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Let a hundred and seventy six
trombones sound so low, so loud
and so lively that our cry for
non-violent overthrow of all
evil, violent, ill-gotten lands:
that they will forever know:
we are ati!
Activist Times, Indestructible.
Welcome to issue 176 of ati.
April 24th 1999.
1999 hrs. (or 8:39pm for you weirdos)
Happy Birthday to Mumia Abu Jamal,
Paul Ryder and David J -
and a belated birthday to Abbie
Hoffman, Alabama Sturgeon and
Adolf Hitler. May none of you
ever be forgotten. Even the yucky
Hard going down isn't it?
Hi, I'm prime anarchist and
this is my column for saturday,
the almostfullmoon of april.
The numbers run is short, we have
a few short letters, and we've
pushed back some of the others
until next week, so that we can
have room for the entire birthday
present that Marcos sent to Mumia
Abu-Jamal this afternoon.
I publish the English version
only for two reasons.
1) None of us are good enough
at "traducciones" yet.
Give is time! We're working
treadmills on it - swear.
2) Too much more would make our
weekly zine much fatter
than we promised.
OK there's a 3:
There is a dream and a vision of
this 'zine growing organically into
a 100% bona-fide bilingual publication.
No lip-service paragraph or two at the
back "en espanol," no one or two best
picture captions hoping that "THEY'LL
get at LEAST THAT little BIT out of
us..." The vision is that the tongue
of this 'zine would once a week be
translated evenly into two languages:
ingles, y espanol; english and
spanish. Until then, I (the zine)
remain "anglo."
For all who are "with this vision"
I ask one thing.
Domo Arigato, Muchas Gracias, Graci,
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo, Thank you,
thank you, thank you,
ATI. for people who are.
1st numbahs, 2nd the lettuce...
Lettuce. People Send
Us Lotsa Lettuce.
just did some quick research...
Hiroshima was Aug 6th 1945
at 8:15 Nagasaki was Aug 9th
at 11:02 SO I don't know where
the 4:20 rumor came from.
Sorry for the wrong info b4.
Hawker (cygnus.com)
I'm personally doing OK, but its
a sad day in Denver. As I'm sure
you heard 15 kids were shot at
a high school yesterday.
I went to that high school.
Its right up the street.
My dad's apartment building was
evacuated because they found
several bombs in cars.
It's nice and sunny here.
Where do you live?
-Jess (303)
Dear Marc,
thank you for putting two and two
together. This is an immense
tragedy primarily for Serbian
people, Kosovar refugees, but
then also for the whole Europe
and the world. KLA is a renown
terrorist organization that
primarily deals with trafficking
narcotics into Europe, many European
countries that accepted the Albanian
minorities into their territory will
soon become aware of this!
THanks for all of your interest
and concern
[a woman who asked to remain
unnamed and unplaced.]
AND IN THE Chips On Shoulders Dep't:
From: Chip Hosken <hosken@uiuc.edu>
do you realize it is illegal to
email mass mailings to people
who don't want to recieve
your SHIT!
thank you.
if you ever email me again
I will press charges.
even in response to this letter.
take me off of your list.
To: ati@etext.org
From: JewelJK@aol.com
in a word - failed.
the food directors misinformed us
about some of the details of the
proposal, and ended up playing it
against us as a wildcard.
these are the same guys who
originally helped us out by finding
the prices and allegedly investigating
the legitimacy of the eggs as
"free range".
simply, he (mike james) decieved us
and as a result, we lost. thanks for
your support and concern. this was a
learning experience. next semester we
will not make the same mistakes and
will definitely not trust anything they
tell us unless it is in writing.
i'll keep you informed.
Ked (414)
Hi Michael,
How goes it?
Two orders of biz, I know you're busy.
1) Ked's sending me results of the egg
vote at oshkosh in about 6 hours.
I'll forward them to you from a
different address.
2) I'll be playing my guitar on the
capitol steps may 1 thru may 4;
Washington DC protesting School of the
You might already know labor is behind
shutting this puppy down.
It would be way cool if you could
bring your guitar (and maybe the
camcorder???) to the steps and jam
with. (btw: what's your fave chord?)
Oh, I better say a third thing.
You'd asked for some whizzard to help
you get messages autoforwarded to a new
.org place.
Let's put our heads together, eh?
ATI, not your granma's pajamas...
Newspapers Need to Find Uniqueness.
by - Mark Tartar - Senior Despondent.
<PAWN> Milanta, GA - For newspapers
to make a profit on the Internet, they
need to offer their readers something
they can't get anywhere else,
Michael Bloomcounty told attendees
of Interactive Newspapers annual
conference Tuesday.
T H E T R U T H .
...And Now, an update from Wednesday...
<PAWN>Colorado - The Phollowing...
I might have just confirmed that
some of the members of tTCM are
also western hammerskins.
Plus, guess what? When police
finally did roll in, there were
in fact 4 trenchcoats lying
on the floor!
