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What is the sound of a guitar gently weeping?
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Issue 302. The special "ballsy ford engine" edition.
Full Moon Approaches, can you feel it?
0111302330 hrs
(apologia: this run will be quite wimpy. I updated from opera
browser from 5.12 to 6.0 and I tend to keep the week's collection
in bookmarks there rather than outlook or explorer, mozilla or
netscape. Something I clicked during installation must've left
it unable to import the bookmarks. :( Oh well. You shoulda
seen the ones that got away. -- prime )
Sept 11, 1920 -- US: The anarchists Sacco & Vanzetti indicted
for South Braintree crimes.
1973 -- Chile: folk singer Victor Jara killed.
Oct 11, 1967 -- Benefit for the Haight-Ashbury Medical Clinic
at the Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco.
1994 -- Guatemala: Jennifer Harbury begins hunger strike
at National Palace to demand release of her husband,
Efrain Bamaca. It is later revealed that CIA-paid
Guatemalan military officials had kidnapped, tortured
& murdered Bamaca.
Nov 11, 1831 -- American slave rebellion leader Nat Turner hanged,
Jerusalem, Virginia.
1897 -- US: Commemoration of the Haymarket anarchist
martyrs held in Chicago.
1925 -- Louis Armstrong records first of Hot Five & Hot
Seven recordings.
1968 -- John Lennon & Yoko Ono appear nekked on cover of
their "2 Virgins" album.
Nov 28, 1876 -- In an article for the Atlanta Constitution,
Joel Chandler Harris first uses the pseudonym Uncle Remus.
1911 -- Mexico: Emiliano Zapata proclaims Plan of Ayala.
1968 -- Jimi Hendrix plays Philharmonic Hall in New York.
Nov 29, 1814 -- "The London Times" -- first newspaper printed on
a mechanical press.
1864 -- Sand Creek Massacre.
1934 -- Retail workers at Boston Stores in Milwaukee
strike at the beginning of the Christmas rush.
1972 -- Phil Berrigan paroled.
Nov 30, 1216 -- Pope Innocent III orders Jews to wear a special badge.
1971 -- Tanker breaks in half off Japan, spilling 6,258,000
gallons of oil.
1980 -- Death of Dorothy Day, anarchist, pacifist, co-founder
of Catholic Worker movement, New York City.
Dec 1, 1913 -- US: First drive-up gasoline station opens, Pittsburgh.
1955 -- Rosa Parks arrested, jailed for not standing up.
1964 -- M. Luther King speaks directly to J. Edgar Hoover
about his slander campaign.
1966 -- US: Comedian Dick Gregory convicted for his participation
in Native American fishing rights protests.
1999 -- WTO Day Two: World Trade Organization delegates unable
to meet because of protestors.
Dec 2, 1885 -- Crete: author Nikos Kazantzakis born. (disputed among
scholars. Many saying he was born Feb 18, 1883)
1942 -- First controlled atomic chain reaction. Stagg Field, Chicago.
1968 -- US: NY City high school students uprising: Brooklyn
& elsewhere.
1985 -- General Dynamics execs indicted for defense contract fraud.
P. Takis Veliotis laughs all the way to Greece where the US
Navy never knew he had dual citizenship.
Dec 3, 1968 -- England: Spanish Embassy in London is machine gunned.
Dec 4, 1914 -- Emiliano Zapata meets with Pancho Villa & they agree to join
forces and occupy Mexico City two days later.
1967 -- Martin Luther King, Jr. announces Poor People's Campaign
in Washington D.C. (to start late spring).
1969 -- Chicago police and FBI agents break into homes of Black Panther
activists Fred Hampton (21), Mark Clark (22) & two others
murdered them in their beds.
1999 -- Mars Polar Lander, lost in space.
Dec 5, 1804 -- Thomas Jefferson re-elected US president, George Clinton is
his vice-president.
