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the special something-or-other edition
of Activist Times Heavy Industries.
issue #353.
[oops. that was bkwrds. sorry. 353. Yeah.]
0304081529 hrs to 0304101958 hrs
About the half-moon or so.
--=])> P U B L I S H E R ' S C O L U M N <([=--
I just watched a male girls-soccer-coach (about
my age) abuse the hell out of a young girl who
hopes to make the team.
"Do you understand what I'm saying here?"
"I don't mean this in a mean way, but..."
"This is not meant to hurt your feelings or
anything, but..."
I asked a woman sitting one more table away
from them if she'd heard what I heard, and
she said, "how could I not?" Yup, so I WAS
hearing what I thought I was hearing.
I was so bummed out because they both left at
about the same time. I so wanted to slip her
a note or mention a couple things to her after
he left, about things she ought to consider
rethinking from their conversation.
"He's setting you up to lose your self esteem,"
I might say. Or, "I hope you already noticed
he's abusing whatever self esteem you have
left in your life. Don't let him get to you;
you're much more than that..."
But alas, it's probably not my place as just
the innocent bystander and fellow coffee drinker
eh? Yes. I overheard all this in a coffee shop.
She wanted his advice about the recruiters
that are coming her way these last years of
high school, and also asking about trying out
for his semi-pro team.
I hope that's not his only reason for being
in that business; an endless supply of young
excitable women half-drained of self esteem.
He'd be better off agenting fashion models
or underage singing sensations or something.
And we'd be better off watching him get his
pants sued off in a bunch of sex-arrasment
ps: one last thought. You know, if HE had any
self esteem he could fully get to know quite
a few of them, even intimately, leaving each
one feeling great about herself and maintaining
the same or more self esteem as she goes about
the rest of her up and coming lifetime.
Don't you dare ask me where I learned THAT.
Ghazal II - Spice
by BMC
turn left grab right bend release straighten turn left grab
(repeat for eight hours)
Dumping hundred pound barrels of powder,
the garlic is a virus that modifies my genome.
Cigarette science in the trailer,
cramming two into fifteen.
I<EFBFBD>ve gotten good at standard. Driving home,
my fist fuses with the gearshift, forms a new socket.
You curl away from me as I try to stroke your hair
the profession of my fingers floating over you.
BMC is an author in cyberspace
best known for his writing under
the name BMC. That's the longest
most involved biographical note
you can get for now.
Hunter S Thompson.
Dear Hunter,
It's enough to make one wish to raise the flag on the Hill,
to raise Cain, to raise a fist in righteous, (not Christian
self-righteous) anger!
.......... FOX TV has done almost enough to get an Euro
"thinking public" to think, maybe even to remember? This
recently regenerated new world America must think that it
can "get away" with just about anything, as long as its
"troops are on the ground" and on my home TV.
FOX TV decided that it should employ a front line reporter,
someone who really should still be languishing in an American
prison, as a commentator
on Gulf2, who many still think he needs to be lined up, along
with his shield of "human rights" and Uzied in front of our very
single standard eyes?
FOX TV via Sky TV, are ranting on about Saddam and his regimes
abuse of human rights in Iraq, before the "liberation force"
arrived to set free all that oil. FOX TV are showing how dumb
an executive can be, FOX TV has employed a major abuser of human
rights as a Gulf2 commentator. Not only is this most discreet of
commentators publicising his own commercial aspects, his fictional
work, he is very very good as "fiction". But also this man, to
whom you seem to have taken a personal dislike, along with Gen
Secord and Admiral Poindexter, really should be behind bars.
Is being invited into sentimental style secret briefings by
the American forces.
Even to someone with only half a Fear and Loathing brain cell,
this must be a great mistake by those who are trying to impress
the watching world with straight ethic. But maybe there is
nothing straight about FOX, and nothing straight about their
freshly found war orator? Our American hero of the Reagan era,
who secretly brought arms to Iran, who swopped S American cocaine
for guns, who must have flinched when his main man Barry Seal got
murdered by those resident not that far away from then Governor
Clinton's back office. And someone who should be in prison for
gross abuse of human rights himself, is now strutting his
ugliest of stuff on TV screens all over Europe.
Col Oliver North, who retains unofficial keys to about every
high level secret in American political and military life,
part due to his accomplice of old, Admiral Poindexter, a
recent Dubya appointee, now being in charge of the world
number one spy machine, is back on our screens. But not
as the villain you and I know he is, but as a hero reporter
on the front line of Dad and Dubya's latest excursion into
the Mid East.
