
840 lines
48 KiB

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| Subscribers : 2315
DemoNews #124 - 18 June 1996 | Last Issue : 2304
| Change : +11
DemoNews is a newsletter for the demo scene. | Archive Size : 2563M
It is produced by Hornet at ftp.cdrom.com. | Last Issue : 2377M
Our demo archive is located under /pub/demos. | Remaining : 689M
A Graphician's Tip Book - Part 2............Shaithis
NAID '96, A Newbie's Opinions...............Kilowack
Top 10 Perisoft Should Have Won Gfx Compo...Rimbo
The Virtual Music Contest Mini-Report.......Garfield
Digital Dialect Advertisement...............Michael Case
Revenge of Shadow BBS/FTP...................Skyjump
Date Event Location Concact Points (email has an '@')
--------- ---------------- --------- ----------------------------------------
30 May 96 Rage Hungary t_mort@ludens.elte.hu
31 May 96 Naid Canada naid@autoroute.net
02 Jun 96 The Scene Singapore ckiang@singnet.com.sg
07 Jun 96 Abduction Finland maurala@cc.hut.fi
19 Jul 96 Flag Hungary tomcat2@ursus.bke.hu
25 Jul 96 Euskal Spain jarevalo@ran.es
28 Jul 96 Summer Encounter Denmark rvc@vision.auc.dk
04 Aug 96 Summit Israel high.dive@kinneret.com
16 Aug 96 Assembly Finland assembly@assembly.org
22 Aug 96 The Place to Be France brunel@quaternet.fr
21 Mar 97 Mekka Germany amable@aol.com
Combined Demos 1 00224 craw_inf.zip Gfx 1 00013 dst_frac.zip
2 00129 dcb_tcef.zip 2 00012 craw_sal.zip
1 00227 cp16.zip 3 00083 animate.zip 3 00011 fredpack.zip
2 00224 craw_inf.zip 4 00081 nooon_st.zip 4 00011 bedtime.zip
3 00206 cp17.zip 5 00073 unreal11.zip 5 00011 putman.zip
4 00170 scrmt321.zip 6 00067 symbolog.zip 6 00011 putman.nfo
5 00129 dcb_tcef.zip
6 00124 ft206.zip Music 1 00227 cp16.zip Code 1 00097 pasphong.zip
7 00121 m4w230sx.zip 2 00206 cp17.zip 2 00055 firewall.zip
8 00098 m4w230sl.zip 3 00170 scrmt321.zip 3 00041 bgif17.zip
9 00097 pasphong.zip 4 00124 ft206.zip 4 00025 flplay.zip
10 00083 awave31.zip 5 00121 m4w230sx.zip 5 00024 dn114_3d.zip
11 00083 animate.zip 6 00098 m4w230sl.zip 6 00024 water.zip
Total downloads the past 4 days : 034606
=-------------------------------------------------------(General Information)-=
Main site : USA ftp.cdrom.com/pub/demos
Mirrors : Sweden ftp.luth.se/pub/msdos/demos
S. Africa ftp.sun.ac.za/pub/msdos/demos
USA (FL) ftp.uwp.edu/pub/msdos/demos
USA (PE) ftp.co.iup.edu/code (from /demos/code)
ftp.co.iup.edu/songs (from /demos/incoming/music/songs)
Other sites: Belgium hagar.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/demos
Sweden ftp.arosnet.se/demo
Spain ftp.siapi.es/blastersound/demos
Web pages : Germany www.th-zwickau.de/~maz/sound.html
Canada datex.ca/trax
USA www.jax-inter.net/users/mblocker/demos
U.K. www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/~mxr/gfx
Belgium hagar.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/~sdog/party.html
All ratings are subjective.
Location /demos/alpha Size Rated Description
=-------------------- ---- ----- ---------------------------------------------=
/1996/0-9/0x90h.zip 1288 *** MEK96:demo:??: 0x90h by JL
/1996/0-9/128-all.zip 14 [n/a] 128 Byte Intro competition entries
/1996/0-9/128-res.zip 2 [n/a] 128 Byte Intro competition results
/1996/0-9/17mai.zip 76 *+ I96:demo:05: 17 Mai by Rectum Cauda
/1996/0-9/24hd.zip 621 ***+ MET96:demo:01: 24h Demo by Heaven Software
/1996/0-9/303.zip 508 *** 303 by Queue Members Group Art Division
/1996/0-9/477mhz.zip 83 ** 4.77 MHz by Nuclear Meltdown
/1996/0-9/4kworld.zip 10 ***+ MEK96:in4k:02: World 4k by Furball
/1996/a/ab_remix.zip 72 ***+ ABD96:in64:01: Aboriginal Remix by Paragon
/1996/a/agschapi.zip 1364 ***+ SAT96:demo:03: Chapi Chapo I by Aegis
/1996/a/arise.zip 1528 ***+ NAID96:demo:04: Arise by Beyond
/1996/a/atari.zip 55 * I96:in64:03: Atari Rullar by Elfsong
/1996/b/bl_exoti.zip 55 ** I96:demo:07: Exotic 3 by Buslogic
/1996/b/blasph.zip 1895 [n/a] MEK96:demo:01: Blasphemy by Fatal Justice
/1996/b/blue2.zip 4 ***+ Dreaming in Blue by Alien
/1996/b/bmb4kg96.zip 4 *** TG96:in4k:06: Hope by Bamboosh
/1996/b/brandbil.arj 555 * Brandbilens Vrede by Multiple Authors
/1996/b/broken.zip 66 *** NAID96:in64:03: Broken by Brazil & Leviathan
/1996/b/bugs.zip 227 ** NAID96:demo:??: Bugs by Trimaje
/1996/c/c-ngtive.zip 78 ***+ ABD96:in64:08: Negative by Coral
/1996/c/caleid.zip 11 ****+ SCE96:in4k:03: Caleidoscope by Byteam
/1996/c/cartoon.zip 61 ***+ TG96:in64:02: Cartoon by Mist
/1996/c/chaos.zip 9 ** MEK96:in4k:??: Chaos by Consub
/1996/c/cinema.zip 1035 ***+ SCE96:demo:03: Cinemania by Promise
/1996/c/clear.zip 305 ** Clear Your Mind by Mooze
/1996/c/clxsperm.zip 58 ***+ TG96:in64:03: Supermax by Complex
/1996/c/cma_a42.zip 951 *** ABD96:demo:EE: Agent 42 by COMA
/1996/c/cma_gstr.zip 60 **** GU-Star by Camorra
/1996/c/cma_tomu.zip 84 **** DML96:in80:01: Tomu by COMA
/1996/c/coc_muna.zip 478 **** DML96:demo:02: Egg-O'Trip by Cobra Creations
/1996/c/cocktail.zip 704 **+ NAID96:demo:09: Cocktail by Alien
/1996/c/contrast.zip 1682 ****+ SAT96:demo:01: Contrast by Oxygene
/1996/c/craw_inf.zip 781 **** NAID96:demo:02: Infinity by Craw Productions
/1996/c/craw_wto.zip 166 **+ Window To Oblivion by Craw Productions
/1996/c/csalsa.zip 68 ** TG96:in64:11: Chunky Salsa by Hoaxers
/1996/d/dcb_prev.zip 43 ** NAID'96 Preview by Da Cheez Brigade
/1996/d/dcb_tcef.zip 1349 **** NAID96:demo:01: Trans Cheddar Express by DCB
/1996/d/deadfish.zip 119 * Dead Fish Can't Swim by Spagetti
/1996/d/doom3d.zip 7 *** SCE96:in4k:09: Doom 3D by Syg/Mandula
/1996/d/dragon11.zip 1298 ***+ Dragon v1.1 by GooRoo
/1996/d/dream.zip 756 **+ NAID96:demo:06: Dream Cycle by Vertigo
/1996/e/e_teddy.zip 71 ***+ SAT96:in64:01: Teddybear's Revenge by Eclipse
/1996/e/elf_why.zip 1578 *** I96:demo:01: Why? by Elfsong
/1996/e/emerg.zip 1706 *** NAID96:demo:07: Emergency by The Surrounders
/1996/e/exposure.zip 389 ** SCE96:demo:08: Exposure by Bacteria
/1996/f/f8_st90.zip 1274 *** MEK96:demo:??: Gesehn Gelacht by Strontium 90
/1996/f/firek.zip 6 **+ TG96:in4k:05: Firek by Orchide/Watchmen
/1996/f/flea.zip 17 ** Flea by Geiger
/1996/f/flirt.zip 692 [n/a] SAT96:demo:04: Flirt by Igloo
/1996/f/fnk-esse.zip 84 **** MEK96:in64:01: Essence by Funk
/1996/f/ftrip.zip 368 ** SAT96:demo:10: Final Trip by Warm Inside
/1996/f/fts_jell.arj 764 **+ OZ96:demo:04: State: Jelly by FTS
/1996/g/g_mean.zip 65 ***+ ABD96:in64:XX: Mean by Gasp Inc.