1955 -- Montgomery, Alabama civil-rights bus boycott begins. Lasts
for 54 weeks, to end segregation practices.
Dec 6, 1810 -- Miguel Hidalgo issues a decree abolishing slavery in Mexico.
1865 -- 13th amendment ratified, abolishing slavery in the US.
1872 -- Thomas Edison records "Mary had a little lamb."
First sound recording made.
1933 -- Dorothy Day & others start Catholic Worker newspaper, New York City.
1958 -- Britain: Forty-six enter Thor rocket site in order to prevent
Would anyone wanna help look this one
up? when and what was the first canned
good? (we won't ask why...)
to ati@etext.org
I may have a warped mentality but that was the best show I have
viewed on Larry King's time slot.
Everytime I think of "ramadamadingdong" I laugh.
What a quick study Don Imus is.
Perhaps he may not appreciate this but he and George Carlin are
my favorite folks who speak THEIR minds and not just what is
considered polite and kind.
The ranch is one of the finest gestures of humankindness that
has come around in a long time. A good heart and soul behind it
all. However, "ramadamadingdong"...Love it - Love it - Love it -
Joan Tatro
Dear marco,
We must speak with you. I don<6F>t usually take the time
out to write a personal note, marco, but your name was
provided by someone you had recently spoken to. We
believe your vibrations to be so strong that I<>ve
endorsed a free Tarot reading with one of our
elite psychics! It<49>s urgent, however, that you
call immediately - I can only reserve this number
for a limited time. Call toll-free 1-800-ppp-nnnn,
marco, we sensed that your connection is likely to
be unusually strong, especially in the very near...
[ed note: ok. knock it off!]
From: "Michael Williams" <email...@address.com>
To: Marco
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 15:25:52
I can't type much as I have no money for the Internet Cafe and my right hand
has no feeling at all in it from writing around 100 pages per day by hand
for 34 days in the worst prison I've ever imagined.
Urs Mumenthaler is a 38-year-old crazy Swiss-German homosexual who pretends
to the world that he's poor. The truth is, he inherited over 100,000,000
from a [man]* he was living with who died several years ago, named
"Stuker"...a guy who was well-known for owning several top-notch Swiss-
German art galleries. Urs also inherited a castle worth 60,000,000 and a
lot of other property.
He is a LOUSY musician who tried too many years to be a star. He can hardly
play and his singing is a joke, so he came to me offering to produce some
CDs for me with 165,000 dollars which is nothing to a guy like him. I've
known him and another Swiss-German, Armin Ris (an author of UFO type books)
for about 10 years. I thought they were my only male Swiss friends.
Urs entered into a contract with am American corporation called University
of Creative Arts, Inc., division: Eclipse Music Productions in which he
agreed to loan that much money to the corporation - not to me. The contract
states that IF the CDs make a lot of money, Urs is repaid...if not, the loan
is due in 10 years. My name is nowhere in the contract. I was given power-
of-attorney to open and maintain bank accounts wherever needed, here,
Denmark, etc.
Armin Risi found out about how much money Urs had paid in April and became
VERY jealous - a typical Swiss characteristic. He told Urs he should tell
his lover, Rainer Lauer, a former member of a German terrorist organisation
who lives in Zuerich, about the money. Urs told Rainer, and Rainer went
berserk, telling Urs he MUST report to the police that I "defrauded" him
out of his money, and spent it all on "personal items". I DID NOT!
I hired a local lawyer and paid him from May till October. He continuously
assured me that I would "never" be arrested. When I landed in prison on 18
October, he sent a fax to me at the prison telling me he had "no time" to
represent me. He sent another lawyer he knew to represent me.
After a month in the hell-hole in solitary confinement, living on bread, and
going out of my mind, the lawyer told me if I'd agree to transfer all of the
money from all of the accounts I controlled all over the world to a Swiss
bank account (which would then be blocked by the judge) I could leave the
prison and wait for my trial at home, but without my Swiss or US passports,
and of course, flat broke.
