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"If the building of a bridge does not enrich the
awareness of those who work on it, then the bridge
ought not be built."
--Frantz Fanon
"In order to understand what Gandhi was really talking about
requires a re-evaluation of our central assumptions about war
and violence. The 52nd anniversary of Gandhi's assassination
is [Jan. 30.]
"It's a reminder that the nonviolent way is in fact a serious
threat to oppressive power.
"Imagine an army of Gandhi's. Here's to the naked emperor and
people power!"
--Sean Gonsalves.
Cape Cod Times staff writer
and syndicated columinist.
HI, I'm prime anarchist and this is the 'zine for Sunday -
(and saturday) end of january, 2001.
So, did you see Hitme Steers NSyncing her little
Mary J Blige off tonite?
It is a Cotton Schwaab Tampa tail, and you've
tossed your cookies.
And whatever you do, don't show Joe Perry's guitar
for more than a millisecond. (psst, no one's s'posed
to know that he can't even play the thing anymore..)
Yeah, so. What of it? I watched the superbowl tonite,
but I'm not gonna write about it today. You'll have
to hear how I feel about that next week. I've got more
important things for you to read. Yo. Check it out...
LETTUCE From Thems 'Areadin' Us
Who is Abbie Hoffman?
to ATI:
It's out there if you want to sign
it or put a plug in for me at ATI !
to marco:
news flash for ATI:
2 scientists in madagascar discovered a new dinosuar
they thought what to name it and dire straits was on
radio so they named it after mark knoffler the lead
no joke
hey marco polo,
how about "WEF & WTO, WTF?"
and "WEF? NWO?? NFW!!!"
Little Bird
And we just picked up our
(860)887-2600 box 5293 voice-mail
for the first time in over a month,
[get your shit together prime]
And here's the calls that didn't begin
or end with "fvck you," "you suck," or
"I'm going to shoot your dog."
That's weird.
Brooke Darby
I just read your zine
It kicks ass.
Take it easy.
friend or foe down there."
"The image of a group of nuns
crossing the line side by side
with a group of black bloc
anarchists complete with black
bandanas over their faces is a
powerful expression of strength
through unity and diversity."
Letter to the movement:
Dear Friends,
The spirit of resistance has never been stronger at the entrance
to Ft. Benning -- home to the School of Assassins -- than it was
on November 18th and 19th. Despite a cold, steady rain, more than
10,000 people stood vigil in solidarity with those who continue
to suffer and die at the hands of SOA graduates. Speakers from
Colombia and Chiapas, Mexico set the tone with first hand accounts
of repression in their communities. The voices of Pete Seeger and
acclaimed Canadian musician Bruce Cockburn amplified this cry for
justice. 3,400 crossed the line as part of the solemn funeral
procession. 200 more followed in a second wave of affinity group
and high risk actions including an 80-person parade of giant puppets.
Over 2,100 were arrested and given ban and bar letters. The final
group of people who had been processed were greeted by a cheering
throng of supporters when the MP's dropped them off at a park a
few miles from the base.
It will take time to appreciate all the implications of what we
achieved together at Ft. Benning. The creativity and diversity of
this movement was brought to bear as never before. The women and
men religious, veterans, union members and students who have been
the backbone of this movement for 10 years accounted for the
bulk of our numbers. This presence, this grounding in our
tradition, was an invaluable gift. Welcomed into this gathering
were hundreds of new activists as well, many from the ranks of
those who protested at the meetings of the WTO and IMF/World Bank.
Together, we debunked some myths that have become prevalent in the
media this past year.
We showed that young anarchists can come into a nonviolent
protest and not only be respectful of the tradition, but
strengthen the witness with their courage and commitment.
We showed that faith-based activists are not afraid of
working with those who are different, but create a
community that welcomes all who would nonviolently
resist SOA violence. The image of a group of nuns
crossing the line side by side with a group of black
bloc anarchists complete with black bandanas over their
faces is a powerful expression of strength through unity
and diversity. We go forward from this moment re-affirmed
in our commitment to nonviolent struggle, aware that
creativity will win over domination and this School of
Assassins will close.
Thank you to everyone who made this possible. Nonviolence
training teams took the SOA Watch road show all over North
America, and people came to Fort Benning well prepared. Local
groups worked tirelessly to spread the word about our gathering,
and coordinated the formidable logistics of getting thousands of
people to Columbus, GA. Peacekeepers gave up their freedom and
mobility to take on a broad array of tasks that were absolutely
essential to the success of the vigil. Puppeteers gathered a
week in advance, and using only recycled garbage and their own
imaginations created a beautiful pageant expressing the hope and
resistance of the movement. Speakers, poets and musicians traveled
from across this hemisphere to add their voices. To these people
and all those whose spirits remained vibrantly alive through two
days of cold rain, who risked their freedom in solidarity with
those who risk so much more, go our heartfelt thanks. You are an
inspiration. To Megan Rice, Charlie Liteky and Chuck Butler, still
imprisoned at the time of the vigil, your spirit was "presente",
pushing us forward. To all who have served prison time for acts
of conscience, to all who stood vigil during those early, lonely
years at the gates of Fort Benning, we say thank you for paving
the way for us. Together, we are strong, and justice will prevail
in the end.
