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'##::::'##:::'#####:::'########: VIVA LA REVOLUCION! CERDO DEL CAPITALISTA!!
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##:::: ##:'##:::: ##: ##::::::: THE HELOTS OF ECSTASY PRESS RELEASE #320 !!
#########: ##:::: ##: ######::: ZIEGO VUANTAR SHALL BE MUCH VICTORIOUS! !!
##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##...:::: ===========================================
##:::: ##:. ##:: ##:: ##::::::: "Same Sex Marriages" !!
##:::: ##::. #####::: ########: by -> Neko !!
..:::::..::::.....::::........:: 12/9/98 !!
This is something I found... it's an essay that my roommate wrote
for one of his classes. And yes, he intended this little gem to be
completely serious.
"Same Sex Marriages"
by Mike ****
Greg is a "fly by the seat of your pants" kind of guy. He enjoys
arguing and is intelligent enough to back his reasoning with ideas that
will only fool. Greg and I have been friends since we were very young.
I am exactly the opposite in reasoning and personality when compared to
Greg. However, I also like to tease my points beyond recognition.
Outside of the friendship, our lives are lived differently to the
extremes. My family is very religious and very close in our
relationships towards one another. Greg's parents have been divorced
for ten years now. He never goes to church and he often finds himself
sleeping at others houses more than his own. Our friendship is
wonderful, but our different ideas and beliefs lead to countless hours
of arguing on whom is right, and who is wrong. One day over
Thanksgiving break we had a rather heated argument.
"Are you kidding me?" I said. "Gays and lesbians should never be
allowed to legally marry. It says in the Bible that it is a sin. As a
matter of fact, I think homosexuality should be illegal. Right here,
in 1 Corinthians 6:9 it says, 'Do you not know that the wicked will not
inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually
immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor
homosexual offenders' (New International Version).
"Well, just forget about that for a second, will you?" Greg said.
"Just think of all the benefits gays and lesbians will be granted if
they can marry. I read that there are nearly 400 legal advantages
associated with same-sex marriages, including such ideas as joint
income taxes, hospital visits, benefits in insurance (Bullough 49).
Just think how much it would help these people. Besides, even though
your so-called religion says that homosexuality is sinful, it is a
known fact that it has been around for hundreds of years. So why don't
we just help them? Wouldn't that be the Christian thing to do anyway?"
"Oh be quiet," I said. "I can't help it that I base my beliefs
on my religion. That is what I grew up believing. I just don't
understand. Homosexual marriages would be too much for me to handle.
Don't you think it would be strange to see homosexual couples 'happily
married' and on their way to living a happy life? It just seems
ridiculous to me."
"And why is it so ridiculous," Greg said with a lethargic nod of
his head. "We didn't accept blacks years ago, just like we don't
accept immigrants from many other countries today. You might not like
to admit it, but we don't accept these people. Just wait. Homosexuals
will be common place in society in the span of a few years I bet. You
know that we have always been the dominant race, well, at least
considered the dominant race. Many dominant groups step away and avoid
conflict. This is especially true when the dominant group is
experiencing trouble in their lives. In this case, homosexual
marriage, or even just homosexuals for that matter. Anyway, what
dominant groups usually cannot act on, or even imagine, is that 'the
situation of inequality in fact deprives them.' It is not normal to
have homosexuality or similar oddities exist in the lives of dominant
figures (Miller 7). Since the legalizing of homosexual marriages is
not normal to the majority of our society, we will continue to bring
conflict upon the idea, but over time it will be accepted. It is
obvious Mike!"
"I don't know Greg. I still don't think it should be
legalized," I said with a grin. "I now what you mean. Don't think I'm
pushing away your thoughts. Even one of my professors, Dr. Wayne
Dornan at school said, 'Why shouldn't homosexuals be allowed to legally
marry. Those who oppose the idea think it is wrong only because the
so-called offenders would set bad examples. Homosexuals have been
around forever. They should be allowed to legally wed if they want
to.' "Whatever," I thought. Legalizing same-sex marriages would be
like crossing a huge boundary, being unable to cross back and recognize
the stress you placed upon your people. I don't think my views on this
matter would be altered even if I did not grow up going to church.
Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is that the homosexuals do not
hold any power to support their cause. They grow in number and that's
about it. Our whole lives we have grown up without contact of many
true homosexuals. Our society is an abode to many same-sex couples,
but why should we allow them to legally marry when we live in a country
that is supposedly "one nation under God." I mean really, even our
currency says "in God we trust." Do you even know what that means Greg?
I know we live in a secular state and we have the freedom of religion,
but being homosexual is a religion in itself almost. It goes against
all that we are as moral beings.
Oh, now that is harsh, Greg said forcefully. Everyone has
different morals. How can you force an unproven believe upon these
people and all of us just the equal? Your religion is not the best
religion. Besides, we're not even talking about that here. We're
talking about sexuality and the legalization of marriage for two people
who are in love. You're so caught up in the whole "male" and "female"
idea. All those simple words do is symbolize how we categorize people.
We tend to experience them more than words, however, treating them as
representing some fixed objective reality. We act as though "sex" is
a word that means one thing and one thing only, regardless of culture,
and that it includes only male and female (Patriarchy Chp.1). Why do
we have to force these sexual orientations upon these people and not
let them have a choice? It isn't fair.
Well, it sounds to me like there isn't something you're telling
me. Is there something you want to tell me Greggy? Mike said with a
smirk and giggle. Just kidding. You're not even talking about
legalizing marriages anymore. You can't even focus on what we're
talking about. If you would not get so flustered, maybe you could
logically present yourself. Ok, listen to this. What if I said that
God did not create certain people homosexual. He created us with the
desire for the opposite sex. Homosexuality is sin in God's eyes, but
He still will forgive and help homosexuals overcome their wicked
passions (Gen. 2, Rom. 1 NIV).
Oh please, said Greg. Can't you ever rid yourself of those
fantastic Christian doctrines?
No, I'm serious, Mike said solemnly. I guess I still value the
traditional views of family: a man, a woman, and the children that may
result from their union. So many dull-witted ideas have changed the
meaning of family. Advances in reproductive medical technology, the
diminished blemishes of divorce, the increased acceptance of single
parenthood, and especially the increase in gays and lesbians are the
main reasons for the altered definition (Brienza 12). My social
characteristics inadvertently heighten my views of homosexual marriage.
I do believe boundaries exist to be broken, do not get me wrong. When
in case the boundary is being broken by an immoral abstraction, I tend
to disagree with that. Sorry I can't see your point Greg.
Yeah, that's ok, Greg thoughtfully replied. I can't envision
your side either. I imagine that is the way it is for all of us.
Homosexuality is something I don't particularly agree with also, but I
feel it wouldn't hurt if they wanted to marry. I guess there are many
questions we both can not even fathom questioning or even answering for
that matter.
You're right, Mike said. We will never fully understand the
question whether legalizing homosexual marriages is right or not. I
just know that it will continue to be a downward spiral of a problem.
My religion will continue to hold its believes just as I too will, but
I guess as long as I am faithful, there will likewise be strong
believers in same-sex marriage. If homosexuals were allowed to legally
marry, I'm sure there would be many benefits and advantages as you
commented before, but I never see that happening. I guess we'll just
have to wait and see.
Yep, Greg said with a smile. I guess you're right. Let's go
home. I'm hungry.
- "Patriarchy." Chapter 1 "Where Are We."
- NIV Bible. 1 Corinthians 6:9, Genesis 2, and Romans 1.
- Miller, Jean Baker. Domination and Subordination . p.7.
- Brenzia, Julie. "Same-Sex marriage: equal rights or the death of
family?" Dec. 1996 32 n12 p.12. Infotrac Search Bank.
- Bullough, Vern L. "Why same-sex marriages." Wntr 1997 v18 n1 p.49.
Infotrac Search Bank
-Interview with Psychology professor Wayne Dornan.
!! (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! #320 - STOLEN BY: NEKO - 12/9/98 !!