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HEYHEYhey, hey, hey, it's ATI!HEY
issue 44
November 15, 1989
Our address: Activist Times, Inc.
P.O. Box 2501
Bloomfield, NJ 07003
= info following brought =
= on by a need for more =
= real information =) =
Numbers Run:
619-298-4844 CRONOS
516-922-wine dial a dirty joke.
516-751-2600 2600 magazine
201-644-2335 ap newsline for the blind
202-456-1414 Bush's desk
203-324-3117 comedy shop newsline
415-995-2606 Reality Hackers magazine
619-375-1234 time and temp
415-923-0900 PEACENET.
212-966-5000 National Lawyers Guild
800-833-news National Student News
Service/ Hunger Campaign
303-499-7111 Atomic Clock
k800-999-9999 Covenant House's 9-Line for runaways and their parents to call for
800-527-5018 Specialized Products Co. Call for catalog!
201-748-4005 The Red Phone BBS!!!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hi folks! It's time for Prime Anarchist World News!
Hola, Buena. How goes it? Prime here. I cannot believe we're over 40 issues
old already.
Great. Whelp, here's some more PAWN, ok?
The first receivers of fone calls said, "Ahoy-ahoy", instead of the later
greeting, "Hello".
10288 is 10-A-T-T. Neat, huh? 10488 is 10-I-T-T. Fitting. How the (10222)
MCI signifies is beyond me. They were probably just late arranging an
Oct. 16th, a guy held up a motel. He stole cash, checks and the
telephone. He got away, because the desk clerk had no way to call police until
after he left.
Caffeine freaks: 2 teabags'll work, extra ground'll work; but a chocolate
bar dropped in your cup will not. Sure, it'll add caffeine, but you won't be
happy with the taste. The stuff that rises to the top resembles soggy bread,
bot to sight and taste. And the stuff left at the bottom after you drink will
sit at the bottom of your stomach for 75 minutes. Drop in two no-doz, or a
vivarin, if you must, but make sure there's already something in el stomacho.
Sing this to the tune of "pattycake" (the old mother goose rhyme?):
tammy fay, tammy fay,
bakker's wife.
pray that he
doesn't get life.
Judging from the affadavit (for a phreaker's arrest) printed in issue 41,
do they really feel safe to assume that an autodialer, a cassette recorder, a
floppy disc, a modem, a telephone and (or) a computer is a direct sign of
crime? Holy schmoley, Foley. Sure we've seen these things used and abused. The
DEVICE is not a threat. Wake up, cops. You're playing the fool.
AMOS I have never worked with. Is it new? How old? How about someone
in-the-know (or in-the-think) giving a class on it? Share the wealth, Arouah!!
Hey "Fucking Texan" (Android Pope) Let's get something clear. Yankees
are not all bad. And especially not stupid. Just that many of them have been.
There are good AND bad in all kinds of people. If you resort to generalizations
like you did in your message, you ARE the "fucking texan" you so resent being
The US and NATO forces are definitely working to destabilize countries
like Albert Fischer's Argentina. It maintains our "high" way of life here in
the states; but it's extremely dangerous. Very volatile. What you key in on,
Fischer, is very accurate. This also happens in Texas.
Radio Shack pays about $70 a month for Mexicans to come help build Tandy
computers and camcorders. SO WHY DO TX's AND REALISTICtm PRODUCTS STILL COST
SO @#*@!ing MUCH TO BUY THESE DAYS??? Us Americans are almost criminal for
even ALLOWING this to continue.
Nice captures of D-Dial. Let's see ore people sending in stuff they find
on BBS's, on escalators, in malls, upstairs on the doubledecker bus, or while
riding an emu, or a buffalo.
I have a few really good printouts (about a year old) from a chat system
in East Germany. I'll hafta find them and share. Thing is-- I won't be able to
get them out of my SDB til December or so. Whatch --for-- it.
Do you read the New York Slimes, or NewsSpeak magazine? Let's hear what
mags, papers, rags, or books you all like, dislike, don't care about, etc.
Well, I have to do it. Sorry. A couple of quake jokes. I know they still
hurt, so I'll get 'em out of the way now, and move on.
Everyone's tryin' to figure out if it was the San Andreas fault, or the
Haymer fault, or what. I don't care whose fault it was, it was devastating.
The rice-a-roni building burnt down; they had to sell out. Guess who
bought them? Shake-n-Bake. (Keep your day job!!! -GZ)
All new--x-rated TV weekly cartoon using clay figurines called gum-me and
When asked how old, I usually say, "old enough to know better, but young
enough to do it anyways."
