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BEGIN --- CUT HERE --- Cut Here --- cut here --- ati119.jpg
Hello, hello, hello. It's ATI. This is issue 119 I think.
Special Aldo Leopold Edition.
March 6, 7, and 8. 1998.
And WECS radio plays Rocky Horror soundtrack excerpts.
Short PAP #'s run. It's 1035pm.
This comes once again from kidney island. The island called kidney, shaped
like a kidney, and serving the purpose of a world's kidney!!!
I want to come again. I'm going home...
Prime Anarchist Productions Presents, the all new, bigger, brighter, more
water, less calculus, CALENDULAR section for this Sunday, 2-3 days after
the moon. Did you remember to throw wampum into the bay at sunset?
I did.
Rockin' the Christ Child since 1987, it's ATI!
March 3, Never give up on what you really wish to do. The person with
big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts.
(by the way, did you dig the eclipse on my birthday? -prime-)
March 22, 1975. Browns Ferry nuke accident.
March 28, 1979. Three Mile Island. nuke accident.
Beware the nukes of March!!!
April 1, 1702. Be a phool.
April 22, 1899. The original Earth Day.
May 5, 1998. Cinco De Mayo. (mark your calendar.)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Hi hi. Prime Anarchist here. We got lots of mail. Some will have to
carry over to next week. Many compliments about the latest parodies,
so let's next with another...
This to the tune of:
from Mark Weisenheimer's album Hootenany Green. 1988.
In the morning wakin' up
Pour a box of meuselix;
The taste is gonna move you.
Get your nuts,
Eat 'em whole;
The taste is gonna move ya
When you're sittin' on the bowl.
Meuselix, is gonna move ya.
Lotsa fiber - it goes right through ya.
Meuselix. The taste, the taste;
The taste is gonna.
Moooooooove ya.
/A Prime Prediction. by PAP/
/Prime Anarchist Productions./
/ /
/If Cyberspace follows any /
/cyclical patterns as regards/
/spam, ie: Libel/Slander /
/ Having an email addy on /
/a webpage, or putting your /
/vibes out in newzgrupes'll /
/be parallel to "putting your/
self out as a public persona/
And now, a Poem by Marc Frucht.
SWASTIKAS dedicated to Tara.
Gangsta swastikas all over the place.
G.D. Folks. In your face, dude.
Vice Lord Folks put swastika on bathroom stall.
Crip and Blood gangbangin from way back - y'all.
Swastikas, token of our symbolic hurt.
Spray it, draw it - chalk it down.
Plaster it on with tape.
Krylon, nylon.
An artist swastika all about town.
Swastikas, swastikas, neo Amerikkkan swastikas,
A crip swa- on your door.
Nazi one on your lawn -- tall.
Christian one on your forehead.
Blood, your sickle eats my ass.
Latin Ladies lay eggs all around.
Ovulating near a crip, hopin' 4 a
West Side 7 story baby 2 gether.
Fiddler on the Effin' roof.
Bad boys, bad boys, Helicopter's gonna do...
Do you up the Association.
Police swastikas all over your
DARE graduation.
Army swastika. Signal corps, 2 B precise.
I trim my mustach to within regs.
Shave it off violently shouting -
I look like Adolph Effin' Hitler.
Big gang - Army.
Big gang - Po-lice.
Boy Scout swastika 3 fingers up.
Vice Lord war red and blue - 2
Fingers up and back...
2 fingers down / Some body kill him.
Up your kilt. Flip a bird.
Your naughty swastika.
Point out Salmon Rush Die.
A Fatwa Swastika.
Cop swa, big gang. Army swa, big gang.
Crip swa, Blood swa, Latin King swa.
G-D swa. Vice Lord swa, Folks again.
Swa, swa. Swa, swa; swa.
Kokopeli my swastika of choice.
Toot your OWN horn.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Take Another Poem?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ode To Pine Sap. ibid.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hogan to Hogan I go.
On and on, I search.
Anyone w/ anything
Better than Bacitracin.
Ointment for infected cut.
Pinon pine sap!
Better'n bacitracin.
Uno Mas?
E L E T E L E P H O N Y - by Laura E. Richards.
\Once there was an elephant. \
\Who tried to use the telephant- \
\No! No! I mean the elephone \
\Who tried to use the telephone- \
\(Dear me! I am not certain quite\
\That even now I've got it right)\
\ \
\Howe'er it was, he got his trunk\
\Entangled in the telephunk; \
\The more he tried to get it phree,\
\The louder buzzed the telephee- \
\(I fear I'd better drop the song \
\Of elephop and telephong!) \
/letters to the editors roundup\
\/ \/
"I *must* be a 'Patron Saint' of hackers.
