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Center of Intelligent Anarchists
Issue #4 Release Date: 07/25/94
/###Editor: Totally Destroyed###################/
/#Center of Intelligent Anarchists###############/
/###2400 Derby Drive#############################/
/####Fallston, MD 21047########################/
Table of Contents>
Introduction by Totally Destroyed
Subscription Information by Totally Destroyed
Writing for CIA by Totally Destroyed
Nitrogen Tri Iodide by Totally Destroyed
Improvised Hand Grenades by Totally Destroyed
Concealable Zip Gun by Totally Destroyed
Well, it's been quite a while since the last issue. We here at CIA
are proud to bring you the newest issue of CIA Magazine. Our member list is
Totally Destroyed ME
Xanthra Great Friend of Mine
Pyro Master Flash Great Friend of Mine
We are always looking for members or writers. Whether you want to
write as a one time deal or become a regular writer, we don't care. Well
on with issue 4 of CIA magazine. Sorry for the small size of this issue.
We figured we should get one out as soon as possible and make the next one
Subscription Information>
To receive the Center of Intelligent Anarchist's publication monthly
by mail then send me a letter including Name, Address, and Where you get
your copies of CIA (BBS name, Person, etc.). Prices are as follows:
Hard Copy $15.00 12 issues
Soft Copy Disks Supplied (specify size) $25.00 12 issues
Soft Copy, you supply disks $20.00 12 issues
Sample copies are available at $2.00 for hard copy and $3.50 for soft copy
with the disk supplied (specify size). Send your name, address, phone number (Optional),
and check, money order, or cash (Not Responisble for Lost Mail).
Mail orders to:
Center of Intelligent Anarchist's
2400 Derby Drive
Fallston, MD 21047
Writing for CIA>
If you wish to write for the Center of Intelligent Anarchist's publication
submit article to:
Center of Intelligent Anarchist's
2400 Derby Drive
Fallston, MD 21047
Include your address, name, where I can get in touch with you (Mailing
address U.S. Mail is fine), and the article. If you wish to become a
regular writer tell me that as well.
Nitrogen Tri-Iodide>
This is often described as worthless, or an explosion with no
practical application, but I tend to disagree. This explosive when properly
used can be a devasting trigger for booby traps, etc. Just make sure that
wherever you plant it no innocent bystanders or allies could get hit with it.
If used while still moist it takes some shock to detonate it. You could
build a standard pipe bomb, but put some nitrogen triodide in the ends to
detonate it. As long as the explosive (Nitrogen Tri Iodide) is still moist
the chances of accidental detonation is slim. (From Now on I will call
the Nitrogen Tri-Iodide, NTI).
To make NTI, you first need to understand that it is not wise to make
huge batches of the stuff. I would say a quarter of a tablespoon or a half
tablespoon is enough. Now to make it you need:
A large bowl
Ammonia (Strong ammonia, and no suds)
Iodine Crystals (not the liquid, pure crystals)
Now take ten parts of ammonia and place it in the large bowl. Now put one
part of the Iodine Crystals in the ammonia. Leave it sit for an hour or so
and then filter out the crytals. This is the NTI. Be careful, this is
shock sensitive when wet. When it drys it will go off with the touch of a
feather. (Oh, I forgot to mention that the bowl is now ruined, and where
gloves when handling the Iodine Crystals as they will stain and take about
a week to finally go away on skin.) Where ever you set this off at will be
stained, so don't do it where you don't want stains.
A few practical purposes for this would be to make an impact
detonated pipe bomb. In other words make your pipe bomb. Fill it with
whatever your using (Dynamite, Black Powder, Mercury Fulimate, etc.).
Then add a quarter teaspoon of NTI to the explosive. Only near the endcaps.
Make sure none is in the threads. This would not be nice. Then throw the
bomb. Make sure you make and use this while the NTI is still WET!!! You
could make some booby traps like this, except don't throw it, leave it
somewhere so that someone will hit it. And if it drys, and someone finds it
when they pick it up it will go off. Have fun and be careful.
