
421 lines
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Like Bobby Womack holding an Epiphone Acoustic
Hey Hey Hey! It's:
AAAA 2 TT 5 II 2
I E !
0012091110 hrs
Hi, I'm Prime Anarchist. I apologize that my column
this week will look far too much like your basic
ordinary syndicated column. The kinds you'll find
out there among all the organized credible ranters.
Yes, I still think they're all dorks, or at least
ALMOST the whole lot of 'em. But I chose this for the
potential reprintability and wider distro it might cause.
Please don't call me a sell-out unless you want my next
column to be a rant about you in its entirety.
Nah, that's a pretty idle threat. You can call me that
all you want. I know where I am in this world, do you?
:) ,
"Freeh wrote President Clinton on Tuesday
that commuting the life sentences of Peltier
would "signal disrespect" for law enforcement
and the public."
That was a grave miscalculation on Phed director Louis
Phreeh's part.
Bill Clinton likes to smoke an occasional joint and he
clearly doesn't have a whole lot of respect himself for
these institutions Phreeh hides inside.
Another big mistake on the Police State's part was to
put Henry Hyde in charge of the misinfo/disinfo war on
the side of the FBI good ol' boys network.
Clinton now has two big reasons to release Peltier.
He knows Peltier was railroaded, which I'll call the:
Let My People Go Scenario.
He remembers what Hyde's people spent almost six
years fixated upon in trying to dig up impeachable
charges, while driving around with "IMPEACH CLINTON"
bumper-stickers even before he was inaugurated.
I'll call that the:
Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Scenario.
My fix on this:
Clinton releases Peltier the day after Bush or Gore is
clearly on his way to his inauguration. Perhaps the morning
Here I am,
locked in my own shadow
for more than twenty years
and yet
I have reached my hand
through stone and steel and razor wire
and touched the heart of the world.
Mitakuye Oyasin, my Lakota brethren say.
We are all related.
We are One.
-Leonard Peltier
in a poem called "the heart of the world"
Hey Marco,
Did you hear this morning that the Onion's moving
ten of their people to NYC to open a chapter there
like they did in Boulder, Colorado?
A. Packer Backer
[yeah, wisconsin public radio was spending
great rotation time dispelling myths that they may
be leaving their Wisconsin headquarters behind. I
would say the only signs you should look for of
something like that would be if they start announcing
mergers with say, Verizon or Yahoo. -ed.]
"The image of a group of nuns crossing the line side by side
with a group of black bloc anarchists complete with black
bandanas over their faces is a powerful expression of strength
through unity and diversity."
-- Fr. Roy Bourgeois and SOA Watch Staff.
From an open letter dated: 6dec00
Upcoming January Vigil and Civil Disobedience
Action in Ft. Benning
On January 17th, 2001 the SOA is scheduled to re-open
it's doors under a different name. The Western Hemisphere
Institute for Security Cooperation is still the same old
School of Assassins and we will work even harder to shut
it down. Rebecca Johnson is organizing a dawn to dusk vigil
at the gate of Fort Benning for the entire month of January.
A creative nonviolent civil disobedience action is being
planned for the final days of January to coincide with the
re-opening of the school. All are invited to join in for
the entire month or any part of it. Limited housing will
be available in Columbus.
If you'd like more information about this,
please contact Rebecca at (508) 289-7813
or rebecca.johnson@oberlin.edu.
Or So Bob Hope Can Sing.
dedication: P Jennings & D Rather
Whilst you sit
Sippin cheap java
Preparin a notso cheap tip
4 the Baghdad Hilton 3 days B4 war
I sit on med-hold - US hArmy
An hon. disch. 10% med.
On its way to me
"Unexpected" Kuwait Invasion
On its way to you.
I wonder
Was My Lai,
Was my college,
Is my hard life's work
Was our GNP,
Is our next vote -
Was a Kennedy killed;
Did a man touch the moon & does a woman
Make 75% that of a man?
Are the oceans warmin,
Am I dyin of asthma,
Did they change the artwork on my $20 bill,
Have I practiced guitar scales 5-hrs/day 4 21 yrs,
Was I born in 1964:
Just so you can take war photographs???
[A][T][I] A T I Like Indymedia Dot Org Is [A][T][I]
[A][T][I]Better News, Not Bitter News ! ! ! [A][T][I]
To Rigdon Park From the Protest: To Baker Park from the protest:
At first stoplight, Left on Victory to stoplight where
Left on Torch Hill Rd. to light There is a Taco Bell and Pizza Hut
Right on S. Lumpkin Rd. Right onto Benning Rd.
Go a few blocks Park is behind
Left on Hawthorne Baker School
Right on Howe St. On left
Park is on Howe
Your chapter 15 should have been your chapter 1.
Sorry, there's just no way I'm ever going to
call him "sir."
"If you're buying then I might."
Music + TV = Marketing.
"Oh my god, you bought me a cellphone for
christmas...You're awesome...You're like Carson
Daly meets Shephard Smith... I can't believe you
did that...These people want to put an FBI agent
in the pageant."
Sorry people, music to me has nothing to do with
someone's need or desire to stretch a billion into
a billion five.
Video killed more than the radio star people. It
morphed into the face feed from hell. They took
Star Wars' cantina-scene and made it into something
to sell something. It's just that simple.
Rapid fire images don't HAVE to abuse you, you know.
