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Welcome to Martina Nav's 27th OlympiATI...
FLASH - Poet Yehuda Amichai dies. Someone please
educate me further as to his profundity. To quote
Lynyrd Skynyrd, I only "know a little."
You ever eaten Monkey arm?
Me either. But I'm told it's quite delisch.
"Once you've made your weapons, of course, you have to
go and do some hunting. It takes three or four darts to
kill a monkey, and even a good hunter will hit with only,
say, one shot in five. Once you wound a monkey, and send
it fleeing for its life along the canopy, you have to
somehow keep your eyes on it while hauling your nine-foot,
five-pound blowgun through more or less impenetrable
forest. When, finally, you do kill the monkey, more
likely than not you'll have to climb into the canopy to
retrieve it."
-- Joe Kane, author of "Savages" 1995 Knopf
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0009231806 this issue NOT dedicated to Tio Sam.
Hi there,
I'm prime anarchist and you're not. Yeah, like that
bugs you, right? Well this is my columnar content
for this weekend. If you don't like it, write your
own and paste it over this one.
"Nader also shared the stage with former TV talk
show host Phil Donahue, campaign finance activist
Granny D and video satirist Michael Moore."
This is from news reports of Nader at Target
stadium last nite in Minneapolis. Most of it'll
be stuff you already know if you watched a couple
minutes of C-Span in the past 24 hours, but the
Granny D part was new to me, so I'm assuming it may
be new to the rest of us too. Who doesn't remember
Granny D? That nice old lady with cookies bigger
than Maggy Thatchroofer even. And definitely more
intestinal fortitude than Raygun, Bushwack and
BoyBlunder Clinton combined.
"Dynablob," a JWH album about Bob Dylan.
Hmmm. Peculiar...
MUENSTER-CHEESE CARD: There Are Some Things Just
Too Phunny To Make Phun Of. Nah... For Everything
Else There's Activist Times, Internet.
PRIVELEGE TO shake Cheney's hand publicly.
============= $5000
TICKET TO attend a Nader/LaDuke rally indoors.
============= $5
SEEING CLINTON on his way out paraphrasing things
Nader's been saying for 30 years (like "fuel-saving
vehicles and energy efficient buildings and [funding]
clean energy technology)
============= PRICELESS.
"You find something that you love and then you
twist it and torture it - try to find a way to make
money at it - spend a lifetime doing that - and at the
end you can't find a trace of what you started out
--Harry Connick Jr as Justin Matisse talking about
the American Dream in "Hope Floats."
Aargh - An Opinion - Who's buying my RC now???
British company Cadbury Schweppes is buying RC Cola.
Who are the people TriArc bought it from before that?
I guess the first thought crossing my mind was "I'm
just glad it's neither Poke-acola or Cepsi, right? Well,
every other time RC Cola gets bought or sold, they end
up under someone who's under someone who's under someone
who's under coke or pepsi. This time holds promise.
For now.
I'm prime anarchist and I typed that.
LIKE TO DANCE?: Do The Numba.
JOKE OF THE MONTH CLUB: The First One's Phree; After That They're
$7.98 each plus $5 shipping and $4 handling and a $10 ripper fee,
oh, and did we forget you need to include a SASE and your credit
card number and expiration date???
One of Marcos' commandantes was visiting a neice in
Mexico city and he was heard remarking about the 19 inch
monitor on her spiffy new Gateway:
"viva la resolution."
JUST SO'S U KNOW: A Press Release That Missed Deadline.
The National Association of Broadcasters is the political
arm of the broadcasting industry. It spends millions every
year lobbying to keep the airwaves out of the hands of the
September 20th - 23rd, 2000 - San Francisco
Act Up, Party Down, Raise Hell, Shout Out!
Bring your microradio transmitters, your video
cameras, your webcasts, your dancing shoes,
and your militant nonviolent attitude!
(PAWN) - McGraw and Hill Merge and Make Books.
NASHVILLE, Ten - Tom McGraw Corporation announced a
friendless buyout of Faithful Hall Enterprises, LLC.
The two entertainment industries will now be in charge
of almost all the publishing of "absolutely everything
paper" in the US, Germany, the Balkans and Indonesia.
Since McGraw owned Downelly, Random Apartment, and
Hoe before the merger and Hall owned Harcourt Brace, Dell
and Gutenberg, the new "family" will forever be called
Jovanovich-Gutenberg - or Haddem Bra Jogger for short.
"Holy hyphonated kids," said Hall.
McGraw looked at it a little differently. Since both
CEO's are also singers who call themselves artists, now
when four middle-aged white men write and propose songs
to McGraw or Hall they're basically talking publishing
as well as singing, instrumentation, lunchboxes, t-shirts,
beercanopeners, and using the digital equipment that makes
a flat B-flat into a crisp tonal A-Sharp. not to mention
making the word "me" sound more like the pleasingly
popular "maaaaay."