Improvised Hand Grenades>
<Construction of Fuse Assmebly>
Materials Required:
3/4 inch PVC pipe, 4 inch length
3/4 inch wooden dowel, 2 inch length
5 milimeter glass tubing
1/8 inch wooden dowel, 1-1/2 inch length
paraffin or candle wax
concentrated sulfuric acid
50% sodium chlorate and 50% sugar mixture made pasty with water
then blotted on paper towels and dried
1. Drill a 3/16 inch hole one inch from an end of the PVC pipe.
2. Insert a length of 5 milimeter glass tubing into this hole. The tubing
should be flush on both sides of the pipe.
| |
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| | ------------ PVC pipe
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_________ --------- 5 milimeter glass tubing
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| |
3. Insert the 3/4 inch wooden dowel in the end of the PVC pipe (the short
end). Make sure the dowel is flush with the tubing.
4. Drill a 1/8 inch hole 1/2 inch from the end of the pipe and through the
dowel also.
| |
| | ----------------Wooden Dowel (3/4 inch)
| |
|| ||
|| || --------------PVC pipe (3/4 inch)
__________ -----------------1/8 inch hole
|| ||
|| ||
|| ||
_________ -----------5 milimeter tubing
| |
| |
| |
5. Insert the 1/8 inch dowel in the 1/8 inch hole for the safety pin. This
will hold the dowel in place.
6. Remove the 5 milimeter tubing from the PVC pipe and plug one end with
the wax.
7. Fill the tube with concentrated sulfuric acid, and then plug the other end
with more wax.
8. Place the tube (vial of acid) in the PVC pipe and tape in place.
9. Cut a 2 inch by 2 inch square of the chlorate paper and place it in the
PVC pipe next to the vial. On the side of the vial without the
3/4 inch dowel.
The fuse assembly is finished.
<Construction of Actual Explosive>
Materials Required:
Empty CO2 cartridge
3/4 inch wooden down, 1/2 inch length
epoxy or other strong glue
saftey fuse 2 inches in length
flashpowder (or black powder, but flash powder works the best)
fuse assembly
1. Drill a 3/32 inch hole through the 3/4 inch dowel (1/2 inch length).
2. Insert the fuse through the length of the dowel, allowing 1/4 inch on
one end and 1-1/4 inch on the other.
3. Epoxy fuse in place.
4. Fill CO2 cartridge with flash powder and insert the 1-1/4 inch end of fuse
into it.
5. Use tape to secure fuse.
6. Wrap a small amount of chlorate paper around the 1/4 inch end of the fuse.
7. Place the dowel and CO2 assembly into the Chlorate Paper end of the fuse
assembly (paper end of CO2 to paper end of fuse assembly).
8. Epoxy in place.
9. Tape the CO2 end up.
<Using the Grenade>
1. Remove the safety pin.
2. Strike the large dowel on your hand. You should hear a hissing noise.
A small amount of smoke may leave the grenade. This means that
the fuse is lit.
3. Throw and take cover. It should go off approx. 5 seconds from the time
you strike the dowel breaking the glass tube.
Note: The grenade must be dowel end up when you strike it.
Concealable Zip Gun>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This is a nice gun that can be used in assasinations. It is made
with the following materials:
barrel 1/4 inch inside diameter steel pipe, 4 inches long
receiver 1/4 inch inside diameter steel pipe, 6 inches long
firing pin & 3/16 inch stovebolt, 7-1/2 inches long--file end
ejector to rounded point
connector to join pipes
rubber band cut from old inner tube
Connect the pipes with the connector (threaded ends) so that they can
be separated at anytime. Cut a rubber band from an old bike innertube.
Strap this on the 6 inch pipe end. Then file the stovebolt end to a point.
Insert the stovebolt in the 6 inch pipe end and put the rubber band over the
end. To fire, unscrew the 4 inch pipe and place the 22 shell (long, short,
birdshot) into the pipe (bullet end first). Screw this back on. Now to fire
pull the stovebolt back (like a slingshot) and release it to fire.
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| |
| /\ | -------4 inch pipe
| | | | 1/4 inch inside diameter
| | | |
|| ||
|| |-------22 shell (short, long, or
|| || birdshot)
| | ---------Connector
| |
| /\ | ------------6 inch pipe, 1/4 inch
| / \ | inside diameter
|| ||
|| |-----Stovebolt
|| ||
/ || || \
/ || || \
/ || || |
/ || || |
| || || | -----------Rubber Band
| | | |
\ | | /
\ | | /
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