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506 lines
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COOl keWl ko0l qUEwl COooL K00l koOl C00l kuewL KcO0l cO0l kooL KEwL
cOOl kEwL KO0l QUEWl cOooL K00l kOoL C00l KUEWl KCO0l cO0l KooL KEwL
COoL KeWl ko0l -------------------------------------- Co0L KOOl Kewl
COOl KEWl kO0l ! tHE HIPpiE DiPPy KlUB ! cO0l KoOl keWL
COoL KewL kO0l ! PreEZEntZ: ! CO0l koOL KeWl
cOOl keWl ko0l ! ! CO0L KOol kEWl
Cool kEwl KO0L ! MOre oN ThE GeM of An AC ! cO0L kOoL Kewl
CooL kEwL kO0L ! wE lIke TO CALl 514/moNtREal ! Co0L KOOl kEwl
coOl kewl KO0l ! L0seR t0wN paRt 2 ! cO0L kOOL kEWl
cooL kEWL ko0l -------------------------------------- CO0L KOOl KEWl
CooL kEwL kO0L QuEWL COOoL K00l kooL C00l KUewL kco0L co0L KOoL kewL
cOOl kEWl kO0l qUeWL cOOol K00L kool C00l kUEwL kCo0l CO0L KOol kEwL
WArNIng (rEaD thIS aSShOLE): woNdERing WHo WrItES THIs? It sTARts
WIth "M", enDS witH "X", anD has "ECHANI" IN BetWeen. FIGureD iT OuT
That waS Hard WaSn't iT? bY tHe way, tHis fiLE CONtaiNS aNSi cOdes.
PLEasE Type it fRoM dOs.
- Part W0nE - a nOte AbOuT tHe FormAt:
bEfoRe we StARt on diS isSUE, LEt mE TAlK a LITtLe ABoUT dIS seRIES
KNoWN as ThE HiPpie diPpY KLuB PhilEs. fiRST off tHE NAMe HiPpIe DiPPY IS An
iNsidE JokE BEtweEN a few OF da BeTtER BbseRS IN 514 (yeS tHeRE ArE a Few OF
ThEM). thAT'S alL derE is, IF you dON'T gET The jOke, It's becaUSe yOU
PROBabLY doN't DesERve tO. i'M N0t hIPPie, and I sURE as HELl AM Not DIpPY.
Next, a LoT of you doN'T likE THE wRItTInG. DO YoU THInk I Spend HoURS
PREsSINg mY sHift KeY To wrITe LiKE thiS? hEll n0. I jUst HavE A SmalL
PrOGRAm Dat RandOmIZes tHE kAps on anD OfF. sO i nEVeR KNow wHAt DIS cRAp
wiLL TurN 0ut LIkE. dA oNlY ExCePti0n is DA QUoTES Or CAptUReS. DEY Are LeFt
IN tHEre 0riginAL foRm, UnM0DIFIed, UNtoUcHed. So IF yOu cAN'T sTAnD tO reaD
DIS, thEN dOn't, we doN'T care. NExT, pe0plE have beEN WoNDEWiNG WHy DeY enD
up iN DEeSE fiLEs. well Dis iS tO ExP0SE all DA st0OPid THINgS ThaT
FIvEonEFOUr bBSErs d0. if yOu are MEntIONneD iN DIs, you desErvE it. so
basiCaLly, DIs is JUSt a WAY FoR sEwiOuS 514 BbserS to MAKE PHuN aNd
rIdicULIzE THe f00ls Out ThErE, soMEThiNg theY Do To DEmSeLVEs Very WELL
ALREAdY. so WHat'S dA DIFFeRence BETWeeN HDK And LOsers 'R' uS? I kNew Y0U
WoUld AsK thaT. WEll HDK IS SuPp0sed TO BE fuNNy, amuSIng. iT aLSo Is 100%
TRUe, and no InFORMatiON hAS BEeN inVentEd oR MuTIlAtED. alTh0ugH My
PErsoNnAL opinIOns GET A LIttLE CarrIED awAy s0mEtIMeS, iT sTIll remaINS
bAsEd on 100% LEgitImAtE fACts. As for L0SeRs 'R' Us, IT's JUST A CoLLECTI0N
oF lIes And INsults. SaMe goeS FoR cumdiGgER, A vErY pITtIfUL ATTempt T0 GeT
bAck aT mE. diS IS Y i am Signing dA FuTurE weLeASEs O' HDK, whY Don't alL
YOU 0ther iDI0Ts dO dA SAME?