/1996/g/geminis.zip 1529 *** SAT96:demo:07: Geminis by TLOTB
/1996/g/genia.zip 67 **** SCE96:in64:01: Genia by Remal
/1996/h/h_heart1.zip 972 ***+ ABD96:demo:05: [1/2]From My Heart by Halcyon
/1996/h/h_heart2.zip 1302 ***+ ABD96:demo:05: [2/2]From My Heart by Halcyon
/1996/h/halo.zip 59 *** I96:in64:01: Halo by Orca
/1996/h/herring.zip 52 **+ TG96:in64:09: Herring by Tpolm
/1996/h/hotel.zip 1679 **+ NAID96:demo:??: Hotel by Production
/1996/h/hurkalee.zip 10 *** SCE96:in4k:07: Hurkalee by Capanna
/1996/i/i_bomb.zip 1419 **** SAT96:demo:02: Bomb by Impact Studios
/1996/i/ina-ecir.zip 52 **+ DML96:in80:05: E (In The Circle) by Interamnia
/1996/i/indigo.zip 1133 **** TP95:demo:??: Indigo by Purple
/1996/i/inferno_.zip 16 **+ Inferno by Lord Matrix
/1996/i/innosta.zip 56 + TG96:infs:09: Innostalgy by ELQ/Deadnex
/1996/i/insidout.zip 64 *** SCE96:in64:04: Inside Out by Mandula
/1996/i/int_fyoo.zip 57 **+ NAID96:in64:??: Interrupt Internet by Fyoozhen
/1996/i/intodark.zip 530 **** DML96:demo:01: Into The Dark by Halcyon
/1996/j/jungle.zip 41 **+ TG96:in64:10: Jungle Fever by Index
/1996/k/k_limero.zip 74 ***+ SAT96:in64:03: Pressure by Kloon
/1996/k/klima.zip 56 *** TG96:in64:05: Klima by Proxima
/1996/k/konijn.zip 268 *+ Konijn by Hema
/1996/k/korso100.zip 61 **** TG96:in64:01: You I You Am The Robot by Orange
/1996/l/lite.zip 62 ***+ SCE96:in64:02: Lite by The Mad Team
/1996/m/mandala.zip 5 ***+ SCE96:in4k:05: Mandala by Rod/Mandula
/1996/m/maxreal.zip 10 ****+ SCE96:in4k:01: Maximum Reality by Unique PC
/1996/m/mfx_kel.zip 43 ** ABD96:in64:XX: Keltaiset Sivut by MFX
/1996/m/mirror.zip 61 *** MEK96:in64:??: Mirror by Substance
/1996/m/monapyhn.zip 56 ** DML96:in64:03: Hypnoman by TPOLM
/1996/m/mosquito.zip 1053 *** SCE96:demo:05: Mosquito by Faculty
/1996/m/motion_.zip 17 ***+ Motion by Incognita
/1996/m/mview.zip 1198 ***+ ABD96:demo:02: Magic View by Dubius
/1996/m/mwb_andf.zip 945 **** SAT96:demo:06: Andemptio by MWB
/1996/n/napt.zip 49 **+ TG96:in64:07: Napt by Scoop
/1996/n/narcosis.zip 10 **** SCE96:in4k:04: Narcosis by Exact
/1996/n/nm_lynch.zip 562 *** NAID96:demo:08: The Lynch by Nuclear Meltdown
/1996/n/noefinsk.zip 83 **+ Birthday Intro by Jaws/Oce
/1996/n/nooon_a2.zip 5 ***+ BBS: A.C.E. 2 by Nooon
/1996/n/nsf-bos.zip 525 ** Book of Shadows by Nosferatu
/1996/n/ntr-dive.zip 701 ***+ SCE96:demo:01: Dive by Neutron
/1996/o/oxg_cont.zip 1659 ****+ SAT96:demo:01: Contrast (final) by Oxygene
/1996/p/p-hurry.zip 52 ** First Intro by Primary
/1996/p/p-second.zip 59 **+ Second Intro by Primary
/1996/p/p3int.arj 189 * P3 Intro by Biokill
/1996/p/panto.zip 10 ***+ SCE96:in4k:08: Pantomime by Petros & Smokey
/1996/p/paroxysm.zip 64 **+ SCE96:in64:03: Paroxysm by Exhumers
/1996/p/peak_zik.zip 164 *** TG96:in64:04: Zix by Peak
/1996/p/pill.zip 1214 *** NAID96:demo:DD: Pill by Opiate
/1996/p/plugfire.zip 9 ** TG96:in64:08: Plugfire by Foam
/1996/p/prx_flou.zip 2 *** TG96:in4k:02: Digestive Flour by Proxima
/1996/p/prx_gx3f.zip 73 **+ I96:in64:04: Gut Gut Gut by Proxima
/1996/p/pum.zip 58 **+ TG96:in64:06: Pum by Proxima
/1996/r/radiance.zip 11 **+ SCE96:in4k:11: Radiance by Mystery Arts
/1996/r/refiniti.zip 122 *+ Refiniti by Hexeter
/1996/r/rtc_insd.zip 79 *** MEK96:in64:02: Inside by Resistance
/1996/r/running.zip 10 **** SCE96:in4k:02: Running Wild by Hurricane
/1996/s/saladfin.zip 1946 **+ NAID96:demo:10: Potato Salad by Team #coders
/1996/s/sck-aln.zip 1055 **** SCE96:demo:02: Alien by Shock
/1996/s/scratch.zip 1152 **+ I96:demo:03: Scratch by Neurotica
/1996/s/shrtarse.zip 82 *** ShortArse by GPF
/1996/s/skr!pii.zip 52 * Pii by Skraappa Skruuppi
/1996/s/skr_hcuv.zip 243 ** Univormu by Skraappa Skruuppi
/1996/s/sl_haloo.zip 55 *** I96:in64:02: Haloogen by Sublogic
/1996/s/snc_lbd.arj 7 **** MEK96:in4k:01: Little Big Demo by Sanction
/1996/s/soft.zip 5 **** Soft by Valhalla
/1996/s/su2-new.zip 8 *** BBS: Shoebox Universe 2
/1996/s/synergis.zip 68 **** ABD96:in64:05: Synergistic by Mistery
/1996/t/tc_flash.zip 998 *+ MEK96:demo:??: Flash by The Coexistence
/1996/t/tdc-subc.zip 2652 **** ABD96:demo:04: Subconscious by TDC
/1996/t/things.zip 79 **+ NAID96:demo:??: Things by Razmaid
