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From sherman@trln.lib.unc.edu Wed Jun 30 10:44:53 1993
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From: "Dennis R. Sherman" <sherman@trln.lib.unc.edu>
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Newsgroups: rec.org.sca,rec.answers,news.answers
Subject: rec.org.sca / Rialto Frequently Asked Questions - part03/04
From: dennis_sherman@unc.edu
Followup-To: poster
Summary: FAQs with Answers for the Rialto - rec.org.sca and mailing
list sca@mc.lcs.mit.edu. The Society for Creative Anachronism is
an organization that studies the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and
recreates those parts we find most interesting.
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Archive-name: sca-faq/part03
Last-modified: 05/11/1993
rec.org.sca and sca@mc.lcs.mit.edu FAQ
Questions Frequently Asked on the Rialto
This article is part 3 of the complete Frequently Asked Questions
posting for the Rialto. An introduction and table of contents are
included in part 1. The complete Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list
is available via FTP from rtfm.mit.edu in directory
/pub/usenet/rec.org.sca. Those without FTP access should send e-mail to
mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with "send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources"
in the body to find out how to do FTP by e-mail.
For more complete introductions to the SCA, see the recurring postings
"Come on in -- the water's fine" (by Hal Ravn [whheydt@pacbell.com] ) and
"Life in the Current Middle Ages." (by Arval Benicour
[mittle@watson.ibm.com] ).
Section 3: Miscellaneous questions.
3.1 What does AS stand for?
Anno Societatis, or Year of the Society, counted from May 1, 1966
CE. (CE = Common Era, used to avoid the religious connotations of AD,
or Anno Domini)
3.2 Other abbreviations you may run across:
A&S - Arts and Sciences (not to be confused with AS, above)
BTW - By The Way
CMA - Current Middle Ages
FAQ - Frequently Asked Question(s)
FYI - For Your Information
IMHO - In My Honest/Humble Opinion
MKA - Modernly (or Mundanely) Known As
OOP - Out Of Period
:-) - not really an abbreviation, the "smiley" informally
indicates humor. Turn your head sideways to the left to
understand it.
3.3 Why don't we have a badge for all the Rialto people to wear?
We have an informal agreement that a piece of netting worn on your
person or hanging about your camp indicates you visit the Rialto.
Remember there are people that have nets around that do *not* visit
3.4 What is Period?
The period (and place) of interest to the SCA, as defined in
Corpora and the By-Laws, is Western Europe and cultures that had
contact with Western Europe before the 17th Century.
Section 4: Recurring events:
4.1 What is Pennsic? When is Pennsic?
Pennsic is an annual war, with the main contenders being the East
and Middle Kingdoms. It is the largest recurring event in the Laurel
Kingdoms, with attendance in 1992 of about 8000. It has taken place
since 1972, and has been held at Coopers Lake Campground near Slippery
Rock, PA since 1977. The main battles of the war are held the third
weekend in August, with other activities taking place the week and
weekend preceding that. Pennsic was so named from "Pennsylvania" on the
model of "Punic."
4.2 What is Estrella? When is Estrella?
Estrella is an annual war, with the main contenders being Atenveldt
and Caid. The West and Outlands often contribute to the mayhem :-) It
has taken place since 1985, and is held at Estrella Mountain Park near
Goodyear, AZ, west of Phoenix. It is held on President's Day weekend
4.3 What is Lilies? When is Lilies?
Lilies is an annual war that takes place in Calontir. Each year
a new scenario is developed to vary the sides. Past scenarios
have included Winter Queens vs. Summer Queens, Laurels vs.
Pelicans, Baronies vs. Shires, and so on. It takes place near
Kansas City. Attendance in 1992 was 800+.