------*&^%$#@!!@#$%^&* Kall K0dEz KavE For keWL k0DEz *&^%$#@!!@#$%^&*-------
- pART t0o - InTw0DUCTIOn:
DIS iSSue COnTaINS loT's o' craP anD cAPTUrEs FwoM da VarIOuS boArds oUt
Dere IN 514. aRtIcleS INcluDE: JameS dAhaN, HaCKiNg/PhReaking iN FivEoNEfoUR,
morE SHiT On TnT, anD BOARD ReVIEwS (0H N0!). But FIwst, hErE'S da weal
dAFINit0N OF WhAt HiPpie DIppy IS:
hipPiE DiPpy IS NOT A GRoUp, not a kLuB, nOt a bOaRd, not A LOW-FaT dieT.
iT'S moRe tHaN all DiS. IT'S A statE OF mind, A pOliTiCaL AS WELL As
mEnsTrUaL incLINatiOn. IT REPrESENTZ Da vErY BEst OF DA TEleComMUniCatIon
worLd, DA GREaTeSt mInds, dA bEST iDEas. IT'S da ETHErAL PRoJECtioN of 0ur
SOUL AmOnG THE AsTrAL WOrLD OF CybersPace. tO beCUM hIPpIE dIPpY requIres
mUsT Be pwEparED TO fAce the GReateSt cHAllEnges, HaCk THe TUFFEsT SystEMS,
phReaK WHIlE BuRried TweLVE FeET UnDeR In An ISoLATed beLl manholE (WiThoUt
THat stUPid Fan), and m0st OF alL, you MuST BEAT The FuCK oUt Of eveRy WaNNa
BE HIppiE DiPPy. YoU MUst 0bTAIn And Mem0rise eVERY bellcore AnD at&t
TeCHNiCAl MANuAL eVer PRynTed, AS WelL as KN0W EVery c0MMaND oF eveRY
opeRatINg SYSTum You WIlL EVeR eNc0UNTER. you must KNOW wHat Is thA sUppa
sEKRUT L0catION OF SUmmErcON '92, yoU must be On EVerY IRC cHat eveWy DaY,
y0U MUST Run aLlIAnces 25 h0urS A day, you mUSt PICK yOUR ass Wit SALaD
ThonGs. You mUST Be ETHiCaLlY WArPEd, buT in thE RIGHt wAY, HAVE a sENsE Of
DiSgUsT t0wARds policiES And aUtHORitY, YOu MUST KnOw THE MENTOR'S HAckEr
manIfeSTo bY hEARt, as WElL As bEiNg aBle tO ReciTe iT upSIdE dOwN, aND In
SWAhIlI. Y0u mUst sTEaL BELl vANS, ANd DrIvE dem aroUND To ANnoY bELL
LInemaN. YoU must Be Able TO takE apART anD ReASSEmBLe a hANDsEt whIlE
blInFolDeD AnD HAving yOUR FEEt GNAwEd oN by UGlY, dIrtY, WAreZWoLVEs. Y0u
mUsT Be aBlE tO SimuLaTe DtMf ToNEs WHIlE WHiStling oR fartIng (yOuR CHOicE),
AnD bE able tO tRUnK A lInE WItH a burP. AnD Lastly, If yOu belIEveD anY Of
thE abOvE, You'rE A totAL m0r0N. i waS JokinG dIp sHit.