/1996/t/trip.zip 33 **+ TG96:in64:11: Trip by Zden & Moshe/SiN
/1996/t/trx_wvcb.zip 36 *** BBS: Wavecube by T-Rex
/1996/v/v96intro.zip 67 **+ Nice Little Intro by Void
/1996/v/vision.zip 7 ***+ SCE96:in4k:10: Vision by Fefe/Breeze
/1996/v/vrt-wlds.a01 274 *** [2/2] TG96:demo:??: Worlds by Virtual Rage
/1996/v/vrt-wlds.arj 1456 *** [1/2] TG96:demo:??: Worlds by Virtual Rage
/1996/x/x10dedf3.zip 696 *** X96:demo:06: X10ded by Jello
/1996/x/xcursion.zip 55 **** ABD96:in64:02: Excursion by Vista Software
/1996/x/xes_air.zip 62 ***+ ABD96:in64:03: Air by XES
/1996/z/znickerz.zip 50 **+ MEK96:in64:??: Znickerz by TSC
/demos/music Size Rated Description
=------------------------------ ---- ----- -----------------------------------=
/songs/1996/it/0-9/8088.zip 610 + 8088 by MoveaL-LaveoM
/songs/1996/it/c/c_caring.zip 40 * Caring Isn't Everything by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/c_deadht.zip 43 *+ Dead Heat by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/c_demons.zip 179 + How to Destroy Demons by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/c_dreamd.zip 348 * Curious Dream by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/c_frustf.zip 235 * Frustrated Fuck by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/c_hellwk.zip 284 * Hell's Work Song by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/c_lvdcay.zip 1041 * Love Decays by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/c_percmi.zip 179 *+ Perculated by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/c_rshour.zip 253 * Rush Hour Traffic by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/c_sadyut.zip 418 *+ Sadisitc Youth by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/c_sucide.zip 169 * Suicidal Energy by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/c_vrgnfk.zip 691 * Virgin Fuckmachine by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/c_watch.zip 271 * Watchwork Addict by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/cj-frpwr.zip 145 ***+ Firepower by Chris Jarvis
/songs/1996/it/c/cj-frstr.zip 134 ***+ Firestorm by Chris Jarvis
/songs/1996/it/c/cj-fwrld.zip 284 ***+ Fallen World by Chris Jarvis
/songs/1996/it/c/cj-pdrms.zip 248 ***+ Pale Dreams by Chris Jarvis
/songs/1996/it/c/cj-sdwlk.zip 171 ***+ Sidewalk (live) by Chris Jarvis
/songs/1996/it/c/cp-avatr.zip 346 *** Sorrow's Avatar by Catspaw
/songs/1996/it/c/creagaia.zip 200 ***+ The Creation of Gaia by Zastar
/songs/1996/it/d/d_leave.zip 107 **+ Leave.. All Behind by Noble Roman
/songs/1996/it/d/danceoy2.zip 148 ***+ Dance of Youth by Zastar
/songs/1996/it/d/dbeats.zip 186 ** Drumbeats by Sturm
/songs/1996/it/d/dn_hilf.arj 343 *** Highlife by Dionysus
/songs/1996/it/d/dn_iyi.arj 169 *** In Your Imagination by Dionysus
/songs/1996/it/d/dny-cont.zip 243 ** Controlled Sounds by Dfj
/songs/1996/it/d/ds-askik.zip 247 *** Asskicker by Froyd the Dreud...
/songs/1996/it/e/etytm.zip 540 * Every Time You Touch.. by Schizoid
/songs/1996/it/g/g_mind.zip 278 **+ Mind Without a Face by QPorcupine
/songs/1996/it/g/galactic.zip 217 ** Galactic Pull by ?
/songs/1996/it/g/gem-dkng.zip 291 *+ The Darkening by Arclight
/songs/1996/it/g/gues.zip 31 * Guesto by Ken Seldeen
/songs/1996/it/h/h_noone.zip 162 *+ No One Else by H.P. Lovecraft
/songs/1996/it/h/h_works.zip 279 * The Works by H.P. Lovecraft
/songs/1996/it/i/i-big.zip 187 * Big Building by Motiv
/songs/1996/it/i/i-fake.zip 235 ** Fake Leather Furniture by Motiv
/songs/1996/it/i/i-prolep.zip 580 *** Prolepsis by Motiv
/songs/1996/it/j/jacti.zip 109 + Jactitation by Aborg
/songs/1996/it/j/jujubc.zip 29 * Juju Bee Chopsticks by ZeroHero
/songs/1996/it/l/liz-awag.zip 157 ***+ Re-awakened Agony by Lizard
/songs/1996/it/n/no-acidm.zip 346 **+ Elec. J. 2: Acid Mission by Stote
/songs/1996/it/n/no-analo.zip 214 *** Elec. J. 3: Analogue.. by Stote
/songs/1996/it/n/no-inter.zip 261 **+ Elec. Jour. 1: Internity by Stote
/songs/1996/it/q/questend.zip 287 ***+ To Reach Quest's End by Pulse
/songs/1996/it/s/s-billio.zip 342 + Billion Years' War by Swill
/songs/1996/it/s/satw.zip 270 **+ Shouting at the Wind by Sturm
/songs/1996/it/s/streets.zip 79 **+ Streets of Action City by ?
