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D a m n e d F u c k i n g S h i t
- Presents -
Issue #59
Date: 5/30/96
Title: Wisconsin Central Offices
Author: Access Denied
Wisconsin Central Offices
What follows is a list of all the Wisconsin Central Offices, their locations,
what exchanges they serve, what type of switch(es) they use, and their ID.
This list was copied verbatim from an internal Ameritech document. Anything
in []'s was added by me. After the CO list is a list of all the exchanges
in the 414 NPA.
It should be noted that this list is in no way up to date as at least 6 or
7 exchanges are added to Metro Milwaukee each year. This list also doesn't
include cellular and pager only exchanges. However, this list is probably
rather invaluable to the trasher..
A final word of thanks goes out to Have Blue who provided me with this
information, The Shadow who sometimes tries to organize us so things
like this can be found, and the rest of the people who actually show up to
the local 2600 meetings. And you thought *YOUR* scene was bad! Sheesh..
you should see it around here. Well, it's not that bad. Anyway, the LIST!
Milwaukee Metro Area
Aetna Court 6812 Aetna Ct. 53213 (414) 256-257-258-259-453-
MILWWI12CGO 454-471-475-476-771-
774-778 (1A-ESS-APS)
Aetna Court 6812 Aetna Ct. 53213 [414] 955
MILWWI12RSO 6812 Aetna Ct. 53213 (414) 266 (DMS-RSC)
BELL DR N17 W2400 Riverwood Dr. (414) 523 (DMS-RSC)
PEWKWI11RSO Wksh 53186
Big Bend W229 S8660 Hwy 164 (414) 662 (5ESS-RSM)
BGBNWI11RSO B Bnd 53103
Broadway 740 N Brdy 53202 (414) 221-222-223-224-225-
MILWWI13CGO 237-226-271-278-289-
Broadway 740 N Brdy 53202 (414) 272-273-274-276-277-
MILWWI13CG1 287-291-765-299-298-
286 (1A-ESS-APS)
Broadway 740 N Brdy 53202 (414) 227-288-297 (DMS-100)
Broadway 740 N Brdy 53202 (414) 341 (5ESS-ORM)
Brookfield Lakes 555 N Woelfel Rd (414) 792 (DMS-RSC)
Caledonia 2825 CTH G Cldna 53108 (414) 835 (5ESS-RSM)
Capitol Drive 1830 E Capitol Dr 53211 (414) 332-961-962-963-964
Capitol Drive 1830 E Capitol Dr 53211 229 (5-ESS-RSM)
Cedarburg W63 N548 Hanover Av (414) 243-375-377 (5-ESS)
CDBGWI15DSO Cdrbrg 53012
Cleveland Avenue 2665 S 72 53219 (414) 321-327-541-543-545-
County Line 7404 W County Line Rd (414) 242-354-355-357-362
MILWWI16CGO 53092 (1-ESS)
County Line 7404 W County Line Rd (414) 365-238 (5-ESS-RSM)
Davidson Road 2140 Davidson Rd Wksh (414) ASC
WKSHWI11 53186
Fairway Drive 405 Fairway Dr 53005 (414) 782-784-785-786-796-
Fairway Drive 405 Fairway Dr 53005 (414) 789-821-976
MILWWI45DSO (DMS-100/200)
Fond du Lac Avenue 7721 W F du L Av 53218 (414) 353-358-438-461-462-
MILWWI28CGO 463-464-466-527-535
MILWWI28RSO 7721 W F du L Av 53218 (414) 536 (5ESS-RSM)
Forest Home Avenue 9940 W Forest Home Av (414) 425-529-427
MILWWI25CGO Ha Crns 53130 (1A-ESS-APS)