---------!@#$%^&**&^%$#@! we bReW it, yoU sM0Ke iT !@#$%^&**&^%$#@!----------
- paRt TReE - ofF tHE T0p:
WeLl, Bef0rE we geT staRtED, I G0T DiS off S0mE LoCAl bOaRd.
[40m[2J[2;1H[3;1H[52C[0;1;32m<32><6D><EFBFBD>[4;1H[50C<30><43><EFBFBD>[30m<30>[5;1H[49C[32m<32><6D>[30m<30>[6;1H[8C[33m<33><6D><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>۲<EFBFBD><DBB2><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>[30m<30>[17C[0;31m<31><6D><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>[1;30m<30> [32m<32><6D><EFBFBD>[30m<30>[9C[0;34m<34><6D><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>[1;30m<30> [0;35m<35>۲<EFBFBD><DBB2><EFBFBD>[1;30m<30>[7;1H[6C[33m<33>۲<EFBFBD><DBB2><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>[30m<30>[14C[0;31m<31><6D>[s
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[68C<38> <20>۲ <20>۲
[8C<38>۲ <20>۲[7C۲<43><DBB2><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>۲ ۲ ۲ <20><><EFBFBD>۲[6C۲ <20><>۲ ۲[6C۲ <20>۲ <20><>۲
[9C۲ ۲[8C<38><43><EFBFBD> ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲[9C۲ <20>۲<EFBFBD>۲[6C<36><43><EFBFBD>۲ <20><><EFBFBD>۲[9C۲ ۲[8C۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲[9C۲ <20>۲۲ <20>۲۲[6C۲ <20><>۲[6C<36>۲ ۲[7C<37>۲[5C<35>۲ ۲ ۲ ۲[9C۲ ۲<>۲ <20><>۲ ۲[6C۲ <20><>۲ <20>۲ <20>۲[7C۲[7C۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ <20><><EFBFBD>۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ [A
[63C ۲ ۲[6C۲ <20> <20>۲ <20><><EFBFBD> ۲ <20><>۲ ۲[8C۲ <20><><EFBFBD>۲ ۲<><DBB2>۲<EFBFBD><DBB2>۲ ۲ ۲ <20><>۲ ۲ ۲<><DBB2>۲ ۲ <20> <20><><EFBFBD>۲ <20><><EFBFBD>۲<EFBFBD><DBB2>۲<EFBFBD>۲[8C۲ <20><>۲ <20><>۲ <20>۲۲ ۲ <20><><EFBFBD>۲ <20><>۲<EFBFBD>۲ ۲ <20>
[9C[1;34mI'm looking for any groups needing some ANSI maker, if your
[12Cinterested by my service, send me a WAC on this board.
[48CMaster [0;31mSlavenger
-------------*&^%$#@!!@#$%^&* tnT RuLEZ! n0t! *&^%$#@!!@#$%^&*---------------
- PaRT f0r - cAn iT be tWue:
F0R aLl Y0u YOyOs whO don'T know YEt, TErRoR 'n' TORMEntS, fIVEoneFOuR'S
ALL ArOuNd wiNNER For wANNAbe l0Ser Boards, Is fiNallY oUT 0F BUsinesS. GoNe
F0R EVEr We H0pE. WHy, i doN't kNow, nOr D0 i cAre, buT DA NUmbEr
514-965-7166 iS n0w oUT of sERvICe. let's H0Pe we neveR heAr FRom Sgt.
RAtTLebRead eVEr AGaIn. diS guy wAS Da L0SeR suprEmE oF 514. hE st0Le vmBs
FROm OtHEr BBSers, AnD if dAt WaSEN'T lAmE enUff, He Got DA WHoLe vMB SYSTEM
cRaShED by lEaViNg ST00pid mEsSAGeS wit nIRvaNa CraP plAyiNG iN dA
bacKgROUND. l0SER. anYwaYz, IT'S dEad, Let's HOPE iT sTAYs DaT WAY.