/songs/1996/it/s/sz-ppmm.zip 209 **+ Purple Plastik... by Szalemandre
/songs/1996/it/t/tf-agit.zip 254 **+ Agitation (remix) by Europe
/songs/1996/it/t/tf-sbmrg.zip 464 ***+ Submerged by Numb Lock
/songs/1996/it/t/theqix.zip 764 * The Qix by DJ4ta
/songs/1996/it/u/unl-empr.zip 235 *+ Holy Roman Empire by A Luminatus
/songs/1996/it/w/wo_you_.zip 218 **+ Without You by Alli
/songs/1996/it/y/ybqstorm.zip 490 **** OZ96:mmul:18 Quiet Stormby Yannis
/songs/1996/it/z/zn-alie2.zip 155 * Alien Mist (mitmix) by zinc
/songs/1996/mod/c/c64memry.zip 68 *** In memory of C-64... by LaLa
/songs/1996/mod/c/caramba.zip 89 **+ Caramba by LaLa
/songs/1996/mod/d/dawnmidn.zip 152 ** Dawn at Midnight by LaLa
/songs/1996/mod/e/elefield.zip 185 *+ House-2 by SoundMaster
/songs/1996/mod/e/eviland1.arj 40 ** Evil Land 1 by Sound Master
/songs/1996/mod/e/eviland2.zip 33 *+ Evil Land 2 by Sound Master
/songs/1996/mod/e/eviland3.zip 25 *+ Evil Land 3 by Sound Master
/songs/1996/mod/e/eviland4.zip 22 ** Evil Land 4 by Sound Master
/songs/1996/mod/e/eviland5.zip 21 *+ Evil Land 5 by Sound Master
/songs/1996/mod/e/eviland6.zip 27 ** Evil Land 6 by SoundMaster
/songs/1996/mod/f/forestdb.zip 65 * A Dubbed Forest by The Jester
/songs/1996/mod/g/get-rx.zip 133 *+ Get Ready for This by SoundMaster
/songs/1996/mod/g/gulf.zip 216 **+ OZ96:mmul:06: Gulf of War by RAM
/songs/1996/mod/l/liveinam.zip 246 ** Live in Amsterdam by Otis
/songs/1996/mod/m/m_byte.lha 84 *** Byte Me by Hollywood
/songs/1996/mod/m/m_para.lha 315 ** ParamagicDancer by iso
/songs/1996/mod/m/m_rem1a.lha 131 **+ Akai Patch Kids by Supernao
/songs/1996/mod/m/m_rem1b.lha 208 ***+ Tribute by Dreamfish+TheFoxII
/songs/1996/mod/m/m_rem1c.lha 16 *** TimeSlip re-re-mix by Supernao..
/songs/1996/mod/m/m_rturn.lha 125 ** Return by Twilight
/songs/1996/mod/m/m_space.zip 249 **+ Space Junkie by Subi
/songs/1996/mod/m/m_time.lha 128 **+ Time Slip by Dreamfish/Hollywood
/songs/1996/mod/m/m_zen1.zip 122 **+ Monotone by Substance
/songs/1996/mod/m/m_zen2.zip 71 *** Trips of orange c.. by Substance
/songs/1996/mod/m/m_zen3.zip 106 *** Zenith aura by Substance
/songs/1996/mod/m/metalica.zip 131 *+ Enter Sandman by SoundMaster
/songs/1996/mod/m/mrvainrx.zip 277 **+ Mr.Vain remix by SoundMaster
/songs/1996/mod/n/nth.zip 139 *** NoT Too Hard by The Vaw
/songs/1996/mod/r/radius_f.zip 142 ** Function by Radius
/songs/1996/mod/r/rd.zip 54 + OZ96:mmul:12: Death Ri. by Goblin
/songs/1996/mod/r/route78.zip 59 * Route 78 by Jay Lichtenauer
/songs/1996/mod/s/seekmist.zip 28 *+ Seeking.. Mistery by SoundMaster
/songs/1996/mod/t/treacway.zip 38 *+ Treacherous Way by SoundMaster
/songs/1996/mod/t/tzonerx1.zip 165 *+ House-1 by SoundMaster
/songs/1996/mod/t/tzonerx2.zip 282 ** Twilight Zone rmx by SoundMaster
/songs/1996/mod/u/unknown.arj 59 *** The Unknown by Soundmaster
/songs/1996/mod/u/use-nwdm.zip 209 ***+ New Dimension by Teo
/songs/1996/mod/v/voice.zip 123 **** Voice of the Gods by the Soulman
/songs/1996/mod/w/wreck.zip 223 ***+ Wreck by xtd
/songs/1996/mtm/s/sl_ascen.zip 186 *+ Ascension by SoulCiety
/songs/1996/mtm/s/sl_xlr8.zip 281 ** XLR-ATE by SoulCiety
/songs/1996/other/a/algory.zip 485 **** X96:mmul:01: Algory by Vic
/songs/1996/other/h/helios.zip 438 ***+ X96:mmul:XX: Helios by Crystal Score
/songs/1996/s3m/0-9/23_apop.zip 74 + Apoplectic Pn. by NEurostimuli2'3
/songs/1996/s3m/0-9/23_not.zip 187 + Not Enough Christ by LOgre2'3
/songs/1996/s3m/0-9/23_p001.zip 175 + The Process I by LOgre2'3
/songs/1996/s3m/0-9/23_p002.zip 252 + Abhoration Ov Mankind by LOgre2'3
/songs/1996/s3m/0-9/23_t-ob.zip 38 + t-OBen(D)u7 by LOgre2'3
/songs/1996/s3m/0-9/23_trth.zip 34 + Thee Truth by LOgre2'3
/songs/1996/s3m/0-9/6a.zip 374 **+ 6A by The VAW
/songs/1996/s3m/0-9/8kfun.zip 3 **+ OZ96:m16k:04: 8k of Fun by Sane
/songs/1996/s3m/c/ccs-fin.zip 260 *** Final Impression by Mayhem
/songs/1996/s3m/c/city96.zip 265 **+ CityScape Naid96 Remix by LakEEE
/songs/1996/s3m/d/d2m.arj 140 **+ Dedicated to Michaela by Fox
/songs/1996/s3m/d/dclouds.zip 224 + Dark Clouds by Karl
/songs/1996/s3m/d/destiny.zip 160 *** Destiny by Dilvish
/songs/1996/s3m/d/dmk-frst.zip 307 *** Forest Dreamscape by Hector
/songs/1996/s3m/e/eclipse.zip 397 *** Eclipse of the Mind by Daedalus
/songs/1996/s3m/e/end.zip 10 ** OZ96:m16k:06: End.Time by Caliban
/songs/1996/s3m/e/etdream2.zip 8 ***+ OZ96:m16k:03: Eternal Drm by Jase
/songs/1996/s3m/e/ewd-rem2.zip 67 **+ EWD Remix 2.0 by Trez
/songs/1996/s3m/f/fa-neptb.zip 207 ***+ Neptune Ballista by F. Assassin
/songs/1996/s3m/f/factory.zip 102 *+ Factory by Mark Speckman
/songs/1996/s3m/f/fadetobl.zip 388 *** Fade to Blue by Procyon
/songs/1996/s3m/f/feelit.zip 342 * Feel It by Wax Remover