Hey, Ramin (213). Speaking about the fone click people -- I picked up the
receiver the other day and popped a dime in. I dialed the local number I
"ITI operator", she cuts in. "Would you like normal service, or the
special service for an additional 35 cents?"
I told her I couldn't afford the special service, so I settled for normal
"Thank you for using ITI", she told me and hung up. Click. That's it.
Nothing. I lost my dime, never got my call thru, and ran out of money.
"Blessed are the young, for they are going to inherit the national debt"
Janet Jackson must have the same face painter, and hairstylist as
Micheal, and his monkey. All three look identical.
"Pax intrantibus" --Merton. Peace to all who enter.
Best time to eat pizza is 5:53 in the morning, cold. Canoeing is fun.
(did I spell that right???)
I'm going to write a song called "parchese with 7 pieces missing," just
so the New York Slimes, NewsSpeak, and the Small Street Urinal have to print
"..and the band played 'parchese with 7 pieces missing.'"
Found: Left handed pool cue. Brown wood, white pearl inlay. Engraved,
initials H.A. Call 1-800-eat-shit.
By the way, last night I called 1-800-eat-shit, and it was busy. So I
guess it's a popular business now. I still haven't been able to get through.
I'll post resultz if you try to too.
Neat. Titanium teeth. If you're afraid your fillings won't outlive you
like your teeth will; you can have titanium teeth installed. They cost $1500
bucks each. All it'll cost you for both uppers AND lowers is $8000. "I'll buy
that for a dollar" --skid roper (who else??)
Oh well, that's about it for this bit. I will ketch you l'8 r.
alert alert alert alert alert alert alert alert alert alert alert alert alert
I just got a mailing from GMHC, a New York organization working to help AIDS
victims and their families, educate people about AIDS, and more. I'll summarize
it for you:
Burroughs Wellcome, producer of the drug AZT known to help AIDS patients, has
just lowered the price of AZT by 20% to about $6,400 a year.
But it's still far too costly. Especially since Burroughs Wellcome will NOT
reveal the cost of producing the drug to ANYONE, not the public, and not even
Their refusal to disclose the cost of producing the drug or further reduce its
price is especially unfair, since the Ameerican taxpayers have paid for AZT
three times.
First, the US government gave Burroughs Wellcome financial assistance and tax
credits for research. Then, taxpayers picked up the tab for most of the
clinical trials for AZT. And now, the federal government is their largest
customer with Medicaid and other assistance programs. As the 9/15/89 Wall
Street Journal stated: "AZT's profits are something of a windfall", since
Burroghs Wellcome "didn't create the compound, it wasn't the first to discover
its effectiveness against AIDS-type retroviruses, it didn't discover its
effectiveness against AIDS itself and it didn't conduct the first human tests.
Much of that work was done by other scientists, some at the National Institute
of Health with federal funding."
A 50% price cut would double the number the federal government can help in AZT
assistance. GMHC asks all concerned people (and you should all be concerned!)
1- Call Burroughs Wellcome at 1-800-922-9292 and tell them "Thanks, but it's
not enough!"
2- Send GMHC a note asking them to add your name to their petition which will
be directed to the White House, Congress, the New York congressional
delegation and Burroughs Wellcome. The petition states:
"Access to medical care and affordable medicines must be made available for
HIV-positive people. We are tired of programs which offer too little, too
late. We want action now!"
And when you send your note, send a contribution to GMHC if you can.
Note: I can't find GMHC's address. If you wish to contact them, call New York
City information (212)555-1212 and ask for the number for Gay Men's Health
Crisis and call them. They will give you the address to write to.
-----------------more stuff on AIDS-------------->
Tens of thousands of Americans have died from AIDS. And today there are
600,000 KNOWN cases of AIDS. The number of people who are HIV-positive and
don't know it is probably extremely high.
The money dedicated to researching a cure for AIDS is less than 1% of the
total money given by the federal government for medical research.
About 2,000 babies are born with AIDS each year in New York city alone.
HBO had an excellent documentary on called "Common Threads: Stories from the
Quilt" on the air recently. The story centered around a quilt that has over
15,000 panels, each one dedicated to someone who had died of AIDS, and told
the specific stories of five AIDS victims who had died: three gay men, a
former IV drug user who stopped using too late to avoid AIDS, and a 10-yr old
hemopheliac boy who got the virus through a blood transfusion. The stories
were very moving, and the entire show presented a lot of facts about AIDS and
our government's failure to respond to the crisis. If HBO shows this special
again, do catch it.
If anyone would like more information about the Names Project Quilt dedicated
to those who have died of AIDS, the address is: Names Project, PO Box 14573,
San Francisco, CA 94114. Fone number is 415-863-5511.
