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h0'z ASCII/Anarchy komputerz and drugz
______[ the ]______
\ Poor man's BonG /
By: Redbud(s)
1.jar... any size will do
2.2 straws
3.Rubber band, or super glue
1. get out your baby food jaR and wash it..
2. get that same baby food jar, and punch a hole big enough for the
straw to fit in. and another hole on the other side of the lid.
3. put the straws in the jar lid like this:
/ /
[]<=-straw / / <=-straw
__[]__________/ /_____
[____________________] <=-lid
}[] / / { <=-jar
| [] /_/ |
|-[]-----------------| <=-water line
| [] |
4. make sure that the straw standing streight up is long enough to
almost touch the bottom of the jar, this is where the smoke will
be coming in from.
5. now, get your tinfoil ready , now bend it into the shape of a funnel
make the small end big enough to where it will fit tightly in the
end of the straw to the right (for those who dont know right is
this way -=> ) make it good cuz this is your bowl.
6. now get your super glue and put glue around all the straws so it
is air tight, fill the bong with just about any good liquid.. liquor
or water either one is fine...
I know your saying to yourself "gee red bud this is great!, but how on earth
does it work?" , well Im glad you asked becouse Im just getting to that.
1. you suck from one straw wich draws air through the other, the bottoem of
the other straw is in the water and... screw it... make one and youll see
how it works when you use it...