/songs/1996/s3m/f/filling.zip 41 *+ OZ96:mmul:??: Fililng. by Apollyo
/songs/1996/s3m/f/final.zip 75 ***+ Final Dimension by Cyclone
/songs/1996/s3m/f/fishup.zip 252 *** Fishpond Hup by Ruffkut
/songs/1996/s3m/f/flp-cmd2.zip 351 * The Reflex by CMD
/songs/1996/s3m/f/for_dbh.zip 195 *+ Dead by Hardcore by Fortune
/songs/1996/s3m/g/g_ident.zip 145 **+ I?dentity by Skie
/songs/1996/s3m/g/gamalon.zip 228 + Pentjak-Silat by Searcy
/songs/1996/s3m/g/gem-shad.zip 552 **+ Shadows of Time by Arclight
/songs/1996/s3m/g/gotbeat.zip 92 * I Got the Beat by Digital Dreamer
/songs/1996/s3m/g/gr_dion.zip 252 *** Dionysius by Vad
/songs/1996/s3m/h/halween2.zip 466 *** Halloween Theme Remix by Daedalus
/songs/1996/s3m/h/happycr.zip 10 **+ OZ96:m16k:04: Happy C.by Apollyon
/songs/1996/s3m/h/hernia.zip 92 **+ Cosmo's Hernia by CD
/songs/1996/s3m/h/hours.zip 439 **+ 30 Hours of Pain by Bishop
/songs/1996/s3m/h/housegrv.zip 275 **+ A House Groove by Griffin
/songs/1996/s3m/h/hwremix.zip 86 * Hello World by Chromosome X
/songs/1996/s3m/i/ice.zip 349 ***+ Ice Warning by Fis
/songs/1996/s3m/i/idx-crck.zip 180 ** Crack Open by Zauron
/songs/1996/s3m/i/in-born.zip 131 *** Born Again by Influx
/songs/1996/s3m/i/instinc.zip 79 * Instrumental Incarc.. by B Curtis
/songs/1996/s3m/i/ipnana.zip 67 *** Planet Ipnana II by CD
/songs/1996/s3m/i/ithcloud.zip 104 **+ My Life in the Clouds by Fishman
/songs/1996/s3m/k/k_abduct.zip 105 **** The Abduction by Daedalus
/songs/1996/s3m/l/landward.zip 99 ***+ Landwards by Musaya
/songs/1996/s3m/l/limbo.zip 18 *+ Limbo by Ben Curtis
/songs/1996/s3m/m/madfun.zip 121 **+ Fun is Madness by Zenecade
/songs/1996/s3m/m/memoriam.zip 633 **** In Memoriam by Wode
/songs/1996/s3m/m/molotov.zip 46 *** Molotov Shake by cd
/songs/1996/s3m/m/mom_mzk.zip 411 ***+ Mind Over Matter by Kezoomer
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ms-engne.zip 102 ** Engine America by Misfit
/songs/1996/s3m/n/ndrums.zip 7 ** OZ96:m16k:12: Say No.. by Apoll.
/songs/1996/s3m/n/nec_ex.zip 151 *+ OZ96:mmul:12:Nectropol.. by Sane
/songs/1996/s3m/n/ng-comb.zip 33 **+ Combination by Hitachi
/songs/1996/s3m/n/ng-grav.zip 66 ** Gravetrooper by Hitachi
/songs/1996/s3m/n/no-worm.zip 142 *** Worm Needs by Stote
/songs/1996/s3m/n/nobeatz.zip 5 ***+ OZ96:m16k:7: No Beats.. by Jase
/songs/1996/s3m/o/outworld.zip 211 **+ Out of This World by W!ND
/songs/1996/s3m/o/oz96song.zip 283 ***+ OZ96:mmul:12: Invert. Real by ???
/songs/1996/s3m/p/pal_sbac.zip 284 ** Dr. Sbaitso ANTICHRIST by Paladin
/songs/1996/s3m/p/pal_y0da.zip 333 ** Y0DA by Paladin
/songs/1996/s3m/p/pdreams.zip 569 **+ Perfect Dreams by Dj Lamas
/songs/1996/s3m/p/pgm_heat.arj 176 ***+ Liquid Heat by PGM
/songs/1996/s3m/p/pl-dawn.zip 71 *** Searching For the Dawn by Plague
/songs/1996/s3m/p/poingrmx.zip 77 **+ Poing - Nothing New mix by Hadji
/songs/1996/s3m/p/powerhou.zip 35 ** Power House by Stratocaster
/songs/1996/s3m/p/pres.zip 7 ***+ OZ96:m16k:1:Pressure by Clef
/songs/1996/s3m/p/psycosyn.zip 27 *+ Psycotic Synthia by Stratocaster
/songs/1996/s3m/q/quetzal.zip 146 ** Quetzal Routes by ?
/songs/1996/s3m/r/raf-cube.zip 153 **+ Spacecube by Psylocybe
/songs/1996/s3m/r/reflex.zip 5 ** OZ96:m16k:11: Reflex by Jedi
/songs/1996/s3m/r/ridetsnk.zip 165 ** Ride the Snake by Juggernaut
/songs/1996/s3m/r/roses.zip 174 *** Tower of Roses by Z Spellweaver
/songs/1996/s3m/r/run.zip 209 **+ Run by Dilvish
/songs/1996/s3m/s/s-bliss.zip 144 ** B.Incantation by Aztechie and Gamera
/songs/1996/s3m/s/s-crystl.zip 570 **+ Crystal Dreams by Synergy
/songs/1996/s3m/s/s_mellow.zip 52 **+ Meaningless Melody by Shudder
/songs/1996/s3m/s/serenity.zip 474 ***+ Serenity by Procyon
/songs/1996/s3m/s/sighs.zip 209 *** Sighs by Telperion
/songs/1996/s3m/s/sklt-syn.zip 226 ** Synth Paradigm by Sklathill
/songs/1996/s3m/s/smi_b2r.arj 198 + Back to Reality by Joker
/songs/1996/s3m/s/soundtra.arj 298 *** GP96:mmul:01: Soundtrk by Ganesha
/songs/1996/s3m/s/spacy.zip 166 ** Spacy by Bishop
/songs/1996/s3m/s/ssensati.zip 17 + Speeding Sensation by Ben Curtis
/songs/1996/s3m/s/ste-impo.zip 94 * Mission Impossumible by Sante
/songs/1996/s3m/s/ste-sfug.zip 117 *+ Serio Fuga by Sante
/songs/1996/s3m/s/steam.zip 129 ** Steam Away Exp. by Z Spellweaver
/songs/1996/s3m/s/stepback.zip 314 ***+ OZ96:mmul:07: Step Bac.by Kitsune
/songs/1996/s3m/s/sublunar.zip 138 *+ Neural Misfire by Sublunar
/songs/1996/s3m/s/swalk.zip 188 **+ Spacewalk by Beacon
/songs/1996/s3m/u/unlim.zip 221 ***+ OZ96:mmul:09 Unl.Power by Caliban
/songs/1996/s3m/w/wack20.zip 146 *+ Wack 2.0 by Vortex
/songs/1996/s3m/w/windows.zip 265 + Windows by Madman
/songs/1996/s3m/w/wm-fctrk.zip 178 *** F.C. Twente by Weird Magic
/songs/1996/s3m/w/wp_speed.arj 147 *+ OZ96:mmul:16 Warp Speed by Turri.