...was reported in an ATI Midweek
Crisis this past week. Rather than
let that lie, like so many journalists
will do in this world, in this life; I
Prime Anarchist, have chosen to phollow
I spoke with members of the Trenchcoat
Mafia in more than a dozen towns in this
country, and also Western Skins in a few.
The Western Branch of the Hammerskins are
definitely in Denver heavy, and there
headquartered; however I was wrong, thank
god. They had nothing to do with the
killings this past week in a public school
in Columbine, Colorado. Although three of
the nine people who planned Tuesday's
placing of pipebombs and murderous gunfire
were in fact, members of tTCM; TrenchCoat
Mafia organization itself had little or
nothing to do with the conspiracy to
commit chaos.
The four empty trench-coats remain a
partially unconfirmed story. I have
confirmed two missing suspects with
a handful of credible sources, but I
was a little carried away when one
White-Pride member I interviewed told
me it was not two, but four empty
trenchcoats on the floor. He seemed
credible. He remains my only source on
Attn: Matt Drudge, kiss my
jolly gym-shorts.
That's prime anarchist 3,
the drudgeryman 1.
Journal Note: 4:20, 4/20.
2 dogs fat, still have their
winter furr. Something very
wrong on this street, in this
neighborhood, this state or
this nation. Very very wrong.
I can pheel it.
Static 'Atistics:
1.023% of all English-speaking
websites in the US have the words
Pamela, Lee, and Anderson on them.
2nd most popular topic? Fabio
with goose-blood all over his face.
3rd? Still Bill Gates getting
pi'ed! 0.75%
[Someone asked us to toss this
far and wide; so rather than
ending this 'zine with a hand-made
poem like is the norm, we're
pasting a prose piece from a poetical
person, mister subcomandante Marcos.
It's a letter to someone on his
Mister Mumia:
I am writing to you in the name
of the men, women, children and elderly
of the Zapatista Army of National
Liberation in order to congratulate you
on April 24, which is your birthday.
Perhaps you have heard of us.
We are Mexican, mostly indigenous,
and we took up arms on January 1 of 1994
demanding a voice, face and name for the
forgotten of the earth.
Since then, the Mexican government has
made war on us and pursues us and
harasses us seeking our death, our
disappearance and our definitive silence.
The reason? These lands are rich with oil,
uranium and precious lumber. The government
wants them for the great transnational
companies. We want them for all the Mexicans.
The government sees our lands as a business.
We see our history written in these lands.
In oder to defend our right (and that of all
Mexicans) to live with liberty, democracy,
justice and dignity we became an army and
undertook a name, voice and face that way.
Perhaps you wonder how we know of you,
about your birthday, and why it is that
we extend this long bridge which goes
from the mountains of the Mexican
southeast to the prison of Pennsylvania
which has imprisoned you unjustly.
Many good people from many parts
of the world have spoken of you,
through them we have learned how you
were ambushed by the North American
police in December of 1981, of the
lies which they constructed in the
procedures against you, and of the
death sentence in 1982.
We learned about your birthday through
the international mobilizations which,
under the name of "Millions for Mumia",
are being prepared this April 24th.
It is harder to explain this bridge
which this letter extends, it is more
complicated. I could tell you that,
for the powerful of Mexico and the
government, to be indigenous, or
to look indigenous, is reason for
disdain, abhorrence, distrust and
hatred. The racism which now floods
the palaces of Power in Mexico goes
to the extreme of carrying out a war
of extermination, genocide, against
millions of indigenous. I am sure
that you will find similarities
with what the Power in the United States
does with the so-called "people of color"
(African-American, Chicanos, Puerto Ricans,
Asians, Northamerican Indians and any
other peoples who do not have the insipid
color of money.)
We are also "people of color" (the same
color of our brothers who have Mexican
blood and live and struggle in the American
Union). We are of the color "brown",
the color of the earth, the color
from which we take our history, our
strength, our wisdom and our hope.
But in order to struggle we add another
color to the brown: black.
We use black ski-masks to show our faces.
Only in this way can we be seen and heard.
We chose this color as a result of the
counsel of an indigenous Mayan elder who
explained to us what the color black meant.
The name of this wise elder was Old Man
Antonio. He died in these rebel Zapatista
lands in March of 1994, victim of
tuberculosis which ate his lungs and his
breath. Old Man Antonio used to tell us
that from black came the light and
from there came the stars which light
up the sky around the world. He told
us a story which said that a long time
ago (in those times when no one measured
it), the first gods were given the task
of giving birth to the world. In one of
their meetings they saw it was necessary
that the world have life and movement,
and for this light was necessary.
Then they thought of making the sun
in order that the days move and so
there would be day and night and
time for struggling and time for making
love, walking with the days and nights
the world would go.
The gods had their meeting and made this
agreement in front of a large fire,
and they knew it was necessary that
one of them be sacrificed by throwing
himself into the fire in order to become
fire himself and fly into the sky.