Wired Magazine said so!"
- The Cheshire Catalyst
We won! I'm not a really together guy,
but I play one on the Internet.
- The Cheshire Catalyst
hi marco,
i've been extremely busy and am just getting caught up on Nobody's mail.
i noticed you sent a couple of notes and wanted to let you know they are
being read.... (smile) just a little late on the reply.
re: bill gates and pied (chuckle) have the picture on the wall.
....and i liked the "PAP" letter.
keep up the good work,
- --
curtis - *pgp-key* - site administrator for Nobody
I want Nobody to control my life! How about YOU?
Thanx for the zine. Definitely some interesting reading in there. Keep up
the good work
Date: 28.2.98/8:05
()))))( (laurkhi@hotmail.com / http://www.angelfire.com/sc/laurkhi ) wrote:
he lived in a cactus
silver patient
or a stick figure
racing with the horizon
which one won?
pocket watch between teeth
for they had jaundice
each time
rapids shooter's heart
ist irrlichter
never was the order with
qui scribit, cloaca
fais cent m<>coctents
they were
quisquis ubique habitat
From: Cameron Spitzer <cls@greens.org>
San Jose, CA USA
I added a link to Common Dreams 2000 on the 'NO MORE OIL WARS' page I
have added to "Green Parties of North
America". I think the Union of Concerned Scientists said it best
back in '91: "this is an armed conflict over terms of
access to oil." All the stuff about how awful or threatening Saddam
Hussein is is just hype. The USA has no problem
with its minions doing exactly what he does. Saddam's crime is the same
as Noriegas' was: he stopped taking orders
from his handlers in the CIA. But his crime was also more fearful than
Noriega's was: he developed his third world
colonial holding into an independent regional economy with a good
(before the war) standard of living and out of reach
of the IMF and World Bank. That's why Iraq had to be hit harder than
I have to say I like those text files...quite funny. This is something that
should possibly be on Mancow's Morning Madhouse. Well, anyway, I said I would
send you a few links.
http://www.aclu.org/court/kit.html ACLU -- Court</A>
http://www.aclu.org/issues/cyber/trial/kit.html Cyberliberties</A>
these are some cases against FurryMUCK in recent court trials.
http://www.aolsucks.org AOL sucks</A> click on this!
http://falcon.cc.ukans.edu/~jackm/OWIF.htm Oasis Webmasters for
Internet Freedom</A> this is interesting too.
Sorry I don't have more. I will send from my other Email adress.
Happy Birthday Dr. Soos. by Prime Anarchist
The cat in the hat was phat.
She spat on Pat. What's that?
My pet gnat.
Pet gnat has no hat.
That's a gnat without a hat;
A hatless gnat.
For if he were a hatted gnat,
The fatted cat would eat the gnat.
Snd so it goes. And
So it goes.
A vegetarian cat in a fat old hat
Who seldom eats neither gnat nor rat
And, if that ain't all...
The fatted hatted Pat spitting cat,
Ate the rat's hat.
It was high in fiber, porous,
And full of greens.
The most remarkable aspect of this largest
and best-preserved ruin in the Southwest is that
some gangster real estate goon has not convinced
the Indians to turn it into a fucking casino.
-p 40-
These petroglyphs are believed to be the work
of the Anasazi, a Native American people inhabiting
southern Colorado and Utah and northern New Mexico
and Arizona from about A.D. 100 and whose descendants
are the present-day Pueblo peoples.
We arrest assholes in New York City for drawing
this kind of shit on subway cars."
-p 85-
(from "Two Guys Four Corners.)
Time 4 another Prime Anarchist Poetical Ending.
This 1's called Ska Girl.
Wind, dancing, twirling.
Motion, moving, mixing.
Dance with theatre, Acting.
On the
On the dance floor.
Whirl -
Girl, dancing, rhythm.
Moving dancing, moving, like -
Whirl girl -
Ska me out.
Wild - wild ska girl.
You make my eyes dance.
Glancing following spinning -
Move girl.
Spin me around.
Way out.
Ska girl you're definitely way out. Way way out.
Girl, make my eyes dance.
A world of energy.
Whirl. Feel move.
Fuzzbox. Connected.
Orange and blue. Floor, earth, feel.
Ska girl, move.
Move my eyes about the world.
Ska girl.
Skagirl wow.
Whip whirl, wild.
Wayout... worldly.
Me, wow ska.
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