Good Hope 110 E Good Hope Rd 53217 (414) 228-241-351-352
Grange Avenue 3045 W Grange Av (414) 281-282-421-423-761
MILWWI10DSO Grnfld 53221 (5-ESS)
Hartland W229 N5710 Hy E (414) 367-538-966-369
HRLDWI11CGO Htlnd 53029 (2B-ESS)
Hubertus 3480 Hubertus Rd (414) 628 (2B-ESS)
HBTSWI11CGO Hbts 53033
Logan Avenue 3044 S Logan Av 53207 (414) 481-482-483-744-747-
Logan Avenue 3044 S Logan Av 53207 (414) 486 (5-ESS-RSM)
Menomonee Falls W156 N8930 Pilgrim Rd (414) 251-253-255 (5-ESS)
MNFLWI32DSO Men Fls 53051
Muskego S75 W17425 Janesville Rd (414) 422-679 (5-ESS)
MSKGWI36DSO Muskego 53150
North 26th Street 918 N 26 St (414) 342-344-345-678-799-
MILWWI48CGO 931-933-935-936-937
MILWWI48DSO 918 N 26 St (414) 343 (5-ESS)
North 41st Street 3281 N 41 53216 (414) 442-444-445-447-449-
MILWWI27CG1 871-873-874
[Park Place] 11301 W Calumet 53224 (414) 359-577 (5-ESS-RSM)
Pewaukee 215 E Wis Av Pwk 53072 (414) 691-695 (2B-ESS)
Pilgrim Road W156 N4969 Pilgrim Rd (414) 252-781-783 (5-ESS)
MILWWI31DSO Men Fls 53052
South Howell Av 7737 S Howell Av 53154 (414) 762-764-768-571
South 26th Street 1612 S 26 53204 (414) 383-384-643-645-647-
MILWWI34CGO 649-671-672
MILWWI34DS1 1612 S 26 53204 (414) 382 (EWSD)
Sussex N61 W23286 Silver Spring (414) 246 (DMS-10)
SUSXWI46DSO Sussex 53089
Swenson Dr 21112 Swenson Dr (414) 798 (DMS-RSC)
BFGWWI11RSO Wksh 53186
Waukesha 220 Wis Av Wksh 53186 (414) 542-544-547-549
Waukesha 220 Wis Av Wksh 53186 (414) 521-524-548-896
Wright Street 2470 N 4 53212 (414) 263-264-265-372-374-
MILWWI17 562
State Area
Algoma 317-5th St Algoma 54201 (414) 487 (5-ESS-RSM)
Altoona 509 E Third St (715) 832-833-834-835-836-
ALNAWI01RSO Altoon 54720 839 (DMS-RSC)
Appleton 221 W Wash St Appl 54911 (414) 730-731-733-734-735-
APPLWI01CGO 738-739-749
Appleton 221 W Wash St Appl 54911 (414) 832-954
Ashland 120-2nd St East (715) 682 (DMS-100/200)
ASLDWI01DSO Ashlnd 54806
Baraboo 130-4th St Baraboo 53913 (608) 356 & 355 (EWSD)
Bayfield 307 W Wash Av (715) 779 (DMS-RSC)
BYFDWI11 Bayfld 54814
Beaver Dam 103 W 3 St Bvr Dm 53916 (414) 689-855-887 (5-ESS)
Beloit 415 Prospect Blt 53511 (608) 362-364-365-363
Berlin 144 N Pearl St (414) 361 (DMS-10)
BRLNWI01DSO Brln 54923
Burlington 125 E Wash Burl 53105 (414) 763-767 (5-ESS-RSM)
Chippewa Falls 21 E Columbia (715) 723-726 (DMS-100)
CHFLWI11DSO Chip Fls 54729
Columbus 128 S Dickason Blvd (414) 623 (5ESS-RSM)
CLMBWI11RSO Cols 53925
Cornell 113 N 4 St (715) 239 (DMS-RSC)
CRNLWI12RSO Cornell Wis 54732
Delavan 116 S 3 St Dlvn 53115 (414) 728 (5ESS-RSM)
DePere 121 S Mich St (414) 336-337-339 (2B-ESS)
DEPRWI11CGO De Pere 54115
Eau Claire 304 S Dewey St (715) 832-833-834-835-836-
EUCLWI01CGO Eau Cl 54701 839-159 [?] (1A-ESS)
Eau Claire 304 S Dewey St (715) 832-833-834-835-836-
EUCLWI01DSO Eau Cl 54701 839-393 [???]