--------!@#$%^&**&^%$#@! JoiN ThE NeW Gwoup: K.K.K. !@#$%^&**&^%$#@!---------
wiT Da DisSAPEaRENCe oF TnT, Dis stilL LEavEs QUiTE a feW l0seR "waNNabE
H/P" BoArDS Ar0Und. ALl the boArDS MeNtIONnEd BeLOw COnsidEr tHEMslevES h/P
suppOrT. bUt n0ne of thE SysoPS kNOW anYThINg aboUT haCKInG oR pHreAKING.
tHEy jUsT CoLLECt ViRUSES (Of Which M0sT are Tr0janS oR TexT FiLES, oR W0Rse)
AnD P0st St00pID mEsSAGES LIke "DO yoU haVe A PBX... Do YOu have A NuI...".
- iLLuSiON - sYSop: AXL-ROsE (akA: DeATH)
- sHoUT AT tHe dEVil - SysOp: PsYcHiC DEMON (aKa: hoTMAn)
- TUnNElS Of DarKNESS - SYSop: telePAThiC slAYEr (AkA: chaiNmASTEr)
iF i'Ve miSseD Any 0f the 0Ther l0SER boarDS OuT ThERe, i'M soRrY, I jUSt
D0N'T have the tIME To CHecK y0u ALl OUt. sO iF yoU cAll Y0uRsElVeS "h/P
suPPoRt", I wILL checK Y0U Out, ANd iF YOu sucK (Like all THE aBOve) i WIL D0
alL IN mY P0Wer TO gEt rid of y0U. it jUSt GiVEs a BAd rEpUtATiOn tO
fiVEonefOur. If you MEAn h/p sUppOrT, THen At LeasT kNOw What da hell yOU Are
TaLkIng AbOUT. N0TICE How ALl 0f tHE abovE sYSOps seEm to nEed To chaNGE
tHere ALiaS eVeRy 6 MONThS. aND DA ab0VE LiST DOESn't inCluDE thE OThER
BoARdS WIt dA cOMpLEtELY USELESs/dead "h/p sECtion". sO WhY dO ThEse SYSTUms
sUck? I'Ll rUn It D0wn one MorE tIMe iN casE You ARe A COMpletE VegetABle.
a: tHe SYSOpS Don't kNow THe FIrST THiNg abOuT H/P.
b: eVen tHE k-k00L K0DeZ Are aBouT 2 M0NTHS oLd.
c: iNValiD dRIVe spECIFicATIoN.
d: LACK of Any InFoRMaTion whatsOeVeR, N0T TO mEnTioN thE laCK oF GOOD useRS.
e: DAt'S abOUt It.
derE'S aNOTHeR BOARD I was gOing t0 pUt IN Da aBoVe lIST, BUt i'D rAder
Sh0W Y0u a CapTure OF a chaT BEtWEEn dA sYSuP (WHITE NINJA) aND wat hE
ThoUgHT WAS aN Ld cALlEr FRoM TexaS, me. mY COMMeNTs BetWeen bwackeTs "[ ]".
8<---CUT HERE----------------------------------------------------------------
WN: White Ninja
MX: Mechanix
WN> Hello!
MX> Yep
WN> Hmm... you are calling from.. ?
MX> texas bud... what's taking so long with my val?
[ Sorry for the shitty spelling, I was to busy cracking up. ]
WN> Hmmmmmmmm....I can't check out ld callers.. .anyways.. wait..You are
WN> using PBXs?
[ Obviously to cheap to pay 30 cents, and to dumb to phreak. ]
MX> Yep. can't you phreak? Anybody can call ld.
WN> I know, but anyways.. I don't phreak anymore, I have been under
WN> surveillance and I don't want to get into trouble..
[ Interresting: under surveillance? ]
MX> Surveillance by who?
WN> Companies, and Bell..
[ Right, sure... And they call me batman. ]
MX> For abusing PBXes?
WN> Yep... and don't forget, most of them are getting Call Retracers...
