
399 lines
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September 11, 1994 - ISSUE #61 - September 17, 1994
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Section 1..............Standard Information
Section 2...........................General
Section 3.............................Files
Section 4.............................Music
Section 5...........................Demo CD
Section 6....................Advertisements
Section 7..................Top 25 Downloads
Section 8..............................Misc
Section 9...........................Closing
((Section 1...Standard Info))
DemoNews is a weekly publication dedicated to the demo scene. It is
produced at the Internet FTP site ftp.eng.ufl.edu (aka WASP or HORNET).
This newsletter focuses on all aspects of demos and demo-making (including
music, art, and coding).
There are currently three active demo-operators at this site:
Dan Wright (Pallbearer) - GENERAL - dmw@eng.ufl.edu
Christopher G. Mann (Snowman) - MUSIC - r3cgm@dax.cc.uakron.edu
Mike - GENERAL - weis@elf.stuba.sk
Jason (Cavalier) - ANSI - cavalier@shadow.net
This site is mirrored by the following ftps:
If you would like to receive a new copy of Demo News every Sunday in your
mailbox write to dmw@eng.ufl.edu. We delete all bounced mail from this
service, so if you SHOULD BE getting Demo News and ARE NOT, please re-request
this newsletter.
((Section 2...General))
We deleted some ANSI and MUSIC stuff to allow for uploads. This puts us
back over 20 Megs...for now.
Other DEMO ftp sites:
ftp.mpoli.fi is "starport" and has a lot of demos not here--and it will
stay that way because we do not have the space for them. Starport is
mirrored by ftp.funet.fi which is maintained by Abyss of the Future Crew.
So, if you the demo you are looking for is not here then CHECK the
above sites.
OTHER ASM 94 releases (Hope you have a Gravis):
Fairy Tale -- Interesting demo with "plot." Requires Mathco. Great idea.
The Final Option -- If you do not have this GET IT NOW. This Phantom
Dezign demo is one of the best I have seen. Like a movie!
Images -- Epical's demo is out...placed 5th.
Volbyval -- Valhalla's Vision of Light demo.
Themo -- DEMONIC placed last with this demo. :)
Warp -- Legend design's 4th place demo.
Accident -- Axidental. From CANADA.
There are a few more--some may not be at wasp (check mpoli.fi /pub/starport/
asm/demo)--worth checking out. I am impressed.
((Section 3...Files))
Filename.ext Location Description
| --DEMOS-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos...)
anjofly.zip /alpha/NEW/asm94/demos FLY demo by Anjovis. GUS
4pm.zip /alpha/NEW Small intro with SB sound.
caintro.zip /alpha/NEW Creation Anew's 1st intro. SB/PAS/GUS
fairy.zip /alpha/NEW/asm94/demos Fairy tale by Styx. Needs mathco. Good.
htc-lm11.zip /alpha/NEW Heretics Liquid metal BBS ad. SB
legend.lzh /alpha/NEW Intro with moving Legend logo.
plasmabob.zip /alpha/NEW Paradise Plasmatic Bobs release.
prologue.zip /alpha/NEW Logic Design demo--2nd place at Bizarre '94.
tf-fstro.zip /alpha/NEW Twisted fishies fishtro. SB
tf-li.zip /alpha/NEW Twisted Fishies ansi intro. SB
| --MUSIC-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/music...)
die_md#1.zip /disks DiE's First Music Disk #1 s3m/mod
unim0994.zip /disks Digital Dominance: Union Music Disk #1
acid@klf.zip /klf Acid Box by Maral
flk-spac.zip /klf Space Track by Cosmic Baby/Krystall??
klf-estr.zip /klf Estranged by Khyron
murm-klf.zip /klf Murmur by Maelcum
fixed .arj /programs/mixers SBP Mixer by Idan Lupinsky
ls027 .zip /programs/players Multiformat Mod player shell by Lithium
awe32bnk.zip /programs/samplers Some kind of download-patches from AWE32
elmstr .zip /songs/mod Cruel MOD. It's Freddy Krueger!