There is a BBS dedicted to providing information about AIDS. It's called the
AIDS Information BBS, and it has sections providing facts about AIDS,
statistics about AIDS, infomation about organizations that help AIDS victims,
legal advice, and more. Call this BBS at 415-626-1246. Sysop is Ben Gardiner.
Adress is: PO Box 1528, San Francisco, CA, 94101.
The Roving Eavesdropper
Now for a story about three men talking in a shopping mall. Because two of the
men's names were not known, they are referred to in the story as A and B.
"Typical Conversation Overheard at a Suburban Mall"
One day I was sitting at the food court at a shopping mall, one of the
great meccas of suburban culture. I sat at a table adjacent to the center of
the mall, with its numerous fountains, benches, winding staircases and mall
rats (people addicted to hanging out in these malls) of all ages.
I became interested in a fascinating conversation taking place near me.
Two guys sat on a bench near me with their backs towards me. They both wore
ragged t-shirts and jeans, and had long hair. Both of them wore baseball caps
trned backwards, one of them a Metallica cap. They were talking to another guy
named Steve, who worked at one of the many food concessions. They were
conversing about a woman they all knew:
"Hey, you know that girl Cathy? Theone who hangs out at Joe's Bar?",
asked A.
"Uh, which one? What does she look like?", asked B.
"If you knew her you would KNOW who we're talking about", said Steve with
a laugh. "She gets, uh, kinda funny when she's drunk."
"Oh, yeah," said Steve. "I know the one."
"She gets so damn horny when she's drunk. She was drunk over at Joe's the
other night and gave me a really big kiss for no reason at all," stated A.
"She's always there. I don't know who watches her kids while she's
there," said Steve.
"How old is she?" asked A.
"She's thirty-eight. With three kids," said Steve.
"Yeah, well, whenever she's at that bar she's always hanging all over all
the guys there. Especially the young guys. When I was in there the other night
she was hugging and kissing all of them. She knew all their names," said B in
a disgruntled manner.
"You've seen her there?" asked A.
"Yeah. I took her there one night and she was flirting with all the young
guys. She knew every one of them," said B angrily.
"She always gets really drunk," added Steve.
"And then she'll do anyone," said B. "But I don't want to do her. I could
do her anytime I want, but I don't want to see what she looks like after
having had three kids."
"Yeah, I know what you mean," replied A.
"You know man, I brought her over to meet my friend Roy once. You know,
the one who's an auto body mechanic?" Steve and A nodded. "Well, he took a
liking to her and I had to leave her there alone with him! And then he
actually GAVE her one of his cars to drive around in. I couldn't fucking
believe it!" exclaimed B.
"Is that thee Ford I saw her driving a couplee of weeks ago?" asked
Steve. "That's a nice car."
"Yeah, that's the one. Now she's driving around in his car picking up
young guys," grumbled B.
"Hey I hear her sister and her daughter are the same way," chided Steve.
"Her daughter's seventeen, right? Too young," mused A, looking down at
the tile floor.
"Yeah," answered Steve. "But then again, she's not too much like her
mother. No one's quite like Cathy..."
"Hey, I could do Cathy in a minute, man," said B with a wave of his arm.
"But I just don't want to see what she looks like after having three kids." B
turned to Steve. "Hey do you know anyone that did her?" he asked Steve.
Steve shook his head and developed a slight grin.
"Hey man, why don't you do her this weekend and tell me how it was?"
asked B, hopefully. Steve's response was another shake of his head and a grin.
B looked at the floor for a moment and cracked a half-smile. "When she
was drunk one night at Joe's she almost fell down and I put my arm around her.
Her waist DID seem kinda slender.. and nice...," His voice trailed off as his
eyes stared ahead. Steve and A exchanged a smirky glance.
"She's at this bar a lot," noted A. "Does she have a lot of money to
drink with?"
"No. Get the picture?" answered Steve.
"Yeah, I get it," A responded with a laugh.
"Hey I think I'll call her later," mused B. "You got her nummber?" he
asked Steve.
"Yeah, it's home though," said Steve.
"Oh, I'll hafta get it from you later," said B as he rose. "You heading
over to Joe's now?"
"Yeah," answered Steve, rising.
"How bout you?" B asked A.
A stood up and stretched. "Yeah, let's go", he said, slapping B on the
Although it certainly couldn't be discerned from their conversation, when
A and B turned around and faced my direction, their faces showed that they
were approximately in their earlt thirties.
The three headed towards the door and walked out into the early autumn
evening, laughing.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
:ATI, changing the way people :
read for over 2 years.