That's it in a nutshell.
People can fax letters to my lawyer letting him know
what they think of this.
Webpage at: http://www.williamsmusic.net
m i c h a e l - s a n
] * Michael used the term "faggot" instead of "man" which was a [
] popular expression in the 50's and 60's. One which I don't [
] think is fair to gay males (or any of the rest of us for that [
] matter) anymore, but I also don't believe in censorship, so [
] that's what you get is this explanation. [/
...and speaking of censorship...
Censored! (by Yahoo)
Yahoo closed my site without any warning.
I can imagine why.
I write political texts, I do not agree with the Afghan War, I do not agree
with the American policy, I am against the greedy American elite. That you
can read on my site.
Not anymore on Yahoo, my site Down with the Elite can now be found on
Rather a long name but you cannot have it all.
Yahoo did not even give me the possibility to keep a small site on which I
refer to my new provider. They must be very angry about the contents of my
site. And they never heard of freedom of speech. By the way you are only
free to say something when you abide by the rules laid down by the same
people you attack.
Yahoo does not like my opposition to the American Establishment. Though I do
not write that the American government assists a murderous regime in
Afghanistan (and elsewhere) and that it is not capable to solve the problems
it has caused. Too many people write already these negative things. I write
positive, I write about the possibilities to get another kind of society. In
my next article I describe how the masses can cause a revolution, a
catastrophe, after which we enter in a higher stage of human development. So
we can leave the present situation in which our world seems to remain
eternally in a situation in which people are not free because the elite
wants to possess most of the power and the wealth.
That I explain on my site: http://members.ams.chello.nl/jsteenis
By the way, when you want (two or three times a month) to receive my newest
publications, please send an empty e-mail with the subject subscribe to
Yours, Joost van Steenis
New ways to break the power of the elite
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The Cast
reprinted from http://www.annefeeney.com/Pages/jail.html
Jack Irwin played piano and organ with me 14 years ago when he still
lived in Pittsburgh. Now he<68>s got those talented hands, his great pair
of ears, and huge heart invested in a world-class studio in Nashville.
His creative energy added enormously to the project. he also rounded
up our old pal Jim Hoke to sprinkle musical magic on the recording,
as well as Mike McAdam, Sam Bacco and Charlie Chadwick for the rhythm
But the BEST was getting Jon Fromer, Susan Lewis and Janet Stecher
(Rebel Voices), and Kim and Reggie Harris in to sing with me. Over
the years it has been such a joy to work with them at different
rallies, riots and festivals. To get them all into the studio with
me for this was a dream come true. Their spirit and love and awesome
talents lifted me, and the whole project. They are not just treasured
friends and extraordinary artists, but, like Bertold Brecht, they know
"Art is not a mirror to reflect reality,
but a hammer with which to shape it."
by blast furnace radio's Vincent Scotti Eirene
1) do not watch CNN, read all you can about afganistan,
thier history, culture, literature and art.
2) notice the same people upfront going on and on at peace
rallies notice...and do something different, creative,
and colorful
3) follow the development of the afghany refugees and raise
money for the million displaced from afganistan
4) download and read/listen to michael moore's anti-war letters
http://www.michaelmoore.com share them with others
5) think, think...would "joe six pack" understand why
we are against the war
6) lets look at the connections not conflicts between
globalization and the americas new war
7) if someone turns the mike off when pro-war folk want to
speak grab a few of yr buddies and turn the power back on,
our beliefs can withstand the blows of our critics
8) blow up your tv, move to the country, eat alot of peaches...
the peace movement can be a rat race, spend alot of times
in the country
9) if you are at at peace rally and people are trying to figure
out what rymthes with 1-2-3-4, calmly get on a bus and go home
10) levitate yr local press and military think tanks.