The gods thought that the work of
the sun was the most important,
so they chose the most beautiful
god so that he would fly into the fire
and become the sun. But he was afraid.
Then the smallest god, the one who was
black, said he was not afraid and
he threw himself into the fire and
became sun.
Then the world had light and movement,
and there was time for struggle and
time for love, and in the day the bodies
worked to make the world and in the night
the bodies made love and sparkles filled
the darkness.
This is what Old Man Antonio told us and
that is why we use a black ski mask.
So we are of the color brown and of
the color black. But we are also of the
color yellow, because the first people
who walked these lands were made of
corn so they would be true. And we are
also red because this is the call of blood
which has dignity and we are also blue
because we are the sky in which we fly,
and green for the mountain which is our
house and our strength. And we are white
because we are paper so that tomorrow
can write its story.
So we are 7 colors because there were
7 first gods who birthed the world.
This is what Old Man Antonio said
long ago and now I tell you this
story so that you may understand
the reason for this bridge of paper
and ink which I send to you all the
way from the mountains of the
Mexican Southeast. And also so that
you may understand that with this
bridge goes pieces of salutes and
hugs for Leonard Peltier (who is in
the prison at Leavenworth, Kansas),
and for the more than 100 political
prisoners in the USA who are the
victims of injustice, stupidity and
And with this letter-bridge walks
as well a salute to the Dine (the Navajo),
who, in Big Mountain, Arizona, fight
against the violations of their traditional
Dine religious practices. They struggle
against those who prefer the large
businesses instead of respect for
the religious freedom of Indian
peoples, and those who want to
destroy sacred grounds and
ceremonial sites (as is the case
of Peabody Western Coal Company
which wants to take lands without
reason, history or rights-lands
which belong to the Dine and their
future generations.)
But there are not only stories of
resistance against North American
injustice in this letter-bridge.
There are the indigenous, from
the extreme south of our continent,
in Chile, the Mapuche women in the
Pewenche Center of Alto Bio-Bio
who resist against stupidity.
Two indigenous women, Bertha
and Nicolasa Quintreman are accused
of "mistreating" members of the
armed forces of the Chilean
government. So there it is.
An armed military unit with
rifles, sticks, and tear-gas,
protected by bulletproof vests,
helmets and shields, accuse two
indigenous women of "mistreatment".
But Bertha is 74 years old and
Nicolasa is 60. How is it possible
that two elderly people confronted
a "heroic" group of heavily-armed
Because they are Mapuche. The story
is the same as that of the brothers
and sisters Dine of Arizona, and
the same which repeats itself in
all America: a company (ENDESA)
wants the lands of the Mapuches,
and in spite of the law which
protects the indigenous, the
government is on the side of
the companies. The Mapuche students
have pointed out that the government
and the company made a "study" of
military intelligence about the
indigenous Mapuche communities
and they came to the conclusion
that the Mapuche could not think,
defend themselves, resist, or
construct a better future. The
study was wrong apparently.
Now it occurs to me that, perhaps
the powerful in North America carried
out a "military intelligence" study
(this is frankly a contradiction,
because those of us who are military
are not intelligent, if we were we
would not be military) about the case
of the Dine in Arizona, about Leonard
Peltier, about other political
prisoners, about yourself, mister
Mumia. Perhaps they made this study
and came to the conclusion that they
might be able to violate justice and
reason, to assault history and lose
the truth. They thought they could
do this and no one would say anything.
The Dine Indians would stand by and
watch the destruction of the most
sacred of their history,
Leonard Peltier would be alone, and you,
Mister Mumia, would be silenced (and I
remember your own words "They not only
want my death, they want my silence").
But the studies were wrong. Happy mistake?
The Dine resist against those who would
kill their memory, Leonard Peltier is
accompanied by all those who demand
his liberty, and you sir, speak and
yell today with all the voices which
celebrate your birthday as all birthdays
should be celebrated, by struggling.
Mister Mumia:
We have nothing big to give you as a
gift for your birthday, it is poor and
little, but all of us send you an embrace.
We hope that when you gain your freedom
you will come to visit us.
Then we will give you a birthday party,
even if it isn't April 24th,
it will be an unbirthday party.
There will be musicians, dancing and
speaking, which are the means by which
men and women of all colors understand
and know one another, and build bridges
over which they walk together, towards
history, towards tomorrow.
Happy Birthday!
Vale. We salute you and may justice
and truth find their place.
>From the mountains of the
Mexican Southeast,
Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos
Mexico, April of 1999
P.S. I read somewhere that you are
a father and a grandfather.
So I am sending you a gift for your
children and grandchildren. It is a
little wooden car with Zapatistas
dressed in black ski-masks. Tell your
children and grandchildren that it is
a gift that we send you, the Zapatistas.
Explain to them places that there are
people of all colors everywhere, just
like you, who want justice, liberty
and democracy for people of all colors.
ATI says goodbye,
this edition of ATI dedicated
2 Gestetner copiers all
around the world!