WN> anyways... I was a hacker.. and.. hehehehe.. so. But I'm not in H/P
WN> anymore.. i'm a programmer now.. (a good, not a bad. hehe)
[ That's call tracers, or clid, not retracers. Duh, hick bah goo goo. ]
MX> Did you have a diffenrent alias before?
WN> Dan..
MX> Hmm, and were you an ok hacker? What systems do you enjoy hacking?
WN> Yes, I was not a "bad" hacker.. I was hacking only boards with stupid
WN> sysops.. These guys who try to.. hmm.. (I'm not very good in english
WN> hehehee).. to shit on other people hehehehe
[ Well people who shit on other people usually have a sexual disorder. I
don't think that's what he wanted to say. But that's crashing, no? ]
MX> That's not hacking, that's crashing.
WN> .No.. I was hacking some boards.. There wass a war anywayss.
MX> ok, later
WN> later?
[ Obviously an explanation is needed, as his little hacker brain cannot
comprehend that I wanted to get the hell out of there. ]
MX> bye
WN> why?
MX> Well you want to keep chatting?
WN> hehehe.. hmmmmmmmm.... well, texas.. hmmmmmmmmmmm..where is it?
WN> fsd;kihuafdio;uhfd;akhu i forgot....%$#
[ Dug, goonygoogoo, blah hmmmpf, grr. White Ninja dialect. ]
MX> Texas. Area code 713. Houston to be exact
[ Well you have to lie a little to get your point accross. ]
WN> Hmm yeah.. did you ever go in quebec?
MX> Hmm, canada? No never
WN> Heheh yes.. I'm french.. but I speak english a little.. (I go in florida
WN> each year...hehee)
MX> Yes, FL, not bad. Anyways, so this 514 ac is in canada right?
WN> Yep... Quebec.. hehee... Canada...
[ Hehee, hahaa, hoho... A little to much beer maybe? ]
MX> Ok, well are there many good h/p boards in this ac, I mean, are there a
MX> a lot of boards worth calling?
WN> Hmmmmmmmmmm.....only h/p?
MX> Well anything, but as long as it has *some* h/p, since I don't do warez.
WN> Hmm... yeah. but I'm not in h/p anymore... I don't like this.. anyways...
WN> I have been bbsing for about 6-7 years.. and I'm tired to be "stressed"
WN> with all those fuck%*& things.. hehe.. when you phreak, you never know
WN> when they'll decide to retrace you and catch you..
MX> Hmm, I don't think so. I don't know anyone getting busted for *only* pbx
MX> abuse. Anyways, would you have names/numbers to some 514 (or other) good
MX> boards?
WN> Hmm not really hehhe.. I don't know.. II can't remeber, since I run my
WN> baord, I don't call bbses.. I'm programming also... it takes a lot of my
WN> time... and then, I just finished my new cbv .. hehe!.. By the way, in
WN> Quebec, there's a lot OF PEOPLE that possess a Call Retracer.. in our
WN> home.. and imagine what kind of retracer the companies can use if we
WN> have our own in our house hehehe. anyways..
[ Yes, ok, take a valium. People get so nevous when under pressure. ]
MX> Well we have clid here to. Anyways, I'll check the board out. See ya
WN> Hmmmm....ok.. I'll let you go now.. But I'll need the computer in about
WN> 10-15 minutes... ok?
MX> ok, bye
WN> bye
-= White Ninja just kicked you! HAHA! =- [ Haha. ]
8<---CUT HERE----------------------------------------------------------------
I juSt L0ve HOW DEEsE gUYs TRY To ImPRESS ld CAllerS Wit DErE lIES. WaNt
anoThER oNE? ok, here'S ONe bEtWEEN me (UnDeR a FAke NAmE OF COuRSe) AnD
AXL-ROSE (AKa DEATH). The weasON i CAlLeD hIS boARD, iS BeCauSe I rEAd DAt hE
had A harD H/p QUEsTIoNNaIRe. alwaYS BEInG oNe tO See IF i cAn FiNd somethInG
To fuRThER mY KNowleDGe, i ThOUght I'd SneAK a peEK At ThIS QUEsTionNAire. sO
I apPlIed aS A 514 USEr, and He entEreD ChaT:
8<---CUT HERE----------------------------------------------------------------
AR: Axl-Rose
MX: Mechanix
AR> hey
MX> yo
AR> wait ok are you using a wait ait a your a fuck up!