Section 5: Difficult topics:
There are some topics that recur fairly regularly that are
almost guaranteed to cause heated debate. These topics generally
involve matters of opinion, where debate can be entertaining,
amusing, or informative, but often devolves into name-calling or
worse. Below is a listing of some such topics, including a brief
summary of the major points of view on each. If you decide to bring
up one of these topics on the Rialto, be prepared for lengthy, and
perhaps unfriendly, argument. If you seriously are interested in
changing how the SCA as an organization deals with these topics,
remember you *MUST* *WRITE* the Board of Directors with your
opinions to effect any change on the organization as a whole. You
will *not* change anything simply through discussing it on the
5.1 Same-sex consorts.
Current situation: According to Corpora the Sovereign and Consort
must be of opposite gender, i.e. one male and one female by
plumbing, regardless of affectional preference.
Pro: Those people in favor of allowing same-sex consorts feel that
modern sensibilities are more important than historical practice,
and that in the spirit of making the SCA as inclusive as possible,
people should be allowed to fight in Crown Tourney for their
significant other, regardless of their affectional preference.
Con: Those people against allowing same-sex consorts feel that
historical accuracy is important, and that as there are no
historical examples of a sovereign having a consort of the same sex,
the SCA should not permit it. An additional argument is that the
majority of the SCA is heterosexual, and that by having two members
of the same sex on the throne, approximately half the SCA is
deprived of a role model during that reign.
5.2 Selecting the Crown.
Current situation: In all kingdoms, the Sovereign is chosen by a
regularly recurring, double elimination Crown Tourney. The
frequency of this tourney varies by kingdom. The victor of this
tourney becomes the Heir to the throne (title varies by kingdom),
and the person for whom the victor fought becomes the Heir's
Consort. After some period of time as Heirs, they are crowned
Sovereign and Consort.
Proposals: We have seen many varied proposals on the Rialto for
alternative ways of selecting the Sovereign. Each is treated
separately below. In all cases, take as given the opinion (both Pro
and Con) "We've never done it that way before."
1. Allow champions in Crown Tourney. A person would fight in Crown
Tourney for a couple. If they are victorious, the couple would
become Sovereign and Consort. The fighter, in most versions of this
proposal, would be required to serve as Champion throughout the
reign, and would not be permitted to fight in Crown Tourney while
they are Champion.
Pro: allows non-fighters to be Sovereign.
Con: people express worries about 'kingmakers' and hiring of
2. Structure Crown Tourney as some combination of single combat and
Pro: better selects the Sovereign for leadership abilities. Looks
more like historical 'wars of succession' to some people.
Con: too much opportunity for ugly politics in deciding who fights
on which team(s). Too unwieldy a tournament to finish in one day.
3. Select the Sovereign using some methods other than fighting
tournament. Various combinations of A&S combination, archery,
fencing, and so on have all been suggested at one time or another.
Pro: allows non-fighters to be Sovereign. Emphasizes something
other than fighting as the way to get ahead.
Con: subjective nature of judging leaves too much opportunity for
ugly politics. There are no historical examples of rulers being
chosen by similar means.
Section 6: How do you join the SCA?
Find your local group and show up. To attend an event, you must
wear some attempt at pre-17th century clothing. If you like it, you
may want to become a registered member, which among other things
gets you newsletters. The Office of the Registry will provide basic
introductory material, including a copy of your kingdom newsletter,
on request. They also have packets of material available for
The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
Office of the Registry
P.O. Box 360743
Milpitas, CA 95036-0743
In Australia (The Principality of Lochac), contact:
Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
PO Box 607
---------- End of Part 03 ----------
Thanks to all who have contributed to this article.
This article is a work in progress. If you have other topics you'd like to
see included, send me email with the question(s) and your suggested
answer(s). If you have comment on the items included, please send me
(polite) email.
The whole point of this effort is to reduce traffic. I will summarize
comments sent to me, if it seems necessary.
Robyyan Torr d'Elandris Kapellenberg, Windmaster's Hill Atlantia
Dennis R. Sherman Triangle Research Libraries Network
dennis_sherman@unc.edu Univ. of North Carolina - Chapel Hill