Ellsworth 374 Kinne St (715) 273 (DMS-RSC)
ELWOWI11DSO Elswrth 54011
Evansville 39 N Madison (608) 882 (5ESS-RSM)
EVVLWI11DSO Evnsvl 53536
Fond du Lac 70 E Divison St (414) 921-922-923-929-924
FDULWI01CGO Fn d L 54935 (1-ESS)
Fort Atkinson 201 Milw Ave East (414) 563 (5ESS-RSM)
FTATWI11RSO Ft Atk 53538
Genoa City 134 S Freeman St (414) 279 (5ESS-RSM)
GNCYWI12RSO Gen City 53128
Green Bay-Cardinal Ln 1936 Cardinal La (414) 434 (2B-ESS)
GNBYWI13CGO Grn By 54303
Green Bay-Huth 155 Huth St (414) 465-468-469 (1-ESS)
GNBYWI12CGO Grn By 54302
Grn By-Jefferson 205 S Jefferson St (414) 431-432-433-435-436-
GNBYWI01CGO Grn By 54301 437-455-952 (1-ESS)
GNBYWI01DSO 205 S Jefferson St (414) 448-952
Grn By 54301
GNBYWI01RSO 205 S Jefferson St (414) 492
Grn By 54301
GNBYWI12RSO 205 S Jefferson St (414) 391
Grn By 54301
GNBYWIUGRSO (UWGB) 205 S Jefferson St (414) 465
Grn By 54301
Green Bay-Ridge 703 S Ridge Rd (414) 494-496-497-498-499-
GNBYWI11CGO Grn By 54304 (1-ESS)
Green Lake 514 South St Grn Lk 54941(414) 294 (DMS-10)
Greenville US 45-St Hy 76 (414) 757 (5-ESS-RSM)
GNVLWI12RSO Grnvl 54942
Hartford 103 E Summer Htfrd 53027 (414) 673 (5-ESS-RSM)
Horicon 307 Mill St Hrcn 53032 (414) 485 (5-ESS-RSM)
Hortonville 223 Embarrass St 54944 (414) 779 (5-ESS-RSM)
Houlton 1346 Junction Cth V & E (715) 549 (10A-RSS)
Hudson 801-2nd St Hdsn 54016 (715) 386-381 (1-ESS)
Hurley 117-2nd Av Hrly 54534 (715) 561 (DMS-RSC)
Jackson W208 N16855 Center St (414) 677 (EWSD)
JCSNWI11DSO Jksn 53037
Janesville 301 E Milw St (608) 752-754-755-756-757
JNVLWI01CGO Jnsvl 53545 (1-ESS)
Jefferson 212 S Center St (414) 674 (5-ESS-RSM)
JFSNWI11RSO Jeff 53549
Juneau 136 E Center (414) 386 (5-ESS-RSM)
JUNEWI11RSO Juneau 53039
Kaukauna 135 W Wis Av Kauk 54130 (414) 766-759 (5-ESS-RSM)
Kenosha Main 5906-10th Av Keno 53140 (414) 652-654-656-657-658-
Kenosha Main 5906-10th Av Keno 53140 (414) 653 (5-ESS-RSM)
Kenosha South 9270-39th Av Keno 53140 (414) 694-697 (2B-ESS)
Kenosha South 9270-39th Av Keno 53140 (414) 942 (5-ESS)
Kewaunee 606 Dodge St (414) 388 (5-ESS-RSM)
KEWNWI11RSO Kewaunee 54216
Ladysmith 201 Miner Av East (715) 532 (DMS-RSC)