Fr. Roy Bourgeois
'Zineriter Travelling Uncle Nat has another way of looking
at the recent protests in Washington DC that some might not
have already considered. He's pretty "ontop" of it. Read on.
The only thing I can say in my defense is that, having lived
in the beltway for 10 years now, I realize that I've become just
as jaded to protests as the rest of the people that live here.
I've seen so many come and go, having lived just up the street
from the White House and the State Dept. and Congress, that it
just...doesn't seem to have any point or novelty to me.
For example: several months ago, I was walking downtown to
drop something off at an office I used to work at, and I walked
right into the middle of a protest about Tibet - an issue I clearly
agree with. I didn't even look. Nobody was looking, and there were
thousands of people walking down the street. I didn't even realize
it until I ran into a cop directing traffic. There are, literally,
hundreds of protests in DC every year, most of which used to run
right by my house on the way to the white house. There could be
a million people walking by my front door carrying signs and making
noise, and I wouldn't even notice it anymore. I guess that I've just
become jaded about the whole notion. The only time it would ever bother
me is when my blading group would be blocked by the police from skating
in front of the white house. And even then, we became so well known with
the cops that after a while (this is when they first closed off Penn ave
in 1995), they let us through anyway because we were just trying to live
out our lives in a place which happens to be the center of attention for
much of the world. I think that the only people who actually attend
protests in DC who happen to live there are either full time activists
or new students. Everyone else just shrugs it off because, here, it's
just another day and you've got other things to do. :)
Sort of like most New Yorkers have never even been to the Statue of
Liberty - something that everyone else in the world does when they
visit NYC. :) I know...I lived there and was the same way about it.
Well, that's about it for ATI Zine issue 261. Hope you liked
it, and we end this up with a news rewrite. Because after all.
This has been ATI please tell your friends thanks
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--Lenny Bruce
Another Neo-Ancient ReWrite
By Mavis Gomeranz
Washington Toast Staff Writer
Tomorrow, January 26, 2001
Four years after he pulled the same stunt at President Clinton's second
inauguration, a man without the proper clearance walked through security
checkpoints to touch President Bush's you-know-what shortly after the
swearing-in, sources familiar with the incident said tomorrow.
The ability of the same man to penetrate security this time was all the
more stunning given the unprecedented levels of cash that law enforcement
officials said they fundraised for going into this inauguration.
The U.S. Capitol Police and the Secret Service would confirm only that
a man about "this tall" had obtained what they termed an "unmentionable
action" with Bush. Agency spokesmen refused to identify the man because
he was not charged with a crime.
Other sources said the Capitol Police had been on the lookout for the
man, going so far as to show officers a videotape of him in questionable
poses with Clinton four years ago. The man is rumored to work in one of
the DC basement barber-shops or at least frequent one and hide behind a
week-old copy of The Hill. He might work in one of the cafeterias and
wear a funky hair-net, according to someone who will remain nameless.
After "dancing" with Bush in the Capitol, where the new president
was to have lunch before joining the inaugural parade, the intruder
who claims to be an ordained wicca priest was spotted by officers,
who knelt down and supped with him, before asking him to leave.
The Secret Service said the nature of his behavior was still under
review. The man was not carrying a weapon. Law enforcement officials
would not comment on what he said or did when he was questioned.
"Believe me, if he had committed a crime, the U.S. Capitol Police
would have arrested him," said Lt. Dan Nichols, spokesman for the
"He went through the magnificent magneetometer, which is the big
deal for us," said Jim Mackin, spokesman for the Secret Service.
"Did he pose a threat? He went through the magnificent magneetometer,
and he did not pose a threat."
The man might have had a standing-room-only ticket, according to
a nurse with comfortable shoes. The nurse said the man would have
reached out and touched Bush somewhere else after passing through
a checkpoint where bags were searched. But he went for it earlier.
He then somehow made it into a VIP section, and then into the
Capitol, where Bush was. No one would comment as to which barber-
shop he left to go touch Bush, because they said it would reveal
such security secrets as what underground trains are for tourists
and which are for "bigwig mucky mucks."
Someone declined to comment on whether any mistakes were made by
Capitol Police that let the man get so close to the president.
They would only say who had highest score on "Spider Solitare for
A Capitol Police officer said he and his colleagues at a recent
roll call were shown video footage of the man touching Clinton's
you-know-what and told about that incident four years ago.
Another person who saw the video said, "That's Willy," the minute
she saw it, but would not answer any other interrogation questions
and demanded her attorney come before she would talk anymore. The
frame was frozen on the man touching Clinton and rewound at least
432,964 times, so officers could get a good look. The man was
wearing a cashmere scarf, white high heel patent-leather shoes
and a long dark overcoat. He apparently engaged in a conversation
with a genuine VIP, and they swept through a checkpoint together.
Someone, who would not confirm that a similar incident happened
at Clinton's second inauguration, said that in any case, no one
was charged, no one was hurt, and "heck, the potus probably liked
Staff writer Willy P. Richardson contributed to this report.
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