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------------------------ I N F O R M A T I O N --------------------------
About Subscribing and Sending for Back Issues:
In order to: Send to: This message:
Subscribe to _EJournal_: LISTSERV@ALBANY.bitnet SUB EJRNL Your Name
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Send mail to our "office": EJOURNAL@ALBANY.bitnet Your message...
About "Supplements":
_EJournal_ is experimenting with ways of revising, responding to,
reworking, or even retracting the texts we publish. Authors who want
to address a subject already broached --by others or by themselves--
may send texts for us to consider publishing as a Supplement issue.
Proposed supplements will not go through as thorough an editorial
review process as the essays they annotate.
About Letters:
_EJournal_ is willing publish letters to the editor. But we make no
predictions about how many, which ones, or what format. The "Letters"
column of a periodical is a habit of the paper environment, and
_EJournal_ readers can send outraged objections to our essays directly
to the authors. Also, we can publish substantial counter-statements
as articles in their own right, or as "Supplements." Even so, when we
get brief, thoughtful statements that appear to be of interest to many
subscribers they will appear as "Letters." Please send them to
About Reviews:
_EJournal_ is willing to publish reviews of almost anything that seems
to fit under our broad umbrella: the implications of electronic
networks and texts. We do not, however, solicit and thus cannot
provide review copies of fiction, prophecy, critiques, other texts,
programs, hardware, lists or bulletin boards. But if you would like to
bring any publicly available information to our readers' attention,
send your review (any length) to us, or ask if writing one sounds to
us like a good idea.
About _EJournal_:
_EJournal_ is an all-electronic, Matrix distributed, peer-reviewed,
academic periodical. We are particularly interested in theory and
practice surrounding the creation, transmission, storage,
interpretation, alteration and replication of electronic text. We are
also interested in the broader social, psychological, literary,
economic and pedagogical implications of computer- mediated networks.
The journal's essays are delivered free to Bitnet/Internet/ Usenet
addressees. Recipients may make paper copies; _EJournal_ will provide
authenticated paper copy from our read-only archive for use by
academic deans or others. Individual essays, reviews, stories-- texts
--sent to us will be disseminated to subscribers as soon as they have
been through the editorial process, which will also be "paperless."
We expect to offer access through libraries to our electronic Contents
and Abstracts, and to be indexed and abstracted in appropriate places.
Writers who think their texts might be appreciated by _EJournal_'s
audience are invited to forward files to EJOURNAL@ALBANY.bitnet . If
you are wondering about starting to write a piece for to us, feel free
to ask if it sounds appropriate. There are no "styling" guidelines;
we try to be a little more direct and lively than many paper
publications, and considerably less hasty and ephemeral than most
postings to unreviewed electronic spaces. We read ASCII; we look
forward to experimenting with other transmission and display formats
and protocols.
Board of Advisors:
Stevan Harnad Princeton University
Dick Lanham University of California at L.A.
Ann Okerson Association of Research Libraries
Joe Raben City University of New York
Bob Scholes Brown University
Harry Whitaker University of Quebec at Montreal
Consulting Editors - June, 1993
ahrens@hanover John Ahrens Hanover
ap01@liverpool.ac.uk Stephen Clark Liverpool
dabrent@acs.ucalgary.ca Doug Brent Calgary
djb85@albany Don Byrd Albany
donaldson@loyvax Randall Donaldson Loyola College
ds001451@ndsuvm1 Ray Wheeler North Dakota
erdtt@pucal Terry Erdt Purdue Calumet
fac_askahn@vax1.acs.jmu.edu Arnie Kahn James Madison
folger@watson.ibm.com Davis Foulger IBM - Watson Center
george@gacvax1 G.N. Georgacarakos Gustavus Adolphus
gms@psuvm Gerry Santoro Penn State
nrcgsh@ritvax Norm Coombs R I T
pmsgsl@ritvax Patrick M.Scanlon R I T
r0731@csuohio Nelson Pole Cleveland State
richardj@bond.edu.au Joanna Richardson Bond University, Australia
ryle@urvax Martin Ryle Richmond
twbatson@gallua Trent Batson Gallaudet
userlcbk@umichum Bill Condon Michigan
wcooper@vm.ucs.ualberta.ca Wes Cooper Alberta
Editor: Ted Jennings, English, University at Albany
Managing Editor: Dan Smith, University at Albany
Assistant Managing Editor: Ray Tacetta, University at Albany
Assistant Managing Editor: Ben Henry, University at Albany
Editorial Asssociate: Jerry Hanley, emeritus, University at Albany
University at Albany Computing Services Center: Ben Chi, Director
University at Albany State University of New York Albany, NY 12222 USA