[ Understand any of that? Me neither. ]
MX> why?
AR> the phone number
MX> it's my beeper
AR> Ahhhh!!!! Ok... just wandering are you into Hp
[ Boy, these guys will fall for anything. I just gave out a beeper number I
found in a scan, and he thought it was true. ]
MX> yep, i thought this was a h/p board, yet no questionnaire
[ Well finally, there wasen't any questionnaires to be found. Bummer. ]
AR> It was now it a 0-5 warez mixed with hp files
[ Oh no! Not another wares-h/p board. I hate those mixes. ]
MX> But why no quiz? aren't you scared of lamers?
AR> well i hade a major little quiz but not even the best were able to awser
AR> it so i toke it off
[ Considering he probably didn't know any of the answers, maybe this was a
good idea. ]
MX> still have it with you?
AR> hmmm I don't know id have to look around
MX> cause i'd like to see it. there aren't many i can't handle.
AR> what Os's are you fluenbt in
MX> unix, vms, primos and hpxxxx
[ Ok, a little exagerated. I know unix and primos. I only know the basics of
vms and hp3000. ]
AR> Ahh! ok, hmmmm what's a red box and whaty are it's purpose
[ Wo, take it easy, why so hard <g>. Who doesn't know this one? ]
MX> tones to simulate coins in a payphone. but couldn't you u/l it to the
MX> screen, let me buffer it. casuse i know a guy who would need one, and
MX> he don't feel like writting it
[ More lies from me. I'm telling you s.e. is the only way to get what you
want. ]
AR> i don't have it i'm using my head for ones hehhe what's a COSMOS
MX> ok, well it's a computer system for mainframes... want to know how to use
MX> it?
AR> Well i work for Bell frames
[ Here it comes. We're going to be swimming in it later. ]
MX> you work for bell?
AR> Yup, I work on the Call waiting frames
[ I bet you he has no idea was he's talking about. ]
MX> So you must be pretty good in phreaking, no?
AR> Yes
MX> Hmm, well I don't know much of the scene in 514, just got my modem back
MX> after 6 months, but what are some of the better people/boards I could get
MX> info off
AR> I don't know i don't call boards anymore, i'm off the scenes for a while,
AR> ask Fellgood
MX> ok, any idea where to find him?
AR> here or Wintermute Phalcon Skism
MX> ok, cool. am i validated?
AR> yeah
MX> ok, thanks dude. Bye
AR> LAter!
Data Storm is now returning to the system
8<---CUT HERE----------------------------------------------------------------
-------*&^%$#@!!@#$%^&* K.K.K. : ThE k00l k0DEz klaN *&^%$#@!!@#$%^&*--------
- part SyX - JaMes DAHaN:
RemEmber JAMes DaHaN? NO? wElL lEt ME RefWesh youR meMORY. he's tHe l0SeR
Who wrOte tHe fOLloWIng mesSAge ON a LOCaL bOaRd:
8<---CUT HERE----------------------------------------------------------------
Msg #: [30/51] Base: [PATCH] Comments & Stuff
Date : Sat 25 Apr 1992 2:42a Stat: Sent Local
From : James Dahan
To : All
Title: NuKE
Guys,I am looking for information on those jerks,NuKE.I ain't a
cop or anything,i am just part of a newly formed "vigalante"
Corrupt Computer Underground Task Force.Their are to many stupid
people around who,if they keep things up will get the whole
Network Shut down.We are mainly going after Virus developers,
Phreakers,Carders and Hackers.The Pirates we leave alone,so long
as they don't Phreak.No doubt you guys have heard about The
Notso Humble Babe and The Grim Reaper being nailed by the FBI.
