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Damned Fucking Shit
Edited by Access Denied
Issue #7
Title: 414 Area Code Split
Date: 10/11/93
By: Access Denied
414 Area Code Split
Here's an interesting article. It mainly applies to 414, but it's
interesting reading for people of other area codes.
[This was taken from the Milwaukee Journal, Oct. 10, 1993]
[All comments by the editor (Access Denied) are in []s.]
Touch-tones to get a workout
when new area codes begin
Imagine this: You pick up your phone to call your neighbor
across the street and you have to dial an area code that's so
different from your own you think he's in another state or country.
[Country? Come on now...Canada maybe.]
That's probably exactly what you will be doing in a few years
to reach not only your new neighbor, but any number of newcomers in
this part of the state [South East Wisconsin].
Wisconsin, like other states, is running out of telephone
And nowhere in the state is that problem more pressing than in
that portion of Wisconsin that uses the 414 area code, a thickly
populated area that covers most of eastern Wisconsin from Kenosha
to Green Bay and beyond.
"There are no more area codes," sighs Gary Drexler, a member
of the Wisconsin State Telephone Associations's engineering
committee, which is examining this particular bare cupboard. "The
guy down the street from you will have to have a different number."
"The 414 area will be split some way in the 1996-1997 time
frame. We will need a new area code by then," agrees Phil Jenkins,
an engineer in the telecommunications division of the state Public
Service Commission, which regulates utilities in the state.
More 11-Digit Calls
But wait. Before the state starts thinking about giving out
new area codes in the 414 area or anywhere else, it has another job
to do. And state commissioners probably will do that in about two
Be prepared, then, to begin dialing 11 digits instead of
today's 8, for long-distance calls within the same area code. [Oh
darn. If you can't deal with that you should be dead.]
The state telephone association is recommending that change as
a first step toward handling the number crunch -- and PSC staffers
said last week that they supported it.
Commissioners are to take up the proposed change at a meeting
later this month. If they agree, you will have to start dialing 1
plus the area code plus the number you are trying to reach for all
long-distance calls.
Today, you don't have to dial the area code for long-distance
calls within the same area code.
Change Comes In 1995
The phone association says it wants to begin this new dialing
sequence on Jan. 1, 1995. That's when a new national numbering
plan goes into effect.
The national plan also grew out of the same problem: not
enough area codes as we know them today to go around.
The explosion in fax machines, cellular phones, pagers,
computer modems and other technology has gobbled up almost the
entire combination of available numbers today. [Look at New York.]
The current system uses either a 1 or 0 in the middle of the
three-digit area code to help telephone switching equipment
distinguish between area codes and the first three digits of the
local exchange.
The trouble is that that gives only 144 area codes, each of
which can support about 7.8 million seven-digit phone numbers.
[780 exchnages? Sure, why not?] So, the industry has decided to
begin using other numbers in the middle of the area codes, which
will give it 640 new area codes.
That means not only that telephone switching equipment will
have to be upgraded, but that something will need to be done about
dialing patterns, such as the first three digits of local
exchanges, so that computerized switching equipment does not get
confused. [Good bye ESS7. Hello ESS10?]
The Wisconsin State Telephone Association, a trade group of
phone companies in the state, including Ameritech and GE, is
recommending that the area code be dialed each time for all long-
distance calls even within the same area code.
Let's take 224-2280 as an example. [Milwaukee Journal
Business line or something.] In the future, that 224 could be
either an area code or a local exchange number. But phone
switching equipment would be able to recognize the difference if
someone dialed a combination of 1 plus 10 digits. That's why the
state phone association is suggesting the change Drexler said.
What does this mean for consumers?
For existing residential customers it means nothing much more
that the inconvenience of dialing a few extra numbers.
For people who move into the 414 area code from outside the
area, it will mean assignment of a new area code, other than 414.
People who move from one local calling area to another, say from
Shorewood to Oak Creek, would also get a new area code.
For businesses, such as telemarketing firms, the change could
be a big headache. It could mean extra time in dialing. [Oh darn
again. I'll really miss those shitheads calling me at 6 in the
morning. They can burn in hell for all I care.]
Bob Schulze, customer services director for Schneider
Communications, a Green Bay based company that provides telephone
service to 18,000 businesses, suggests businesses begin thinking
today about upgrading their PBXs, or private branch exchanges, [PBX
= Private Branch Exchange. So? Like that really explains it to
the average idiot who lives in Milwaukee (85 percent of the
people)] so that dialing changes can be programmed.
"If I were a business customer I would very quickly be talking
to my programmers about what kind of equipment would be needed," he
said. "They should look at this carefully."
The state telephone association, however, has tried to
minimize the disruptions.
For example, it could have suggested giving all suburbs a new
area code, as was done a few years ago in the Chicago area.
[708/312 for all you idiots.]
But that would have resulted in a great deal of extra expenses
for businesses, which would have needed to change letterheads,
business cards and other things. That's why, Drexler said, the
phone companies are suggesting the state approve a system in which
all newcomers to 414 would get new area codes. [Why you would WANT
to come to 414 is beyond me though.]
[Here's my comments. I think this is a needed change. If anyone
bitches about it, fuck them. Like it's so hard to dial 3 more
numbers when you dial someone. Maybe all those people will die.
This change will happen anyway so there's no need to protest it.
People will get used to it very fast.]
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