11) get on the revolutionary afghany womens associations emailing
list http://www.rawa.org,
these women are the key to war and peace
12) download everthing by "firesign theather" from audiogallaxcy
and learn, as others have in the past, to laugh in the face of
danger. The only thing scarier than the war is a self-serious
peace movement.
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"Lawmakers agree on the need for legislation requiring gov't to
pick up some of the tab for future insurance losses from terrorism.
Trouble is, they're nowhere near agreement on details."
-- Kiplinger Newsletter.
[ http://www.kiplingerforecasts.com ]
Gas will be 92.4 cents by Christmas Eve.
Are you ready for general strikes, union strikes, and wildcat
"please, make a note of it."
--fonemessage error c. 1979
"...and auto manufacturers are hemorrhaging in a desperate
bid to buoy sales."
--Kiplinger again.
"Flat electrical wire from DeCorp Americas, Inc. is 50 times slimmer
than today's thin wires. Can be slipped under carpets, hidden under
paint or wallpaper. Eliminates the need to cut through walls."
Bank of Walmart???
Plenco. PLastics ENgineering COmpany.
Need a parody song?
To the tune of:
Game Of Love
The purpose of a gov't
is to
Tax its people
And the purpose of a people
Is to
Pay their tax.
So come on baby let's play
The game of bucks,
That really sucks
The game of bucks.
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A Broadside
I saw the leaders of my country gettin it on
droppin daisy cutters and defoliating the
afgan soil like it was viet pete moss black hoss,
reckon headless hoss, who's the boss demon
barber vliet viet viet vliet vliet viet viet nam.
I saw bush and cheney actin like the CIA was
the best thing since sliced bread,
torturin, tauntin, hauntin, death squaddin
SOA backchannelin, goon actin action actin
like it was draconian salem fail em nail
em hail em witch huntin hauntin huntin
hauntin a brown shirt swatika crusade.
The more things change,
you know the more warpigs stay the same.
I saw the best minds of my generation
scooped up at the recruiting station
like it was a big celebration
gonna go get some enemy enemy enemy
enemy enemy enemy enemy enemy enemy
enemy enemy butt.
The more things change,
you know the more warpigs stay the same.
I saw Cerberus and Dante warnin' me that
we can change all that, we can stay our
course or we can plod out a new one if
we so choose, choose, choose, they crooned.
Choose the new way, the path of peace,
forgiveness and peace, forgiveness and
peace, forgiveness and peace, forgiveness
forgiveness forgiveness forgiveness
and peace
The more things change,
you know the more warpigs stay the same.
I saw the Dalai Lama try to tell us we
can pick our path and it's beautiful,
beautiful. I saw Richard Gere acting
And they boo'd him off the stage...
we're doomed.
[ref]=[ http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=96546 ]
[ http://flag.blackened.net/ati/PigsWar.rm ]
And now a word from the activist page.
I have lately been receiving emails with no content. The headers are
there (From:, To:, Subject:, etc.) but there is no message. Since these
have been sent by several different people, I suspect a problem with the
email system, and not the fault of the message senders. Therefore, if
any of you have recently sent me a message that you think I should have
answered, and I haven't, please resend it, and use the original subject
header with "RESEND" added (and be sure there is a message there!).
This may help me diagnose the problem. Also, I am still receiving
emails containing virus attachments. My anti-virus program (AVG 6.0 by
grisoft at http://www.grisoft.com, which I consider superior to Norton,
and is free)picks these up, but it shows me that a lot of people don't
use antivirus software and have infected computers.
While I am at it, I would suggest that, since every email message sent
over the internet is computer-scanned by our government for key words to
tag it for further inspection, I would suggest that any confidential
messages (tactical information about protests, legal strategies, etc.)
be encrypted using PGP software. There is a link to this software, as
well as my public PGP key, on the front page of my website, The Activist
Page, at http://www.theofficenet.com/~redorman/.
I would also recommend Zone Alarm
(http://www.zonelabs.com/products/index.html) to protect your computer
from unauthorized access while you are connected to the internet. Have
a nice day.