_1omncrn.arj /songs/mtm The Omnicron Principle by REW
android .arj /songs/mtm An Android Dreams by REW (3rd at Biz94)
themask .arj /songs/mtm The Mask of Emotions by Nostalgia
converge.zip /songs/s3m Convergence by Dynamis
mnrmnr .lzh /songs/s3m Mnrmnr by PeriSoft
pn-japan.zip /songs/s3m Neo-Tokyo by Pinion
pro-aspx.zip /songs/s3m Pro-Aspx by Elliott Lee
pro-bass.zip /songs/s3m Pro-Bass by Elliott Lee
vertigo .zip /songs/s3m Vertigo by Tong
Entry Song Name Author
-------- ----------------------- -----------------------
r-adrnln Adrenalin tR/\Sh
r-aspart Aspartame The Charlatan
r-bones Jon Und Bones Lo'Canos
r-fear Fear Your Fears Okeanos
r-gm4th Feeling Her Game
r-ktwind Kissing the Wind Rama
r-lunar The Lunar Forest 30 Second Chase of Mist
r-monday Monday Morning N.L.O.T.S.
r-paldn March of the Paladin Wyvern
r-ravefk RaveFuck Matthew Apps
r-shadow Through The Shadows Ashley Gaines
r-ships Battle Ships Dee-Cug
r-trapd Trapped in Reality Fractal Knight
v-beyond The Journey Beyond Epeius
v-chorus Angel Chorus John O'Laughlin
v-dawn Amazon Dawn Jamie Watts
v-estrng Estranged Khyron
v-noman The Ballad of Noman Jason Brotherton (jaz)
v-overld Maximum Overload Synth Dream PC
v-sdwire Sidewire Matt Heck
v-youth Insurgent Youth John Niespodzianski
| --ART/ANSI-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/...)
We have an ANSI maintainer--cavalier@shadow.net From here on out he
will take care of this section.
| --CODE-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/programming...)
passrc.zip /programming/source Bouncing ball on a moving plate (PAS)
| --MISC-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/...)
alt-13.zip /diskmags ALT-1 Diskmag #13
rev-vote1.zip /diskmags Voting for Revolutions diskmag due Dec.
tf-* DELETED A lot of Twisted fishies utils deleted.
((Section 4...Music Articles - MC][))
All artists directories will be deleted in the next week. This is
due, once again, to lack of storage space on this site. If you want to grab
the songs, DO SO NOW!
Today or tomorrow, all of the voting forms will be sent to the judges.
If your entry is lying around some BBS and has not been uploaded to this site,
you are probably out of luck. I gave all of the sysops adequate warning to
get the songs up here. By the time this issue of Demonews is sent out, it
will be too late to upload any more entries.
I also finished the statistics generator for the entries. I now know
the percentage distribution of format and countries of entrants. Very inter-
Because of all the time I have put into this contest recently, things
are going surprisingly well. I do not feel like I am running behind, and
everything looks to be going according to schedule (as in mc2upd3.txt).
If you are a judge, expect mail from me soon.
COMPOSER'S COMPETITION (a message from Mike Phillips)
(You may distribute this if you like)
I am having a very "Very" hard time collecting the voting forms from
certain people that are judges. I will not mention names here but I will
say this, What I am gonna do is compile what I have now and get this
thing closed out, I really hated having all the users wait on this as
long as they have and REALLY REALLY appreciate your support in the
suggestion of taking the entries into MC][ I will though compile the
voting forms I have now and come up with a winner. I will if its ok with
you announce and handle the advertising of Composers Compo I through MC][
if that is fine with you. if you have any questions at all about this
please contact me voice. (Call collect if you like)
Thanks and best regards,
Mike Phillips
((Section 5...ESCAPE Demo/Music CD))
Check /pub/msdos/demos/incoming/democd for UPDATES and information.
(i.e. More information, cost, how to get the DEMO/MC][ CD)
[Message from Snowman]
Good news! I have found a DAT machine. After the MC][ results have
been released, I needed to transfer the winners onto DAT so that they could
be transfered to the Escape Demo/CD. This week, I made arrangements with
the University of Akron to use their DAT for a day.
We could still use some ART. Get back to me if interested--dmw@eng.ufl.edu.
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT the FIRST and SECOND and nth TIME here is the
DEMO/MUSIC CD press release:
1320 N.W. 76th Avenue
Plantation, FL 33322-4740
(305) 370-1373 ANYTIME (best time = 6-11pm EST)
E-mail: dmw@gate.net or dmw@eng.ufl.edu
September 10, 1994
Dear Demo group/enthusiast:
I am trying to distribute this "letter/press release" as far and
wide as I can via the internet/demo mags and a few postal letters.
There are a few demo groups I have yet to reach (Diffusion, Symptom,
Progrex, Synergy Designs, Diffusion PC, Arkham, Binary Poets, PCI,
Access Denied, Ultraforce, and Xography among others) and would
appreciate it if you (the reader) could post this on a BBS and/or
show members of the above groups this letter. The more this gets
around the better; especially for those who may have objections
with their demo appearing on this CD. Please read carefully, don't
jump to conclusions (this is not a profit project) and if you have any
questions let me know.