"Basically," said McGraw trying desperately to shed his
Indian Outlaw nickname, "You can now hand me a piece of
sheet music, and not only can I fake it a capella on the
spot, but then I can honestly say, 'would you like grayscale
or tri-color with that?'"
Do you remember those singles in the 70's that included
Dickie Goodman's "Energy Crisis '74?" I don't remember all
the titles but there were a bunch of 'em. The Crisis one
had Dickie Goodman pretending to be a journalist asking
Nixon questions, and instead of Nixon's voice as a response
you heard "Leave Me Alone," or "Why Can't We Be Friends,"
stuff like that.
Well, honest to that form - we now here "ask" each of
the 4 (count 'em four) prez candidates to name their fave
childhood lullaby.
Now, since Alvin Bore already admitted that his mom
invented the lullaby, we'll leave him out of this one.
Look for that union label somewhere else.
OK. Ralphie Nader, sing us a beddybye song.
"I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair."
How about you, Mr. George Daddy WarBush.
"Like a Rhinestoned cowboy, gettin' away w' murder,
and a cokespoon up in my nose."
And Puke Buchanderdanden? Pat said, "Brit Hume, baby
one more time."
Wait! Another candidate? Could it be? Stepping up to
the plate is none other than Saddam Hussein, the comeback
kid. Overcoming smartbombs, dumb newscasts, lymph cancer,
and counter-counter-counter-counter-intelligence, he's
stepping up for a swing at presidential politics. Wow.
You've got balls the size of Spaulding (tm)(sic.) sweatshops!
OK. Hit it. But how'd you get 1,000 signatures in Utah???
"Old Mother Reagan, and her crew. She took away from,
me and you, I seen her go..."
A couple songs 4 U in the "broadside" tradition.
Georgia, Georgia,
E B7
You're always on my mind.
E B7 E
You're always, always on my mind.
E Bm7
You're the hub of apartheid
And you're always
Dbm E
And you're always on my mind.
From George the 3rd,
To the Bush and the Shrub
To the School of Assassins
And that name change overdub
A Bm7
It's the same old song keeps
E B7 E
Georgia on my mind.
Georgia - you're
on my mind.
BIRMINGHAM: Who Says There's No US Holy War?
Written Sept 15, 2000
(ch) 4 little girls, 4 little girls
you killed 4 little girls
4 little girls 4 little girls
D E A [DEA: how poetic!]
you KILLED 4 little girls
Did you return to your own church
Did you go back and kiss your own mom
Did you do religion in your hometown
That sunday when Birmingham burned to the ground
Did you think someday you might confess
Could you hide your entire life more or less
We wondered for decades just where you might be
When you killed 4 little girls
I'd say the same to Pinochet
Or Bush or Hitler or Saddam Hussein
I've shouted out loud at the Pentagon
And hundreds of churches in the pouring rain
(spoken: you hearda the 10 commandments, right?)
PAWN, Prime Arachnid Wooly Nectar is a Hully Gully Sub City
of PAP, Prime Anarchist Productions; NOPE, NoOne in Particular
Enterprises; and ATI, Activist Times, Inert. All rights remain equal
and opposite any lefts you make, and don't forget your lunch
money is on the table under the pig-shaped napkin holder.
Like What You See?
Tell phriendz.
Don't Like?
Tell us, or:
S U B M I T S O M E T H I N G B E T T E R ! ! !
Send lettuce, comments or something else to: ati@etext.org
dedicated: Carl Rowan. Dead and gone, but wrote a lot...
(this came in just in time for "stop the presses..."
I remember when Carmelle, of the British Coalition
for E Timor, first introduced me to the problems of
the E Timorese nation. And how after, try as we
"may", we could not get Brian May, guitarist of Queen
to step out of his shell of industrial privilege, wherein
he also gloried in local "charitable" success. Years
after his band of neocapitalists had, under S African
apartheid, taken 5million Queen pounds out of Sun
City within a week. To add his megastar weight to a
concert in the UK for E Timor.
One imagines that, apart from a number of hostile
Indonesians and a few generals in Rangoon. It was
wonderful for the whole world to see marathon runner
Aquida Amaral, even while, due to Olympian red tape
that has little to do with the harsh realities of
international sports and politics. And while not fully
representing her bravest of nations. Pause, and on
one Buddhist knee, so often the pose of Christian
athletes from so many richer and more capitalist
lands. Send a profound message to a mostly
unconscious world. Her own grateful thanks for her
nations long awaited Australian backed "UN freedom".
As one certainly wishes that the UN, for reasons
of its own anti racist and anti heroin credibilities,
had gone "head to head" with the IOC to oust racist
Burma from the games. But once the Games
commenced and the Rangoon junta was allowed to
compete with a provenly apartheid squad.. One also
hopes that not only Jose Ramos-Horta and Xanana
are at the party. For of all long distance runners,
and after the many tribulations of S Africa and its
so called sporting life, the continued bravery of
the oppressed people of E Timor must come,
historically, next in line.
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