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September 25, 1994
Sunday e-sermon #2
Today I would like to share a little secret with all of you. Some of you may
have suspected it. To others it will come as a surprise. My friends, today we
are at war, and not just at war, but besieged. Each one of us here today is
under attack, right here in our own homes. Who or what is attacking us?
Surely not the Evil Empire again? Or is Saddam Hussein sneaking around in the
back yard? No, my friends, the enemy we face today is more fearsome than any
nation, and more powerful than any individual. In Walt Kelly's immortal words,
"We have met the enemy, and he is us." Today we face the American world-view.
In 1992 a pamphlet called "Seizing the Media" was published by a group known as
the Immediasts. The pamphlet's first page deserves to be quoted here at
We can each see how extended exposure to television and mass media dulls people
with a sense of numbness and nausea. From every public space a monologue of
coercion penetrates our senses and rapes our attention. Wherever we look,
wherever we listen, wherever we go: the pornography of billboards, bus side
placards, subway cards, glaring storefront signs and displays, the glut of junk
mail, stupid fly-by beach planes and blimps, coupons, obnoxious bumper stickers
and breast pins, embarrassing service uniforms, plastic banners and ribbons,
absurd parades, street-corner handouts, windshield wiper flyers, matchbook ads,
business cards, screaming radios, the daily papers, every nanosecond of
television, the package wrapped around everything we buy--from the label in our
underwear to the robot computer that calls our homes--only the upper atmosphere
and the ocean floor offer any sanctuary from America's ecology of coercion.
And at every turn the monologues drone on, imbedding the psychological mutagens
that coax us to become pathetic customers and unquestioning flag wavers. At
every turn, we are under attack.
What can we as individuals do to defend ourselves from this ceaseless attack?
Well, my friends, I have been pondering this very question for many years now,
and I have arrived at some definite conclusions. Right now, I'm going to
present a series of CONCRETE STEPS that each one of us can take to insulate
ourselves from the American world-view. Taken together, these ideas comprise
what might be called the "Immediast School of Self-Defense."
Avoid watching television. No other single change you can make will have a
greater long-term effect on your well-being. Remember, what you see on
television is NOT REAL, even the news, ESPECIALLY the news. Television is
colored lights on a glass screen, nothing more. Now I know that many of you
have "favorite programs" that you can't imagine living without. A gradual
approach is best, but keep in mind that television advertisements are EXTREMELY
DANGEROUS. They are filled with powerful subliminal messages that reinforce
the dominant world-view. If you have a VCR, and a particular program interests
you, videotape it; this way you can fast-forward through the advertisements.
If you absolutely must watch live television, at least turn the sound off
during the advertisements!
Use computers as little as possible. I know this is difficult, especially for
you Internet users out there, but it makes a big difference. Like televisions,
computers emit substantial amounts of ELF radiation, but more important, they
encourage certain types of thinking at the expense of others. Excessive
computer use can lead to serious imbalances, of which headaches, eye strain and
carpal tunnel syndrome are merely symptoms. In Chinese medicine, the condition
is generally described as excess fire in the liver. The liver nourishes the
eyes and is associated with analytical reasoning and verbalization. Note that
the liver's "time" is from 1:00 to 3:00am. If you're usually awake then, your
liver is not being recharged properly. In other words, if you must hack, try
not to do it late at night. If you develop symptoms, see an acupuncturist as
soon as possible. In my experience, acupuncture and certain crystals
(especially malachite) are the only things that work, other than not using
The octopus is strongest in the cities. There are a variety of physical
factors, and most of them are obvious. Here are some less obvious ones: 1.
Not only is the air poisonous, it is also literally humming with
electromagnetic energy of every imaginable frequency. 2. The high
concentration of concrete adds to an already extreme level of background
radiation. 3. The constant sharing of space with cars leads to a false sense
of equality with or even inferiority to machines. 4. Paradoxically, the
higher the population density, the greater the feeling of alienation.
Aggression is another common side effect. Picture yourself in the middle of a
crowded street, pressed up against on all sides, unable to move, with people
bumping into you. Now examine your feelings. Do you feel like screaming?
Punching someone? It happens all the time. For you city-dwellers, this means
getting away periodically. Just walking on something other than concrete or
asphalt is VERY beneficial, especially with bare feet.
Nowhere is pollution less recognized than in the audio spectrum. Try to
remember the last time you were somewhere "quiet" outdoors. Could you hear the
sound of cars? If so, then it wasn't really quiet, was it? No other sound
more completely symbolizes the "post-modern" generation than the sound of cars.
We take it for granted and scarcely hear it, yet parents born in the thirties
grew up without this sound. What sounds did they hear instead? The best
remedy for audio pollution is earplugs. The little foam cylinders are the
best; they are usually rated for at least 25dB of noise reduction. Riding the
subway without earplugs is folly! Studies have consistently linked urban life
and subways in particular with hearing loss. Do not use "portable stereos" or
walkmen! They ADD to the noise, and worse, they reinforce the dominant
world-view of separateness, by cutting you off from the few organic sounds that
Avoid animal flesh. There are many reasons for this, and I won't bother with
the ordinary ones like pesticide levels and clogged arteries. In the 1940's
America had enormous grain surpluses. Rather than stockpiling the grain or
reducing production, the federal government engaged in a massive campaign to
promote meat consumption. The result was the factory farm system we know
today, which has made us one of the world's leading IMPORTERS of grain. The
factory farm system has serious consequences beyond mere wasteful use of
resources. The animals that are raised in these "farms," be they cows, pigs,
or chickens, suffer terribly. Their feelings are present in their flesh. By
eating these animals, you absorb their misery, and contribute to your own
suffering. This weakens your immune system, which in turn makes you more
susceptible to media attack. Truly, you are what you eat.
I sincerely hope that these suggestions help each and every one of you as much
as they've helped me. Remember, we are at war! The war will end when EVERYONE
wants it to. The more of you who resist the media onslaught, the more hope
there is for the Earth. Nothing can last forever; the Spectacle's days are
numbered. Wear your media condom at all times! Don't leave your house without
it! Until next time...
P.S. Contact the Immediasts via:
Rev. Chris Korda The Church of Euthanasia
ftp: ftp.etext.org pub/Zines/Snuffit
gopher: gopher.etext.org Zines/Snuffit