Those jerks were caught only because they were Phreaking. Of
course they sang like canaries,and it's no wonder that 95 % of
the WAREZ are coming out of Europe.They pretty much destroyed,
although temporarily, the North American Underground. I have
been assigned Montreal and Toronto by the FAT CAT. We are looking
to give NuKE a taste of their own medicine. Let's just say there
is a Worm waiting for RockSteady. I know Phrozen Virus logs on
Devil's D. But i need to get on the inside.Any tips will be much
8<---CUT HERE----------------------------------------------------------------
ANYwAYs, I D0n't kNOW WHat fat CaT iS, BUT mr. jAMEs DAhAn IS up to HIS
oLD trICkS AGAiN. IT seEMS He gOT A copY oF HDK001 (HiPpIe DIppy kLub IssUe
#1), And trIeD to use da incLUDEd UseR lISt on a BOARd KAlled THE LAB. HE
TrIEd tO use my (MECHANIX) anD ROCK STEADY's aCCouNTs, but THe PAsswoRds werE
N0T dA SamE (nO KiDDIng). AnYwaYS, THe sYSOP Of tHIS BoArd Alerted Me, ANd
gAVe ME tHE NuMbEr (FrOm calLeR iD) tHaT We EVenTuaLLY TrACED bacK aS beiNg
Mr. JAmeS daHaN'S Data lInE. THis gUy ObVI0UsLy thouGHT I Was stILL nukE, BuT
WhY W0ULd He l00K FOr uS at THE LAB? I HAVE mY OwN bOarD, aNd EVERYBody kNOWs
dAT NDC was the HQ For nUKe aT Da tiME. so whY? guEss he'S A l0SeR, aND geT's
InFormAtioN abOUt 6 mOnTHS LAte. aNYwayS, hEre'S M0Re INf0 tO HaVe PhUn WiTH.
JAmes DaHAN - VOiCE: 681-9879 - EQUIppEd wIt CALLER Id, SO y0uSE A PBx
- otheR: 681-2267
I doN't Believe In REleAsiNG reaL INFo, BUT iF You Need hiS ADwESs (TO brinG
Him FlOwERs) LOoK up iN tHE PHoNE BoOK UndeR DahAN maurICe. And DaHan, If
your ReadiNg DIS, You waNt TO fUCK Wit My aCcoUnt, tAkE On a h/P CoMMUnIty,
--!@#$%^&**&^%$#@! F0R a GO0D alLIanCE, kAll 1-800-ASS-HOLE !@#$%^&**&^%$#@!-
TO ordER a wrItTEN tRANsCRIpT Of Dis fILe, SEnD a $50 chEck OR M0NEY
OrDEr to:
hippIe DipPY kLuB Fan kLub ordER WitHin THe NeXt 3 MiNuTeS
0110 DIsK DrIVe And Get A phREE List 0f m0nth old
l0sER t0wN k0DEZ AND vMbZ! 0Ne TImE OFFeR.
nO CODS. PLeAsE InCLuDE pROPeR KAPiTalIzATiOn. NO casH, NO cwedIT Kards
(evEn iF yOuR 0Wn ;>). PLeAse ALLOw 6 tO 8 WEeks foR DEliVEry. You WiLL
thR0W Up withIn 60 dAYs, OR GET a phuLL refUnD. PLeAsE alLOW 6 TO 8 dEcADeS
for rEfUnd.
---*&^%$#@!!@#$%^&* WE m0RE E1YtE tHeN yOuZ, S0 youz SucK *&^%$#@!!@#$%^&*---
Released by TPR/The Phrozen Realm
"... Spirits damned to rot
amidst the brimstone fireballs.
Eyes of the dead
watching from their living walls.
Broken glass reflections
show your flesh eaten away.
Beyond the gates I'll take you
where the blood forever rains ..."
The Phrozen Realm
... Getting even in '92 ...
[(.) (.)]
( v )
" "
---07/13/92---------------- HDK #03 by Mechanix --------------------EOF------
Scrambled w/ Flipper v1.00