--Bob Dorman
Newspaper War:
Conrad Black Backs Conservative N.Y.C. Daily;
'The New York Sun' Billed as Times 'Alternative'
Tue Nov 27 2001 22:49:33 ET
Watch your right flank, Mr. Murdoch.
Shore up your media reelvance, Mr. Zuckerman.
Conrad Black, the owner of the Chicago Sun-Times and the Jerusalem Post,
is finally about to get at least a piece of a New York newspaper, it will
be reported on Wednesday.
Black and investors intend to spend up to $15 million to launch a new
daily newspaper -- The New York Sun -- expected to appear sometime early
next year.
The New York Observer's Gabriel Snyder and Sridhar Pappu roll out the
details on the deal in fresh editions.
The New York Sun was the first successful penny press dailies after it
was born in 1833, appealing to a working class with lurid crime reporting
and pro-union, pro-immigrant viwes. Today, its most famous moment is the
"Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" letter which ran in 1897. The Sun
finally folded in 1950.
The new New York Sun would tilt to the right politically, reports Snyder
and Pappu.
--wording borrowed humbly from a Matt Drudge FlashWebPage
And In Muzak Nues...
Go Greta, Go Greta Go Greta Co
In addition to "best female," Gwen Stefani got "best male."
No doubt.
Collaboration is such sweet revenge. Or is it melancholy...
Sweet dealings maybe.
Check Point
a poem
Showing your credentials
On your way from
Ramallah to Jerusalem
Showing you have no bombs
On your way from
Ramallah to Jerusalem
Felling Salvador
On your way from
Ramallah to Jerusalem
Biting your nails clear off
On your way from
Ramallah to Jerusalem
So what is "News Radio" and exactly how/why does cable get
permission to use "Northern Exposure's" music for its
August 9th, 2001 10:02pm
a journal note, by Tifferly [http://www.uncontrollable.net/journal.html]
Today was bring your child to work day at work.
there were 3 kids in my department.
they were all so cute but every single one of them
was shy so we didn't get to have any fun with them.
i move into the dorms in 20 days. im getting really
really excited. i cant wait to set everything up but
the thing im most nervous about is walking into all my
classes for the very first time. i dont want to be judged
but i know i will be. i mean thats natural right?
when you see someone for the first time, or like meet
someone for the very first time, of course you're going
to judge them. it's not fair. i wish it wasnt like that.
im sure no one will think i look like a complete bitch
or anything like that im more worried about people thinking
i look too young to be in college. guess what. i got a new
cd today. alicia keys. it's pretty good i guess. i only
like 2 songs so far. OH and i got a new curling iron and
some more face wash. not that you care that much but i do!
i finally got to wear my new sweatshirt because it's finally
cooled down here. it wasnt really cool enough to wear a sweatshirt
but i wore it anyway just for fun :) its really comfortable.
i want to go on a shopping spree so bad but i have no money.
im done paying rent now. in both west virginia and wisconsin
so thats a plus. okay well i think its about time to go to bed.
i have to get up early for work tomorrow. only 11 more days
of work (not including the weekends!) and tomorrow is friday so
im in a good mood. OH WAIT. I HAVE A STORY. oh, nevermind.
i dont have time.
ill write later...maybe :)
We end with a poem
Dwarf Tossing
by marco
A small powergroup started getting nervous ;
For while we thought that they would serve us -
We were learning little by little ...
That our '80's leaders began to diddle --
Sending arms to foreign lands ,
Diverting funds to other hands ,
Bringing drugs back to our streets ,
While our poor people suffer with chronic bare feet .
Then one day we the people got wise ;
And what to our ever questioning eyes -
Did they before us toss to our throats --
None other than a convenient scape goat .
We'll blame it all on one little guy ...
A patriot type! They'll never get why !
To aid the coverup from even its birth -
They burned a Lieutenant ,
Colonel Oliver North .
Colorado 1990
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