mainframe will be ours.
february 8, 1999
oh my god. we actually got away with it. here is what happened.
we broke in with the flame thrower. we ran in the room, yanked
all the cords out of the wall, and ran. no one even woke up. we just
ran and ran and hopped on our bikes and i don't believe we have a
mainframe sitting in front of us.
thus ends the tale of the downfall of ibbs.com, which did _not_ go
down because of majormud, it went down because of the freedom fighter
so please, whatever you do, look out for the signs of someone joining
a freedom fighting power ranger group.