:ATI, a freedom paper. :
ATI, a way of life, patriots /
:ATI, more than just a - -
newspaper, it's the rag /
:of justice!!! /
- - - - - - - - - - -
Notes from Ground Zero.......
Bush was in NJ and Virginia the friday before Election Day to help out in
the gubernatorial races in those states. And when Bush came to NJ, he visited
none other than my town Bloomfield.
Most of the spectators could not get close to the grandstand, however.
This was because it was sectioned off with gates, and a ticket had to be
obtained from the Republican comittee in advance. There were a bunch of
neo-Nazi Yuppie-type young Rebublicans guarding the entrance to the sectioned-o
ff area, taking tickets. But they weren't very smart, as I outsmarted them and
snuck in anyway. Some time later, I encountered a guy I knew in high school
who I used to argue with about politics. And he was carrying a pro-choice
sign, to my surprise.
"Hey man, good to see you're on the right side now!" I exclaimed. "How
did you get in with that sign? They only allow pro-Republican signs on this
"I just walked in," he answered. "No one stopped me."
"Hey, you can't carry that over here!" shouted one of the yuppie Young
Republicans. "Get out of here."
"Well, I see plenty of YOUR signs on this side," I answered.
"THESE signs," began the right-wing fascist, "are cleared with the Secret
Service to appear before the President and be photographed by the media. YOUR
signs are not. They could have subversive messages on them!"
"Oh come on, that's ridiculous..." I began, but was interrupted by a very
tall, muscular man in a trench coat who walked swiftly up to my friend and I,
grabbing us by the arm.
"All right, out you go," he said, pushing us outside the entrance into
the crowd on the other side. My friend and I stepped back inside, but he
pushed us back out again. I was about to ask him what authority he had to
throw us out, but gave up and joined the pro-choice demonstrators, whose
numbers were impressive.
Some of the young Republicans tried to block us by holding their signs in
a way so that ours could not be seen. But they tired of that, and lowered
them. A few minutes later, two young men tried to block our signs by actually
having one climb on the other's shoulders and holding up the American flag.
Ironic, eh?
"Anyone got a light?" I asked loudly. The demonstrators laughed.
Well, anyway, both Republican gubernatorial candidates Bush tried to help
that day lost. Jim Florio won in NJ, and in Virginia, the first Black governor
in American history was elected.
Speaking of the Bushs, I kinda like Barbara Bush. I think she's more, er,
real than ol' Nancy Reagan, who always had that sick smile pasted on her face
that looked sooooooo phony. Anyway, here's someting Barbara Bush said that I
really liked: There was a rumor going around saying that she weighed 135
pounds (which is impossible). Our First Lady responded to that rumor by
saying, "I was BORN weighing 135!". All right!
"Hard Copy" is another yellow-journalistic, exploitation show that's
aired on CBS. A few weeks ago, they showed color films, that they claimed were
"home movies" made of Hitler and his close friends, filmed by Eva Braun. They
looked fake. Then, a few days ago they showed "home movies" of Leona Helmsley.
Gimme a break.
Peru - with all the hype about Colombia and the drug cartels, I didn't
know that actually 60% of the coccaine in the US comes from Peru. Peru is a
mess. They have a social democratic gov't that's failing, 2 bands of comunist
guerrillas that control part of the country. And it's claimed that the drug
lords pay the guerrillas with guns and money to allow them to grow coccaine in
their territory. (Now THAT'S a disgrace) One of the guerrilla bands is the
Maoist, hard-line communist Shining Path, which has ties to the Revolutionary
Communist Party and the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade in the US
(remember the guy who took the flag-burning case to the Supreme Court? He's a
member of those organizations). Anyway, now a right-wing dude wants to run for
president in Peru. Ha. He won't have much luck straightening up the mess if
he wins.
Berlin-- we're seeing history in the making. Hey, did you know that each
first-time E German visitor to W. Germany gets about $55 from the W. German
government to spend? Good deal! But, the exodus to W. Germany seems to be over
for now. Most E. Germans ony want to visit the west, citing drugs, homelessness
problems in W. Germany, and the fact that the pay about 1/10 as much as W.
Germans do for rent, and the fact that their friends and family is in the East
as reasons for not emigrating.
El Salvador -- Are we about to see the guerrillas win the civil war? I
don't see either side willing to compromise much in a political solution, so I
would hope that the guerrillas take over and end it already. Many people in
the US are calling for an end to aid to the Salvadoran government, but being
that we've been giving them about $1 million per DAY for over 10 years, I
don't see that happening.
Well, talk at ya later...
We're just about out of space, so look for ATI45 real soon!
Take care and be creative!