I am creating a DEMO CD-ROM and would like your permission to
include any and/or all of your productions on this CD.
Snowman (Chris) and I are collaborating on this CD project. Snowman
is the organizer of the Music Contest ][ (MC][) and will be taking
care of the Digital Audio portion of this CD. I am a maintainer of
the internet demo site (ftp.eng.ufl.edu) and will be gathering all
the demos for the CD ROM portion as well as funding all or most of
the project.
The Digital Audio (or "Red Book audio" = 44.1kHz) portion of the CD
will consist mainly of songs entered in Snowman's MC][ contest. I
highly recommend musicians/composers as individuals or groups to
enter. If you do not want to enter MC][ but feel you have a great
contribution (composed whenever and for whatever) then certainly
submit that (to Snowman or me) because THERE WILL be some space for
non MC][ music--anywhere from one to seven songs will be non MC][
related. We anticipate having 40-50 minutes (i.e. 450 megs) worth
of CD music (10-15 songs) mastered using a Gravis Ultrasound (unless
someone recommends/donates something better) and DAT recorder.
The data portion of this disk will consist of MC][ related material,
demos, and possible other demo related items (i.e. music disks, disk
mags, source code). I anticipate everything taking up about 200MB
of compressed space. Currently I have 170+ MB of stuff to include.
Due to MC][ ending late August we will not be able to release this
CD till mid October. Our plans at the present time are to have
200-300 of these CD's pressed and sell them for approximately $13
ppd. for people in the US and $15 to people elsewhere (the final
price depends on the overall cost but these estimated figures will
be pretty close).
The reason for the small pressing is twofold: 1) We do not know the
demand and 2) We do not have the funds to press more. If interested
in helping with distributing/funding then contact us so we can
increase our run and decrease our price. Just so you know we are
not doing this project to make a profit or exploit any
person/group--that has already been done. The CD cost formula goes
something like this:
CD COST = AT cost CD manufacturing + misc. + postage.
For people who buy a lot (i.e. distributors) we will knock off the
"misc." charge but require you to not mark up the CD more than 10%.
Remember that the idea of this project is to create a unique product
available to the masses, not to line ANYONE'S pocket. As a bonus,
if any of your productions (group or individual) appears within the
disk we will give you a 5% discount. Keep in mind that due to our
low price we can NOT offer FREE CD's. (i.e. Please don't tell me
"You have permission to use our production if you send us X CD's.")
Thirteen bucks gets you get a quality CD in a jewel box with 40
minutes of Digital Audio you can play on your regular CD player and
200 megs of demos. Want one? You may want to reserve a copy by
contacting me (info listed above) and providing me with a way to
reach you when the CD comes out. About 140 copies have been
reserved thus far--if you even THINK you might want a copy I
HIGHLY recommend reserving one ( I will not hold you to the
reservation if you change your mind. ). Max pressing = 300 with
NO repressing planned!
If interested you ...
may submit a TEXT file to me about your group/demo/whatever and I
will include it on the CD. There is no deadline for submitting
demos or TEXT but the sooner you get it to me the better--I prefer
to have it by Sept 24th.
FINALLY, I do not expect to hear from everybody I send this to and
will be surprised if I heard from half the people who see this. On
that note if I do not hear from you I understand that it is okay to
include your "freeware" demo production meant for "mass
distribution" on this CD I have been talking about. Be sure your
friends and other demo groups see this so it gets widely
distributed. This CD will be a winner if we have actual
contributions from the scene--music, art, stories,
comments/suggestions, etc. so be sure to contact us.
Out there,
Dan Wright
Pallbearer/Toxic Zombies
-> If you seek a questionaire E-mail me and I will be happy to send
your group one. Only 10 or so have been filled out.
((Section 6...Advertisements))
((Section 7...Top 25 Downloads))
Someday there will be something here.
((Section 8...Misc))
This newsletter is sent out at 00:30 Sunday to over 390 people. We get
about 2-20 letters a week asking to be added to the list which get added
by hand. So, if you do not receive this after "subscribing" then I
probably typed your address in wrong and you may need to re-subscribe.
If I get a bounce to your mail address I will probably delete you from
the list.
((Section 9...Closing))
If you have anything (worthwhile) to contribute send it to us and we
will see to it that it makes the next newsletter.
Hair today...