/songs/1996/xm/0-9/16charli.zip 235 * Psychotic Platoon by Snuttan..
/songs/1996/xm/c/cb-hyped.arj 256 **+ Hyped Revolution by Pedro+YoYo
/songs/1996/xm/c/cb-low.arj 51 *+ Low Profile by Logos
/songs/1996/xm/c/cbk_hipc.zip 15 ** Hip Chip by Cubik
/songs/1996/xm/c/cbk_ndth.zip 13 **+ Near Death by Cubik
/songs/1996/xm/c/cds-icnf.arj 70 * Ice and Frog by Picoder
/songs/1996/xm/c/cds-wwoc.arj 117 *+ We Will Overcome by Picoder
/songs/1996/xm/c/ck-ttrum.zip 276 *** Tantrum by Celorn Knossos
/songs/1996/xm/c/cz-union.zip 400 *** The Reunion by Cyberzip
/songs/1996/xm/d/d-night.zip 329 **+ Dance 'till the Night by Igneous
/songs/1996/xm/d/defeated.arj 285 **+ Defeated by Lioz
/songs/1996/xm/d/demo4.arj 250 *** Brain Disfunction by Lioz
/songs/1996/xm/d/depres.arj 339 + The Depression by Jihad
/songs/1996/xm/d/disrupti.zip 552 ***+ Evil Disruption by TNT
/songs/1996/xm/d/drbass2.zip 89 *+ Jewel by JoJo
/songs/1996/xm/d/dwy.zip 403 ** I'll Die Without You by Igneous
/songs/1996/xm/e/eclipse.arj 486 **+ The Solar Eclipse by TNT
/songs/1996/xm/e/el-drift.zip 105 **+ Drift by Electric Lucidity
/songs/1996/xm/e/elephant.zip 465 **** JUH96A:mmul:01: G Eleph. by Sivu
/songs/1996/xm/e/epolutio.zip 401 ** EPA Pollution by Misu & Vic
/songs/1996/xm/e/escape.zip 578 *+ Escape by Verses
/songs/1996/xm/e/ex-dance.zip 107 ** A Dance Song by Exxon
/songs/1996/xm/f/fading.zip 59 ** Fading Vision by Missing Organ
/songs/1996/xm/f/fatescap.zip 197 ** Fate Escape by P-Tec
/songs/1996/xm/f/flight74.zip 205 *+ Flight 747 To Eternity by Datrix
/songs/1996/xm/f/flisis.zip 151 * Flisis by Snuttan & Pruttan
/songs/1996/xm/f/friik.zip 163 *** Friik of the Week by Black Lotion
/songs/1996/xm/f/fullmoon.zip 541 *** OZ96:mmul:12: ..Moon by Psych..
/songs/1996/xm/g/getonup.zip 247 ***+ OZ96:mmul:01: Get On Up.. by Matt
/songs/1996/xm/g/ghg5.zip 342 *+ Beng! by The Great Horny Guru
/songs/1996/xm/g/gl-fuqed.zip 888 ***+ Fuqed by Glitch
/songs/1996/xm/g/gl-gltch.zip 662 *** Glitched by Glitch
/songs/1996/xm/g/godrush.zip 446 *** Godrush by Blue
/songs/1996/xm/g/goonnow.zip 53 ** Go On Now by Diwic
/songs/1996/xm/g/gsb.zip 141 *+ Gimme Some Bass by Static
/songs/1996/xm/h/helbroke.arj 177 **+ The Morning After... by TNT
/songs/1996/xm/h/hollabal.zip 444 *** Halla Bollo by Black Lotion
/songs/1996/xm/h/htc-grvy.zip 543 ***+ OZ96:mmul:04: Gravey by Hunz
/songs/1996/xm/i/igbliss.zip 264 * Ignorance is Bliss by Misu+Vic
/songs/1996/xm/i/inhaler.zip 191 **+ Inhaler by Peals of Bass
/songs/1996/xm/i/it-dstnc.zip 232 **+ Distance by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/it-gr.zip 287 *+ Grrrrr!!! by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/it-tv.zip 201 + Tvesh by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/it-visio.zip 245 **+ My Vision.. by It-Alien+Antanio
/songs/1996/xm/k/k_galy.zip 546 **+ Shakin' Yer Galy by Vivid
/songs/1996/xm/k/k_remedy.zip 145 **+ Remedy by Stinger
/songs/1996/xm/k/k_xfile.zip 519 ***+ X File by Bert
/songs/1996/xm/l/ld-euro.zip 241 **+ Eurodance '96 by Oona and J.Rook
/songs/1996/xm/l/lws28.zip 356 * Acid Science by Labworks
/songs/1996/xm/l/lz-beynd.zip 247 ***+ Beyond Hell by LioZ
/songs/1996/xm/l/lz-dfeat.zip 288 **** Defeated by LioZ
/songs/1996/xm/l/lz-virtu.zip 571 ***+ Virtual Brainscape by LioZ
/songs/1996/xm/m/mass-swt.zip 466 *** X96:mmul:XX: Sweetly by Contagion
/songs/1996/xm/m/mastranc.zip 430 *** MasteTrance by SoundMaster
/songs/1996/xm/m/maxmlism.zip 561 **** OZ96:mmul:5: Maximal. by M Rippon
/songs/1996/xm/m/mrchdawn.zip 72 *** Marching at Dawn by Bmp
/songs/1996/xm/m/mrvain96.zip 430 *+ Mr. Vain (remix) by KO Xtrong
/songs/1996/xm/n/n55-fles.zip 409 ***+ Flesh by Rage
/songs/1996/xm/n/ng-curbz.zip 277 **+ Curbz by Demuc
/songs/1996/xm/n/ng-ssta.zip 110 ** Solution & Stabile by Demuc
/songs/1996/xm/n/noname1.zip 394 ** Noname1 by Misu
/songs/1996/xm/n/ntx_crhm.zip 124 ** Crush My Body Against Wall by NTX
/songs/1996/xm/n/ntx_infs.zip 291 **+ Infinita Speranza by NeuRoTiX
/songs/1996/xm/n/ntx_jmbr.zip 238 *** Join my Brain by NTX
/songs/1996/xm/o/o-j_sos.zip 467 ** Jones Song vol. 3 by Oona
/songs/1996/xm/o/overland.zip 330 ** OZ96:mmul:11: Overl. by Acid Rain
/songs/1996/xm/p/pahalbxm.zip 380 *** Alien Beat by Pah
/songs/1996/xm/p/pahbetba.zip 202 **+ Beat the Base by Pah
/songs/1996/xm/p/ploff-03.zip 189 *** The Zone by Ploffer
/songs/1996/xm/p/prog.zip 346 **+ Progression by ???