LDYSWI11RSO Ldys 54848
Lake Geneva 545 Main St (414) 248-249 (2B-ESS)
LKGNWI01CGO Lk Gnva 53147
Little Chute 234 Grand Av L Cht 54140 (414) 687-788 (5-ESS-RSM)
Madison ACD 316 W Wash Mdsn 53703 (608) Inf 555 131
Madison Black Oak 4901 Black Oak Dr (608) 271-273-274-275-276-
MDSNWI16CGO Mdsn 53711 277 (1A-ESS)
Madison Kedzie 215 Kedzie St Mdsn 53704 (608) 241-242-244-246-249
Madison Main 122 W Main St Mdsn 53703 (608) 251-252-255-256-257-
MDSNWI11CGO 258-259-281-283-284-
Madison Main 122 W Main St Mdsn 53703 (608) 282
Madison Pflaum 805 Pflaum Rd Mdsn 53716 (608) 221-222-223 (1-ESS)
Madison Spring 1001 Spring St Mdsn 53715(608) 262-263-264-266-267-
Madison Sylvan 2802 Sylvan Av Mdsn 53705(608) 231-233-238-232
Manitowoc 820 Buffalo St Mntw 54220(414) 682-683-684 (1-ESS)
Marinette 1727 Stephenson St (715) 732-735 (5-ESS)
MRNTWI01DSO Mrnt 54143
Mayville 15 S John St Mayvl 53050 (414) 387 (5-ESS-RSM)
Mazomanie 2 W Hudson St Mazo 53560 (608) 795
Menomonie 720-3rd St Meno 54751 (715) 232-235 (DMS-100)
Neenah 117 S Commercial St (414) 722-725-729 (1-ESS)
NENHWI11CGO Nenh 54956
Neenah [117 S Commercial St] (414) 721-751-727 (DMS-100)
NENHWI11DSO Nenh 54965
Newburg 402 Main St Nwbg 53060 (414) 675
New London 106 E Spring St (414) 982 (5-ESS-RSM)
NWLNWI11RSO New Ldn 54961
North Freedom 10 N Maple St (608) 522
NFDMWI11 N Frdm 53951
Oconomowoc 45 S Main St Ocnwc 53066 (414) 567-569 (2B-ESS)
Oconto 320 Superior Av (414) 834 (5-ESS-RSM)
OCNTWI11RSO Oconto 54135
Oconto Falls 110 Caldwell Av (414) 846 (5-ESS-RSM)
OCFLWI11RSO Oconto Fls 54145
Omro 215 S Webster Av (414) 685 (DMS-10)
OMROWI11DSO Omro 54963
Oshkosh 315 Algoma Blvd (414) 231-233-235-236-426
OSHKWI01CGO Osh 54901 (1-ESS)
Oshkosh 315 Algoma Blvd (414) 424 (5-ESS-RSM)
OSHKWI01RSO Osh 54901
Parkside 255-22nd Av Keno 53140 (414) 551-552-553-554 (1-ESS)
Parkside 255-22nd Av Keno 53140 (414) 595-597-598 (1-ESS)
Peshtigo 175 W Front St Alley (715) 582 (5-ESS-RSM)
PSHTWI11RSO Pshtgo 54157
Pleasant Prairie 7830-104th St Keno 53142 (414) 947 (5-ESS-RSM)
Port Washington 301 W Grand Av (414) 284 (5-ESS-RSM)
