90 lines
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90 lines
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$$$$$$$$$$$ hogz of entropy #226
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>> "The Day Armaggedon Began" <<
by -> Alternative Rocks
There were many before me, but none quite like me. Some were well
known, like Jesus, Mohamad, Hitler, Moses, the snake in the Garden of Eden.
The other names were lost in history, never to be known... just fogotten
with time. Great politicians of the spiritual plain, here to gather up
forces for the great battle foretold throughout history, and known as
Armaggedon. The two sides were formed long ago, and it was well documented
in the Bible. God and the Archangel, Micheal, banashing Lucifer, often known
as Satan, to Hell. The bitterness between the two sides were great, and a
cold war began, with our own existence being the battle ground. Both sides
sent forward great saviors, and great evils. Both sides had victories and
losses, as in any war. Both sides proclaimed their glory the higher. But it
was a war none the less. A war that both sides, after millenia of fighting,
became tired of. They realized the pointless nature of the war, but could do
nothing to stop it. The people they had enlisted, through years of
propaganda and promises. Finally, in the last century of the second millenia
after the birth of Jesus, the most horrible attrocities were commited by
people on both sides, and the spiritual plain grew concerned. The human
race was quickly headed toward self-destruction. For most of the century, in
human terms, the great warriors tried to remember how to be thinkers. God
himself was at a loss. Both sides decided that the differences between them
were, at most, a difference in taste. They both strived for the same things,
but in different manners. The evil ones, wanted war, corruption, greed,
survival of the quick witted and dishonest. The good ones wanted peace,
equality, and a chance for everyone, no matter their faults. So, in a moment
of mutual despair, both sides laid down arms, and held a galactic meeting of
the opposing forces.
Chapter 1
They could think of only one answer. Since both sides had such strong
followings on earth, a medium between them must be put on earth. To ensure
the largest following possible he was sent twenty years before the millenium
ended. To accomplish the task at hand they gave him supernatural sense, so
that guidance from the newly formed allies could be recieved. He was given a
dark power source, from the most powerful and hottest deapths of Hell, and
was also given the white cause of heaven, to ensure that balance was
maintained. Due to the great amount of energy he would be able to control he
needed the intelect and ability to make his own decisions. That way after
the basic instructions were given as a child, he would be able to continue
his mission, even if things turned sour on the spiritual plain. Mentally,
emotionally and spiritually, he was quite different, and in some ways,
almost too perceptive. Physically, however, was left to the genetics of the
human parents lucky enough to be chosen. Everything about his apparent
existence looked normal. The only thing different was his abnormal learning
process, his urge to learn all that he could, and his unique view of the
world. It both set him apart from the people he was sent to save, and, later
in life, made him quite well known. All of this was planned ahead of time.
However, since a joint venture of this type was never tried before, and the
two sides had decidedly different methods of doing things, something was
bound to go wrong. It did.
Chapter 2
To cross over form the plain of existence that they are in to ours is
a tricky one. The amount of energy they posses must be condensed into a
physical form of our size. The opposing forces in this cross-over were so
great that when the energy reformd on our side, a great spiritual explosion
took place, and much of the chosen one's spiritual energy was spread over
the world, not disconnected from him, but still quite faint. At this point,
no intervention was possible, and all the higher beings could do is hope
that everyhting else was fine, and that the mission would be able to be
carried out. Of course, with much of his energy, and hence, his supernaturl
senses, spread over the world, he lost any sense of where he came form, or
what he was supposed to do. but they didn't know that. not until it was too
[To be continued...]
* (c) HoE publications. HoE #226 -- written by Alternative Rocks - 4/7/98 *