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"Satan, Sodomy, and the Governor's School" by Charles Zeps
----- GwD: The American Dream with a Twist -- of Lime ***** Issue #72 -----
----- release date: 11-25-99 ***** ISSN 1523-1585 -----
[This is kind of old, but still quite interesting, strictly from a world
Domination point of view.]
Path: news.XXX.XXX!
From: 75321.3407@compuserve.com (Charles Zeps)
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy
Date: 11 Jun 1995 14:58:54 -0500
Lines: 59
A REPOST from 1993 on Clinton's Governor's School held Annually.
Americas Town Forum (with Tom Donahue - 5.810.00 Mhz shortwave) had a former
Network cameraman as the guest last night describing his investigation of Bill
Clinton's Governors School, a 6 week course held each Summer in Hendricks,
Arkansas, into which the best and brightest of Arkansas youth are invited for
This "School" is a 6 week course in which the participants are kept in an
isolated building in Hendricks, Arkansas and are forbidden to communicate with
family, friends, or anyone not from the School. It is purported to be a test
site for the Children's Defense Fund's "Goals 2000" program developed by
Hillary Rodham Clinton and friends like Donna Shalala and Roberta Achtenburg,
two Lesbian Cabinet Appointees.
The school hired a convicted sodomist as an instructor and another is now on
trial for sodomizing a student in the School washroom. The head of this School
in 1992 was a self-proclaimed "Lesbian-Witch" by the name of Emily Culpepper.
The three tenets of the carriculum are set as teaching of/on Marxism,
Homosexuality and Nihilism.
Students are made to build a 2 cubic meter wooden box into which they are placed
and insults screamed at them and the box is beaten on. This is the way Jews
were treated on the way to Auschwitz, they are told, and this is the way
homosexuals feel in America today. This 6 week course goes on like this from
dawn till dusk with movies like "The Life and Times of Harvey Milks " (a radical
San Francisco homosexual) and the German pro-homosexual movie, "Night In Fog"
being daily instruction.
One young man, Brendan Hawkes (sp?), was foolish enough to say a few words on
the only allowed outing on July 04 and was inflicted with such a punishment that
he never would reveal it but killed himself 2 months after the "School." At the
funeral home a group from Clintons School showed up in black garb, faces painted
blue and chanted mantras without ceasing or regard for the family or friends.
They were driven off but reappeared at the graveside and continued their Satanic
incantations to their fellow "student". The family has been attempting to sue
the school but no lawyer in Arkansas will take the case against the school at
which Bill and Hillary have "lectured" the young captives.
This, said a non-contrite Bill Clinton, is "my dream come true."
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/ \ __ / ------ * 75321.3407@compuserve.com
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"What luck for rulers that men do not think." - Adolf Hitler
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GR33NY LIK3S mash3d p0tat03s
copyright (c) MCMXCIII Charles Zeps :FIGHT THE POWER:
textfile distributed MCMXCIX by GwD Publications/GwD, Inc. : GwD :
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