PTWAWI11RSO Pt Wash 53074
Princeton 108 Wis St Prnctn 54968 (414) 295 (DMS-10)
Racine Main 411-7th St Racn 53403 (414) 631-632-633-634-636-
Racine Main 411-7th St Racn 53403 (414) 638 (5-ESS)
Racine North 1212 Four Mile Rd (414) 639-681 (5-ESS)
RACNWI11DSO Racn 53402
Redgranite Wautoma Rd Redgrnt 54970 (414) 566 (DMS-10)
Richmond Town Rd Rchmnd 53115 (608) 883 (5-ESS-RSM)
River Falls 124 E Maple St (715) 425-426 (DMS-100)
RVFLWI11DSO Rvr Fls 54022
Roberts South Rbts 54023 (715) 749 (10A-RSS)
Saxon West Av Saxon 54559 (715) 893 (DMS-RLCM)
Sheboygan 625 New York Av (414) 451-452-457-458-459
SHBYWI01DSO Sheb 53081 (EWSD)
Sheboygan Falls 704 Brdy St (414) 467 (EWSD)
SHFLWI12DSO Sheb Fls 53085
Somers 11811 12th St Smrs 53171 (414) 859 (5-ESS-RSM)
South Beloit 415 Prospect 53511 (815) 389
Stanley 116 E 4th Av Stnly 54768 (715) 644 (DMS-RSC)
Stevens Point 1045 Clark St (715) 341-344-345-346
STPTWI01DSO Stvns Pt 54481 (DMS-100/200)
Stoughton 321 S Forrest St (608) 873-877 (2B-ESS)
SGTNWI11CGO Stghtn 53589
Sturgeon Bay 111 S 3rd Av (414) 743-746 (5-ESS-RSM)
STBYWI11RSO Strgn By 54235
Sturtevant Cth C & H Strtvnt 53177 (414) 886 (2B-ESS)
Superior-East 3716 E First St (715) 398 (DMS-RSC)
SPRRWI11RSO Supr 54880
Superior-Main 1409 John Av Supr 54880 (715) 392-394 (DMS-100/200)
Superior-Pattison Park St Hy 35 Supr 54880 (715) 399
Union Grove 1100-15th Av (414) 878 (5-ESS-RSM)
UNGVWI11RSO Un Grv 53182
Van Dyve St Hy 175 Van Dyne 54979 (414) 688 (10ARSS)
Washburn 100-2nd Av West (715) 373 (DMS-RSC)
WSBNWI11RSO Wshbrn 54891
Watertown 115 4th St Wtrtn 53094 (414) 261-262 (5-ESS)
Waupaca 218 Jefferson St (715) 256-258 (2B-ESS)
WPCAWI11CGO Wpca 54981
Waupun 221 E Jefferson St (414) 324 (5-ESS-RSM)
WAPNWI11RSO Wpn 53963
West Bend 344 S 6th St W Bnd 53095 (414) 334-338 (2B-ESS)
West Bend 344 S 6th St W Bnd 53095 (414) 335 (5-ESS-RSM)
Whitewater 306 W Center St (414) 472-473 (5-ESS)
WHWRWI11DSO Whtwtr 53190
Williams Bay 53 Cherry Wm By 53191 (414) 245 (5-ESS)
Winneconne 328 Prospect St (414) 582 (DMS-10)
WNCNWI11DSO Wincne 54986
Wrightstown Garden At National (414) 532 (5-ESS-RSM)