Indeed there are some very very strange animals waiting outside
the walls of Saddam's palaces, probably the most strangest of
all being reporter Col Oliver North, who some good folks still
term "The most dangerous man in America"? And all this, courtesy
of a desert which one should rapidly desert from off of our Euro-
screens As in, "Out with a permanently disgraceful Ollie North
and take your steenking fox wih you Sir!"
Indeed your "Generation of Swine" seems to have returned with
its usual poison? Do have a good day Hunter, take no prisoners,
and do get someone to have a word with FOX huh? .
Roger Bunn
The opinions expressed in this missive, exclusively reflect the
views of the Music Industry Human Rights http://www.mihra.org
COPS' LOG - CARDATE 0304082109
by Rupert Hurloch.
Special to Prime Anarchist World News Tonite.
[reprinted from http://bancs.lod.com/~ati/ati232.html]
(PAWN) - Anywhere, USA - Police are on the lookout
for a poetical prankster they say is travelling town
to town committing close calls with his alliteration,
rhyme scheme and armed manic near-murderous mayhem.
"Nobody dies," said Natalia Derosers," but we all
get such close calls it's so stressful."
She said he picks a new city every Saturday, but
in a very haphazard way he seeks someone to simulate
a slow motion meditated murder with.
Take Derosers' husband for instance.
"He threatened his life with a knife, pressed it
against his chest, and then made it look as if he'd
stabbed him in the abdomen," said she.
She went on to say he left the knife on the ground
and walked off without a sound, stepping it up to a
run in his Tevas and Levi 501's.
Police are still searching and have this to say,
"If he comes to your city, he should be considered
armed, shirtless, and extremely witty."
More PAWN:
Embedded journalist Ron Marts believes the fortuitous
appearance of two soldiers saved him from embarrassment
and possibly outing-as-a-republican during a firefight
near Baghdad's airport.
Marts, an Atlanta Regular-Constitution reporter, is
attached to the 4th Infantry in Iraq. He was riding
on an armored personell carrier last weekend as its
company travelled through Baghdad. Bullets and red-
glare grenades peppered the convoy of armored vehicles
of which he was a part. In fact, Marts was filling in
as General's driver because the E-3 he was riding
behind called in sick.
"A bullet hit the soldier to my immediate left in the
right arm, right where his swastika tattoo used to be,"
Marts wrote in a Regular-Constitution article. "just
a few inches from my left arm."
Marts wrote that he yelled out, "I'll-get-you--you-
It was just then that PFC Marco Frucht saved him.
The signal soldier managed to send out a full blast
of pink noise and static on his radio so almost no
one was sure what the heck they heard. Frucht suggested
if he got called in for UCMJ, he should insist what they
heard him say was "salami stinks like a rag dipped in
chigger spit when you ride a bike haphazardly."
Marts got his chance later that day and passed with
flying colors. Ironically, the soldier who shot near
him by accident was SFC Paul Robeson, from the 3rd
Infantry, attached to the 2nd of the 77th cav.
"Yes, I'm pink-friendly," said the young special
forces soldier from Mobile Alabama, "registered
democrat, black russian jew by heritage, AND born
out of wedlock, but I took exception to the
'communist' remark." Robeson pointed out that
he isn't gay or bi, but some of his best friends
are LGBT.
The soldier behind Marts, was hit in the left wrist
and left eye by a bullet that struck the side of
the armored personnel carrier and shattered.
"Both were wounded by bullets that could have hit
me," Martz writes. He even got a chance to help
Spc. Shawn Gulliver extricate the medical supplies
from the hundreds of pounds of gear on the floor
of the vehicle and preparing the injured soldiers
for their depleted-uranium injections which allow
each injured soldier to live at least 3 extra days.
"The War In Context" is an ongoing look at
books, websites and newspaper articles for a
deeper understanding of the CIA's work during
war in Iraq and related issues.
Does Neil Diamond have a "Mr Bojangles" out
there? No way. I think that's what I'm hearing
here, for the first (and hopefully last) time.
You know, for all the fun-poking I do over
that mega-cliche'd song, I really oughta
do a cover or a parody or something someday,
My Favorite Verse From A David Rovics Song
by marco
From Groton to Tacoma
On many a factory floor
The workers talked of solidarity
And refused to build weapons of war
No more will we make missiles
We're gonna do something different
And for the first time
Their children were proud of their parents
And somewhere in Gaza a little boy smiled and cried
After the revolution
And My Fave Verse From Another David Rovics Song
And as your Caterpillar tracks
Upon her body pressed
With twenty tons of deadly force
Crushed the bones within her chest
Could you feel the contours of her face
As you took her life away
Did you serve your country well
On that cool spring day
Good news, and good nite.
"I dunno, think we should try Bush in the Senate?"
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