/songs/1996/xm/p/psy-tell.zip 1611 **** Tell Me by Psychodelix
/songs/1996/xm/p/pt-digit.zip 134 *** Digital Mind by P-Tec
/songs/1996/xm/p/pt_xfile.zip 138 ** X-files Theme Mix by P-tec
/songs/1996/xm/r/r_1stlst.zip 7 *+ OZ96:m16k: First and Last by Rog
/songs/1996/xm/r/r_potnrg.zip 506 **+ OZ96:mmul:18: Post Temp... by Rog
/songs/1996/xm/r/raf-espr.zip 184 ** Dolce Espressivo by Zovirax
/songs/1996/xm/r/raf-tdic.zip 195 *** Trancediction by Zovirax
/songs/1996/xm/s/sc-cloud.zip 235 *** Cloud Tide by Screamager
/songs/1996/xm/s/sc-harm.zip 74 *** Hideous Harmony by Screamager
/songs/1996/xm/s/sc_atom.zip 4 *** Atomic Playboys by Screamager
/songs/1996/xm/s/sc_hgen.zip 177 *** Hallucinogenerate by Screamager
/songs/1996/xm/s/sc_sinrs.zip 163 *** Army of Sinners by Screamager
/songs/1996/xm/s/settinsu.zip 6 *+ OZ96:m16k: Setting Sun by Tuksu
/songs/1996/xm/s/sk-ch96.zip 134 *** Charts Overdrive 96 by Drift
/songs/1996/xm/s/sky_rept.zip 258 **+ Republic of Trance by D.J. YoYo
/songs/1996/xm/s/sleez303.zip 209 ** Sleezy 303 by Abstract
/songs/1996/xm/s/slife.zip 446 ***+ Short Life by Illegal+H Szabolcs
/songs/1996/xm/s/sogood.zip 278 **+ It Feels So Good by Humanoid
/songs/1996/xm/s/spacdafi.zip 195 *+ Space the Final... by Misu & Vic
/songs/1996/xm/s/sqr_deal.zip 511 *+ Square Deal by JRB
/songs/1996/xm/s/storm.zip 862 ** Set Your Hardcore Free by Zest
/songs/1996/xm/s/str-fell.zip 419 *** Stringfellow by P-Tec
/songs/1996/xm/s/sv-frien.zip 239 *** Friendship by Stinger
/songs/1996/xm/s/sv-obses.zip 216 ***+ Obsession by Stinger
/songs/1996/xm/s/sv-sun.zip 265 *** Sunchaser by Stinger
/songs/1996/xm/t/tan-gate.zip 343 **+ Gate to the Dream.. by Tangerine
/songs/1996/xm/t/tan-mant.zip 384 **+ Electric Mantra by Tangerine
/songs/1996/xm/t/things.zip 68 *** Things of the Past by Soundmaster
/songs/1996/xm/t/tknology.zip 259 **+ Tekknology by Soundmaster
/songs/1996/xm/t/trilogy.arj 208 **** X96:mmul:02: Trilogy by Metal
/songs/1996/xm/t/ttunknow.zip 83 *+ To the Unknown Man by P-Tec
/songs/1996/xm/u/ucc_corn.zip 156 **+ Cornholio by Waka
/songs/1996/xm/u/ucc_drea.zip 266 ** Dreamin' About U by Waka
/songs/1996/xm/u/use-aliv.zip 129 ***+ I'm Alive by Teo+Dustbin
/songs/1996/xm/v/vastness.zip 267 ** The Vastness of Space by Lala
/songs/1996/xm/v/vd-rv_on.zip 249 *** Rave On by Vlad Dracl
/songs/1996/xm/x/x-ile.zip 219 **+ X-ile by Sound Master
/songs/1996/xm/x/xperienc.zip 354 *** Higher Experience by Chillout
/songs/1996/xm/z/z62_1903.zip 188 **+ Leisure Suit Zest... by Zest
/songs/1996/xm/z/z62_2003.zip 291 *** Leisure Suit Zest... pt.2 by Zest
:: "Introduction"
:: Snowman / Hornet
:: r3cgm@ftp.cdrom.com
Hello all, and welcome to DemoNews issue 124.
I'm back. (how's that for brevity?)
:: "A Graphician's Tip Book - Part 2"
:: Shaithis / Psychic Monks, Immortal Coil
:: shaithis@dreamscape.com
Ummm, I'm gonna start out this article by making a few "bug-fixes".
1. I was wrong about MCGA. It could display 320x200x256 or 640x480x2.
(Thanks to Rimbo for the info.)
2. Pale pink is low in saturation but high in intensity. Oops. That was
actually a mistake on my part. I knew what I meant, but I typed the
wrong thing... that's it... ;)
(Thanks to Samuel Marshall for that one.)
Alright. With that out of the way I'll continue. In the last article I
mentioned that we were going to jump right into Dpaint in this one. I lied.
I figured perhaps I'd do one more introductory article, this time dealing
with basic terms used by us "graphicians". Is that a real word? Oh well. :)
I realize that most of the people who aren't scrolling past this to get to
Trixter's article already know their terms, but in case there's anyone out
there who doesn't, this article is for you. [NOTE: There is no article by
Trixter in this issue.]
Anti-aliasing is a gift of the gods. It's what takes a decent picture and
makes it great. Quite simply, it is a subtle blending of the outer edges of
a form in relation to the forms around it. This gives said form a more
natural looking appearance, as opposed to the "Cut and Paste" look it might
otherwise have. It makes the form fit better.
Most 32-bit apps (Photoshop, Fractal Design Painter, etc.) will anti-alias
anything you are inserting or moving automatically. Some older programs,
such as Dpaint-paint, will not do this by themselves. Some ancient programs
will not do it at all. (Dpaint's anti-aliasing feature is not great,
however, and my next article will deal with a better method to use if you
want to anti-alias in 256 colors).
This is a feature that not all programs have. Some do, some don't. I'll
cover them briefly here, and then in more depth when I get to Photoshop
(which uses them very well).
Layers are separate sections within a picture that combine to create the
whole. Say you are thinking of inserting a font on top of the picture you
just created, but you are unsure if the font will look correct or not. Or
you know the font is right, but you are unsure what effect you want to add to
it. Simply create a second layer, put the font there, and it can now be
edited and altered without affecting the background you spent six hours
creating. The layers can then be compressed to a finished picture at your
This is not a program feature, but I want to discuss various techniques for a
moment. There are multiple kinds of shading as most demosceners know well
enough (Gouraud, Phong, etc.). In 256 color still art, I have found that
there are two types of shading that work the best. Imitating Gouraud shading
is relatively easy and creates a nice, clean effect (more on that in a later
article). "Bitmap" shading also looks very nice and involves gradually
lessening pixels of the first color overlapping the start of the second. (For
an example of this, see tigerkid.zip in /incoming/graphics/images).