WRWTWI11RSO Wrgtstn 54180
414 Exchange List (A bit out of date, but we try..)
220 Broadway
221 Broadway
222 Broadway (Pagers)
223 Broadway
224 Broadway
225 Broadway
226 Broadway
227 Broadway
228 Good Hope
229 Capitol Drive
231 Oshkosh
233 Oshkosh
235 Oshkosh
236 Oshkosh
237 Broadway (Pagers)
238 County Line
241 Good Hope
242 County Line
243 Cedarburg
245 Williams Bay
246 Sussex
247 Good Hope
248 Lake Geneva
249 Lake Geneva
250 Menomonee Falls [?]
251 Menomonee Falls
252 Pilgrim Road
253 Menomonee Falls
254 Cellular One
255 Menomonee Falls
256 Aetna Court
257 Aetna Court
258 Aetna Court
259 Aetna Court
260 Racine Main [?]
261 Watertown
262 Watertown
263 Wright Street
264 Wright Street
265 Wright Street
266 Aetna Court
267 Wright Street
270 Broadway
271 Broadway
272 Broadway
273 Broadway
274 Broadway
276 Broadway
277 Broadway
278 Broadway
279 Genoa City
281 Grange Avenue
282 Grange Avenue
283 Broadway
284 Port Washington
286 Broadway
287 Broadway
288 Broadway
289 Broadway
291 Broadway
294 Green Lake
295 Princeton
297 Broadway
298 Broadway
299 Broadway
302 Broadway
304 Grange Avenue
321 Cleveland Avenue
322 Cellular One
323 CellCom
324 Waupun
325 Grange Avenue
327 Cleveland Avenue
328 Cleveland Avenue
330 Former Test Exchange
332 Capitol Drive
333 Cellular One
334 West Bend
335 West Bend
336 DePere
337 DePere
338 West Bend
339 DePere
341 Broadway
342 North 26th Street
343 North 26th Street
344 North 26th Street
345 North 26th Street
347 Broadway
351 Good Hope
352 Good Hope
353 Fond du Lac Avenue
354 County Line
355 County Line
357 County Line
358 Fond du Lac Avenue
359 Park Place
361 Berlin
362 County Line
365 County Line
367 Hartland
369 Hartland
372 Wright Street
374 Wright Street
375 Cedarburg
377 Cedarburg
378 Ameritech Cellular
379 Ameritech Cellular
382 South 26th Street
383 South 26th Street
384 South 26th Street
385 Broadway
386 Juneau
387 Mayville
388 Kewaunee
389 Broadway
390 Broadway
391 Green Bay-Jefferson
411 Information
421 Grange Avenue
422 Muskego
423 Grange Avenue
424 Oshkosh
425 Forest Home Avenue
426 Oshkosh
427 Forest Home Avenue
431 Green Bay-Jefferson
432 Green Bay-Jefferson
433 Green Bay-Jefferson
434 Green Bay-Cardinal Lane
435 Green Bay-Jefferson
436 Green Bay-Jefferson
437 Green Bay-Jefferson
438 Fond du Lac Avenue
442 North 41st Street
443 North 41st Street
444 North 41st Street
445 North 41st Street
447 North 41st Street
448 Green Bay-Jefferson
449 North 41st Street
451 Sheboygan
452 Sheboygan
453 Aetna Court
454 Aetna Court
455 Green Bay-Jefferson
457 Sheboygan
458 Sheboygan
459 Sheboygan
461 Fond du Lac Avenue
462 Fond du Lac Avenue
463 Fond du Lac Avenue
464 Fond du Lac Avenue
465 Green Bay-Huth
466 Fond du Lac Avenue
467 Sheboygan Falls
468 Green Bay-Huth
469 Green Bay-Huth
471 Aetna Court (Some Pagers)
472 Whitewater
473 Whitewater
475 Aetna Court
476 Aetna Court
481 Logan Avenue
482 Logan Avenue
483 Logan Avenue
485 Horicon
486 Logan Avenue
487 Algoma
489 Logan Avenue
491 Cellular Exchange (Not sure of company)
492 Green Bay-Jefferson
494 Green Bay-Ridge
496 Green Bay-Ridge
497 Green Bay-Ridge
498 Green Bay-Ridge
499 Green Bay-Ridge
521 Waukesha
523 Bell Dr.
524 Waukesha
527 Fond du Lac Avenue
529 Forest Home Avenue
532 Wrightstown
535 Fond du Lac Avenue
536 Fond du Lac Avenue
538 Hartland
540 Good Hope
541 Cleveland Avenue
542 Waukesha
543 Cleveland Avenue
544 Waukesha
545 Cleveland Avenue
546 Cleveland Avenue
547 Waukesha
548 Waukesha
549 Waukesha
551 Parkside
552 Parkside
553 Parkside
554 Parkside
555 Information
557 Pagers