They don't have to hurt. They don't have to take
something you'll not only never need, but may be
harmful for you, and leave you feeling so funky, so
brother huckster funky that you'll buy spandex or
fake satin clothing, or new eye color when you haven't
run out of your old eye color yet. Or perhaps a pet
rock for everyone's Christmas present when you didn't
even ask first if, well, er, uh, gee Wally. Do you,
d'ya think...s/he'll really WANT a pet rock?
To quote Marvin Gaye, "what's goin' on?" Are you
even aware? Or are you walking up and down aisles
stuffing stuff into your shopping cart having no good
reason why?
Just what DOES happen when you're trapped inside the
Hotel California? Can you get out? Adbusters can't
help you, a shrink can't help you, not even your local
cult deprogrammer's gonna get you out of there. And
I've got news for you. Even ATI can't get you out. You
gotta wanna get out so bad you find a way to shake your
head, let the cobwebs fall to the floor and say "How
did I get here? That's not my beautiful house, Britney
and Mandy Moore aren't my beautiful wives, the Backstreet
Boys are NOT my connection to God. Especially when each of
their hits are written by 9 middle aged white men.
Got to be there. Like Nickelodeon on helium. Baby, give
me one more chance.
They were just five cute kids who could sing and dance
a little and they're pumping out hits.
_____________ Fill in artist or band name here.
Who's next?
"How much will it cost?"
"How much you got?"
-Old Tinpanalley Proverb
"Tip him upside down, see if any money rolls out."
-Revelation to George 99:01
a prime anarchist scene report.
Our biggest local computer store must have all their
employees on commissions.
The homeless shelter I run had bought a gateway from them
about a month ago and I went in with $50 US for color and
black & white epson printer cartridges. They'd talked a
co-worker of mine into an epson rather than a new HP telling
her the prices on ink we'll pay is "way cheaper." Well as it
turns out the savings is about 5$ a cartridge on a 30$
purchase. I'd call that "a little cheaper," rather than "way
cheaper," wouldn't you? Oh well.
I whip out 50 thinking it's going to be 30 or 40 all tolled;
and he tells me it comes to 53 and change. What? OK, which of
the two are more expensive, I ask, he tells me, a 1-dollar
difference. I think out loud, "Then, I probably should just
get the black and white today, and come back another time for
the color."
"Wait," he tells me, cash register key-clicking up a storm.
"Do you have 63 cents?" I fish in my pocket but don't find
"OK," he says, and works it all up telling me, "with tax
it comes to 50 dollars even."
Good for us, bad for the retail world. Probably neither
good NOR bad for the NASDAQ, and a tiny blip of an up tic
for the National Product, huh? I like that he managed the
situation so well, as it benefits us and he's just a clerk
and not a manager or store owner, but the part of me that
runs a shelter and thinks overtime about ethics, and stuff
like non-violence drove all the way home bugging out about
how that probably hurt someone else to help us.
SUNDAY NITE - Christmas Special.
Christina Aguilera
Is she jerking off the microphone, playing a trumpet or
what? What's with the tapping of the mic rapid fire to the
beat of the music, or even twice the beat of the music???
Is she on speed? Heroin? And how come you don't hear her
tapping but you SEE her tapping. Hmmm.
I also think she makes Kate Moss look plump.
And I'd give anything to have her soundman working for
ME. I mean, how does he do it??? She moves that mic all in
and out of her face and he's right on top of it making it
sound like she never moved the mic at all. Perfect smooth
sound all the time. Even while she's dancing and rubbing
the mic on her leg. Makes it sound like she never moved the
mic at all! Magic.
And to use that whole other sound system, or a different
setting each time a song ends so her speaking voice is so
so very differently mixed than her singing voice. Good
thinking. That sound man's really on the ball.
I think I should write and publish an in-depth contrast
and comparison of Aguilera and Yanni. Her Christmas special
just now, against his PBS special, where was that, Greece?
Yeah, at the parthenon or some such. I think he was using
the same sound man for his piano.
Turkey maybe.
[A][T][I] A T I Like 2600 Dot COM Is [A][T][I]
[A][T][I]Hacker News, Not Cracker News ! ! ! [A][T][I]
We end this 'zine with a poem we've reprinted
from the IMC where we first saw it.
I left Georgia with a strong feeling that I failed.
Being there for me was not enough I realized that
before I even got to the base. It was as if God
was calling me to be his hand's and feet. The funeral
procession was an amazing experience for me hearing the
name and ages of many especially those who were children
tore apart my heart. I was humbled when a girl offered
me her cross before she crossed the line. Many do not
understand the meaning of this line that so many crossed.
Well I wrote this poem and hopefully it will help the
many who still don't understand it:
by Katie
A line
white in color
with an insignificant size.
Holds my faith, my soul, my fate.
But why this line?
There are millions all over the world
who have been persecuted, tortured, and killed.
This ordinary white line,
stands for all those who have
experienced the rath of an unjust world.
What an extraordinary line.
Not as insignificant when looked at,
from the eyes of the innocent it's claimed.
As Martin Sheen spoke so fervently about "Here I am Lord
is it I Lord, I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go Lord if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart."
Next year I will cross the line with the cross
the girl gave me when she saw my torn heart in
my eyes.
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One way to look at it is:
'down went Lenin, up went Lennon.'
for back issues and to order t-shirts,
hats and FruchtWitch Cookies.
Hurry there's only _00_ left.
Call 860-887-2600 ext. 5293 to hollar at the Prime Anarchist.
And remember, tomorrow is international "Eat Spit And Dye" day,
So get out there and chew up some beedie cigarette tree-leaves
while you work in your favorite color to some of this fabric we
call Life.
[this issue dedicated to Bishop Samuel Ruiz]