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Attack Poetry#1
this is a fat nipples publication
to see this on paper, send a stamp or SASE to:
Attack Poetry
c/o Chris
P.O. Box 2554
Trenton, NJ 08690
tell me what you think:
Built to be insatiable, She still stands
to be on Her back. Renovated, patched
polished, She yearns, yet to be sated.
Give Me your starving - is the call
of Her hungry crotch. Give Me
your huddled masses - the itch
of vagina's copper walls.
For over a century, She's beckoned
solicited, seduced millions in foreplay
promises of justice, freedom & wealth
lures heard world-wide, enticing
sucking those eager hordes into hips' lips
consentual coitus, that unquenchable lust
that looks always outward for more
never glances back to where
sexes' initiative sappings
were never given to those
who came Black
at the bottom
of boats.
Paul Weinman
I tried a phone sex line
for the first time the
other day.
Clara told me I should
get more comfortable by
taking off all my clothes.
As soon as I got naked
our connection went bad.
The old woman waiting to
use the phone began yelling
at me so loud and banging
her fists against the booth's
glass so hard I couldn't
hear a word Clara said.
Robert W. Howington
my delicate obsession
manifests itself in my
calm demeanor
heartfelt words of encouragement
my sensibilities
are far too cultivated
i look at your sobs
earthshattering dilemmas
charming pathos
not sympathy
and yet
what I feel will destroy you
what I feel will destroy you
the wind blew into the air
the paperclip that remained from the memo that
disintegrated under the mountainous pile of snow
the streetlight fell from it's suspended view
blown into the path of the blue cheese box of the city busing system
the cold slate I sit on chills me equally as the big breeze
the steam from my tea and the smoke from my stick is quickly lifted away
I stare at this whole spectacle with an awed jaw drop
the grimacing student watches his hat blow into the roadway
and it's mashed by a Hyundai
I smile because it's not mine, I'm glad,
I don't like that style of hat anyway
that paperclip that blew into the air, remember it?
I just mentioned it a little while ago...
that was strange, this is a powerful storm brewing
I wonder if he was flying first class, or economy
or if he was sleepflying through the whole ordeal
I should go in, my tea is cold
my last candcerous breath taken
My soul thaws as the door closes on the wind
yet I can't hide it's howl
You're a fool. You can't hurt me. For I am an emperor in my dreams.
Take your best shot, because in my dreams, I am your father.
I am invincible. In my dreams I am the demon who rots in the corner of
your soul and reminds you of what a waste you are.
You can't hurt me. When I slumber, I am the beast who will slaughter
your mother.
I am Strong. You can't harm me. In my dreams, I am your empty
Do you think you matter? In my dreams I am the Black Lord of Death that
decrees that you were never born.
You can't touch me. In my dreams, I am the shadow who haunts your mind.
I am powerful. In my dreams, you cower in my presence and beg me to
spare you as I rip your heart out.
I spit upon you. Try and hurt me and you'll encounter the unbridled fury
of my pure hatred for each one of you and your kin.
In my dreams I am everything, every god, every evil, every form of what
is black. You certainly can't hurt me.
Heed my warning. You won't hurt me now. The dreams are real, I have
outward pressure
I know
What you think
Of Me
of My appearance
of My attitude
I'm just too mainstream
Not different
I wear Gap
Not No Fear
It kind of keeps
You at a distance
Maybe I'm being
Maybe I let
My thoughts guide me
And not the size of my pants
Maybe my "normalcy"
Is my little joke
A plan to get ahead
Posing as a clean cut
For my own Purposes
To get power
Maybe once I'm there
I can do what I
Wanted to do
Destroy the establishment
Then again
Maybe I am the establishment
Don't judge me
i am sometimes happy
i am tired a lot
i like my friends
music is good too
i like to be happy
sometimes i get scared
food is good
why are you acting
like a bitch
you're being complicated
when i was a little boy
i used to always
scrape my chin
Lost in a world
I've never known
Never been a part of
Torn from a life
I've never loved
Never found a meaning
Brought to a place
I've never known
Never given time to
All I can see for miles
Is subconscious.
it's not my choice
it takes two to tango and I dance the dance,
although I'm not the one carrying the tune.
so I say again, it's not my choice,
but, I will let you lead.
I will follow your steps on the floor,
and off.
A man recieved a letter
from a government agency
stating that he would
no longer be entitled to
food stamps because of
his recent death, but
that if his situation
changed he could reapply.
Forms to recertify were
sent with the letter.
The man's visibly per-
turbed sister, who has
been taking care of her
brother's estate, said,
'"I don't think Joe will
be climbing out of his
grave to get food stamps.
I'm sure he realized
there are people out
there who are more needy
than him."
Robert W. Howington
Why is there no cure for AIDS
Why was there slavery
Why is there still slavery
Why is there no real freedom
Why is it always a black\white thing
Why did he kill his girlfriend
Why did they get a minimum sentence
Why did they kick his ass
Why does he look so "fine" now
Why can't we say what the fuck we want
Why are we too young
Why are parents a pain in the ass
Why do we still love them
Why do some men "Fuck"
Why do women "make love"
Why can't we all just get along
Why is this world falling apart
Why is there a big fucking hole in the ozone layer
Why do I write poems
Why are we here on this earth when we just fuck it up!
no point
no reasoning
to my course of action
I just listen to the voices
wait for your reaction
pain inside
still lingering
i can't think of anything
to make me happy once again
now that I'm your friend
you took back everything you said
I came to and you retreated
stuck in your head
singing out
bad phrase, bad melody
destruction by force
everyday parallels
reconsideration of ideals
everyday heroes
brain vacuum
suck it in
breath it in
let it become you
let it live inside you
daggers in the lobes
scream out in ecstatic pain
catatonic no more.
my head still spins
from things you told me days ago
when i thought you meant it.
when you said you did
a blatant set up
for your personal gain
to overcome
and start over
cold relentless
like a common fear
blinded by feelings
blinded by emotion
confused on what to feel
what to do
bound and gagged
by words
noncooperation asset
shelter reminiscence
strength lyric
colored slush
turkey supermarket
drafty commode
Fat Nipples #1 is still available. It costs $1 and 2 stamps.
Fat Nipples #3 is still available. It costs one stamp or SASE.
this costs 1 stamp or SASE in paper form
send your poetry\money to:
Attack Poetry
c/o Chris
P.O. Box 2554
Trenton, NJ 08690
Fat Nipples #1-3 are always available through e-mail, as is this file.
thank you and have a nice day.