558 Pagers
562 Wright Street
563 Fort Atkinson
566 Redgranite
567 Oconomowoc
569 Oconomowoc
570 South Howell Av
571 South Howell Av
573 Ameritech Cellular
574 Waukesha
575 Broadway (Pagers)
576 JSM Pagers
577 Park Place
578 Park Place [?]
579 CelluLink
581 Ameritech Cellular
582 Winneconne
584 Pagers
591 Cellular One
592 Green Bay-Ridge
595 Parkside
597 Parkside
598 Parkside
599 Warner Home Theater [Whole Exchange?]
611 Telephone Repair
623 Columbus
628 Hubertus
631 Racine Main
632 Racine Main
633 Racine Main
634 Racine Main
635 Racine Main [?]
636 Racine Main
637 Racine Main
638 Racine Main
639 Racine Main
640 Cellular One
641 Fairway Drive
643 South 26th Street
645 South 26th Street
647 South 26th Street
649 South 26th Street
650 Waukesha
652 Kenosha Main
653 Kenosha Main
654 Kenosha Main
656 Kenosha Main
657 Kenosha Main
658 Kenosha Main
662 Big Bend
663 Pagers
671 South 26th Street
672 South 26th Street
673 Hartford
674 Jefferson
675 Newburg
677 Jackson
678 North 26th Street
679 Muskego
681 Racine Main
682 Manitowoc
683 Manitowoc
684 Manitowoc
685 Omro
687 Little Chute
688 Van Dyne
689 Beaver Dam
691 Pewaukee
694 Kenosha Main
695 Pewaukee
697 Kenosha Main
721 Neenah
722 Neenah
725 Neenah
727 Neenah
728 Delavan
729 Neenah
730 Appleton
731 Appleton
733 Appleton
734 Appleton
735 Appleton
738 Appleton
739 Appleton
743 Sturgeon Bay
744 Logan Avenue
746 Sturgeon Bay
747 Logan Avenue
749 Appleton
751 Neenah
757 Greenville
759 Kaukauna
760 Fond du Lac Avenue
761 Grange Avenue
762 South Howell Av
763 Burlington
764 South Howell Av
765 Broadway
766 Kaukauna
767 Burlington
768 South Howell Av
769 Logan Avenue
771 Aetna Court
774 Aetna Court
777 Aetna Court
778 Aetna Court
779 Hortonville
780 Pilgrim Road
781 Pilgrim Road
782 Fairway Drive
783 Pilgrim Road
784 Fairway Drive
785 Fairway Drive
786 Fairway Drive
788 Little Chute
789 Fairway Drive
790 Pilgrim Road [?]
792 Brookfield Lakes
796 Fairway Drive
797 Fairway Drive
798 Swenson Dr
799 North 26th Street
820 Sussex [?]
821 Fairway Drive
827 Fairway Drive
832 Appleton
834 Oconto
835 Caledonia
844 Broadway
846 Oconto Falls
855 Beaver Dam
859 Somers
860 Fairway Drive
871 North 41st Street
873 North 41st Street
874 North 41st Street
875 North 41st Street
878 Union Grove
879 Fairway Drive
884 Racine Main [?]
886 Sturtevant
887 Beaver Dam
895 Wind Lake
896 Waukesha
911 Emergency
921 Fond du Lac
922 Fond du Lac
923 Fond du Lac
924 Fond du Lac
929 Fond du Lac
931 North 26th Street
933 North 26th Street
935 North 26th Street
936 North 26th Street
937 North 26th Street
942 Kenosha South
947 Kenosha Main [?]
952 Green Bay-Jefferson
954 Appleton
955 Aetna Court
959 Test Exchange
961 Capitol Drive
962 Capitol Drive
963 Capitol Drive
964 Capitol Drive
966 Hartland
967 Capitol Drive
976 Fairway Drive
982 New London
There's probably a large amount of exchanges missing from there, things like
cellular and pagers etc. But this was fairly up to date about a year or two
ago. Whatever.
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| HTTP - http://www.execpc.com/~adenied
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| See, it's like this. I don't call out, so I don't know if any of my |
| distros are still up. So they're all GONE! If you want to be a site |
| mail Access Denied at adenied@execpc.com or call Paradise Lost. |
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| ASCII Art by Incarnate |
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| To submit, call Paradise Lost and log on as DFS. The password is: |