This can be a program feature or it can be hand generated. Texture is what
determines whether your image looks like metal, glass, rock, Slime Mold Pus,
or whatever it is your image is supposed to look like. How you achieve this
texture is entirely up to you, but it is important that you achieve it
correctly. (Hint, there'll be a tip coming up for Dpaint involving the
creation of marble texture. It works VERY well).
_____File Format
This one is both important and unimportant depending on your use. How do I
save my work? Dpaint only gives you the choice of LBM or PCX. However, if
you are working in other programs, you may have the choice of GIF, JPG, TIF,
PIC, EPS, or many more. JPG, in general, provides the best compression. GIF
has some compression as well, but not as much as JPG. These two are the most
common WWW formats.
TIF, PIC, and EPS are printing formats. If you are creating extremely high
resolution, printable pictures, it is unwise to go with JPG or GIF because
printers and CMYK film outputs HATE them. PCX is usable, but TIF or EPS is
your best bet due to compatibility and quality of printing.
That wraps up this article, seeing as this line exceeds my space limit. :)
My next article will definitely begin on Dpaint and other 256 color image
editing programs. I'll see you then. Remember: if you have tips, questions,
comments, or error corrections, please feel free to contact me at the address
below. Until next I write...
:: "NAID '96, A Newbie's Opinions"
:: Kilowack / MIRACLE
:: klaks@bu.edu
My first (and hopefully not last!) NAID encounter was, how would you say,
fascinating? The quality and quantity of demos was staggering, and I think
this time, we've upped the ante on the Euros. The top three could easily have
taken on anything that Europe's put out. Anyway, enough about that.
NAID'96 was very well planned, kudos to the organizers. With so many events,
activities and competitions, I don't think any of us got more than 6 hours of
sleep over the entire weekend. There are a few peeves though. Here's the
_____Los Angeles Smog
Right, I know it's Montreal, but there was enough smoke exhaled at NAID for
the tobacco companies to consider supporting us! Hey! A new sponsor! But
seriously, for some of us who are a wee bit susceptible, a smoke free NAID
would be a good idea. Correction. Make that an INCREDIBLY good idea.
For those of you who took some time to eat, food in the main hall was rare
and in small quantities. Yeah yeah, there's Harvey's Grease Pot outside and
the Quebec imitation of Dunkin Donuts (Commander Ici!) but for some of us who
were busy coding or drawing, having at least a decent supply of food in the
main hall would have been nice. Maybe a freezer stacked with cheap pizzas
and a microwave would do the trick.
A final foreword on the actual deadlines of the compos would be nice.
Especially the intro compo. 12:00 AM friday night?! Many of us didn't get
there until 2AM! Well, actually, that was just our group. Still, the 12AM
deadline on opening day is a little stiff. Maybe postponing that to 9:00AM
on saturday would go a bit easier on many of us. Or perhaps a concise and
definite deadline mailed out to the competitors before NAID.
Did anyone shower? Around Sunday, I noticed a funny odor in the air. Could
be my imagination. Personally, I got up at 6 AM (actually, I was up till 6
AM!) to make sure I sanitized myself. Someone should have posted a schedule
of the shower times, especially since some people in the room were getting
rather mal-odorous. It's not that they didn't want to shower, just that
every time they went, the shower's were closed! By the way, the showers were
very nice, just that infrared thingy took forever to activate.
Congrats to the organizers for an incredibly good time. Only problem is that
you're leaving! Well, I guess everyone's got to take their own path
Well, that about sums it up. One thing for sure, reading and watching a
group's demo is one thing. Actually meeting them in person is a completely
different experience. We should have some more of these NAID things.
To the organizers, there's just one final request before you go. Write an
article on how you organized and got sponsors for NAID. Many of us were
quite influenced and would like to try to organize something similar (or at
least a small party). Maybe a FAQ would do.
Viva la NAID!!!!
:: "Top 10 Reasons Perisoft Should Have Won the NAID '96 Gfx Compo"
:: Rimbo / Lucid
:: rimbo@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
From the home office in Austin, Texas...
10. Because the lady could have said "PeriSoft" with more enthusiasm
9. So he could whack Snowman with his purple stick. [stein]
8. Because then we won't have to hear Mosaic say, "except Peri...he
blows" [rimbo]
7. So he'd stop whining about the music compo [necros]
6. Wouldn't yell out "Capacala R00LZ!!!!!" [phoenix]
5. Because his Ma brought him to NAID last year [diablo]
4. Yet another scene trivia question answered with "PeriSoft" [necros]
3. Because the better he does in art, the fewer 64-channel IT's he'll do
2. Hip, early 80's hairstyle [fred]
...and the #1 reason PeriSoft shoulda won the gfx compo:
1. He won't threaten to sue if he doesn't. [rimbo]
:: "The Virtual Music Contest Mini-Report"
:: Garfield / RA, Infinity
:: pjscorreia@mail.telepac.pt
The Virtual Music Contest was Portugal's first demoscene related event.
VMC was like Snowman's Music Contest series, but only Portuguese musicians
and judges were allowed to enter.
The quantity and quality of the entries we had was far beyond what we
expected since the demoscene around here is a bit small. With events like
this, we sincerely hope we're helping the Portuguese demo/music scene to
The songs are available from ftp.cdrom.com. Please take a look at some of
them and tell us what you think. Thanks.
:: "Digital Dialect Advertisement"
:: Michael Case
:: mcase@digitald.com
:: http://www.digitald.com/~mcase
Would you like to work for a company that values individual achievement,
and understands demo coders?
Would you like to work with the a diverse, international team of the
hottest 3D programmers around?
Would you like to work on cutting edge 3D computer games?
Digital Dialect, a computer game developer in Sherman Oaks, CA, U.S.A., is
looking for programmers to work on a variety of 3D PC game titles for major
publishers. A command of C programming, Intel assembly language, and 3D
graphics techniques is required. Windows 95/Direct X knowledge is a plus.
Salary range is $20-$35 an hour depending on ability.
We provide the necessary work visas.
:: "Revenge of Shadow BBS/FTP"
:: D.J. Skyjump
:: skyjump@anna.dei.unipd.it
Now, the demo/music section of the Revenge Of Shadow BBS is on the Internet!
680 Megs of Music & Demo Stuff from the best Music & Demos Groups.
FTP: ftp://shadow.pegasus.it
BBS: +39 - (0)464 - 421890 (Italy) 28.8 bps
The best demos & music, shareware, games, Zx Spectrum, C64, Amstrad CPC,
MSX emulators, demo libraries, Internet News, MOD-S3M-MTM-XM Music Modules.
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_____Contacting Us
For questions and comments, you can contact us at r3cgm@cdrom.com
Your mail will be forwarded to the appropriate individual.