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ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #617
`888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8
888 888 888 888 888 "Why I'm Not Cheering For Gonzaga"
888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8
888 888 888 888 888 " by Anilos
888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 5/9/99
o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8
Excuse me for being not all that excited that Gonzaga (a university
in Spokane.) is doing well in basketball/NCAA or whatever the hell it is.
I'm not a big fan of watching sports, I see absolutely no point in watching
a sport on TV. Playing a sport is different, I have no qualms when it
comes to playing sports as I love billiards (which really isn't a very
invigorating sport when you think about it, but, a sport none the less.)
As I sit in the passenger side of my best friend Josh's car (I really need
to get a job and work on that license.) I notice all of these signs that
say "Go Zags".
Now, call me logical or really asinine but to me that just seems so
downright stupid. Why? Simple, they aren't here, they can't see the damn
signs and we're just going to throw them away after their either win or
lose, what a waste of good fucking paper I could use for school reports
and essays; I'm a environmentalist kind of person, in a non fanatical
way. ...Signs that say "Go Zags" it just astounds me, am I the only one in
this entire city not tickled pink by the prospect of them winning a
I digress, when/if I do watch sports on television (my dad watches
them all the time so I'm forced to listen to them at the most {like right
now, he's watching the game while I type my incessant bitching on the
computer}, I find myself that if I am forced to listem to them long enough
or watch the last 15 minutes I actually start to get into them, and I don't
like that. It's a compromisation of my values, that value being, watching
sports is stupid. If I've only been listening to the game I find myself
asking questions regarding it such as "What's the score?" and "Who's
leading?" AUGH I hate it, I hates it forever (Subtle Tolkien reference.)
I'm not cheering for Gonzaga, though, and I never will. I was
listening to Joe Satriani 'Crystal Planet' Goddamnit, before my friggin'
dad came down and decided to turn off my life giving music and watch that
fucking game. I already feel musically deprived, I'll have to go to my
room or switch off the laptop and exchange the disk drive for the cd-rom.
(which I kind of don't want to do right now, but probably will end up
doing.) No, now that I think of it, I need to keep the disk drive in, I
need to make a powerpoint presentation on the cons of having prayer and
religion in school. I have so much fucking homework, a college consultant
making me sign a contract making me study 20 hours a week for the SAT's
(which brings up another point I would like to talk about.. Sat scores.
For some warped reason my college consultant thinks that your GPA
determines your grade average, let me just say that the assumption that a
3.0 student will be in the range of a 1100 score is pure bull fucking
shit. What about the students who have the intelligence, just not the
drive? {like me} Oh well I can complain about that later.) and the
pressure is building to go to a college on the west coast but I want to get
as far away from Washington as possible and go to the east coast. Even the
news has succumbed to the lame 'Gonzaga' fever that has gripped the city.
The point being of this whole thing being:
- Watching Sports is really stupid, in my opinion.
- Gonzaga sucks, they made my dad turn off my music, and I'm not
interested in going to my room.
- Joe Satriani is a damn good guitarist.
- I'm not concerned about Gonzaga, for all I care they can lose
this day.
- Making stupid sign's that say "Go Zags" to put on your windows is
a waste of paper.